FIYM-Forever In Your Mind

By CheniseRobson93

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Caitlin, Victoria & Chenise head to LA for Victoria, she gets a part in a disney show and theu wonder what li... More

Meet Ricky Garcia
Meet Liam Attridge
Meet Emery T Kelly
Meet Chenise Robson
Meet Caitlin Maher Casser
Meet Victoria Maher Casser
Meet Lauren Taylor
Meet Landry Bender
Meet William Brent
Meet Kelli Berglund
Meet Bradley Steven Perry
Meet Jake Short
Meet Gus Kamp
Meet Paris Berlec
Part 1
Part 3

Part 2

91 0 0
By CheniseRobson93

Part 2


(There was a knock on my door and i answered if and it was Emery and Bailee.

Chenise: Okay it's early and i need tea.

Bailee: Don't you mean coffee?

Chenise: I hate the stuff.

Emery: First sit down!

Chenise: Why?

Emery: Just sit down

(I sat down and he started talking to me.)

Emery: I think i can help you out with your little situation, pick Ricky, he really likes you and your all he talks about and i just got back together with Bailee, a few days ago, i haven't told anyone but you and you can tell Ricky, if you want.

Chenise: I got a little visit from his ex-girlfriend, she told me if i was to be with Ricky i would get my heart broken, and i don't what to believe what she says.

Emery: Wow, you actually believe her don't you?

Chenise: I don't know what to think Emery, up until a few seconds ago, i liked you too.

Emery: You did?

Chenise: You already knew that.

Emery: No, not really.

Chenise: I don't know if i can trust him.

Emery: Then don't trust him and infact, don't come by anymore.

(He took Bailee's hand and stormed out.)

(Two Days Later!)

(No one was answering my calls not even Ricky and, i knew what i said was wrong and today they were performing their first leg of their tour and i wouldn't see them for a while and all i could think about was how i let some jealous ex get better of me, she has seen me around him on social media and decided to make ruin my life and everything good inside it, without making me realise it. I like Ricky more then i know and i let a jealous ex get to me. Oh its on. I got changed and headed out to where she was.)

The outfit!!!

(I stormed in and the door slammed behind me and some people pulled out their phones and hit record.)

Chenise: You know i don't normally let people trick me into thinking things, but what you did was pure evil.

Chloe: No it wasn't, i was helping you.

Chenise: Helping me how?

Chloe: From making a big mistake.

Chenise: And it was my mistake to make, I know Ricky, he is funny, smart, kind, caring and he listens to you, when you talk and we were in a good place, until you got in my head.

Chloe: I am just trying to help you.

Chenise: Omg, your jealous!

Chloe: What no i'm not.

Chenise: Yeah, you are.

Chenise: You realised, what a big mistake you made when you broke up with him and now your trying to stop every girl from liking him.

Chloe: Not even close, i will make sure each girl know's what they are getting themselves into.

Chenise: Well honey, thank's for the tip, but i don't need or want any jealous ex's coming around and telling me that i am making a big mistake, because in the end it's my mistake to make, it's my choice, and i don't need your advice and i don't need you to tell me weather or not if i am allowed to like Ricky, because in the end it is between me and him, and what we feel and you know what.....
Chloe: What?
Chenise: I know how i feel and some girl who supposedly tried to help me, only made me see what i really want, and what i want is Ricky Garcia.

Chloe: Then go get him, and i will be here when he hurt's you.

Chenise: Thanks, but no thanks, and he won't hurt me, because i believe he won't.

(I rushed out there and i caught a cab to the arena and i used my pass i got months ago and i went backstage and Bailee was there.)

Bailee: You shouldn't be here.

Chenise: I know, i let someone get to me, i should go, i don't know what i was thinking.

(I left and i was walking and it started raining.)

(45 Minutes Later!)

Liam: Guys check this out, Chenise rips Chloe a new one.

Chenise On Video: Well honey, thanks for the tip, but i don't need or want any jealous ex's coming around and telling me that i am making a big mistake, because in the end its my mistake to make, it's my choice, and i don't need your advice and i don't need you to tell me weather or not if i am allowed to like Ricky, because in the end it is between me and him, and what we feel and you know what.....

Chloe On Video: What?

Chenise On Video: I know how i feel and some girl who supposedly tried to help me, only made me see what i really want, and what i want is Ricky Garcia.

Chloe On Video: Then go get him, and i will be here when he hurt's you.

Chenise On Video: Thanks, but no thanks, and he won't hurt me, because i believe he won't.

(Then i came up and Emery said.)

Emery: How did you get in?

Chenise: Your mom let me, she is very nice and i just came to give this back to Liam.

(I said handing him a dvd.)

Liam: Thanks.

Chenise: Oh and congrads on your first leg of your tour, hope the rest is good.

Chenise: Don't worry, i'm going now.

(I went to walk out the door.)

Emery: We saw the video!

Chenise: What video?

(I said confused.)

Ricky: The one were you ripped Chloe a new one.

Chenise: Oh yeah that...

(I paused, i was still confused and then i said again.)

Chenise: Wait someone filmed that?

Ricky: That's besides the point, is what you said true.

Chenise: Yes it is, i let someone get the better of me, instead of listening to my friends, the only people who have my back and who care about me.

Chenise: But then i woke up and i realised all i ever needed, all i ever wanted is you.

Ricky: If you don't say it, i'm not sure i can believe it.

Chenise: It's you Ricky Garcia, it's always going to be you.

Chenise: When i go to sleep at night, i am thinking about you, when i wake up i think of you, or if i am eating some food, that i know you would like, i wonder if Ricky will like it, when i hear your voice or see you on tv, i smile, when you walk into the room, like it's just me and you and no one else on the earth, and i think it's about damn time, we get a happy ending in this place, don't you.

Ricky: You had me at "It's you Ricky Garcia".

(He walked over to me and he kissed me, and it felt like i was a fairytale a princess getting her dream prince, all the fireworks and stars a real start to a new life, or so i thought, my phone rang. Emery picked it up.)

Emery: Chenise's mobile, yeah she is right here.

(He handed me the phone.)

Chenise: Hey, OMG what when?

Chenise: Okay, yeah i am there, and i would try the big fountain in the City, the wishing one, she will be there.

(I hung up.)

Emery: Who was that?

Chenise: Adam, Caitlin's pop passed away, Victoria ran away and Adam says she is trying to hold it together, i have to go, where are my keys.

Bailee: Sit down, this isn't your place.

Chenise: Oh right, where do i live again.

Liam: Calm down, looks like we will be making our Melbourne trip a little early.

Emery: On it, calling now.

(Bailee, sat with me.)

Chenise: Poor Caitlin, she must just want to cry and poor Victoria, she must be feeling all alone right about now.

Bailee: How do you how they feel?

Chenise: The pain is indescribable, you don't think it's real, but until that day roll's around and you see them laying in that casket, you know your worst nightmare is coming true, and then you know that they wont be coming back again, and that you wont ever talk to them again or hear their voice and you feel dead, cold and alone, oh god what if that's how Caitlin is feeling, OMG, she must think i stayed back and abandoned her, i should have gone with her, Oh god.

Emery: Hi, it's okay, take these, they will kick in soon and Bailee will take to your place and pack a bag for you.

Chenise: Okay, i'm okay.

(Bailee and i headed out to my place and we packed a bag and we waited for the guys to come get me.)

(20 Minutes later!)

Ricky: You got everything?

Chenise: Yeah, i just wanna get home.

(I got into the car and we were driving to the airport and Emery said.)

Emery: You going to be okay?

Chenise: I think once we get to Melbourne i might stay for a few weeks, i haven't been this far from home before.

Ricky: You know we left four days early, so we can stay with you until we leave.

Chenise: I just want to get on the plane and go.

(I said as i got out of the car and onto the plane and Ricky sat on the isle seat and i rested my head on his shoulder.)

Chenise: You know, i hate flying right.

Emery: Why do you think i gave you sleeping pill.

Chenise: Caitlin's idea, i know.

Ricky: Just Sleep.

Chenise: Okay, wake me when we land.

Ricky: I will, just sleep.

(I woke 5 hours later and Ricky was still sitting with me.)

Ricky: Look who is awake!

Chenise: How, How long was i out?

Ricky: About 5 hours.

Chenise: That's good.

(I got up and i headed into the kitchen and Ricky followed me.)

Ricky: You know everything will be okay?

Chenise: Yeah, i just know how they feel, and i don't know, how i can thank you guys for travelling days before your supposed to.

(Emery walked in and he said.)

Emery: Well then we get a fun tour guide, won't we.

Ricky: I'm with the tour guide.

Chenise: That you are.

Ricky: I also am the only one who can kiss said tour guide.

Chenise: Now that i like.

(I shook my head, i had to think of my friend.)

Chenise: I was thinking maybe,  you and i go and find Victoria and Emery and Liam go to the hotel.

Emery: Yeah sure.

Chenise: Now someone please help me.

Emery: Why?

Chenise: Some idiot put the tea, on the high self.

Ricky: Babe, i can get it.

Chenise: Oh sweetie, that's cute, but Liam can do it, cause he isn't short.

Liam: Okay, you need to stop being short.

Chenise: And you might want to be nice.

Liam: Why?

Chenise: Because, i can make good tea.

Liam: I don't want tea.

Chenise: Yeah you do.

Liam: Okay, i do.

(He got the tea down and i made some for everyone and i was pouring my tea into my cup and one for Ricky when i felt someone's arms wrap around me, and i put the tea pot down and leaned into him.)

Ricky: So, you know, i have some news for you and i didn't know when to tell you?

(He said as we picked up our cups and headed back to our seats, when he gave his friends a look and they know what it meant.)

Emery: Oh he is doing this now.

Chenise: Doing what?

Liam: Sit down.

Chenise: Your all being scary now.

Ricky: Sit down.

(I sat down, because to be honest, his eyes could make the moon jealous and his voice was so amazing.)

Chenise: If this has to with someone eating the last piece of chocolate cake a few months ago, it was not me.

Emery: Oh it was too.

Chenise: Okay fine it was me but its tasted good!

Emery: Chocolate cake Thief!

Chenise: Apple stealer!

(We both poked our tongues out at each other.)

Ricky: No it's not that.

Chenise: Then what, cause your starting to scare me, oh my god you don't want to be with me do you?

Ricky: Babe, no i wanna be with you, you know i play Naldo on Best friends whenever?

Chenise: Of course Naldo and Cyd are my favourite, even though Naldo is such a cute.

Ricky: I know, cause i play him.

Chensie: Okay, i love the show, what about it?

Ricky: They want Naldo to have girlfriend, because he is such a ladies man, and well i wanted to know if you would play my on screen love, seems your my real life love?

Chenise: I'd love to, now, go sit with the guys, i can see they are busting to talk to you.

Ricky: Are you sure?

Chenise: Yes, go.

(I pulled out my laptop and i started to sing.)

Chenise: I know everybody wants you, That ain't no secret, Hey baby what's your status?, And tell me are you trynna keep it? Well, they can all back off, 'Cause I know what I want, And while I've got your attention, Did I mention,If you got a kiss on your lips that you're looking for somebody to take (hey), If you got a heart that ain't afraid of love ain't afraid to break (hey), If you've got a Friday night free and a shotgun seat, Well I'm just saying, I ain't got nowhere to be, So baby I'll take whatever it is you've got to give, Yeah, I'm calling dibs, On your lips, On your kiss, On your time, Boy, I'm calling dibs, On your hand, On your heart, All mine....

(I stopped what i was doing because, i had shadows from above.)

Chenise: I know your all standing behind me.

Ricky: You wrote that?

Liam: You can sing?

Emery: Sing and write?

Chenise: It's not finished.

Ricky: I like it.

Chenise: It's all i have for now.

(Then i started to listening to their music.)

Emery: Is she listening to...

(Ricky cut him off.)

Ricky: Us, i think it's Whistle.

Chenise: Yes it is, it's my fav song, got a problem?

Liam: No!

Ricky: Oh yeah,i forgot to tell you, she has good hearing.

(Then we all went back to sleep and then i was being shaken awake because we had landed and when i looked out the window, they had a bunch of fans out waiting for them.)

Ricky: You wanna make us public?

Chenise: Only if it's you want?

Ricky: I can't wait.

(We walked to the plane door and he got out first and then so did the guys and then i stepped out and Ricky held out his hand and i took it and we walked off and when they got to the fans, they signed autographs and took photos.)

Girl: Are you dating Ricky?

Chenise: Yeah, i am.

Girl 2: Your so cute together.

Girl 3: Can we get a picture of you and Ricky together?

Ricky: Yeah sure.

(We took a picture with her and her friends, then Ricky took my hand and we headed down to the cars and we got in.)

Chenise: Uhh just take me straight to Caitlin's, but i need to call Adam and let him know i am here.

(I hit dial and i called Adam and he answered.)

Adam: Okay it's horrible here, Caitlin wont come out of her room, her nan is her room too and Victoria has ran away again.

Chenise: Okay, i have reinforcements, i am sending Emery and Liam with food to you guys and yell out i have a bucket of skittles and Caitlin will come, as her for her nan, make her some camomile tea and some give her some sweet biscuits and let her be, Ricky and i will go find Victoria.

Adam: Okay, we are getting somewhere.

Chenise: I am going to get my mum and get her down there to straighten up and help Grace plan the funeral and once we get Victoria home someone is going to be around her 24/7, so she doesn't run away.

Adam: When will you get here?

Chenise: Depends on how long it takes for us to find Victoria.

Adam: Okay, see you soon!

(I hung up and i said.)

Chenise: Okay Emery & Liam, just get as much food as you can, and i will text you the address.

Emery: Okay, do you need anything else?

Chenise: Also get heaps of skittles, besides i would rather her be on a sugar high then be locked in her room.

Liam: Also when we perform in Melbourne, i think we give Caitlin & her sister our passes, so your mum can stay with Caitlin's nan.

Chenise: Yeah get them out of house, that's a great idea.

Emery: She wont attack me will she?

Chenise: As soon as you feel the floor vibrate, drop the skittles and run.

Ricky: How will we find Vic?

Chenise: She is always in the same place.

(He pulled out his phone and dialled her number. And out it on loud speaker.)

Ricky: Hey, where are you?

Victoria: At the fountain in the city.

Ricky: Can we come pick you up?

Victoria: Who is we?

Ricky: Chenise & i?

Victoria: She flew back, but she has to film lab rats.

Chenise: You and your sister are too important to me, so i dropped what i was doing and came here.

Victoria: Can Emery and Liam come too?

Ricky: Better yet, when we get back to the your place they will be there.

Victoria: Okay.

Chenise: Stay where you are and we will come and get you.

(We hung up and we got into a car and i texted Emery the address and we were on our way to pick her up.)

Chenise: Okay pull over here and wait for us.

Driver: Yes miss.

(We got out and we found her and came back into the car and then we were driving and before we knew it, we were walking into their house.)

Chenise: Adam, where...

(He pointed to the bedroom.i knocked on the door and said.)

Chenise: Fudgy, it's Clean Hoe Bow, can i come in?

Caitlin: Okay!

(I came in and we talked for a while, then i came out and i said.)

Chenise: Adam, you can go in now.

Adam: How do you do it?

Chenise: I have my ways.

(I touched his shoulder and said.)

Chenise: She will come back from this, they all will.

Adam: How do you know?

Chenise: I know, trust me.

(I walked out to the living room.)

Ricky: Okay, i will see you tomorrow!

Victoria: Okay.

(She said hugging him and she walked over to me and said.)

Victoria: Is everything going to be okay?

Chenise: I don't know for sure, but what i do know is, the ones we love are always right here in out heart.

Victoria: You have a good boyfriend, you know!

Chenise: I know i do and pick out a cute outfit for tomorrow afternoon.

Victoria: Why?

Chenise: I have a surprise for you and Caitlin.

Victoria: Cool!

(We got back into the car and went to the hotel and we checked in and just relaxed for a few hours and then we all headed to my hometown.)

Emery: I can't wait to see where you grew up.

Chenise: I love it there.

Liam: So we have dinner with your family and then we head off to do a sound check.

Chenise: I will come too!

Ricky: You can stay with your family.

Chenise: No i wanna come with you guys.

(We were driving and then when we started to get closer, i was getting nervous.)

Ricky: You okay?

Chenise: Just nervous.

Liam: I'm sure your parents will love us.

Chenise: Your right.

(As we turned onto our street, i got more nervous, i mean shat if my mum doesn't like Ricky. Then we got out and we walked up to the front door and i knocked on the door and my sister answered it.)

Alex: They are here.

(She hugged me and we all came in and my mum came over to us and hugged me and turned and she said to Liam.)

Veronica: You must be Ricky, it's not to meet you.

Liam: Actually, i'm Liam, that's Emery and thats Ricky.

Veronica: Oh i'm sorry, it's nice to meet you.

Ricky: It's nice to finally meet you.

(Then all of a sudden Jet comes bounding down the hall way and jumped all over Ricky and he was patting him and he said.)

Ricky: Who is this little guy?

Chenise: Ricky, Emery & Liam meet Jet, Jet meet the guys.

Emery: He is so cute, why type of dog is he?

Shelby: Labrador Cross Border Collie.

Veronica: I think he likes you.

Chenise: That's a good thing.

(They met the rest of the family and we sat down to eat and as all parent's do they ask the normal boyfriend question's, where did you meet, will you ever hurt her, stuff like that.)

Veronica: How did you guys meet?

Ricky: Well Victoria, got a part on my show and Chenise & i just kept bumping into each other and well hanging out a lot and well one day she just came out and told me how she felt.

Chenise: That was two days ago!

Alex: Your show what show is it?

Ricky & Chenise: Best friends Whenever.

Shelby: Which one of you plays guitar?

Liam: Uh that would be me.

Shelby: Maybe you teach me one of your songs.

Emery: That would be cool.

Ricky: You know Chenise isn't too bad at singing.

Alex: No she isn't, she can't sing.

Shelby: It sounds like nails on a chalk board.

Chenise: Well used to!

(I muttered underneath my breath.)

Shelby: What do you mean, used to?

Chenise: I got a vocal lessons & i am pretty good.

(Then Liam said to my mum.)

Liam: This was a very nice dinner Mrs Wilson.

Veronica: Call me Veronica.

Chenise: Thanks for dinner mum, but i am sorry but they have a sound check and its getting late!

Steve: When will we see you again?

Chenise: Well i need you both to help Grace with paper work and the flowers, Alex & Shelby food lots of it.

Emery: It was nice to meet you all.

Veronica: Okay, well it was great meeting you guys.

Chenise: Love you guys.

(I hugged everyone and we got back into the car and we drove away.)

(1 hour later!!)

(I was texting Olivia, when Ricky said.)

Ricky: Okay, last song, i promise babe.

Chenise: It's okay, i am texting Olivia.

(They sang hurricane and normally i would listen but i was so tired i fell asleep on the couch.Ricky picked me up and loam grabbed my stiff and we got into the car and we went back to the hotel. Ricky put into bed, he took off my shoes and my jacket and pulled the covers over me and went to bathroom.)

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