Fix You (Jelsa) -{COMPLETE}

By Sil-bD9

84.8K 3K 2.6K

Elsa Winters could be easily described as perfect. She has a great family, awesome friends, a secured future... More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine
New story!!

• Thirteen •

1.9K 80 131
By Sil-bD9


Sunday morning came a lot quicker than she thought.

She couldn't remember the time she fell asleep yesterday, she spent a lot of time just thinking. Thinking on how the events of today could turn out. She also tried to imagine how his life could be like. Who did he talk to when he felt alone? Who did he call when something good happens to him? Or when he needed something? Did he have any real friends? Maybe he was still in touch with someone from his high school?

Those and many other questions crossed her mind. He looked so lonely to her... but he also looked like he liked it, in some confusing way.

She stayed in her bed for some time, just wishing for time to pass quicker. After looking at her ceiling deep in thought, she finally got up and began to prepare herself for the day.

She took a long and refreshing shower, brushed her teeth and braided her hair into her signature French braid.

She checked the time; 10:46 a.m. the perfect amount of time to get prepared.

She decided to wear a slim white jean, a light blue long-sleeved shirt with a navy blue sweater on top (leaving the shirt's collar out) and black ankle booties. She picked all the stuff she'll need to work and a black purse, and then she got out of her room.

"Morning sis" Anna greeted, while munching on her cereal. Elsa raised a brow.

"It's almost 11, you're going to still be full by lunch time" Elsa said.

"I know!" Anna whined. "I can't help it I'm just so anxious! I've been eating since 8:30 in the morning!" Anna complained, Elsa just giggled.

"What time are you going to meet him?" Elsa asked.

"Right after lunch. But I'm pretty sure I'll be rolling on the ground by that time" She answered, and then narrowed her eyes. "Where are you going?" Elsa blushed slightly.

"Project meeting" She quickly said, adverting her eyes. Anna raised a brow.

"Oh" Anna said. "So you're leaving your sister alone for lunch, again" Elsa rolled her eyes, Anna could be quite a drama queen when she wanted to.

"Anna, you were the one that left me the other day-"

"Same difference" She quickly said. Elsa sighed.

"Plus, you'll be too worried preparing for your date-"

"DATE?! Oh my god you think this is a date?" Anna asked with shiny hopeful eyes. "Oh my gosh this could be a date! I thought that he only wanted me to meet his dog but... Maybe this is a date! Do you really think this is a date?" Anna asked after babbling.

"Uh..." Elsa just gazed at her not knowing what to say.

"Oh Gosh I need to pick up the perfect outfit!" She said in sudden realization, and rushed to her room. "Bye Elsa!" she screamed.

Elsa shook her head smiling and the time again.

11:17 a.m.

It was still early but if she stayed any longer she'll surely go insane.

Should she text him that she was on her way?

She bit her lip. She decided not to, there were less probabilities of him canceling if she just showed up there.

She got out of her dorm and locked it right behind. She got out of the building greeting some known faces on the way out and then got in her car. She quickly started the engine and made her way towards Blue Star Building. Her nervousness increasing by the second.

Once she got there, she parked in the same place she parked the other time. She was about to open the door but she felt her lungs starting to betray her.

Oh my god, what was she supposed to say? Just go and knock?! What was she thinking?!

She was about to smack her head on the wheel until someone knocked at her window. She blushed.

She bit her lip and decided to open the door.

"Nice seeing you here again, Princess" He said, smiling sweetly at her.

"Hey, Tadashi" Elsa awkwardly waved. "Nice seeing you again, too"

"Here for the project again I suppose, huh?" He asked, leaning against the car that was besides Elsa's.

"Yeah... It lasts the whole semester so I think you'll be seeing me a lot" She said smiling.

"Can I ask you a question?" Tadashi said, narrowing his eyes but still smiling. Elsa nodded. "Are you and Frost dating?"

She choked. She started choking furiously with her own saliva. She felt like her heart was about to explode and she felt her whole body burn and tense up.

Tadashi awkwardly patted her back in order to stop her from dying.

"Elsa are you okay? Do you need water or something?" By the looks of it, Tadashi was really panicking.

Elsa tried her best to calm herself.

"W-WHAT?!" She exclaimed how she could, between coughs.

"I asked if you need some wate-"

"N-no! I mean... what makes you think we're d-dating?" She said, her face was all flushed, because of the question and because of the sudden attack that almost killed her.

"Oh, well... Wasabi mentioned you getting out of the building in a sleeping dress yesterday... And the receptionist mentioned that you brought Jack home so I'm pretty sure you stayed the night at his place"

"That- That's not what happened!" Elsa squeaked. Tadashi raised an eye brow. "I mean, I stayed the night but it was just because he was drunk!" She quickly explained. Tadashi blinked a few times in surprise, but then smiled.

"You better go now, I'm pretty sure you better not keep him waiting" He said and began moving towards the mini-bus stop. "Bye, Princess! Is always a pleasure to see you!" he just said and left.

Elsa stood still in her place, wide eyed. What in heck was that?

She shook her head slightly and took her things out of the car. She needed to do this.

She locked her car and quickly began her way to Jack's dorm. If Tadashi and Wasabi thought they were dating, probably a lot of other people would as well. After all, Jack Frost dating was like the beginning of the Apocalypse.

She got out of the elevator and began to walk, stopping right in front of the door with no number.

There's no turning back now.

She inhaled deeply, with her heart beating loudly in her ears, and knocked the door.

'Just kill me please' she thought.

And then the door opened.

Jack stood in front of her with a fit black and blue raglan 3/4 sleeve shirt, black sweatpants and bare feet. His hair was slightly wet, he just took a shower.

'Damn' Elsa helplessly thought, and blushed even more.

"Hey" She said with an awkward smile.

"Hey" Jack repeated with a plain face.

Well, it wasn't a smile, but it was not a frown either so Elsa thought it was considered a good thing. Better than a frown at least.

"Come in" He said after he awkwardly cleared his throat. Elsa muttered a quiet 'Thanks' and got in.

Jack silently followed after he closed the door, but Elsa stopped abruptly in the middle of the living room. He looked at her curiously, and then she turned to him.

"Where are we gonna work?" Elsa asked. Jack stared at her startled for a moment, to then rub the back of his head with his right hand.

"Uhm, wherever you want I guess..." He muttered.

Elsa gazed at him and pursed her lips. Shit, this was more awkward than she expected. He was obviously so uncomfortable. She didn't know how on Earth she was going to talk to him if he couldn't even get just a bit more comfortable with her.

"Is the living room okay?" Elsa just opted for the place with more escape exits in case any of them needed to use one. 

Jack just nodded and watched as she took a seat in one of the couches and arranged her stuff, she quickly separated her paper notes from her books and binder, to then open her MacBook, ready to start.

He cleared his throat again.

"Uh... Do you want water or something?" he said, trying not to look straight at her. Elsa looked up and smiled politely.

"I'm fine at the moment, thank you" She said and turned to her MacBook. "We should better start, we got really delayed since we didn't meet the whole week-" She stopped dead in her tracks. Oh fuck.

She slowly traveled her eyes to Jack. Crap. He was looking at her with a perfect pokerface, but his eyes? She couldn't tell exactly what he was feeling. She didn't know if he was offended, regretful or angry.

One thing was sure, he was not happy.

"I-I mean, it's nothing! Don't worry! We'll catch up in no time it's really no big deal! Just..." She tried to fix the situation. Jack was still gazing at her the same way "Please just don't listen to me" She said in embarrassment, hiding her face right after.

He said nothing and went to sit in the other couch, bringing with him his notes and stuff that where placed in the kitchen counter.


'Way to go Elsa. What's better than remind him that we are delayed because he ignored you the whole week when you're trying to get him comfortable? I'm pretty sure he wants to be your bff right now' Elsa scolded herself in her mind.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked suddenly. Elsa gazed at him a bit surprised. He seemed to be back to normal again. Elsa sighed in relief and gave him his part. Both immediately started to work without saying another word.

As they worked, the tension in the air started dissipating to Elsa's pleasure. They talked way more than they usually did, but obviously only about the project. After they ate some Chinese food they ordered, they continued to work for about an hour and a half. And Elsa finally decided that Jack was comfortable enough to talk to him.

"Jack?" Elsa asked after mentally preparing herself.

"What, Princess?" Jack answered, without taking his eyes from his sheet.

"I- uhm... Well, you see, abut yesterd-"

"Don't" He immediately said. Elsa stopped abruptly. He didn't look at her but the hold on his pen obviously increased. Elsa bit her lip.

"Please, I think we should-"

"Stop" he said, still not looking at her. Elsa sighed but wasn't about to give up. She needed to to this.

"I just want to say that-"

"I don't want to talk about it!" He snapped. Elsa jumped slightly on her place. He was gazing at her know, he was angry, but he felt vulnerable and in disadvantage as well. Elsa gazed at him, straight to his eyes.

"Then don't" She said, frowning slightly "Just listen to me" she said quietly. Jack clenched his jaw, but stayed in silence anyway. "I just wanted to say that.. I just wanted to say that you don't need to worry about anything you said. I wont ever tell anyone, so feel safe with me." she first said. Jack looked at her with wide eyes. "I also wanted to say that, if you remember everything... I meant everything I said" She said with sincere eyes "And if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be happy to hear you"

Jack felt shocked, stunned, astonished.

He just couldn't believe what he just heard.

He already knew that Elsa was not going to open her mouth, but her just telling that he didn't need to worry, and that he could feel safe with her was something that he not expected. She trying to tell him that she was going to be there for him was overwhelming. A strange but good overwhelming.

He felt a warm feeling of relief wash him, he felt grateful.

He felt grateful and somehow he felt secure.

Again, Elsa Winters was showing him that he was not even close to know what type of person she was.

Every time he felt that he was finally decoding her she came and she just surprised him again.

It felt nice.

Elsa returned to her work once she saw no response from Jack. Maybe she was just too hopeful. Maybe she was expecting a lot... And maybe this was not a good idea after all.

"Thank you" he muttered, sending shivers down her spine. She slowly looked up to him.

He wasn't smiling, but by looking at his eyes she could tell he was really grateful. She felt a twinkly feeling on her stomach.

What was that? She felt flustered all of the sudden. She must be going crazy.

Really crazy.


The rest of the week went by pretty much the same. They would see each other in class, Elsa would sometimes buy him coffee, they would work and then they would meet after class to work some more.

Jack still didn't say much. They mostly talked about the project or some classmates. Sometimes Elsa would tell him about Anna and/or her friends, and he'll just listen.

Still, even if they didn't were 'friends' per say, Elsa was pretty content at the development in the strange relationship they had. Jack looked a bit more comfortable around her, even if he still kept things to himself.

She was really patient, she knew better than to push him, and she really wanted this to work, so she didn't have any problem waiting for him to let her in.

Jack on the other hand, felt like he was in another planet. He realized he really enjoyed Elsa's company, and he really liked to listen to her.

After she told her she was going to be there for him, he immediately started to considerate on letting her in.

She was just so genuine, comprehensive and kind. His mind just couldn't stop wandering to her.

So he've decided, after a week, that he was going to let her in, but just a bit.

So yeah, things were good.


He walked hurriedly while scanning the halls. People quickly got out of his way, making it searching way easier. He finally reached the door of his last searching spot. He unlocked it and was welcomed by the very familiar odor. Maybe they actually needed to clean this place some day. It was getting too much dirty, even for him.

He finally found him smoking on their couch.

"Finally! I called you like fifteen times!" He instantly said. Pitch just chuckled and let the smoke out of his lungs through his mouth.

"Yeah, I didn't felt like talking" He simply said. Hans wanted to growl in annoyance.

"Oh, really? Well then, I was about to tell you something you might like to hear but..." He trailed of. Pitch narrowed his eyes to then roll them in defeat.

"What?" he said, pretending to look bored.

"Something has changed" Hans simply said. Pitch raised a brow and gazed at him.

"Well? Do you think I can read minds or what?" He exclaimed impatiently. "What has changed?"

"Something between the Ice Queen and Frost" he answered, he really wanted to grin in satisfaction when he saw Pitch's surprised but angered face.

"What?" He growled. "What makes you think that?"

"Everything" Hans shrugged.

"Everything like what, fucking idiot?" He snapped. Hans just smirked.

"The way they treat each other. They now talk and talk during class, Elsa buys him coffee some days, Jack is not frowning. Elsa now seats besides him in every class they share, and everyone looks at them like they are some kind of exotic animals when Frost is not sending death glares to everyone" He listed. Pitch wanted to break something, but this could just be all in Hans imagination.

"Thats it? Thats why you think something changed?" Pitch chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess that's why" Hans said, and turned to leave, but stopped "Oh, and also that Naveen said that Eric is sure they're screwing each other" Hans said with a wicked smile. Pitch flinched.


"Yeah, he said that the receptionist of Frost's building saw Elsa taking Jack to his dorm by 4 a.m. last Saturday, and Eric saw Elsa at noon, getting out of the building on pajamas and with I quote 'Sexy messy hair'"

Pitch stood up growling and kicked off the little coffee table harshly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He screamed. "I knew that stupid Frost was going to be a problem since the moment I saw him! That little fucker-"

"So, what are you going to do now?" Hans asked bored.

'What was he going to do? Fucking hell, he couldn't even believe that Elsa was with him of all people! She hated bad boys, she fucking hated trouble makers, she-


A wicked grin creeped on his face.

"I've got a plan" He said.


Hello guys!! So here's the new chapter! I really hope you like this because I certainly do this part of the story (this and next chapter).

It's really late, but I need to tell you a few things:

#1 Elsa has been single her whole life... well not really, what I mean is that She went to dates and stuff, had her first kiss and made out and normal things that teenagers would do, but she never had a 'real' boyfriend or fallen in 'actual' love. She really knows nothing about it. Same goes for Anna so yes, there was never a Hans here.

#2 Next chapter its going to probably be really long, I know this last ones were a bit shorter, so I swear next chapter compensates them.

#3 Para la reviewer que me pregunto que me inspiro a hacer este fic: La verdad es que estaba cansada de los fics donde Jack es el que siempre salva a Elsa. Quería ver algo diferente, por lo tanto inverti la historia. Y amo los hombrea con tatuajes. Moria por un bad boy Jack. Y también porque no hay sufícientes highschool/collage au's.

Thats everything for today because I'm dying of tiredness!


Till next time!


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