Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Style...

By Welcome_tomyworld

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Faye moves to England from Australia, as she meets Harry she see's him as a self absorbed guy who loves the a... More

Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story
Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

4.4K 32 0
By Welcome_tomyworld

Chapter 14


I know I was being abit stubborn but she's moving back to Australia?! I didn't know I hurt her this bad?! I didn't mean to do it, I wish I could re wind time I would of said no to going out, if I wasnt famous she wouldn't even know, but then I would of done it behind her back an the guilt would of eaten me away. Well she know's now and nothing can change it..and I've hurt her so bad. We were all just stood in the bungalow shocked, she'd walked out..there was no use in chasing her because she would never forgive me for this, how could I live without her? She was my life, she was the reason I got up every morning happy. My life was horrible until she came along, what was the point in living anymore? I took a seat trying to take in everything that had just happened...what the fuck?

'I don't even know what to say' said Lou rubbing my back

All the boys were sat behind me, Hannah had gone to find Faye after she walked out..I'm such a idiot.

'She can't go' I sobbed

I know I was crying, but it hurt so bad, I hurt the only girl I had ever been in love with and probably ever will, I think she was the love of my life.

'We're gonna do our hardest not to make her go, we need to show her everything is better here and try and get her to forgive you, you've just gotta give her abit of space so she can take everything in mate' said Lou

He always knew how to make me feel better, but none of the other lads could say anything because they didn't really know Faye, I just wish none of this had ever happened.


I was so angry!! I didn't even want to go back to Australia, as if my mum would even let me, I wouldn't have anywhere to live, I couldn't live at Coles forever could I? I was so confused, of course I was still in love with Harry I don't think I'm ever going to fall out of love with him, he's my first proper love and he's hurt me so badly, but he did seem really sorry. No, he cheated end of, he obviously didn't love me enough to stop kissing that girl, he might of even done more, it was only one picture so who knew what else went on? Urghh why did I have to go Australia, then none of this would of even happened, why did I even have to move to England then absolutely nothing would of happened! Maybe life was better in Australia. Plus I had no mum for 4 days, so I had no company..great.

'Faye wait!' I heard someone say

I turned around and it was Hannah, she ran up to me and hugged me. We stayed silent for a while because I was crying and she just kept hugging me, it felt better to let all of my tears out.

'You're really moving back to Australia' she said looking upset

'I don't even know I just said it' I said laughing

'Please please please don't! You're like the only girl I actually like around here! It would be so boring if you left' She said

I only judged my thoughts on Harry, but I would really miss Hannah if I went, even Lou. 

'I don't know Hannah, it's the only way I could get Harry out of my head, maybe I could just go for a long vacation or something, you could come visit!'

'I guess, I'd agree to a long vacation but not too long! And yes I WILL be visiting! I need a tan!' She laughed

So I guess I'm  going for a long vacation, Hannah could come visit and it would help me clear my mind from Harry for a while and even catch up with my friends and see Cole for longer, I guess it was a good idea.

'I'm gonna go back home Han' 

'I'm coming with you' 

'No! You came too see Lou, go see him!'

'Faye I am NOT leaving you on a train on your own like this! My mind isn't changing!'

When Hannah had made her mind up it defenitley didn't change..I guess she was coming back with me.

'Okay okay by the way my mums away for 4 days so you wanna stay? I don't really want to be on my own in this state' I laughed

'Aww! Of course I will, I just got paid too so we will get films and food' 

She always knew how to make me feel better! It felt like I had known her forever, a girly night would also help me take my mind off Harry! I wasn't even thinking about him that much actually...


So me and Han we in our pyjamas watching films, the thought of going for a long vacation was stuck in my head..I really wanted to know for defenite if I could do it.. so I rang my mum



'What's the matter babe?' she said concerened

'Me and Harry have broke up'

'Oh no!!! I really really wish I could be there hun!! I know what it's like and how much you're hurting, but I promise you babe it wont be forever even though it feels like it, I wish I could give you a big hug and kiss, have you got someone with you?'

'It's okay mum and yeah Hannah but I was just abit upset, but I've got an idea of how to get my mind off him'

'Good I don't want you on your own, I can imagine how upset you are, and oo go on shoot!'

'Well I was just thinking maybe I could go on a long vacation to Australia and stay at Nans?'

'Hmm, how long are you thinking Faye?' she said concerened

'About 5-6 months?' I pleaded

'What about college?!'

'Well I've not got long left anyway, and my college back in Australia will still have all my information! Please mum!'

'Right..When abouts are you thinking of going?'

'Erm soon, very soon'

'I'll be coming over you know'

'I know mum I know, so will Hannah'

' your tickets if you want to go soon, I'll be booking mine to come see you when I'm back'

'Thank you soo much mum I love you'

'I love you too babe, now don't stay up to late'

'I wont, night!'


Yesss! I was so happy, I was actually aloud to go! I was excited to see my nan too, I'd missed her, even though it reminded me of when I told Harry she's been pestering me to meet him..I guess I had to ring my nan too.

'Hello?' A little voice said

Aww she was adorable

'Hi Nan it's Faye'

'Faye darling! What's the matter cherrub?'

'Well Nan, you know Harry'


'Erm, I'm kind of not with him any more'

'Oh Faye! Don't you worry beauty, there will be a lot of other boys till you find the right one'

'I know nan, but I've asked mum and I was thinking of coming on a long vacation to Australia?'

'That would be fantastic!'

'I know, would I be able to stay with you?'

'Of course you would! When?'

'Well I'm just about to book my tickets so I'll text you the date, my friend would be coming over to visit too if that's okay?'

'Of course it is, I can't wait too see you!'

'I can't wait too see you either nan, I'll text you!'

'Okay darling, love you!'

'Love you too!'

So I had somewhere to stay too...this plan was going great.

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