Ello Gov! Did I Mention That...

By 416bunny

31.7K 876 596

Voldemort body falls to the ground and four sit up. Shouldn't these people be dead? What if? Pause for dramat... More

Ello Gov! Did I Mention That I Never Died?
Waking up from some naps
All aboard the Molly Train!
Aquimenti, what a wonderful spell
Dumboldore's Army
Blushing with Ice Cream on the Side
Your THAT short?!
Planning and longing
Harry's birthday part1
Harry's messed up life.
Journey to the Hogwarts Express
Getting back to Hogwarts
Bikini's and Shuddering
The Chase
Taking the piece out
And by that I mean...
Together Again
Back in Business
Thank You Thank You Thank You
James asks for a drum roll
Blah Blah Blah
Holiday Break
Preparation for War
Post-War, Pre-Christmas
Run Sirius, RUN!
The Shocking Truth
To Dumbledore We Go!
Milk and Being Hufflepuffish
Laughter Can Come and Go Very Quickly
A Surprise and a Speech


803 23 17
By 416bunny

AN~ *grubs neck and lets out a forced laugh* I have kinda maybe sorta a little bit have writers block and kinda sorta maybe gotten bored with writing this story.... I'M SORRY! This always happens when I start a new story! When I posted my second story (Totally Awesome Harry Potter One Shots) I lost my want to update my first story but I did to get 1,000 reads. Then I posted Ello Gov and think about how long its been since I updated my One Shots. Now I started The Dynamic Hufflepuff Duo, which almost no one is reading, and I have gotten bored with this story. BUT I WILL POST SINCE THIS IS MY MOST POPULAR STORY AND I CAN'T LET DOWN ALL THE PEOPLE READING IT!

Please don't give up on me.


~A Week Later and a day cause I am a LameO and can't think of anything better~

It was the weekend and Harry and Ron couldn't be happier. Hermione could be for she was dreading weekends and not being able to go to class and learn.

A week had passed by since the accident. Harry's right hand had compleatly healed but the left hand, which had the large piece in it, was still bandaged up. Madam Pompfry said that the hand would be back to normal within a matter of time.

And it was pretty much healed except for the random twitch of the fingers from time to time.

Today was a Hogsmead day and Ron was very pleased. "I can't wait to get to Honeyducks and stock up on candy. The fizzing wizbees. chocolate frogs, their fudge...." Ron's mouth started to water when he mentioned the fudge.

"Do you ever stop thinking about food? Harry you should put your scarf on its chilly." Hermione said. After, as Hermione called it, Harry's hand almost being ripped to shreads, she had been smothering Harry. Harry offen said that she smothered him almost as his own mother did.

Lily had really been on Harry's case after the incident. It was her first big thing she had been around for that happened to her son and she didn't take to kindly to it. "Hermione's right. The temperature really dropped down. It's in the eairly 40's." Lily said as she walked into the Gryffindor Common Room. where the three teens were sitting.

"Yes mothers and dang it got cold. Yah I think I will get my scarf." Harry said and then got up and headed up to his dorm. Ron couldn't contain the giggles he suddonly got.

"Whats so funny?" Hermione questioned. Ron stopped giggleing and started to whistle in the 'I have done nothing' way. "Don't you whistle at me Ronald Weasley. Tell me what you have done." Hermione said as she sent disapproving looks towards her ginger hair'd friend.

"Well isn't it obvious. He started laughing as Harry went to go get his scarf so it most have something to do with that." Lily said without even batting an eyelash. (an~ that expression doesn't seem to fit there... OH WELL)

"How did you know?!" Ron asked in wonder, his eyes seemed to grow to the size of dinnerplates.... the large kind that you use for holding turkey and stuff.

"Ronald. During my years at Hogwarts I had to deal with three of the biggest pranksters and their follower. Then I MARRIED one of them. I think I can tell what goes on in a tricksters mind." Lily said. James and Sirius chose that time to walk into the common room, many students left since they were their teachers and pranksters.

"What do you mean you can tell what we are going to do when it comes to our pranks?" James asked, his face simalur to how Ron's looked two minutes ago.

"Well for example I can tell from Sirius's face that he is about to chuck a water balloon at the next person who comes down from the boys stairs.... Oh and the balloon will change their hair color to match their mood, kinda like a metemorthis (an~ ya ya I spelled that wrong)"

Now it was Sirius who had a look of flabber gast on his face, then it chnaged to a smirk. "And now I know that Sirius is planning on throwing the water balloon at me. Sirius dear, James isn't going to like that." Lily pointed over to James who was fuming.

"Oi! You don't prank my wife!"

"Why? It's rather fun to get Evans fired up."

"Thats POTTER to you!"

And with James' words he jumped onto Sirius, pulling them both to the ground were they started to wrestle. Hermione and Ron's heads turned back and forth between James and Sirius on the floor to Lily, kinda like a person watching a tennis match.

"I worship the ground you stand on.... or rather the couch you sit on." Ron said, jumping up from his arm chair and dropping down to the ground, kissing Lily's feet. "I'm err.... flattered.... But I don't think James likes this ither...." Lily pointed over to James, who had stopped fighting with Sirius and looked up.

"NO! Only I can worship the ground Lily walks on!" Ron let out a little squeaking sound and tried to run away from James, but being the sumwhat fat and slow kid he was James managed to pulled him to the floor. They were now, what looked like boxing.... except it was on the floor, Ron couldn't fight back, and it wasn't like boxing at all.

"Bloody Hell. I leave for all of five minutes and I find Hermione wonderstruck, Sirius a wreak, and my dad and Ron tumbleing on the ground." Harry said, having finally come back down from getting his scarf.

Lily was about to ask her son if he had found his scarf but was interrupted with Sirius throwing the water balloon right at Harry's head.

James and Ron stopped fighting when they heard the sound of the balloon hitting Harry's head, and Hermione was pulled out of her shocked state.

Sirius held is breath and then let out a victory dance as Harry's hair turned from black to purple. Everyone, excpet Harry that is, started to laugh at the sight of Harry's hair.

Harry ran over to a mirror and saw his purple hair. "Really?" Harry asked. "You turned my hair purple? Whats the point of that!" Harry asked Sirius. A minute passed before Sirius was able to answer. "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no-"

"ALRIGHT WE GET IT WITH THE NO's!" That was Lily and her temper.

"No." Sirius smirked at the red head. "I did not just turn you hair purple. I made it like a muggle mood ring. It now changes color with your mood."

Harry's hair turned the same firely red like his mothers. "YES! Now he looks more like me instead of his git of a father!-" James interupped here saying that he was most certianly NOT a git. "Yes you are and don't interupt me. Harry did you find you find your scarf?"

"Yes I did. It was right in my trunk." Harry answered his mother, his hair went from the bright red to a puzzling white.

"Then why did it take you so long? Looking at your sexy bod?" Sirius asked, wiggleing his hips as he said sexy bod. "No. And never do that hip movement again." Harry said, his hair turning to pink, matching his cheeks, which were blushing.

This promted Sirius to keep going to hip wiggle, James decided to join in too. "Why did it take so long then?" Hermione asked. She had noticed that Ron was holding back a laugh. "I opened up my trunk expecting to see my usual Gold and Maroon Gryffindor scarf. Instead I find a ver odd Black and Yellow Hufflepuff scarf." Harry said and then pulled the scarf out from his pocket.

Ron couldn't take it anymore. He burst out laughing. James and Sirius laughed too, never stoping thier hip wiggle. "So Ron I take it that you switched out Harry's Gryffindor scarf and sold it to some little first year Hufflepuff that is a Harry Potter fan, and they gave you their scarf." Hermione guessed.

"No but thats what I should of done. I could of gotten some serious money that could be used to buy more candy." Ron said, looking a bit sad about the thought of not having even more candy. "Then how did you do it?" Lily asked.

"I just transfigured it." Ron said with a slight shrug, thinking that it wasn't that impersive. Hermione seemed to think other wise. "Ron! Thats terrific!"

"How is that terrific? He changed my Gryffindor scarf to a Hufflepuff one!" Harry said in a bit of annoyence since Ron was getting praised for vandalizing hi8s stuff. And from Hermione too no less. "It is terriffic because it would seem that Ron has finally gotten good at transfiguration! Did you have any help from an older student?"

"Hermione I am the older student. In fact I'm the oldest in the year... But anyway, no I transfigured it all by myself." Ron said. Hermione's face seemed like it was Christmas morning. Hermione was so over come with joy that she hopped up and started to snogg Ron. In front of three teachers no less.

James and Lily wolf whistled and Harry's hair turned back to black. Sirius noticed this and let out a sad sigh. "Awww. Did the effects wearoff already? They were suppost to last a week!"

Harry was happy that the effects wore off he didn't need- "NO WAIT. YOur hair turning black was just your emotions. Nevermind you'll have your rainbow hair for a week." Sirius said this after Harry's hair turned a bright, happy yellow that matched his now Hufflepuffified scarf.

Harry sighed and pinched the brim of his nose.

His had was still wiggleing his hips with his godfather.

His two best friends were snogging.

His mum was watching his dad with a smile on her face (an~ XD)

And his hair was turing rainbow colors.

When did his life becoming even more messed up then before?

An~ Was gona stop there but then I though, GO BIG OR GO HOME!... That and Piano Man had just come up.... an2.0~ I just sat here for five minutes not realise that Piano Man was over and that the Cheeta Girls had come up~

:"Harry PLEASE!"

Ron was pleading with Harry as they made to Hogsmead with Hermione. "No." Harry answered smiply. "But I did it as a joke! I didn't think that you would actually go out and wear the scarf!"

Harry had decided that he was gona wear his scarf, much to Ron's annoyence since it was... well..... Hufflepuff. Harry chose to wear it to bother Ron and because it was his scarf and he was going to wear it. "Please Harry. Here let me transfigure it back-"

"No. In fact-" Harry waved his wand and the scarf glowed blue. "There. I put a pernament sticking charm on it so now my scarf will forever more be Hufflepuff." Ron didn't seem happy about this. "Why'd you do that Harry!? Thats the only Gryffindor scarf you get! And they don't sell them so your now stuck with a Hufflepuff scarf."

"Yes Ronald. I figured that much out when I put the pernament sticking charm on it." Harry said dryly. Hermione couldn't hold back her laugh. "Hermione can't you do something about it? Change it back CHANGE IT BACK!" Ron begged.

"Really Ronald there is nothing that I can do. First off its a pernament sticking charm. Meaning it can't be taken off. Second of off maybe if it was a weak charm but being Harry, the charm is probably even more powerful. I read up on the charms. The more blue and brighter it is, the stronger the charm is. Now if I was to do the charm it would probably be about a light sky blue that glowed sumwhat brightly. You.... And Harry it glows, if i'm not mistaken, the brightest that it could glow." Hermione said very fast and all in one breath. But Ron and Harry were used to her fast speaking so they understood everything she said.

"I doubt my charm was THAT powerfull." Harry said.

"Oh contrair! I happen to know that that was the brighest it could glow."

Harry, Ron and Hermione all quickly turned around to see Headmaster Dumbledore. "Professor! What are you doing going to Hogsmead?" Hermione asked. "Well Ms Granger I love the quant town of Hogsmead, plus I have run out of Lemon Drops."

All three teenagers gasped. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had RUN OUT OF LEMON DROPS? "OH MY GOD ITS THE END OF THE WORLD! PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE HAS RUN OUT OF LEMON DROPS!" A second year Ravenclaw called out.

Everyone around them paused in silence.

Then all Hell broke lose.

Students everywhere started freaking out, some running back to the safety of the castle, others ran ahead to Hogsmead, warning everone of what they had heard and seeking shelter in any of the buildings. Others just plain fainted. A third year Hufflepuff with glasses called out, "QUICK TO THE BOMB SHELTERS!" Her and her tall friend quickly ran ahead and disappeared.

Soon their was no one, awake, even close to the Golden Trio and the Headmaster.

"Oh goody now there won't be a line at Honeydukes. Take care you three and Harry, love the Hufflepuff scarf and rainbow changing hair." Dumble said this and then left to go stock up on Lemon Drops and to restore the order in the world.


AN~ I made an apperance in this chapter! I was the third year Hufflepuff. Funny story, a girl in my class wasn't feeling good and the teacher went up to her and asked whats wron. I happen to walk by and I start to freak out saying, IS THE WORLD GOING TO BLOW UP? SHOULD I GO TO THE BOMB SHELTERS? MY teacher just looked at me with a very Sirius look and said yes *insert my name* go to the bomb shelters. ANYWAY sorry for slow updates... COMMENT!

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