I got Kidnapped by One Direct...

By abbbbbyyyyy__

284K 7.3K 3K

Abigail was just a normal girl who lived a normal life. Then one day when she was walking home from school, s... More

I got Kidnapped by One Direction?
Chapter 1 Darkness
Chapter 2 The mission
Chapter 3 Mission Failed?
Chapter 4 Food Fight
Chapter 5 Was it a night mare? Or was it flash back?
Chapter 6 Niall tells her the story
Chapter 7 The dress
Chapter 9 The Prank
Chapter 10 The Shooting Star
Chapter 11 The secret
Chapter 12 Truth or Dare
Chapter 13 Little Unicorn Photo Bomber
Chapter 14 Hidden Talents
Chapter 15 Carnival
Chapter 16 Swag Masta From Doncaster
Chapter 17 Christmas
Chapter 18 A Family Always Stays Together
Chapter 19 World War III
Chapter 20 Am I Really Ok?
Chapter 21 I Deserve It
Chapter 22 It's All My Fault
Chapter 23 Help Me?
Chapter 24 First Stop: Airport
Chapter 25 2nd Stop: Plane To England
Chapter 26 3rd Stop: England
Chapter 27 Private Talk
Chapter 28 Surprise
Chapter 29 Superman's Here
Chapter 30 The Note
Chapter 31 Reunited
Chapter 32 Water Fight
Chapter 33 Hide And Seek
Chapter 34 Roses
Chapater 35 Goodbye

Chapter 8 Nandos

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By abbbbbyyyyy__

Chapter 8 Nandos

Abigail/Abby's POV

......I smacked his cheek and ran upstairs.

'Come back here!' He shouted and I laughed. As soon as I was about to turn my door knob, hands were wrapped around my waist and I was lifted up.

I shrieked.

'Louis! Put me back down!' I shouted and laughed at the same time.

'This is revenge for slapping me' Louis placed me down on the couch. I would get up and run for my life, but sadly Louis was blocking my way.

'What revenge?' I asked nervously.

'You'll see' he smirked. He then started tickling me.

'Louis! Stop!' I laughed.

'You have to forgive me'

'I'm sorry Boo Bear' I said in a baby way.

'You're too cute' He then stopped tickling me and I sat up.

'Let's go downstairs' He said and grabbed my hand.

'Uh, okay' I agreed and was pulled off the couch.

When we arrived in the lounge, Niall, Zayn and Liam were all on their phone.

'Liam! I need my phone!' I begged him.

'Nope, you're grounded remember?' He said not taking his eyes off the phone.

I groaned.

'She's very anti-social apparently' Louis told Liam.

'You'll get it back on Tuesday' Liam said.

'I can't wait that long!' I say, putting my hands in the air.

'It's not my fault that you had a food fight' It's not my fault you're daddy direction.

I groaned again and went upstairs. As I was about to go to my door, I bumped into Harry.

'Oh, sorry love' He says taking his eyes off the phone.

'Don't worry about it' I looked up at him.

'Hey, um. Do you want to go out somewhere with me on Tuesday?' He asked scratched the back of his neck.

'Yeah sure'

'Great! I'll meet you outside at 1'

'Okay, where are we going?'

'That's for you to find out' He winked at me.

'If you say so'

'Ok, bye Abby'

'Bye Hazza' I then walked to my room and he went downstairs.

I laid down on my bed and look around my room. What can you do when you're bored and you have no phone?

I then hear a knock on my door.

'Who is it?' I asked.


'Louis who?'

'Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!' He shouts and enters my room.

'You didn't even have permission to enter my room' I say looking up at the ceiling and crossing my arms.

'I'm bored' Louis says as he seats on the end of the bed.

'Me too, that's why I need my phone' I say as I sat up.

'Wanna do something?'

'Like what?'

'Maybe you want to kiss me?' He smirked.

'Do you want me to slap you?'


'Exactly' I tell him.

'Ok, if you don't want to kiss me, then what do you want to do?'

'Want to prank the boys?' I asked

'Now you're talking' He stands up and walks over to me.

'So what prank are we doing?'

He tells me the plan which is going to start when the other boys are sleeping. Can't wait to do this prank! I hope we don't get into trouble, especially by "daddy direction". The time is 2:06pm, I can't wait this long to do the prank!

'Abby! Louis! Come downstairs! We're going to Nandos!' Liams calls us. Yes! Nandos! I love that place! We both go downstairs and leave the house with the rest of the boys. When we went to the 8 seater van, we all sat in our seats, Paul was the driver, Liam called shot gun, Niall and Zayn sat in the middle row, and I'm stuck between Harry and Louis in the back row. This is going to be a long ride.

**A few minutes later**

'Who is your favourite Superhero?' Louis asked me.

'Um, probably Iron Man'

'Well, my favourite super hero would be SUPERMANNNNNN!!' Louis yelled.

'Ow' Harry says, covering his ears.

'Louis! Be quiet! I'm talking to Zayn about Nandos!' Niall says.

'Stop shouting Louis!' Liam says.

'Louis 2 words, Shut up' I say. He gasped.

'That is so hurtful Abby, I can't believe you just said that to me' said Louis with his hand on his chest feeling hurt.

'Well, you deserve it' I ruffle his hair.

'Hey!' Louis then fixes his hair.

'We're here! I'll just stay here and you guys can go' Paul calls out as here parks the van.

'YAY!" Niall yelled.

'Thanks Paul' Liam says and gets out of the van.

When we all got out of the van, we made our way to Nandos. Thank god there were no paps or fans around.

'Have you've been to Nandos before?' Niall asked as we walked together.

'Of course I have' I answer.

'Yay!' He said excitedly. I love my brother.

**In Nandos**

We sat in our seats and I sat next to Niall

We all looked in the menu. I seriously don't know what to get.


'Yes?' He says and takes his eyes of the menu.

'Can you help me what to order please?'

'Of course! You should get Peri Peri chicken or...' And then he continued to tell me what I should get. This is going to be a hard decision.

When we all ordered, we started to have a conversation.

'So how was your 'Up All Night' tour?' I asked them.

'It was great! I can't wait to do next year's tour!' Zayn answers.

'Yeah, it's really fun but the bad thing about it is that we don't have much sleep so we get pretty exhausted easily' Liam says.

'Did your ears hurt from all the screaming?' I asked, feeling like an interviewer...

'It did at first, but now we're used to it' Zayn says.

**After Nandos**

When we all finished eating, we went back to the van.

'HI PAUL!' I shouted and ran over to him.

'Hey Abby!' He replied. Paul already knows me because Niall told him the story and he understood. Hopefully Niall hasn't told anyone else about us being siblings.

'Abby! Sit next to me!' Louis says and grabs my hand and ran to the door.

'Uh ok?' I agreed well sort of. We sat in the back row again.

'So you're ready for the prank?' He whispered.

'Yup' I answered. He smiled and I smiled back.

'You're so pretty when you smile' I blushed.

'Hey Louis! Hey Abby!' Harry says and gets in the seat next to me. Louis gave him a look and Harry poked his tongue out.

'Hey Harry' I smiled.

**The van ride**

I'm tired! I don't even know why! Probably because I didn't have much sleep.

I groaned and placed my head in my hands.

'Are you ok Abby?' Harry asked. I nodded.

'You look tired' Louis says.

'I feel tired'

'You can sleep on my shoulder?' Louis offered.

'No thanks, it's alright' I replied.

'Or you can sleep on my lap?' Harry offered.

'It's alright Harry, I'm fine' I tell him. I don't want to sleep on any of them because if I choose one of them, then the other will be mad, and I don't want that person to be mad.

'I'll just sleep on my lap' I put my head on my arms and on the lap. It's really uncomfortable. I then sit back up.

'It's not comfortable Abby, you can just sleep on my shoulder instead?'

'It's alright Louis, I know what to do now' I say getting an idea. I put my knees on my chest and drifted off to sleep.


She's so adorable when she sleeps! I feel like putting her on my lap but I'm afraid that I'll wake her up. I wonder why she didn't want to sleep on my lap or Louis' shoulder. Was she afraid of us? Does she like us? I really want her to be my girlfriend and Louis does too. Why does life have to be so complicated? When 2 guys who are best friends that have feelings for the same girl isn't right.

I then saw Abby moving around. I think she's uncomfortable. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

'Abby, please sleep on my lap, I don't want you feeling uncomfortable when you sleep' I begged her.

She sighed.

'Ok' she said tiredly. I smiled and she placed her head on my lap. I played with her hair while she drifted off to sleep. I looked and Louis and he gave me a look, and not just any look, a jealous look.

'What?' I asked, pretending to not recognise his jealous face.

'It's still on you know' The competition, whoever Abby kisses first gets to have her.

'I know'

When we arrived at our house, I picked Abby up in bridal style.

'Thanks Paul' Liam thanked him as he got out.

I got out of the van holding Abby and Louis following behind me.

'She's sleeping?' Niall asks as he came over to me.

'Yup' I answered.

'I'll carry her to her bedroom' Niall said.

'It's alright, I'll take her there'

'You sure?'

'I'm sure'

'Oh, ok. Thanks mate'

I looked at Abby. She is so light to carry! It's like I'm holding a feather! She's very cute when she's sleeping.

As soon as Liam opened the door, I went upstairs to her bedroom. I placed her on the bed and looked at her. She's extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

'Is she alright?' Niall came in which made jump.

'Oh, sorry' Niall apologised.

'All good, and yeah, she's alright'

'Ok, come downstairs, we're watching football'

'Ok, I'll be there in a minute' I tell him. He nodded and left the room.

'Bye' I whispered and kissed the top of her forehead. I left the room and closed her door quietly and made my way downstairs to watch some football.

**ABBY'S POV** (About 3 hours later after Harry left the room)

I woke up in my bed. What? I don't remember getting on my bed. I remembered being in the van and I slept on Harry's lap. Oh, right.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the time. It's 6:36pm. Wow, how long have I been sleeping? I'll ask them later. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to shower.

After my shower, I picked out my clothes and I put them on. I brushed my hair and made my way to the stairs. I could hear noises form the T.V and I think they're playing a video game. Time to scare the shit out of them. I quietly made my way downstairs and I tip toed down the hallway and hid next to the wall. Ok, here we go.


'BOO!' I shouted as I came out of my hiding place. I saw all the five boys jump and scream. I then burst into laughter.

'You should've seen you faces!' I laughed.

'You scared us!' Zayn said.

'That was my aim' I smiled.

'You made me lose!' Louis complained.

'Aw, I made you lose you stupid game?'

'Prepare for revenge Abby'

'I'll be looking forward to that' Note my sarcasm.

The room was silent and everyone was looking at me. Crap. I ran upstairs, hearing footsteps behind me. I ran into my bedroom and when I was about to lock the door they were pushing the door so I couldn't lock it.

'Go away!' I shouted as I tried to close the door.

'This is revenge!' Liam shouted. Dammit these guys are strong. I then thought of a plan. I stopped pushing the door and I stepped back. All 5 boys fell on the floor and I cracked up. I jumped over them and as I was about to run away, I was grabbed by the ankle.

I screamed and I fell on the floor which hurt, a lot.

I then felt hands on my ankles and I was dragged to my room. I tried getting up but it was no use.

'I hate you guys! You know, I was going to order pizza for you, but not anymore since you're dragging me!'

'Yeah right' Harry said well I think it was him. He then took his hands of my ankles. I stood up and ran for the door, but arms were wrapped around my waist and I was lifted up and was placed on the bed.

'3! 2! 1!' Louis called out and they all stared tickling me. I hate this.

After a few minutes of them torturing me, they finally finished. I think I have bruises on my ribs now.

'Did you like your revenge?' Louis came over to me and smiled.

'Yes, it gets better every time'

'That's good' He winked and walked away.

'Not' I mumbled as I got out of the bed. I saw a phone on the table. It's a phone! I grabbed it and turned it on. Luckily, there was no one in my room. I wonder who's phone it is. I swiped the phone screen, hoping there will be no passcode or password but I spoke too soon. What could it be? Oh well, I might as well take selfies since you don't need a passcode for it. I went on the camera icon and started taking lots of photos.

'Abby! Come downstairs!' Niall called out.

'Alright!' I replied and went downstairs with the phone.

'Have you seen Harry's phone?' Niall asked as I came downstairs.

'Oh is it this?' I asked holding up the phone.

'Yay! My phone! Thank you! Where was it?' Harry said happily as he came up to me.

'It was in my room'

'You're so cute' He said smiling as he looked at my ugly selfies.

"What? Show me. Which one?"


'You better not be posting it on Twitter or something'

'Too late' He smiled.

'Harry! Which one did you post!?' I said about to grab the phone but he held it up high. This is what it's like being short.

'It's this one' He said showing me the phone from up high.

'I can't see!' I tried jumping to see it, but I failed.

'Oh well. Oh look! Already 2500 favourites!'

'That's because you're famous! Now please delete it!' I begged him.

'Oh look! There's a picture of Abby on Twitter' Liam said.

'Show me! Show me! Show me!' I ran up to him.

'Ew! I hate that picture!' I read the caption and it says:

Meet @NiallOfficial 's sister Abigail! (Or Abby for short)

'Harry! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to get hate now!' I shouted walking over to him angrily.

'Sweetheart, everyone will have to know eventually' Harry said putting his hand on shoulder.

'I guess, but I'm going to get hate!'

'I get hate, the other boys get hate. Just try not to read any of the hate'

I sighed.

'Ok' is all I said.

'WE HAVE PIZZA!' Niall shouted.

'YAY!' Zayn, Harry and Louis cheered.

'I don't have to cook!' Louis called out.

'You know, you still haven't washed the dishes from this morning' I raised an eyebrow at him.

'Oh, um yeah, I forgot. I'll do them later'

'Sure you will' I rolled my eyes.

We both went to the table to get some pizza and we both got cheese. Well that's awkward. Sort of.

'Hey! You lovebirds! Come sit with us!' Zayn called out. I turned around awkwardly.

'We're not lovebirds'

'We can be lovebirds if you want' He smirked and I rolled my eyes. We went to the to the lounge room where all the rest were. Louis sat next to Zayn and I just stood there since there were no more seats left. Well this is awkward.

'You can sit on my lap' Harry offered.

'No thanks, I'd rather sit on Niall's lap.' I went to Niall and sat on his lap.

'Yay! I'm cool!' He cheered and I giggled.

'Are you saying that I'm not cool?' Harry asked as he takes a bite of the pizza.

'Yup' I smiled and took a bite of my pizza.

'Your bites are so small!' Niall said.

'I'm just going to get more pizza' Louis said.

'Me too!' Niall called out and as he stood up, I fell down and landed on the floor.


"Sorry." he chuckled as he helped me up and I sat on Louis' seat.

'Superman's here!' Louis ran to the living room with his half eaten pizza and looked at me.

'Hey' I smiled and ate my pizza, pretending that I didn't know I took his precious spot.

'That's my seat' Louis said with his puppy eyes and eating his pizza. Aww, he is so cute when he has his puppy eyes and eating pizza.

'Not anymore'

'I'll make you move if you don't move' He said as he ate his pizza.

'I'll like to see you try'

He took the last bite of his pizza. Wow he's a fast eater. He then lifted me up, took my seat and put me on his lap.

'I told you that you two are lovebirds' Zayn smirked.

'How many times do I have to tell you Zayn? We. Are. Not. Lovebirds. '

'If you say so' Zayn said and started talking to Niall while Liam and Harry talking.

'Why do I have to sit on people's lap?' I questioned.

'Because you're light' He said in a 'duh' tone.

'LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!' Niall shouted.

'Ok, what kind of movie?' I asked. Please don't say horror.

'Horror!' Zayn shouted.

I groaned.

'You don't like horror, don't you' Louis said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.


'If you get scared, I'm here' He smiled and I gave him a smile in return.

'Thanks Lou'

The movie went for about 30 minutes, Harry and Liam are already sleeping and I'm hiding my face in my hands. All I hear is screaming which is creeping me out. Louis is stroking my hair.

'Niall, can I have some popcorn please?' I asked looking away from the T.V.

'Sure' he passed me the popcorn.

'Thanks' I then ate some popcorn until I heard a loud noise which made me jump and spill a bit of popcorn.

'Oh crap, I'm sorry, I'll clean it up' When I was about to stand up, Louis pulled me back so I was stayed sitting on his lap.

'It's alright, I'll clean it up later' he whispered in my ear.

'But-'I turned around to face Louis.

'I'm cleaning it up and that's final' Louis cut me off.

I sighed.

'You're going to win this aren't you?'

'I'll do anything to win'

'Fine' I groaned and looked at the T.V. Bad idea.

I quickly covered my eyes again.

'You're so cute when you get scared' Lou mumbled in my hair.

'Shut up' I whispered shouted and playfully slapped his cheek.

'Shh!' Zayn said, holding a finger to his lips.

'Can you pass the popcorn please?' Niall asked.

'Sure, but there isn't much left" I passed the popcorn to Nialler.

When the movie finished, everyone was asleep except for Louis and I. I would sleep, but I didn't want any nightmares.

'You ready to do the prank?' Louis asked smiling.

I stood up from Louis' lap and turned around so I was facing him.

'I was born to be ready'

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