A Lost Princess [Completed]

By QuackTheGreat

34.1K 1.1K 97

=====I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS THIRTEEN. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK===== I enter my house my mate following behind m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
New cover
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
New Book Cover
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Book cover
Chapter Sixteen
Thank you!
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Three

2.9K 110 13
By QuackTheGreat

Brynn P.O.V

It's been two days since I've been here. Two days since I told the king and queen. Two days since I tried on a gown. Two days since I became a princess.

Everything has gone really quickly.
Right now I'm at breackfast and my parents are sitting infront of me while Ryan sits next to me.
"Where is Princess Amber?" I ask. My sister wasn't here for the two days I was here.

"She went to another pack to visit old friends." She says.

"Is she older than me? I ask.

"She is younger by around 1 and a half years sweetie" my dad replies.

The coronation is tomorrow and I'm at so nervousited. That's when you are nervous  and excited at the same time. Don't ask how I came up with that.
I finish eating my pancakes with Nutella and put my plate, cup etc. on the trolley thing.

"You don't need to put it there the people here do it for you sugar cube" my mum says.

"I know but it will make their job easier as they will have one less plate to put on the to the trolley" I explain.

"You have such nice manners towards everyone. Even the less important ones." My father says.

"Will Amber be there.  I mean nearly everyone will. " I ask.
I want to meet my only sister. I want to be able to learn this life like she knows. It should be the other way round to tell the truth but she knows more.

"Yes she will" my mum says.

"Has she found her mate?" I say.

"No and so this is why we want her to be here. Everyone can come instead of her going." My mum answers

We chat a little bit about how the ball will work.

"Ryan" my dad says.

"Yes sir" he replies.

"Come to my office after breackfast" he says.

Ryan looks scared. No. terrified.

"By the look on your face I can tell that you think that I will hurt you. Of course not. I'm gonna give you something." He says.

He relaxes and takes in a deep breath.

"Yes sir" he nodds.
He looks cute when he's scared.

We all finish and Ryan goes with my father while I go to a small room. It's for getting ready for a big event like now.

I strip out of my jeans and put on my gown.
In the mirror I see a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a beautiful blue dress. One minute
That's me.

I sit down on the stool and a lady comes in.

"Hi I'm Eve and I will be doing your makeup today." She says. I nod.

"Thanks" I say

"No problem. It's such an honour. Oh and I love your dress." She says smiling.

"Thanks. It means a lot." I say.

I hope that my coronation is perfect.

"So how would you like it?" She asks.

"How about you suprise me? Do your best to make my eyelids as nice as it can be." I say.

She nods and I close my eyes and let her do the magic.


"You can open your eyes now. All the makeup is done." A voice says.

I open my eyes and look in a huge mirror.

"Wow" I say. I love it.

She has put a light blue eyeshadow to my lids and a shade of brown to make my eyes pop. To finish she put a thin layer of eyeliner.
Then she put a light pink lipstick and some lipgloss.

"it's beautiful" I say

"Thanks" she says

"Whenever I have an event I know just the person to do my makeup" I say

"Thanks." She smiles.

"Who's gonna do my hair." I ask.

"I am."she replies.

"Well since you makeup skills are this good, I have no issue on hair. I trust you to make it how you want." I say

I don't wanna boss people around and this girls got talent in art.

She nods and I close my eyes.


"Your highness." Someone says.

Again I open my eyes and see my hair.

It's perfect. It's in perfect ringlets towards the bottom. It has a very natural look.

"I'm guessing that you liked it." She says.

"I love it." I reply "where is my crown?"

"It's a coronation and so it will be placed on your head by the king."

She explains the coronation in detail so that I understand.

I nod.

"You are perfect. Now there is around 10 minutes until it starts and so you must go down." She says.

I nod and head out, thanking her one last time.

I walk down the stairs to the ball room.

I step in.

Ryan stands there with an open mouth, facing towards me.

"Close your mouth Ryan. Your gonna catch flies." My mum says laughing.

He coughs and clears his throat.

I laugh.

"You look beautiful" he says. He comes and holds my hands.
I feel tingles explode in my hands as I stare into his emerald green eyes. He stares at mine.

Two voices clear their throats. We look at my parents. 

"We'll get going. Don't forget to go to the table in 5 minutes." My dad says.
They walk off towards the gates to make their announcement before everyone comes in.

"You don't look bad yourself" I say.

"Well next to you I'll probably look like a rock" he says.
I blush.

"Your blushing." He says.

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"Your an idiot" I say, ending this thing, whatever it is.

"Well believe it or not. This idiot is your mate." He says.

I roll my eyes and we go to the table.
He is so childish but it's cute.

"Me? Childish? I am the most serious person on earth!" Ryan says.

I roll my eyes.

Suddenly, the huge doors open and many wearwolves flood into the room.

"Dear, we would like you to meet your sister. Amber" a female voice speaks to me.

I look over to a girl who is definitely shorter than me but she is gorgeous.
She has beautiful blonde hair but she has hazel eyes. She is wearing a dark blue gown that has the same design as mine.

"We are definately sisters. We even have the same gown taste". A sweet Boise speaks.

I just nodd my head.

"Sweetie this is Brynn" my mother says.

I look at my sisters crown.
It has many fine jewels.

I haven't seen my crown yet. It's good that I get a mirror at my table.

Amber sits next to me and we talk to get to know each other.

"Is that your mate?" She asks, pointing to Ryan.

I nod.

"He's cute" she says.

"I'm sorry but your sister has taken me." Ryan replies.

"I can see that" she says pointing towards our hands that held eachother.

"Your blush is so cute." She says.

"I'm meant to say that. I'm older" I say jokingly.

She laughs and takes a sip of her water.

We get along really well. We have the same interests and she hasn't found her mate.
I have never seen other people find their mates.
Just imagine if her mate is here.

"Brynn" Amber asks.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I think my mate is here" she replies.

I gasp.

I'm so sorry for not updating for ages. I know that this is probably one of my short chapters but I wanted to update.

I have 2.4 K views! I am so excited because that's the highest I've ever had.
Thank you all soooooooo much for reading.

Question of the chapter:
What did Brynn's father give to Ryan?

Also I would appreciate it if you suggest names for Amber's mate.
Thanks again for reading and for the 2.4K views.


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