The Virtuous

By Dreamcatcher22310

133 2 1

Naomi Hamel leads a normal, borderline boring life, even for that of a college sophmore. The only glimmer of... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter Three: Detour
Chapter Four: Call from home
Chapter Five: Creative writing essay
Chapter six: Go away-N
Chapter Seven: Pinky promise
Chapter Eight: Bravo
Chapter Nine: Angel rankings
Chapter Ten: Lunch
Chapter Eleven: The Vawerth
Chapter Twelve: Nightclub
Chapter Thirteen: Pulled a few strings
Chapter Fourteen: Lilith
Chapter Fifteen: First Date
Chapter Sixteen: Mind Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Pancakes

Chapter two: Chance encounter

18 1 0
By Dreamcatcher22310

 I just narrowly made it to my English class on time and took a seat beside one of my close friends, Levi. Levi wanted to be a writer, it was his dream. However he was also a great guy and really sweet while at the same time, he loved sports. He played for our football team which was running undefeated right now. Even now, Levi was dressed in jeans, a white T-shirt, his blue football jacket and a ruffled mess of his dirty blonde hair.

He grinned at me with sleepy eyes as I slid in next to him and tuned into our teachers lecture.

After about ten minutes he slid a paper under my hand. I blinked at him before opening it up and examining it.

Football game, Friday night. Come out and cheer me on?-L

I grinned and rolled my eyes.

We'll talk at lunch. -N

At the end of class Levi and I picked up our belongings and started outside into the brisk cold.

"So someone was running late." He stated.

"I know, I had a long morning."

"Well I'm thoroughly disappointed. I even spoke with Dr. Royon about debating how much better Frost's writing styles were than Poe's."

I rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams Archer, Poe can kick Frost's ass any day with his poetic styles."

Levi's face lit up; he loved debating with me about different writing techniques and how some of the greatest writers of our times were those who were the least appreciated.

"Care to prove your point?"

"I'd usually give you further remark on this but I'm not really up for debates today. In fact I'm kind of in a mellowed out state right now."

"Oh." Levi's shoulders fell and I bit my lip. I didn't want to leave him hanging after getting his hopes up.

"But maybe tonight if you guys can get a few drinks in me, we can further discuss it."

Levi beamed.

"Nice! Tara and London are gonna come too?"

"Probably and I would expect Jeff too if I were you."

Levi nodded and shrugged. He didn't really like Jeff however he didn't want to make me feel bad so he never mentioned it up front.

"I can live with that. Nine O'clock good?"

"Perfect; I'll meet you at Barnaby's then."

"Hey do you know the time right now?"

"Yeah uhm..." I muttered and glanced at my phone.

"It's eleven twenty four." I murmured and Levi grinned.

"Such specifics necessary?"

"Yes they were."

We muttered goodbye before parting ways and I started towards my car but suddenly rammed head first into someone. I fell backward onto the concrete with a spinning head as my papers went fluttering to the sidewalk. I shook my head and took a collective breath before noticing a hand in front of me.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The voice asked; it was smooth yet even volumed. Perfect pitched.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I grinned and took the hand in mine as the person helped me to my feet. I felt a shock of discharge in our hands as they touched and we jumped back for a moment before I actually looked at the person. He had to be the most beautiful man I'd ever laid eyes on.

His eyes were the color of the night sky, with flecks of light in them that reminded you of stars exactly. He had shaggy hair of dark chocolate that reached the nape of his neck and he brushed it off his forehead as he stared back at me. His face looked as though it were taken from a picture of a model in a magazine; actually his entire body looked as though he'd been carved out of some fine form of rock. He looked so chiseled, proportioned and clean, regardless of the baggy, almost grunge like, clothes he was wearing. Something about every part of him though seemed eerily familiar and I couldn't place why. I realized I'd been standing frozen in place as I'd examined him and color rushed to my cheeks before I bent down and began scooping up my papers.

"Oh Jesus, I'm sorry. I really didn't even see you there." He spoke again in a voice that sounded almost musical but it had a slight hint of an accent to it.

"Really its fine, no worries." I grinned but something fluttered in my stomach as I collected my last paper he handed me. I straightened up and smoothed out my shirt.

"That wouldn't have happened if I could just find my way to my damn class, I promise." He chuckled and brushed his hair out of his face while adjusting his backpack.

"Where are you headed?" I questioned, my pulse beginning to thrum with excitement.

"I'm trying to find the English building. I have a Dr...." He pulled out a piece of white paper and tried to read the name. I chuckled because I already knew who it was.

"Dr. Royon?"


"Come on, I'll show you."

"Really? I'm not gonna make you late or something right?"

I shook my head and smiled.

"No I have a free hour and a half before my next class."

The boy smiled and I began to slowly walk him towards where I just came from as silence fell between us.

"So...what's your name?" He questioned and I breathed in relief to feel the awkwardness slipping away.

"Naomi Hamel. You are?"

"Duncan Heavens." He grinned and I noticed a black leather band on his wrist as he brushed his hair out of his face again. It had strange symbols etched into it. I happened to also notice that there were numbers on it. 12/12, how odd. That was today's date. I blushed and looked away, moving on with the conversation.

"Cool; so where do you come from Duncan Heavens?"

"Uhm..." He drew a blank for a moment before his features smoothed out and he relaxed.


"Oh, so that's where the accent comes from." I smiled and he blinked taken aback.


"Yeah, it must be the French in you...unless you have a lisp or something...oh god I didn't offend you did I?" I questioned and my hand flew to my mouth in embarrassment by the look on his face. He just laughed though and shook his head.

"No! No, not at all. Guess us Canadians just forget we have accents." he smiled and I nodded, noticing his shirt was exactly my favorite shade of purple.

I stopped outside the door of the class and grinned at him.

"Well, here you are."

He smiled and made a sweeping bow like gesture.

"Why thank you Miss Naomi. How can I repay you for your kind services?"

I blushed and averted my eyes towards our feet.

"Oh just a thank you will do." I explained.

He shook his head though, clearly not taking no for an answer.

"I don't think so. I know this nice little place just off campus that has incredible coffee. My treat?" He grinned and I looked into those night sky eyes with the flecks of stars and didn't want to tell him no.

Especially not when it was coffee he was offering. His gaze alone was making my legs turn from a solid to a liquid; however I also didn't want to be unfaithful to Jeff.

"Oh...uhm...I uhm, I have a boyfriend." I explained softly.

Duncan's expression didn't change for a moment though; rather he just grinned.

"Okay, so you're not allowed to have coffee with someone because you're in a relationship?"

I grinned and blushed, realizing he wasn't asking me out after all. At least I didn't think so.

"I guess it would be okay. I can't tonight though; I'm meeting some friends at the bar but what about tomorrow?"

Duncan beamed and his smile suddenly made my heart thump faster and my fingers began to quiver but I didn't know how to control it. I also didn't know what was happening to me but I knew the closer I stood to him the closer I wanted to be. It was like he had some unearthly claim to me and its gravitational pull was sucking me in.

"Definitely. How about around seven, meet me outside the cafeteria?"

"Okay." I agreed before turning on my heels and walking off.

I could feel his gaze linger on me, but unlike most guys who I could tell were just looking at my butt, I could feel his eyes on my shoulder blades, as if he was staring straight through my body simply to see my soul.

A shudder slipped through me and I hurried faster to my car; regardless of how badly I wanted to run back to Duncan. 

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