New Girl

By flowerchildDF

107K 1.8K 464

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

2.9K 51 10
By flowerchildDF

Outside the Box

It's the end of March and the school is surrounded by tons of posters that relate to Prom. 'Get your prom ticket!' 'Prom!' 'May 17th Prom' 'Masquerade Theme!' And there are many more posters with different sayings.

The seniors are the ones that attend, unless a senior asks an underclassmen to prom, then they can go. Chris, being a senior, is going and so is Daniel, but neither of them have asked Jess or me.

Am I hoping Chris will ask me? Hell yea, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I haven't seen nor heard from Emily and Drake. However, I am not going to let my guard down. Any little noise I hear scares me thinking it's Drake. There are times when Chris comes up behind me and hugs me making me jump or yell at times thinking it's Drake. Even when a door opens my heart starts picking up. The first times my paranoia occurred Chris threw a fit saying that's why he didn't want to tell me. I don't blame him, but I'd rather know than not know.

"Daniel still hasn't asked me to prom and it's almost April!!! If he's going to ask me he better hurry his ass up before all the good dresses go out!" Jess said whisper yelling since we were still in class. Little does she know that she is going to be asked to prom today. How do I know? I basically planned the whole thing. Boys are c-l-u-e-l-e-s-s! I had to get Mr. Hunt to be in on the plan. We have 15 minutes before the bell rings for lunch. I guess it's time for the plan to begin.

"Yea." I said to her.

"I'm serious." She said and groaned. I mimicker her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"What are you doing?" I repeated. This annoys her so much she'll eventually yell, and that will lead to Mr. Hunts part of the act.

"Melody." She said.


"Stop it!" She demanded.

"Stop it!"

"I'm stupid." She said to try and get me to stop mimicking her.

"I'm stupid." I repeated not backing down.

"Melody you know I hate it when people mimic me!" She said getting angry.

"Melody you know I hate it when people mimic me!"

She groaned and so I groaned.



"Melody!" She yelled angry. I smirked and mentally cheered.

"Jessica! Is there a good explanation for you to be interrupting my class?" Mr. Hunt asked. Jess' eyes were wide, she was probably surprised at Mr. Hunt's outburst. He's not the type to yell or get someone in trouble.

"Mel-" She started, but then stopped herself and sighed. "No." She glanced at me and glared.

"Detention today after school in my class, no excuses!" Mr. Hunt said making Jess gasp and stand up from her chair abruptly.

"Detention!? What, why? I always do my work, that's not fair. I won't disrupt the class again, I promise! Can't I just get a warning?" Jess said to Mr. Hunt. I didn't think she'd take it this bad, now I feel guilty.

"Sit down and don't talk back anymore or you will get another Detention." Mr. Hunt said to her causing Jess to shut up and sit obediently. She shot me a pissed off look. Maybe I should have given Daniel another idea...


Jess got up and barged out of the room, leaving me behind. I groaned and walked up to Mr. Hunt.

"Thanks for helping out." I said to him giving a small smile.

"Anytime, I feel bad though." He said chuckling.

"Me too, but she'll get over it." I shrugged sighing giving him an assuring smile.

"I have a meeting to go to last period, and as you know, it's my prep period so you're free to come in and do whatever you need. The meeting will be over late so when your finished up just close the door, I'll lock up later." He said to me and I nodded.

"Thanks again. And have fun at your meeting." I said to him playfully while walking out.

"Doubt it." I heard him grumble under his breath. I chuckled.

"Hey beautiful." Chris said once I was out the door. I smiled at him.

"Hello handsome." I said.

"How'd it go?" He asked. Chris is in on the plan.

"Just like I planned it." I said to him, "but she didn't take it too well. She stormed out of the classroom when the bell rang not once glancing back at me. I feel bad. She's pissed off at me." I pouted. I don't want Jess to be mad at me, it bugs.

"It was your idea." He said kissing my temple.

"Yes, it was." I said. "So I'm guessing we're not eating lunch with them today?" I asked Chris.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p.' I sighed.

"Oh well. Do you have the shirts?" I asked him.

"Yes Mels, for like the twentieth time." He said to me rolling his eyes.

"What? I'm just making sure everything will come out right and that we don't forget anything!" I said to him.

"You are such a perfectionist." He said to me.

"Nuh-uh. Something always goes wrong. Nothing comes out perfect." I stated getting in front of him making him stop walking. I reached up and gave him a peck. It's true, every time a moment seems to turn out perfect, something ruins it.

"You're perfect." He said to me caressing my cheek. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Far from it. You're not perfect either." I said. He put his hand to his heart faking hurt. I laughed at him.

"You sure know how to boost up my ego." He scoffed shaking his head in fake disappointment. "And I thought you were better than my sister." He said. We started walking to the lunch line again.

"You two are so alike." I said making him laugh sarcastically. "I'm serious, you said the same thing she said to me during Spring Break." I said.

"We are nothing alike. She's evil." He said.

"And you're not?" I asked raising my brow.


"Mhmm." I said. We got to the lunch line and I got my food while he got his as well. "Where do we sit?" I asked him. Jess and Daniel are probably sitting on our usual spot so we're going to have to sit somewhere else. I mentally groaned.

"Where we usually sit. I don't think Jess or Dani will be there." Chris said. And he was right. I really did piss off Jess if she went elsewhere. "Don't feel bad, it's all apart of the plan, remember? She'll end up apologizing for acting like this and thanking you." Chris said making the guilt go away.

"Yea, you're right." I said to him.

"Aren't I always?" He asked cockily.

"Conceited." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's called being confident, not conceited." He corrected, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Sixth period came and both Chris and I left art class to go to Mr. Hunts classroom to set up. Mr. Mango knows what we're doing and he's cool with it so he let us leave class. Mr. Hunt wasn't in the classroom when we entered, but Daniel was.

"Took you two long enough." He said rolling his eyes.

"How is she?" I asked. He grimaced, but then smiled.

"Mad. She's never gotten a detention before." He said. I laughed at that.

"She's going to love this detention." I said.

"She's probably going to try and get more detentions thinking they're all going to be like this." Chris said laughing, shaking his head. I laughed with him.

"The rest of the guys will be here before the bell rings right? And by before I mean about 5 minutes before?" I asked Daniel. Males can never be trusted.

"Yessss Melody. You only reminded me about ten, fifteen times." Daniel said annoyed.

"I did not! You are such a drama queen." I said to him making him glare at me. I smirked at him and shrugged. For some reason, calling a guy a drama queen bugs them - a lot.

"OK. How about we start setting up the room?" Chris asked. I nodded and grabbed an EXPO marker for the white board and made Daniel write, 'Troubled girls need dates to Prom too.' I handed him different markers to make it stand out.

Once Daniel finished writing it, I decorated it a little bit to make it look pretty because let's face it, guys' handwriting sucks. That took me about 5-10 minutes. I let out a breath, satisfied with my design. I looked back to see Chris and Daniel sitting down looking at me. I glared at them.

"You guys were sitting down this whole time!?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Umm..." Daniel said. I sighed. Boys...

"Do you have the sunflowers?" I asked Daniel. Jess loves sunflowers.

"Yes." He said. "8 right?" He asked.

"Yup." Jess' favorite number is 8, so I figured he should get her 8 sunflowers. "Chris, the shirts?" I asked.

He got up and brought his basketball bag towards me. I opened it and took them out. "OK, so it's you, the other three guys, and Daniel." I said spreading out the shirts. The shirts spelled out 'PROM?' Daniel would be the one with the question mark.

"What do I do again?" Daniel asked unsure making me smirk at him.

"I thought I've repeated myself what was it... 10, 15 times?" I asked, repeating his words. He groaned.

"Fine, I'm sorry." He said scowling. I chuckled, he hates apologizing. "Now can you please tell me what I'm supposed to do again?" He asked grumpily.

"You are going to be in that room right there with everyone else. You're going to be watching her through that window, when you see that she has finished reading the board you're going to come out with the flowers along with the guys behind you and ask her." I said finishing up. He nodded. "Oh, the lights!" I said remembering. I went over to Mr. Hunts drawers and found the Christmas lights. "Put these up around the board and wall." I said to Daniel and Chris. "Make sure the connection starts off there." I pointed towards the corner.

The other guys came in as soon as the two boys finished putting up the lights. Two of them are from the football team and the other one is from the basketball team. I handed them each a shirt to put on.

Just a minute left for the bell to ring.

"Here." I said to Daniel handing him the flowers. They all have their shirts on already. "Now go back there and make sure she doesn't see you guys. Daniel will tell you when to go out, just follow behind him." I told the guys.


I went and turned on the Christmas lights that were hanging above the board and part of the wall, then I turned off the classroom lights. Aww it looks so pretty! OK, now hide. I went to the other room where we print out the pictures and took out my camera. It took about two minutes for Jess to get here. She entered the classroom with a confused expression about the lights, until she looked up at the board and read it. A look of shock and confusion crossed her face, but then Daniel came out and her confused expression turned into a shell shocked happy one. I took pictures of each moment that passed by. The guys all came out and spelled... 'PORM?' I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. They noticed their mistake and quickly switched spots, but they weren't fast enough because I was able to get a picture of that. Jess stiffled a laugh, catching the mistake too.

"Jess, will you go to prom with me?" Daniel asked her nervously. I wanted to squeal, but I held it in and bit my lip instead.

"Yes!" She yelled jumping up to him, giving him a huge hug and a small meaningful peck. Aww. "This was all planned out?" She asked.

"Yup." I said smiling brightly coming out from my hiding spot. "So was the detention Mr. Hunt gave you." I laughed.

"That was planned?!" She stated glaring at me. I smiled at her shrugging innocently. "That was mean... But I love it, thank you." She said giving me a hug.

"Hey, I'm the one that asked." Daniel said.

"And I'm the one that came up with the idea." I smirked sticking my tongue out. Jess giggled.

"I love you both." She said giving us both a side hug.

"Now you can stop bugging me about Daniel not asking you and you needing ti-" the rest I said came out muffled because Jess was covering my mouth shooting me glares. I smirked under her hand. Chris laughed.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Oh and if you ever mimic me again..." She said making me put my hands up in surrender.

"Never again." I said.

After we cleaned up Chris brought me home while Daniel took Jess out to eat.

I sighed laying down in bed. I'm really happy for Jess and for the fact that she got to be asked to prom in a cute creative way - an outside the box thing. I want to be asked like that too, but who knows if or when Chris will ask me. He hasn't brought up the topic and I don't want to bring it up either. I don't want him to feel the need to have to ask me out because I brought it up. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. My phone vibrated. New text message from Chris.

Hey beautiful, I'm not going to be able to give you a ride to school tomorrow, I'm sorry. Get there safe. I love you.

I sighed. Guess I'm going to have to walk. I wonder why... he'll probably tell me tomorrow. I put my phone down and closed my eyes letting sleep take me in.


I snatched my keys from my drawer and headed out. I stepped out of the house and saw a sticky note with a white rose on the ground. I looked around, but saw no one. It can't be from Drake... I felt my heart start to increase its rate. I leaned down hesitantly and read the sticky note.

'You're pure and a one of a kind, just like a white rose. Love you beautiful. Sorry for making you drive.'

I smiled, my heart going back to it's normal pace and warming up. This note is definitely from Chris, but when did he put it here? I grabbed the sticky note and attached it to my binder while I left the rose at home.

I got to school in just enough time for me to get to class. It feels weird walking by myself, I'm used to Chris walking me to my classes. I feel... empty and... I shuddered not liking the feeling. It was making me gloomy. I think I'm becoming too needy. I entered the classroom and automatically my classmates' eyes followed my every move until I got to my desk. I looked down and saw another sticky note alike the one at home, along with a photo of Chris and I, and a white rose. I smiled taking my seat hurriedly. The photo was - I think - from winter break. Lesly took it seeing as she was the only one with us at that precise moment. Chris had me carried into the air holding on to my waist; my forehead was touching his and we both had huge grins on our faces. My hands were holding onto his neck. I didn't know Lesly had taken a picture of us...

'Colors filled my life and the sun began to shine replacing the darkness and dullness in it as soon as you appeared.'

Aw. I'm... wow. I'm pretty sure I had a full blown smile on my face. Why did he do this? More like when did he do this? I took the sticky note and put it in my binder along with the picture. I left the rose on the desk so it wouldn't get ruined.

I wasn't able to pay attention at all what so ever, the note left me all giddy. The bell rang and I jumped up picking up my rose and bolting out of the classroom. I walked towards where I usually meet up with Chis, but he wasn't there. That's... not normal, he always gets here before me. I ignored the feeling I was getting and walked to second period with a frown. I took out my phone to see if he sent me a text. Nothing. I entered class and walked to my seat on autopilot. Why wasn't he there? He wouldn't just leave me without telling me.

I am not in the best of moods right now. I want to see Chris. I glanced down at my desk and once again, saw the same thing. A smile formed my face. Maybe this is why he's not walking me to my classes, he's setting all of this up.

This picture was of Chris and I playing video games in his living room. Donna took this one thinking it was hilarious how we were so into the game. I'm terrible at it, but it's fun. We played zombies for a while and then combat in training from the call of duty game. I liked the game so much I kept asking Chris to play over and over. Each time a game was over I would say 'last game.' Chris didn't look bothered at all that I sucked. He was being super sweet and helping me in the game, giving me pointers and saying I was doing good, but I knew I was doing terrible.

'I'll play a million times more if it means making you smile.'

I giggled at that and quickly shut up remembering I was in class. I looked up and let out a breath of relief that the bell for class to start hasn't rung yet.

Third period came and there is still a no show of Chris. I went into the classroom going straight to my desk expecting to find the same thing, but there was nothing here. I felt my heart sink. And that people, is why you should never get your hopes up. I sat down quietly in a grumpy mood. Where the hell is Chris? I haven't seen him all day and I really want to hug him, and kiss him, and thank him for the cute notes and beautiful roses.

"Why in such a grumpy mood?" Jess asked amused sitting down next to me.

"I'm not." I said to her. She scoffed.

"Yea, OK. Well, I just wanted to let you know thaaaaaaaaaaat..." she dragged 'that' and then stopped talking making it suspenseful. Ugh, I hate that.

"Can you just say it already?" I snapped annoyed.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She mumbled in a sing song voice.

"Jess get to the point!" I stated agitated, making her giggle. "Glad you find this hilarious." I said rolling my eyes.

"There's something for you in the back room." She said taking out her binder and looking through it. I frowned and got up to go check. It's dark in here and the red lights are on so the paper we use to print photos doesn't get exposed. I gasped when I saw what was back here. There was a string that went across the middle of the room hanging, it had sticky notes that spelled out, 'beautiful.' I rolled my eyes. This could have been done by anyone, for anyone, how would Jess know it's for me. Right when I was about to go back to my desk and protest to Jess, I saw something that dropped my assumptions and made me realize that this is for me. Chris did this. A single white rose is at the end, next to the 'l.' I walked over and saw a sticky note wrapped around the rose with something written on it.

'Beautiful doesn't suffice, but I guess I'll have to stick with it.'

I blushed and felt my heart skip a beat. Even when he's not around he makes me get these affects. I stifled a small giggle. I looked around to see if there was a picture of us, but there wasn't any. I guess there's no picture this time.

I took a picture of his artwork with my phone and went back to my seat.

"Nice roses." Jess said with a smile nodding her head towards my 3 roses that are placed on the desk. Her expression shows she knows what's going on.

"Where's Chris?" I asked her. She put on an innocent face.

"Class?" She guessed. I sighed knowing I'm not going to get anything out of her.

When the bell rang I collected my roses and went off to our lunch table leaving Jess. She usually waits for Daniel before going to lunch.

Chris has to come. I mean, it's lunch, who would miss lunch? After a while Jess and Daniel got there with no Chris. Daniel handed me a tray that has a white rose, a sticky note, and food. I looked at it curiously and read the note.

'Out of about 7 billion people on this planet, I was lucky enough to meet you. Eat up beautiful.'

I smiled, but then glared at the note realizing he's not going to show up for lunch either. I looked up at Daniel and Jess.

"Where the hell is he!?" I asked exasperated.


"Who knows." Jess said interrupting Daniel.

"What do you mean 'who knows,' you brought me this tray. And this tray has a rose and a sticky note from him!" I said showing her both.

"Oh, it did?" She asked playing clueless which pissed me off. I sighed and rubbed my face with both my hands.

"Never mind." I mumbled making them snicker. I sat glumly not eating my food, while Jess and Daniel ate and conversed happily. The bell rang and I got up quick not bothering to say bye to them. I speed walked to 4th period. Can you blame me? These notes are the closest reach I have to Chris right now. It may sound pretty stupid and clingy, but I really do miss him. I barged in the classroom and went to my desk spotting a picture, a rose, and a sticky note. I smiled and plopped down on my seat looking at the picture first. Christmas. We were kissing under the mistletoe, both of us wrapped in each others arms. I remember feeling so secure and warm in his arms. And when he kissed me - when he always kisses me - the minty woodsy taste. His soft warm lips... I snapped out of my trance when I heard a group of girls talking, entering the classroom. I put the picture down and grabbed the note.

'No matter how many kisses I get from you, I can't ever seem to get enough.'

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Glad to know the feeling's mutual.

The bell took forever to ring, but when it did, I hurried again to 5th period. On my desk I spotted the same thing and I once again got excited.

In the picture I was looking down doing my homework while Chris sat next to me with a really bored face. I laughed silently at the memory. Chris didn't have any homework, all his classes are easy since he's a senior, but mine are the complete opposite. So, I spent that day doing homework. Chris was so bored, he played with my hair, he watched TV, he played games on both his phone and mine, and who knows what else he did. Lesly was there and took a picture, thinking it was worth a moment to remember. I thought it was silly that she did that, but I most definitely understand her reasoning now.

'No matter what the circumstances are - I'll always be there waiting for you because I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.'

And this note got the same reaction from me as did the other ones. I put the note and picture away. Now I just have to wait for 6th- wait! Chris is in the same class as me. He has to show up there. I smirked. He can't dodge me there.

The bell rang and I walked to 6th period taking my time, feeling confident. I'm hoping that by taking my time I'll walk in to see Chris on his seat already. I walked in with my head down and fingers crossed. I look up to see our desk empty making my heart ache a little. The desk wasn't completely empty though because there on top was the same thing. I sighed bummed out. Taking my seat I looked down at the picture.

This photo was taken by Allan. We were at the park having a snowball fight. The fight had started out because Chris thought it would be 'funny' to throw snow on my face. Which wasn't because it actually hurts and stings badly. I always thought getting snow thrown at you would feel soft, but boy was I wrong.

I had my arms up shielding out the snowball Chris was throwing at me while he of course, was throwing snowballs at me. I had a big smile on my face while he looked like he was laughing when caught on camera. Seriously, what is up with people taking pictures of us when we're not paying attention.

'Like Sophia Pacey said, there is not enough that I can write about you, but I want to end this by saying that I really, glaringly and daringly love you.'

I smiled and took out my phone to send a text to Chris. I don't know why I didn't do this earlier.

Where are you?

After I sent the message, I distracted myself by drawing. I kept glancing at my phone hoping to see the light flash signalling I got a message. The bell ended up ringing and I got no text. I know it's probably wrong of me to be angry at him after all the cute notes he's given me, but I am. He didn't reply and he didn't tell me anything about him not showing up.

I walked to the parking lot furious. My walk came to a stop when I saw people crowded in the parking lot. What the hell... What are they doing? There's probably a fight. I walked through them to get to Jess' car. She had sent me a text saying she'd give me a ride home. As I passed through the people I found my answer as to what they were crowded around, her car. There were sticky notes on the back windshield spelling out 'PROM?' with Chris standing next to it. He carried a single white rose. I smiled and ran over, jumping on him. He caught me in mid air and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My anger was long gone forgotten.

"I'm taking that as a yes?" He whispered into my ear. I giggled and nodded.

"Yes, but you owe me for not showing up at all today." I said pulling away from him, glaring.

"I did show up, I just made sure I didn't show up around you." He said winking at me.

"Alright people, nothing to see here." I heard Daniel yell. I got off of him and faced both Daniel and Jess, crossing my arms. I rose my brow at them.

"Payback's a bitch." Jess said smirking at me. Daniel laughed along with Chris. I rolled my eyes. Daniel slung his arm around Jess. "Anyways, I've got to get going. I have to take my brother to baseball practice." Jess said. Chris and Daniel cleaned up everything, after we took pictures of it. Jess and Daniel left afterwards.

"I love you." Chris whispered in my ear from behind me making my heart melt.

"Thank you." I said turning around. "I loved it. Every single one of them, I loved."

"Anytime beautiful." He said giving me a kiss on the lips. He pulled away, but I acted quick and got on my tippy toes pulling him back in to make the kiss longer. I bit his lip for entrance and he gave me access. His tongue was so warm and the taste... minty. I shuddered. Our lips moved in harmony - perfect. Our kiss was so fragile yet fierce. My hands were tangled in his messy hair while his arms were wrapped around my waist holding me securely.

Yea, I'm never going to get used to this.


Not edited.

Daniel on the side.

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