Dancing In The Storm (On Hold)

By mesayspizza

1.5K 98 26

Sometimes, people aren't what we assume they are. First impressions are never correct. One look at Hazel Cad... More

I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature
I could be anorexic for all you know!
aren't you the guy who had animal sex with my neighbor's dog?
Stupid boys with cooties
Did you know female kangaroo has three vaginas?
This is my personal space, I want you to not invade it.
I don't wanna look like a noseless person.
Your lips looked kissable, so I kissed them
It's not my fault you have sexy nipples
I still don't understand your obsession with chemistry homework
I didn't know you were into naked guys wearing thongs.
You can't get away with just flicking at me missy!
What the fuck is this baboon doing here?
killing people and roasting rabbits for dinner.
Is this a date or a murder interrogation?
Stupid hairdryer tried to kill me!!
You're a pedophile
You have perverted clouds above your house.
You both are sickening and repulsively cute.
hey there disappointment, it's been a while
Never call me Xavier twice
You're stepping lines
I'm not your puppet
knock that stage off from under those people
I need to reconsider my sexual libido
Are you calling me a cockroach?
Do you think my name sounds like caviar?

Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta' the cage?

58 6 1
By mesayspizza

"She was beautifully out of place...
Sometimes I believe, she intended to be.

Like a silver moon glistening during the day ever so bright, overwhelming your senses."


It was official. Today has been the most horrible day for me in the entire semester.

In the matter of just three hours at school, I had managed to irritate a teacher, getting a detention in result, fail my physics test, make myself a complete fool in front of the entire history class by falling down on my stomach, face planting and now finally drop applesauce on my shirt.

Currently, we were in cafeteria with Nora laughing at my distress while me rubbing the applesauce off my shirt furiously. I seriously don't understand how so many things can go wrong in just a matter of three hours. It was a record seriously. I should be labelled as the unluckiest girl of the year or something.

"You know Hazel, you really should start focusing more on what you are doing." Nora suggested, laughter still dancing in her eyes. I glared at her and continued to rub my shirt. I could totally imagine her rolling her eyes at my childish behaviour. But can you blame me? I was having the worst time of my life currently and the bad boy ,on the table beside mine, watching me wasn't making it any better. Yep you got it right. Xavier Tynan is the person I'm talking about.

Seriously, it's like that guy turned into Edward Cullen and grew up some staring tendencies. Totally creepy if you ask me. But since this is Xavier and not Edward Cullen, it's more like unnerving than creepy. Ever since last night, we hadn't talked. Neither did Xavier approach me nor did I. Not that I ever did. I finally decided on attempting to ignore those flustering gaze of Mr. Bad boy and started eating my food. However, because it was a bad day for me the bell rang before I could do so. Hence, I was left empty stomached and miserable. Lucky for me, this was a free period and I could eat in the hallway or at the backside of the school. Nora bid me good bye and rushed to her class while I walked to my locker to take the extra shirt out, that I keep in there for times like these. Just when I took my shirt out a voice startled me, causing me to jump.

"If I asked you to have sex with me, will your answer be the same as the answer to this question?" I frowned at the odd yet flustering question Xavier had asked me.

"No!" I quickly said. Then I realized what I had said and quickly rectified.

"I mean yes!!!!" It took me a while to understand that it was a trick question. Ugh! That cheeky player!
I glared at Xavier with irritation. Why was everyone bent on making this day worse for me?

"Aww!? Are you really that eager to get down and dirty with me?" He cooed.

"No! I am nottt!" I exclaimed however he ignored me and continued.

"I bet you get wet dreams about me huh?" He winked. A blush began to creep up my face I furiously shook my head. Extremely embarrassed, I stuffed my face in my hands. I heard a deep chuckle coming from the person who loved to tease me. Looking up, I continued to glare at him. Xavier rolled his eyes.

"You do realize that you are as intimidating as a goldfish right?" He mocked me again. However, before I could say something, I was tackled into a hug that knocked the breath out of me.

"Oh my god hazellll!!!!! It's been so long since I saw you!!!!" In front of me stood Kace crying out loudly. Cade snickered at his childish behaviour.

"We saw each other this morning case." I told him in the duh tone. He quickly nodded his head.

"I know!!! It's been three long long hours since I saw you!!" He cried out again. I saw Xavier walking and knocking him in the head.

"Stop being such a child, you moron." He deadpanned. Kace glared at Xavier and nudged him with his shoulder.

"You're just jealous because hazel is so attracted to me and not you." Kace mocked. Xavier snorted.

"Like she would ever like an idiot like you." Xavier shot back. Kace glared at him for a while and then faced me.

"Come on Hazel! Tell this bad man how completely in love you are with me." Kace urged me. I, suddenly got uncomfortable.

"I- uhm...-"

"See? She definitely likes me!" Kace exclaimed. I looked at kace incredulously. How my stuttering had been a sign of affection, I had no idea. Apparently Cade too had the same confusion.

"How the hell does that mean she likes you???" Cade asked. Xavier rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but Kace beat him to it.

"Hey! Can't you guys see? She gets nervous around me and stutters." Why the hell is everybody acting like I'm not here?

"Umm... Kace...'' I said quietly.

"Yes, Zelly?'' I looked at him in surprise at the nickname he just called me. Discomfort further settled within me.

"Um... I don't like you like that..." I clarified uneasily. Kace's face fell. He looked at me with hurt.

"You don't? But why? I thought you liked me?" His tone was laced with sadness. I felt even more uneasy. Never in my life did I have to turn a guy down, and now that I'm doing it, it feels really bad.

"I'm sorry kace- I never thoug-" Xavier cut my sentence.

"Stop it asshole. She's getting uncomfortable." Xavier elbowed Kace harshly. I looked at them with confusion. Xavier looked at me and smiled softly.

"Dont get worked up Hazel, he's just being his normal asshole self." I relaxed slowly at Xavier's assurance. Kace laughed loudly, shaking his head he made his way to me and pinched me cheeks. Rather harshly I might add.

"You're too cute Zelly." He co led. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me Zelly... makes me feel like some kids candy." I muttered. Kace laughed again and hugged me tightly.

"Keep her around Xavier, she's fun to be with." I didn't know if it was supposed to be a compliment or Kace was just being his normal happy self. I just smiled with the hopes that he would release me before he knocks all the breath out of me. And I guess my wish was granted when Xavier came and tore his away from me, letting him drop to the ground. Cade bursted out laughing while kace muttered something under his breath. He was soon back on his foot, his arms spread wide as he wickedly smiled and began to step towards me again, challenging Xavier. I squealed and hid behind Xavier.


Xavier's point of view:

Ring ring

Damn! I was finally done with school for today. I bolted out of my seat and headed to the parking lot. I was going with Kace and the gang to my training area right after school, I guess the guys will be outside. Right when I was finally out of the school premises, an annoying voice hit my ears.

"Looks like you're gonna lose Tynan." Sam mocked me. I swear I've never seen such a creepy and clingy ex boyfriend. On second thought, actually I have. Quite a lot of times. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Come on Bryson! Come back when you actually have a smart comment." I flipped him off. Sam seemed to have not cared. He just smirked at me. I smirked back.

"Little Tynan has trouble getting a nerd?'' He mocked me. I snorted.

"Seriously Bryson, I could eat a bowl of alphabets and shit out better statement than that." Now that seemed to wipe the smirk of his face. He scowled at me.

"You've got two month left only Tynan. Time's running out." He reminded me. I rolled my eyes again.

"More than enough for me asshole." I replied back.

"Oh and just a heads up, Hazel's birthday coming in a month a half." He told me. I nodded while matching his glare. We continued to glare at each other till he backed down and sighed. Without another word, he turned around and left.

I, on the other hand, remained standing there for a while. My mind drifted to Hazel. She was very complex person. Sometimes, she would be such straightforward, throwing sarcastic replies at me and sometimes, she's just so timid. It's like one minute she's fire and the next minute she's as sweet as candy. That day when I bursted at her for being with Reid, I was actually going to apologise. But then she went ahead and apologized first. It was like she felt guilty as well. I know she likes me. I know she's not interested in that asshat anymore, considering how she responses to my kisses. But sometimes, I just don't feel like playing with her. I know I can get her. Even after the bet is done, I can get her. Just like any other girl. They just keep asking me to take them back. Hazel won't be any different either. But this time, maybe I would take her back. Although, I should focus on winning the bet right now. I decided to step up my game. Picking up my phone, I searched through my contacts until I found a contact with "blossom" written on it. I smiled at the memory. I decided that I would call her tonight after I'm done with my fight. Speaking of fights, Kace must be waiting for me. Shaking my head, I quickly made my way to the parking lot.


Maybe I need some rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep.

I shifted with discomfort and groaned.

I'm lookin' down every alley
I'm Makin'-

"Shut up, stupid phone!!!" I yelled, my voice muffled with the pillow. But of course my phone kept blaring.

What you got boy is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out, my hear-

"Whoever you are, it better be worth it!" I snapped into the phone, after I finally picked it up. Leaving my beautiful, comfy sleep behind, I must add.

I heard someone chuckle from from the other side. It was a deep and husky voice that belonged to some male, I'm guessing.

"I see that I woke you up..." the male said. I, on the other hand, was in no mood of entertaining some strange guy at 3 in the morning.

"Yeah, no shit genius. Usually people are asleep at this ungodly hour, and those who aren't do not call the ones who freaking are!!!" My voice raised by every word. Well, I'm not that nice when people wake me up in the middle of the night.

"Well... Aren't you a bunch of giggles right now..." I rolled my eyes.

"Can we skip this name calling and cursing part and get to the point? People are trying to sleep here!" I hissed sarcastically. God! Where is the humanity nowadays?

"Nope." I stared at my phone in disbelief. Did this guy just said no?

"No? What do you mean no?????" I yelled again. Whoever this was, was definitely not sane.

''By no, I mean I won't get to the point just so you can sleep." Wow! People are so insensitive nowadays.

"Well I'll just hang up the call then..." I threatened. I heard the guy chuckle again. What the hell was I even saying that was so funny????

"I'll call again." I huffed.

"Just what do you want?" I asked him. This time my tone was softer.

"Ahh! So now we're talking..."

"Yes, we are... get to the point now will you?"

"Nahh! I'm happy just talking to you." He drawled. I felt my blood boiling again.

"Who even are you?" I asked him.

"The one you just had a wet dream about." I felt my cheeks getting heated. What kind of a perverse person says that to a stranger on the phone? Apparently, this man does.

"I bet you're blushing right now." Okay now that made me blush even more. What the hell?

"I- I wasn't uhmm... doing that that." I said into the receiver, meekly.

"Doing what? Blushing or wet dreaming?" My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"T-he second one."

"Oh, you mean wet dreaming?" He asked me, his tone was lacing with amusement.

"Yes." I said curtly.

"So you weren't wet dreaming about me?"


"Then who were you wet dreaming about?" My patience finally snapped.

"About nobody! Just stop saying that word!!!!!!" I screeched at him. I heard laughter on the other side. I huffed. Why the hell do I amuse everyone????

"God! You're so cute Blossom!" The guy said in between his laughs. I froze. The only person who called me blossom was-

"Xavier? It's you?" I asked.

"Yep. It's me."

"How did you get my number?" I asked him confusion. I heard things shuffle on the other side before he whispered.

"Magic!" I rolled my eyes at his childish remark.

"Seriously Xavier, what do you want from me at this hour?"

"Oh you wouldn't wanna know." Why wouldn't I wanna- oh!

"Ehrm... let me rephrase it for you Xavier, why did you call me?" I asked him strictly this time. But did it effect him? Nope.

"Well I just wanted to see how you look when you're cranky so I waited till I was sure you were asleep and then called you." I blinked, trying to digest what he had just told me.

"So you're saying that you woke me up at 3 in the morning just because you wanted to see me grumpy?"

"That's pretty much it." He confirmed. My hand gripped the phone harshly.

"Are you freaking out of your mind!?!?! Why would you wake me up just for that!?!?" I shouted at him.


"Yeah because that is definitely not a vague and childish answer." I said sarcastically.

"Well thank you ma'am." I sighed deeply and silently began to count to ten.

"Having anger issues are we?" He taunted me. I ignored his reply and finally said ten.

"Now Xavier I'm hanging up the call, and I'll keep my phone on the silent mode, do not call me. And go to sleep yourself. I'll see you tomorrow." I said seriously, leaving him no space for argument.

"Okay sure. I just wanna ask one thing." He said.

"Ask away."

"Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta the cage?" I felt the heat coming back into my cheeks, and staining them crimson again.

"Xavier!!!!" I screamed. I heard him bursting into fits of laughter on the other side while I hung up the call.

For a very long while, I remained seated on my bed, replaying what just had happened. One minute I was happily sleeping and the next minute I'm yelling at a strange guy who turned out to be my crush and the third minute I am sitting on my bed and smiling like a fool.

Slumping back on my bed, I lied and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. But unfortunately, my mind kept drifting to the conversation I just had with Xavier. By now I was past THE-XAVIER-TYNAN-point and now he was just Xavier to me.

However, by now I was nowhere sleepy. All thanks to one particular bad boy. The one who happens to keep sinking his hooks deeper and deeper within me.

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