Just This Once

By EZ2016

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Phoenix "NIX" Mitchelle is a 16 year old teen with a generous heart and innocent personality.... will David G... More

1)Ocean-deep eyes
2)My Parallel Universe.
4)Bad memories and Mondays
5)Partners and Essays.
6)Revelations & Arguments
Author's Apology Note
7)Best friend chats.
8)When's & Where's
9)Gentle words and Dreams
10)Opinions & Discussions
11)Not-so-Greene Forest Talks
12)Truth and Revenge Plans
13)Fights,Berries and Perries.
14)Pawsome Walk
15.Dog talks and arguments.
16)Old friends & New Couples.
17)Messages and Sleepovers.
18)Pen marks & Triggers.
19)Girl talks & Nighttime Surprise!
20)A Talk By The Beach.
21) Hurt By The Act
22) Ashton : An Insight.
23)The Winter Formal
24)Empathetic;Not Pathetic
25) "Phoenix"
26) Best Friend Chats-2

3)Parties & Flashbacks.

91 24 25
By EZ2016

Here's chapter 3! This one is dedicated to amnaus23 because she really appreciates me and she voted and commented! ^_^
Hope you enjoy! :)

I ran after Matt and Ian in the parking lot after the school was off.

"Wait guys!" I said trying to catch my breath.

They turned around.

"What's the rush?" Ian asked.

Mars had said she would meet us in the parking lot as she had to discuss with Drake that she would come to his house , he should not be troubled to pick her up .He would be busy that day.

This was a good chance to convince these guys.

"Okay...so unmm.....Guys you should come to the party..pretty pleaaseee!" I said getting to the point without wasting any time.

"I don't think soo..."
"I told you I got work to do!"

They spoke at the same time.

I rolled my eyes.

"Really Matt?You want me to beleive that, and Ian you don't even have an excuse, except that Amy may not be there, which you won't admit"

"Thats ... not....true!" He said forcefully.

"Ahan..then what is true?"I raised a brow.

"I..have to study! For the test yeah!The chemistry test!" He obviously tried to make up an excuse .
Matt just stayed quiet because he could not think of any excuse.

"Really.The test is tommorrow genius and party on the weekened.Don 't bother to make an attempt on more excuses"

I took a deep breath.
"Look guys, I know you think you would be bored there, but I promise you will have fun.And there will be lots of girls there Ian, maybe you will find someone there! and maybe seeing you with someone else will make Amy come around."
I hoped my speech would work.

I sighed meaning this for both of them. "Sometimes you have to let someone you care about go free.For them to be happy.And be happy yourself.Stay positive.They may come around when seeing you with someone else.That might make them aware of the feelings they never felt before."

"Ok ok just stop being psychological.School just got over and I don't want to learn anything till tommorrow please" Ian responded.

Well one to go.

"Yeah and plus I will need a ride .So will Mars." I  admitted throwing a glance at Matt

"Emmett Man! You should come too!I don't wanna be alone with girls" Ian faked a horror expression.

I raised a brow.

"Ok . Correction :These girls!" He added.

I lightly punched his arm.

He just faked being hurt , like I had hit him with a metal bar or something.

I just looked at him blankly.

" You love me" he said .

"Unfortunately" I muttered.

Ian tried persuading Matt a couple more times that he will die in the car , or he will have a bad accident if he's alone wit us and all the junk.I kept quiet as long as it means that Matt may come.He gave in.Eventually.

"Ok but I know I am gonna hate it" he added sourly.

Neither I mentioned Mars nor he.Sure I wanted them together but admitting was his part when he was ready.That is if he felt anything.I reminded myself its only Ian's and mine theory.

We heard footsteps and turned to see Mars running towards us with a big smile.

We got in the car and fall back to our usual routine.


"NOOOOO...PLEASE!"Mars whined, as I picked a lipgloss to apply to her lips.

We were getting ready for Drake's Birthday party, at my house.

Mars never liked wearing makeup and dresses, she just liked wearing comfy clothes and no makeup, not even lipgloss.

'Whats the use?its just waste of money!We should be happy as we are! ' She had once said.but if I was as pretty as her, I wouldn't be worried either, just saying.

She really was pretty . With her brown slightly wavy hair falling on her back and her heart shaped narrow face.She had blue eyes that were filled with life.

"Look honey, we can do it the easy way,or the hard way!" I tried to say threatingly.

"Really, that all you got?"she said rasing her brows and looking at her nails as if she was bored of this conversation.

I groaned inside my head.

Its not like I wear too much makeup, just lipgloss and some eyeliner sometimes.When I feel like it I add a little mascara.I dont like caking my face with makeup or applying makeup alot.I just think a little lipgloss or eyeliner never hurts.

"Look,Drake is your date tonight, kind of, and you have to look your best.I mean I love you like you are and I am sure Drake likes it that way too but please its a party and a birthday and you look sooo damn pretty!" I practically begged, I mean using the puppy dog face and all.

"Look Nix, thats what I am saying, if Drake wants me to be his kinda-date, he will have to accept me like this, I am not changing myself for him " she said as if this was the end of discussion.

Well na-aw,missy, not in my place.!literally!

"Look what you are saying is right! but for me please! pretty please! just a little lipgloss and liner! Please..... it won't even look like you have done anything" I just kept begging.

"Then what's the point!!?"she asked, raising her hands to put emphasis on her frustration

"My satisfaction!" I replied.

"Don't you like me as I look?" she asked, faking a hurt expression.

"You know thats not what I meant ! stop trying to blackmail me, its not working!" I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, like your puppy dog face is!" She replied.

Now it was my turn to fake a hurt expression.

She just stuck her tongue out at me.Classic Mars.

"Look you already got me into these shoes and this dress, I am not putting-" she all of a sudden stopped, putting her hand on her belly making a hideous expression.

"Mars?"I started getting worried.
She lifted her face, hands on her mouth as if she was about to puke.

"Heyyy..." I moved closer to her, putting my hand on her shoulder.
She lowered her hands and breathed out "make up on my face"


I was taken aback.What is she -Oh that girl! Urghhhhhh!

"You just did all that to make a damn point! really! You know what? I dont care what you say, after the act you just pulled , you are gonna pay for it, and you are going to apply makeup! I won't hear no for an answer " I yelled in one breath.

"Sorry mom!but 'no' is all you are gonna get!" She yelled back.
"You are-"
"Are you gonna keep-"
"No no nononono noooooo!" She inserted her fingers in her ears and singing 'No No',she can be so childish sometimes.When she  finally put her 'No's" to an end, I crossed my arms.

"Thats all you got?"

That's when an idea came to my mind, I am sure if we were in a cartoon, there would be a light bulb flickering open over my head

"Please don't put makeup!"

"N-HEY!not gonna work!" she answered then stood up.

"Are you alls set?"she asked.

"No" I replied irritatingly.

"So are we switching roles now?"she raised her brows.

"Look Mars please!for our friendship! L-power!Mind reader power!look I will not eat nutella for a week, look thats all that I can offer!don't deny it!" I begged on, really kissing her toes and begging on my knees was my last option and I didn't plan on doing that.I still have my dignity.

"Urgh why does this means so much to you?" She asked, fuming with anger.

"I... just... just  please do it !" I think I have never begged so much in my life.

"Ok, if it means soo much to you" she said while gritting her teeth.

"Yesss ohhhh I love you so much" I started jumping in excitement then hugged her tightly.

"It means to you more than me?" She tried again. I hugged her tighter

"Nice attempt"

"Ok hey stop!or I might change my mind" she warned. Well I wouldn't want that to happen now, would I?

She did not like people on her personal space too much.Not too much hugging, sometimes I tried to give her kisses and hugs just to tease her.

Well that was one thing that was common in us.I didn't like it either.Not alot.I used to, I mean people would think a girl like me would,but after that night...

No no don't think about it too much!come back to present!thats past, its over now!

I took a deep calm breath and focused on what was happening now.

"Hey, You weren't-" Mars had noticed my expressions.Every feature on her face screamed worry.

"No, no its fine, I wasn't" I replied and my voice trembled a bit.

She looked at me doubtfully.

I breathed and tried again "I m fine, really" my voice more confident this time.

"Okay so, sit back and relax, let the master take control "  I said trying to divert her.

She still looked uncertain but dropped it.

"I am just putting lip gloss,even if my chaps stick is much better" she ordered.

"Yeah but it's not lip gloss it's chapstick they are different for a reason , and you are also putting a  little liner,like mine, half liner" I protested.All my blackmailing was not going to waste.

"Urghhhhh ok,whatever" She groaned.

I did a victory dance in my head.Trust me , making Mars change her mind is a Oscar worthy task.

And having to succeed in it is more than Oscar worthy.

She picked a clear lip gloss."How about this one?

"Yeah...NO " I snactched it from her putting it back again.

"Just let me do it , trust me you won't regret it"

"Then how come I already do?" She murmured loud enough for me to hear.

I just rolled my eyes and started working my magic.

Applying a bit face powder(forcefully) , then a half winged eyeliner , and (with more begging) very little amount of nude eyeshadow under her eyes , and very light silver at the corner just little. It made her blue eyes prominent and stand out.Also some light-pink tinted lip gloss which made her lips look rosy.

She looked stunning as she did before makeup but with makeup she still looked perfectly beautiful.

We both stood in front of the mirror admiring ourselves.

I was wearing a white knee length dress with colourful flower print scattered on the front from the left side.I decided to let my hair down with slight beach waves in them.

( Nix's dress & shoes)

Mars was wearing a White shirt and a black skirt .With a thin black belt.It was simple yet elegant.With black pumps.She hates heels.

                (Marronettes dress)

She had her hair in a one sided french braid that ended behind her hair the bobby pins hidden by the hair that was falling on her hair , and the rest of her hair were open , falling in their natural waves.She looked stunning.

"See you look stunning,Matt wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off of you"  I voiced what was going on my head.

"Matt? Why would he keep his eyes on me?I guess to joke around he would" she said.

Ooops.I should learn to not blab everything I think.

"Wait I said Matt ? Sorry I meant Drake,and sure you look so stunning even Matt would be speechless" I covered.Trust me lying to Mars is not easy.She is really smart.

My phone buzzed and I checked , it was a message from Ian.

"Who is it from?"Mars asked.

"Ian , they'll be here in five"
I replied picking up my bag.

Mars mirrored me but I saw her dabbing a tissue paper on her lips , to lighten the already light pink lip shade.

"And what do you think you are doing?" I said crossing my arms and raising my brows.

" Trying to lighten my lips when I have the chance " she shrugged.

"Arghhh put that !" I said angrily,handing her the lipgloss.

"Okay , okay whats with the anger , girl? " She said putting as little lipgloss as she can.Atleast she did.Thats what counts.

We went out the door and got in the car.

I noticed Matt was back in the front.

I sighed.Poor Matt.If my doubts were true.He must be pretty down.

"Hello ladies!"Ian added enthusiastically.It was good to know he got out of his Amy-shock.

"Hey," we both replied.

"Hello to you too Matt!"Mars snapped.

"Sorry!"he replied.

I coughed.

"Oh hello my dearest friends,how have you been getting on?" He tried in British accent.And might I add , a good one too.I was impressed.I didn't know Matt did such good accents.

"Happy now?" He added in a flat , bored tone.

"Yeah , better"Mars & I said together , again.

"MIND READER!"we both yelled pointing at each other.

That was kinda our thing.We almost everytime , thought the same thing , and almost said everything at the same time.

Then we started laughing , with Ian and Matt muttering something like "yeah yeah you are the best bffs ever even the aliens at Mars (planet) know"

After a while I noticed what Matt was wearing .He was wearing a White tee with brown pants.He looked good.

I didn't know anything about the birthday party,but it was turning out to be a good night.And I had a feeling it would stay this good.


"Wow,his house his huge"I said in awe.

"More like , mansion"Ian added.

"Well if you two have stopped drooling , shall we go inside?"Matt commented.

"Yeah , or are you planning to spend the night just trying to close your surprised eyes " Mars added.

It was then I realized that I was not blinking.

Well not my fault,Drake's house was huge!

"Whatever.." I muttered.

We started making our way inside.There was a big pool in his house and a lot of people were standing there , chatting and drinking.

All the guests were about our age.

There was a bunch of girls , more like barbie dolls , giggling constantly at the group of boys standing by the pool , and battling their eyelashes flirtiously.I noticed one of the boys had a shirt off.

I rolled my eyes , showoff.

After making our way by the pool , we got in the launch of the house , filled with more boys and girls , taking selfies , drinking , making out , showing off , flirting...and all that stuff.There was a large table in centre filled with snacks and drinks.The launch was air-conditioned.

"Guys!" we looked at the direction of voice,& saw Drake making his way towards us.

When he came nearer , I noticed he was wearing a white shirt with black denim jeans and a losely done tie.His hair was thrown in a messy look.

"Hey,wow!you look beautiful!"he said heartedly to Mars.He took her hand planting a kiss on it.Wow!He had to be a gentlemen!

"Not so bad yourself!"Mars replied.

He turned to us"Hey guys!thanks alot for making it here!"

"Thankyou for inviting us!" I said passing him his gift which reminded others to do so too.

"Woah guys!you didn't had to! And Wow Nix you look good too!"was Drakes reply.

"Thankyou , same to you and it was our pleasure!" I replied Ian and Matt passed their welcomes to.

"Sorry dude we missed the cake cutting" Matt said.Wow , look who is being nice .

Drake laughed & dismissed his apology with a wave of hand.

"Forget it,man!"

Then suddenly a beat started to play, and I look outside to see our school band playing a song!

"Well dance away!" Drake said before taking Mars with him who waved back at us.

I heard a sigh and looked at Matt who had scowl on his face.

"Come on guys!show me your moves!" I tried an attempt to cheer him.

"If I had any moves , I wouldn't be standing here alone!" Matt dryly answered.

"But you are not!come with me and Ian you too!" I said taking their hands and and blending in the dance crowd.

They tried to leave at first but then laughed at my failed attempts to push them both together back in the crowd and gave in.Laughing at me.

We danced to the beat , screaming with the crowd , laughing , pushing each other , teasing each other.
I got a bit tired and excused my self.My heels were killing me , my feet were throbbing badly.

I went inside the launch ,there was a small number of people here , some moving to the beats,others chatting and some on a break like me.

I made my way towards the snack and picked a strawberry and ate it after dripping it in the chocolate fountain.

I took some more snacks and a coke.

I rested my back against the wall after coming out again.

There was a number of familiar faces here.I started scanning the crowd , for what exactly , I didn't know.I took a sip of my drink and caught a sight of Mars and Drake laughing and moving.He twirled her and she laughed again.

Her laugh was carefree and she looked like she was enjoying herself.

And then I saw someone making their way towards me and looked up to see Ian.

"Where's Matt?" I asked him once he reached me.

He replied after catching his breath.

I followed his gaze and saw that Matt was dancing with a tall brunette , really close to where Mars and Drake were.

I shook my head.

"Who is he with?" I inquired.

"I think even he does not know" Ian replied.

We stood there quietly for sometime, then we were joined by Matt.

"Here you are" he said bending , hands on his knees catching his breath.

"I was looking for you guys!"he added.He sounded happy.

"Sorry , we were just standing , who were you dancing with?"I didn't waste any time to blurt out this question.

"Oh thats Chloe , shes in our school , but our junior"He replied excitedly.

"Oh!" was all that I could say.

"I have always liked her , and today , while dancing I got a chance to dance with her and she was so amazing , I even talked to her!"he told us in a really happy tone.

I smiled at him to show my appreciation.

Maybe I was wrong , maybe my doubts were wrong...Matt seemed so happy...maybe his mood swings were because of something else ? and he did say he had been crushing on Chloe for a while now.

But how come he never mentioned her before?I was about ask him when Matt suddenly said "Ian duuude loook!" Looking at something in the room behind us.

I turned my head towards the direction of his gaze.

My mouth dropped.I couldn't beleive it.

In the room behind us there was someone standing against the wall.Amy , in a blue dress , with matching blue heels.

(Amy's dress)

(Amy's shoes)

And thats not it,she was standing with some one else.

Who was it?

I looked closer , there was no mistaking that black leather jacket , and sure enough when he turned his head , it was David.David Greene.

They were talking about something , and from the expression on David's face , I could tell it was serious.

So he talks?thats new.

"Obvio Nix , he is not dumb" Ian said.

I looked at him confused.He smirked.
I gulped.

God!I said that aloud!

But I was surprised at Ian.I mean he kind of liked Amy .Wasn't he jealous that she was talking to another boy? (& a hot one,might I add).He seemed cool about all this.okay , and I thought she had the feels too.

Maybe David was just her friend.Like Ian & Matt are to me?

But if they are friends, how come they are not together at school?okay , I just met Amy, but doesn't David sit alone usually? I mean he has some guy friends but I have not seen any girls with him .

But what do I know?maybe they just met?But their conversation was too serious for that.Maybe they knew each other before or maybe she was just discussing some class thing or coveying some message ?

Well , what do I care?Ian doesn't seem bothered.Infact he seemed suspiciously relaxed.

David's burrows were furrowed , I could not see his eyes clearly but his posture remained serious.

Then he closed his eyes and breathed out,pinching the bridge of his nose.He opened his eyes , listening to Amy.His expressions softened a bit and then he -WAIT WHAT? 

He ..kissed her forehead and hugged her??????

My breathing hitched a bit.

Matt voiced my thoughts.
"Duude , he practically kissed her , how can you watch your crush like that?I mean wasn't she sending some signals....mixed signals too?"

There was some strong emotion behind his question.

Ian laughed....wait laughed?

"Ian are you drunk ?" I asked widening my eyes.

He continued laughing.

Then Amy caught our eyes and waved to Ian.She muttered something to David and made her way towards us.
David threw us a look and our eyes met for a brief second then he looked away.Just like last time.

"Hey guys!!"Amy greeted us.

"Hey" I replied after a second , giving her a warm smile and hugging her.

"Hey Amy , you came! and you look absolutely stunning!" Ian commented , amazed.She really did.Her dark brown almost black hairs were in a half-do falling into curls at the end.

"Thanks Joules!" She replied.

"Ummm.... you are supposed to comment back !" Ian complained waving a hand towards himself.He was wearing a blue tee with white denim jeans.

Perfect.They matched.

"Oh,so is that why you complimented me?" she raised her brows.

"Then you want me to compliment on that?" She gave him an unimpressed , overall glance.

Ian was lost for words.He looked at himself conciously.

"Whats wrong with my clothes?or Is something drawn on my face?" He looked at his reflection on the launch window.

Amy laughed and so did I.

"You ....should ....have... seen your face!" she said between laughs.

Ian pouted.

"Well , you look great Ian , and I really wanna see you dance!Wanna come?" She said honestly.

"It was about time you complimented me , and...no!" Ian crossed his arms & looking away from her.

And he called me a kid.

"Oh come on!I am not gonna fall for my own trick!" She rolled her eyes.

He continued his child act.
Seriously?Ian is never like this , its mostly Matt.

"And you deserved that compliment , now come on!" She started pulling his arm towards the dancing crowed.

Matt who had been quiet throughout this whole encounter suddenly spoke
"Who is that guy??"

She looked at Matt and followed his line of sight.

"David?"she asked.

Matt nodded "Is he someone to you?"

"Yes" she said."My brother"

Okay I did not expect that.At all.I never would have thought she was his sister.That David had a sister.

"Oh !sorry!I thought-"

"That I was with someone else and still wanted to dance with Joules?" She interepted Matt.

He nodded an apologetic look on his face.

"Its ok .You were being a good friend " she said patting his shoulder.

"And you look nice , Matt.I am surprised , why aren't you dancing the night away?"

"Oh thanks.I was .But I have danced enough.I am exhausted"He replied warmly.

"You are supposed to compliment back!" she imitated Julian.

We all laughed.Except Ian.

"Well certainly you look amazing.But since with you are here with my best friend , I will stop there.Other wise I may die with all the daggers he is shooting at me with his eyes!" Matt joked.

Ian suddenly blinked and sent Matt one death glare .

Matt raised his hands in surrender .

Then Amy went away with Ian and dispersed in the crowd.

So David Greene had a sister.What I saw moments ago was his brother side?

I felt a sudden rush of guilt for thinking about Amy like that , and a little surprised that David had a sister!?

So Ian knew this , and didn't bother to mention.

But why do I care?

I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of these thoughts . For future reference , that didn't work.

I looked back at the room.David was leaning against the wall opposite to the one I was leaning against . He just looked bored , seemingly not enjoying the party.If he wasn't enjoying himself why was he here , then?

He was staring at the backside of wall I was leaning against moments ago with a plain expression.But ofcourse ,  he couldn't see me.I was on the other side .

I kept standing there talking about this & that with Matt.

"Well Nix , I have to admit , I was wrong when I said that I am not gonna enjoy this party.Thanks for forcing me to come."

I looked at him,"Sure!just remember that the next time I tell you something!"

He just laughed and put his arm around my shoulder , pulling me against his side.I laughed.

After some time when I brought my cup to my mouth , it was empty.

"Hey , I am gonna get something to drink , you want anything? "I asked Matt.

"No thanks!"

"Ok! I'll be back in a sec!"

I got in the launch and automatically my eyes moved to where David was.Only to see he wasn't there any more.I scanned the room it was now filled with more people and the dim lightening made it hard to actually look at someone clearly.

I went to the drinks , taking one more chocolate dipped strawberry on the way.

I saw there was a chocolate drink there too.

I may as well try that!

I took it and turned around and bumped into someone spilling my drink on them

"Oh !I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that!" Was my automatic response.

All I could see was a black shirt and over it , oh man!a black leather jacket!

I looked up to see a pair of deep blue eyes looking in my green ones.

I just freaking bumped into David Greene!and spilled my drink on him.Oh my poor chocolate drink.

He just nodded in a response of 'Its ok'

"B-But your shirt!" I started in a shaky voice.

It was not easy to look into those blue eyes and talk at the same time.

He cleared his throat .
"Its ok" he added in a deep voice.

Don't melt Nix , oh my legs are getting wobbly!!!GREAAAT!

My breath got caught in my throat.He was so close to me. A little more closer and I would feel his breath on my face.Now that he was near I saw how tall he actually was.

"Umm...if you don't mind I have to get my drink" he said.

"Yeah , ok" I breathed out.

He ran a hand through his dark hair.

"You would have to get out of the way for me to do that" he said barely keeping his calm.

I quickly stepped aside muttering an apology.

God I made a fool of myself.I must have looked so stupid standing there looking at him.Urghhh.

I stormed outside only to remember I forgot to refill my cup.

I went back inside to do so.

"Excuse me" a deep voice said behind me.

I carefully turned around to look at David.

I gave him a questioning look.

"Aren't you in some of my classes?"he asked.

I blinked.Why did he ask me that?And I have to admit my heart fluttered a little.

"Yes" not just in some.I added in my head.

"You're a friend of this Julian guy?"

The question was simple enough but it recalled a memory.One I didn't want to remember....

Hey girl!is this a friend of yours?

No no ... I forced my self to think of anything but that ...  it was hard.It was like someone kept replaying that in my head....like a music on repeat.Only this was nothing like that , I didn't want to remember that ever again.

I calmed myself taking long deep breaths......only I couldn't breath.
My breath was stuck in my throat.

"Hey , Miss , are you alright?"
Someone's deep voice brought me back to my reality.

I looked up to see David staring down at me with furrowed brows.

I remembered where I was, and why , it all started to come back.

I remembered he had asked me something .He just asked me a simple question and it brought back a terrible memory.

But ofcourse he did not know that.

He must have thought that I was a girl who just freaked out talking to him because I know he's quite brooding and maybe a bad boy or something like that.I absolutely did not think of him like that but he might think I do.

"Yeah" I breathed out .

It was then I realized I was sweating.

"You sure ? Cuz you look like you had an encounter with a dementor" he said.

I nodded.


Omg I couldn't beleive he is a freaking Harry Potter fan .I am a Harry Potter fan.The biggest there is.

He must have noticed my surprise because he said "Yes , I am a Harry Potter fan ,the biggest there is.!"

I chuckled.

I was still shaken by the flashback.

"Well can't agree with that because I am the biggest fan".I said in a breathy voice.

He raised his brow.

Then suddenly his expressions changed back to the emotionless mask.

I have to admit it hurt me a little when his expressions changed.

I felt awkward standing there when he did not reply and I started turning around.

Then I remembered something.

"By the way , yes I am his friend.A really close one"

And with that I started making my way out of the room.

Why did he just suddenly changed his expressions?like hiding his emotions? Did he regret talking to me? Because he thought I was stupid and it would ruin his reputation?But he was just standing there , boredom written all over his face and he started it.He started talking to me and the jokes.

I was sure that when he joked , even if that remained for a few seconds , I had seen a glimpse of real David Greene behind that emotionless mask.And he was really Great.

But why does he keeps himself so.... distanced? Something must have happened to make him keep his emotions in control.To wear that mask I have started to detest.but the question is : WHAT HAPPENED?

I shook my head but then came the memory again.I tried my best to keep it at bay , I started sweating again

"What took you so long?!"Matt blurted out.

I didn't even realise where I was going , absorbed in my thoughts.

He caught the sight of my face.

"NIX! omg Nix listen! You okay?" He started shaking my shoulders.

"Y-yeah" I lied.

"No you are not , Were you..?"
He trailed off.He understood.Ofcourse he did.

I remained silent.He would know If I lied and I didn't want to say the truth.

"You wanna go home?" He asked softly .

I nodded "Yes please"

He engulfed me in a warm hug.

"Ok.Don't worry.We will go home"


The night did not end as I thought it would.
Okay so that was it for today!
I am sorry for any typos or any disappointments!
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[ completed; unedited ] When Rylie Henderson starts her dreaded senior year of high school, all she wants to do is hide herself from the rest of the...