Walls, Masks and Plaid Shirts...

By shadowhunter1313

252K 5.5K 924

Stiles knows, he knows what they think of him, what they say behind his back, he knows that they don't need h... More

The begining (well kind of) - (Stiles POV)
'Milk and bread on your way' (Stiles POV)
Meetings, movies and bread-sticks? (Derek's POV)
The shadow in my thoughts, the shadows that scream in the night - (Stiles POV)
Some thing fishy is going on here - (Scott POV)
A quick peek - (Stiles POV)
Conserning Stiles - (Derek POV)
Day one: Monday / Phase one: Monitor in school - (Lydia POV)
Day One: Monday / phase two: The room search - (Derek POV)
Day One: Monday / Debriefing - (Isaac POV)
In the quiet of the night - (Stiles POV)
Encounters in the woods - (Derek POV)
Quick wee Author's note
Their discovery - (Stiles POV)
My discovery - (Derek's POV)
Our discovery (Packs POVs)
Authors Note
The nightmare - (Stiles' POV, Scott's POV & Derek's POV)
You again?! - (Derek's POV)
School... pffft - (Stiles' POV)
Authors Note
What do I mean to you? - (Derek's POV)
Howl at the moon - (No POV)
By daylight - (Stiles' POV)
Book Two

Roomies? - (Stiles POV)

9.5K 186 40
By shadowhunter1313

When I first woke I was confused to say the least. The first notable thing was that I was not in my bedroom at 'home'. The room was larger, the walls where a deep cream with the far away wall accented in a rich chocolate colour with a matching thick Woolley carpet of deep chocolate also. There where three large book cases set into one of the cream walls, a dark oak wardrobe and a dark oak desk in the other cream wall, while a large window with cream drapes that cascaded to the floor was in the chocolate wall. I was sitting sleepily on the extremely large bed that was pressed up to the remaining wall along with two deep oak side tables on either side of the bed. I looked over at the table on the other side of the bed to see a glass of water, a set of keys, a small dish with a bunch of change, a closed book and a digital alarm clock that read 07:00am. I reached my hands out beside me and almost moaned at the feeling of the soft sheets beneath my palms, the sheets where still warm and my brow furrowed, did I share a bed with someone last night?

It then hit me like a tone of bricks, I remembered the past day, the woods, the beating, the cutting, the pack... Oh god the pack know, the pack found out! And oh. my. god. I was sitting in Derek's bed... I had kissed Derek. I had kissed Derek Hale. I HAD KISSED DEREK FREEKING HALE! I didn't know whether to dance with joy or become a curdled up ball and cry until everything just went away. Then I remembered my d- the Sheriff, he was not my father anymore, he had disowned me, but lets be honest with yourself Stiles he hasn't been your father in a long time. My thoughts where disrupted by a light knock on the door. I gave my eyes another rub and felt my contacts scratch in protest... will have to take them out soon, not good keeping them in this long, but in all fairness I had been a bit... preoccupied.

"Y-yeah", oh god is that what my voice sounds like right now, I sound like I have used sandpaper on my vocal cords. The door cracked open further and the Strawberry Blond waves of Lydia peeked around the corner. "Hey Stiles", she had a small slightly timid smile on her face as she looked at me, "Derek said that you can help yourself to whatever fits in the wardrobe as you might want to change out of the stuff that you wore yesterday and you can wear that today as you unpack your other stuff.", I gave her a nod then cleared me hoarse throat, "Thanks Lyds". She smiled at the nickname and added, "Well we are all down stairs just getting ready and stuff so come down as soon as you are done.". With another small smile Lydia was back out the door closing it slightly behind her. I sat for another second trying to wrap my thoughts up and then realised that would be quite impossible with out my Adderall. Sighing I got up and walked over to the wardrobe.

I ran my hands along he hard wood panelling and enjoyed the feeling of the carved decoration under my finger tips. I pulled on the door and almost laughed when the items in the wardrobe where revealed. Black, and navy, was that some grey? It was so Derek. I ran my fingers over the fabric and let some of the materials of the cloths slip relaxingly through my finger tips. I scanned the cloths and tried on a few things, eventually I found a maroon sweater that wasn't atrociously too big on my smaller frame, though it was still very baggy and gave me large sweater paws. The sweatpants where a no go as they al just slipped off of my hips. At one point I did come across a pair of leather trousers and let out a small chuckle as I imagined Derek wearing them, then I choked on my chuckle as I imagined Derek wearing them. Oh god Stiles mind out of the gutter. But Derek's ass. STOP RIGHT THERE BRAIN! I really need Adderall like yesterday. I started to fish deeper into the wardrobe and found a discarded pair of black jeans lying at the bottom. They where far too small to be Derek's, in fact they looked like my old lucky jeans that I lost... I looked at the label... they where my old lucky jeans. DUDE!

They where comfier than I remembered and maybe a bit snugger but hey I haven't worn them in two years and they where ment to be skinny jeans. It was a bit of a task getting them over my ass and it may have involved a lot of jumping and a lot of flailing. Eventually I managed to put myself into the things and was content with their snug and comfortable fit. I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. First things first, get these Goddammed contacts out and then take meds. Then and only then will I answer any of the hard questions the pack will undoubtally ask me. I walked over to the door and wrapped my hand around the nob. I took another deep breath and opened the door stepping out into the hall and walking towards the main area of the pack house.


I heard the pack before I saw them which to be honest was a first for me, they where laughing and joking while in the kitchen and adjacent dining area. This would have usually caused a pang of pain in my chest knowing they where happy with out me but this time it didn't, it was almost reassuring. I was safe, they had brought me to the pack house where they are noticing me and where I was kissed by Derek Hale, I mean I still can't get over that he kissed me, like what!?!? I knew that I was in hearing distance by the wolves but they still continued joking and laughing. When I rounded the corner I was happy when they didn't stop laughing but all turned to me with smiles on their faces and a corus of "Hey Stiles" and "Hey bro" and all other terms of endearment that made a warm feeling spread though the part of me that had began to return to its numb unfeeling state.

I gave them all a small smile and spoke up when their conversation had gone to a quiet lull, "ummm... does anyone know what bag my bedside drawer was emptied into?". It was Cora who turned to me smiling and said, "That would be me, come with me sir.". She waved her hand in a gracious mock of a bow and I let out a small huff of a chuckle at her antics following her over to the other end of the room towards my bag mountain. She reached over to my school bag and picked up the sack placing it in front of me. She looked over at the others and smirked when she saw they where not paying attention. "Good choice of jeans, I think I saw Derek drooling when you where walking over, and also the sweater was a great choice, you look so cute!". Her voice was a quite whisper but picked up in pitch in a very unCora- like way near the end. I could feel my cheeks and ears turn red but Cora just cooed at me.

I opened up my familiar school bag and rooted around the books and other things looking for the contacts I kept in there. I cursed and a few of the pups looked over at me but I was too busy trying to materialise contacts into the box to notice. I sighed and dug back into my bag. Well just my luck I would have to wear my glasses because I didn't get new contacts ordered in. I found what I was looking for and fished out my glasses case from the bottom of my bag where it normaly dwells. I flipped open the red case and plucked out my thick rimmed black glasses, They where those 'geeky' look ones that I have had similar designs in since I was five because the thiner ones 'didn't suit me' and I wanted to look like Clark Kent. I rooted around in the front pocket, where someone had stacshed all my meds, thank god I knew where they where and found a packet of tissues.

Now a normal person doesn't normally go about stabing themselves in the eye with their finger so I understood the weird looks I got from the pack I started to prod at my right eye trying to get out my contact that had been in for probably way too long. "Stiles... what are you doing?", Scott sounded like he was away to burst into laughter as he spoke. I chose to ignore him and finally managed to fish out the little bugger holding it up in victory, I then tucked it into the tissue and started work on the other lens. "You need contacts?" Jackson's tone was half surprise, a quarter curiosity and a quarter... amazement? "I have had glasses since I was four, contacts since I was bullied about the glasses when I was eight". Reaslisation dawned on Jackson's face then self loathing, "Oh... oh I remember", I saw the guilt on his face and couldn't stand it, "It's okay Jax, I was a long time ago". The other boy relaxed but I could still see some tension in his soulders.

I let out a quiet yelp of victory as I got the last contact out and blinked a few times at my extreamly blurry vision. I scrambled about a bit before finding the open glasses case and picked up the black frames. I snapped them open and pushed them up onto the bridge of my nose. Again blinking a few times, I finally got used to the clear vision and turned back to the front pocket of my bag fishing out the pill bottles. The wolves where still fairly quiet but it was a peacefull silence with only conserned glances trown in my direction as I sorted through the pil bottles to find the four I needed, I needed the pain killer on top of my usual three morning onces as even just sitting here I could feel the sharp pains from the beating last night. I unscrewed the lock bottles with an expertise and tipped out each of the pills I needed collecting them into the centre of my palm the five little pills danced in my palm (dosage of the pain killer required two tablets), and then I walked over to the kitchen area where everyone was standing and Derek was in deep conversation with my baby pup... I mean Izzy... I mean Isaac, like I totally don't have cute pet names for the pack...

As I made my way into the kitchen Erica passed me a glass and I nodded my head in thanks to my catwoman. I walked over to the tap and felt some one following me with their eyes. I ignored it and filled up my glass with cool water. I turned off the tap and took a mouthful of the liquid relishing as it glided down my aking throat. I heard a low wimper and turned to the puppies expecting it to be one of them, "What?". I looked at Cora and then Scott who where both looking at Derek with horror and then to Erica, Jackson (who whispered something to Lydia) and Lydia (who once Jackson had whispered to her) who where all smirking. I turned shaking my head and gulped down the pills washing them down with water to get rid of the horrible taste that they left in my mouth that I will never get used to. Once downing the glass of water, I walked back over to the living area and bent over to pick up my school bag and fish the tooth brush that was in the front pocket of the duffel where I could see the brussles over the canvas.

I turned back round to see Cora looking inbetween Derek and I with pure horror written on her face. I looked at Derek in question and he ducked his head showing pick cheeks blooming on his face... it was cute, if Derek Hale could ever be cute. "My god brother... just... just, I want to go to school". Derek seamed to snap out of some sort of haze, "Ummm... yeah... of course, right", he was nodding enthustically and looked totally flustered. "Derek are you okay?". He whipped his head up and began nodding again furiously, Lydia huffed something about, "oblivious idiots" and went to pick up her purse from the couch. Peter cleared his throat and I flinched slightly, that man could come from anywhere. The pack desided not to mention my little flinch and I was happy for that. "Nephew, if you want to begin helping Stiles unpack I will be the extra car for school". Derek looked over at his uncle and then back at me, "Yeah, uhuh... I mean sure", his furious nodding turned into a shrug and the pack filled out of the door to school with Boyd dragging an Erica who was howling with laughter and Allison and Cora pressed against each other holding each other up through fits of giggle. The door closed behind them and I turned to a still slightly red Derek. "That was weird". All Derek did was nod and announce that he needed the bathroom before we started to pack away my things.


"So... umm", my attention was brought back from my bags in the corner by a returned and a slightly less flustered Derek. I wondered how long I had just been staring at my belongings and shook my head slightly to get rid of what seamed to be fluff caught in my head. "Right so lets start with the musical instruments". I tipped my head in obvious confusion, "What?". Derek's mouth stretched into a smile that sent a shiver down my spine and butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Derek scratched the back of his head in an adorable way, "Well we have a music room", I felt my jaw drop and then felt as if it fell off when Derek added, "It's across form the library, you want to put your instruments there first?", all I could do was nod my head in shocked amazement and follow a chuckling Derek through the house.

The music room was on the second floor of the house and was entered through one of two intricately carved doors. The door we walked through (Me carrying my guitar case and a small suitcase filled with sheet music and Derek carrying my electric guitar and the amp) was beautiful. It was jet black which looked like a solid colour from far away but up close I could make out navy and Dark greys worked into the carvings, highlighting them to make then appear realistic. There where symbols, the one that stood out most being the triskalion,music notes arranged in a melody that I knew was beautiful just by looking at it, there where also different instruments, percussion and string and wind and so many more. I ran my free finger over a segment of the tune carved into it as if I could feel the beat in the wood. My finger reached the source of the bar and I smiled slightly, it was a wolf, head tipped back and eyes closed howling out the tune.

The door opened smoothly with a push of my finger tips and I was so amazed I think my brain stopped. It was glorious, beautiful, I wanted to live in this very room. I gasped out loud needing to make some noise to express my amazement to the man in the room with me. There where all sorts of instruments on the back wall framing a large window with a soft window seat looking out over an area of the wood with a beautiful blue lake visible in a close by clearing. The window had red silky drapes drawn tight back on either side that matched the red pillows spread across the window seat that was large and luscious and was covered by what looked like a ridiculously thick black blanket. Derek walked over to a far cupboard with a door similar to the one we entered through but its carvings where only music notes spirling around the wooded panelling. He placed down my amp on the dark oak flooring next to a couple others and rested my electric guitar case against it before disappearing into the cupboard.

As Derek rummaged around in the cupboared for something I looked around the room. The colour sceme was red, black, dark brown and white, with hints of silver and gold. I almost let out a chuckle at how beacutifuly that my guitars and drum kit would fit it. Speaking of my drum kit, it sat in a corner completely reassembled. I walked over to it and lent my guitar case on the side of the window seat on my way over and ran my hand along the instrument I hadn't played in such a long time. There was a postit note on the snare drum and I plucked it off. 'If you are reading this I see my brother has shown you the music room. I hope I put this back together properly! I better hear you rocking out at some point soon Sti, Love Cora x'. My attention was snapped back when Derek came clattering back into the room with two guitar stands and placed them beside another acoustic sitting on a similar stand and motioned for me to place my electric guitar on one while he put my acoustic on the other.

I straightened my guitar on the stand and Derek turned to me, "I am just going to put the cases into the back of the store", he pointed at the cupboard door, "If you want you can keep all your music sheets over there." He pointed to a shelving unit with a whole bunch of folders with different labelling, some of which I could make out as names. 'Derek', 'Peter', 'Talia', 'Oliver' and 'Laura' where just a few of many. I walked over to it and picked up an empty folder and a sharpie from a pot on one of the shelves. 'Stiles', I scrawled on the edge and put all my music sheets inside, I had to use three as all my music wouldn't fit and then I placed the red folders onto the shelves next to the others. I looked down at the sheets i had kept out of my folders and picked up another empty folder. I uncapped the sharpie and wrote 'Claudia' in black ink on the edge of the folder and added the left over music sheets, I smiled slightly as I pushed the folder on the shelf beside mine. Just as I was turning back to Derek I spotted something in the corner of my vision and walked towards it. It was huge and elegant and beautiful. I ran my hands over the top of the dark oak grand piano in front of me and turned back to Derek.

"This place is beautiful", he smiled at my reaction and then said something that I had never imagined him to say. "Yeah, my family loved music, I wanted to honor them with this place. You know a nice and beautiful place to just create instead of destroy.". I felt like my jaw had hit the floor, that was so deep. "I saw your name with the music sheets. What do you play?". Derek turned bright red and scratched the back of his head. "I ummm... well I play the celo, violin and tuba." I gave him a small smile, "That sounds amazing. They are beautiful instruments". He smiled at me the tips of his ears still pink then coughed slightly as if getting past a lump in his throat and announced, "Sould we get going with your other things then?". I nodded and one again follow Derek out of the room. I was toatally not checking out his beautiful firm ass. Not at all.


Derek and I made lunch working side-by-side in the large kitchen in harmony. When the sandwiches had been constructed and a delicious salad made with 'the Hale's secret dressing' we walked over to the living room area and Derek sat on his armchair while I pulled up one of the bean bags in the corner and placed it slightly to the side of the chair so I could watch the TV at the same time as talk to Derek once I had finished my lunch. The TV was playing some crime show that looked suspiciously like NCIS but I wasn't really paying attention. I was starting down at the sandwich in front of me, I had purposely made it as small as I possibly could with minimal fillings but it still looked terrifying to me. I just sat there and stared at it, I didn't know what to do with it. I only ever ate when I absolutely needed to and now, now I didn't need to I had had a small plate of pasta two days ago? maybe three but I felt as full as ever and even the sight of the sandwich made me feel sick.

Derek had polished off his sandwich and turned to talk to me but his eyes where drawn to my full plate. I felt my heart rate pick up, "I... I...", I could feel tear well in my eyes and I inwardly scolded my self for being so pathetic. Derek was sat crouched in front of me in the blink of an eye, "Shhh, Stiles, calm it's okay, shhh", his southing tone calmed me enough that I didn't almost get sent into a panic attack. "I'm sorry, I just... I don't know just looking at it... It just makes me feel sick.". I looked up to Derek's green eyes and saw something I was not expecting... understanding. "It's fine Stiles. It will take a long time but with my help and the rest of the pack we are going to get you better. If you don't want to eat the sandwich that's fine". I let out a small breath of relief. "but" oh god there was a but and not the good kind. "I want you to eat two forkfuls of the salad, just two." Two forkfuls, I looked down at the salad. "I said we would help you get better but we are starting now. Baby steps.". I nodded slowly as if taking a while to process the words as they entered my brain. "Two just two" I echoed and lifted a forkful to my mouth. Two forkfuls of salad later I felt like I was bursting full but the wide smile that Derek gave me was slightly worth it.


Two episodes of NCIS later I found myself sitting on the armchair beside Derek snuggled into the warm werewolf. What? It was the 25th of October, I was always cold and the new chill in the air didn't help one bit. "iles, Sti!". I was snapped out of my thoughts by Derek who had shifted beside me as if he was getting up. I wanted to scold him and say something like 'no! I demand more wolfy cuddles' but I didn't know what response I would get and I didn't want to push my luck. "hmmm" I responded as Derek finally stood leaving me unceremoniously sprawled across the armchair. "We need to get all your stuff put away the pack will be home in about half an hour". I looked over at the clock on the mantle piece. So they would be. I turned back to Derek, "So my room?". He scratched the back of his neck and blushed slightly. Oh god was there no room for me, was I going to be living in the basement. I couldn't handle basements after the Nogitsune. I had passed out from a panic attack when the sheriff had lock me down there once when I had burned the dinner.

"Um well, there is really a furbished bedroom in the house, only empty rooms but I thought that maybe you might.... that you might want to stay in mine. I want to be able to wake you up from any nightmares." I almost cooed out loud but I held in my internal fangirling and just nodded my head, "Sounds good roomie". Derek's face would have looked like he was annoyed it where not for the gleam in his eyes or the upturn of his soft pink lips. He walked over and picked up four heavy looking bags as if they where pillows and I huffed, stupid werewolfs and their stupid super strength before truding up and lifing up two of my back packs and another smaller suitcase and following the sourwolf himself into his den... hehe den. I dumped my bags onto the bed and started to unpack as Derek went back and got the remaining bags in two trips. He gave me one side of the massive wardrobe and one of the whole bookcase to myself and told me I could put my research folders in the library which he would show me another day along with a study that I could have for myself for school work or art or whatever, of course my jaw dropped at this.

"Der... won't my sent be like... all over your stuff now", Derek blushed, "Yeah but its okay it will smell like pack. Like .... pack". I nodded and wondered why he said pack twice, was he going to say something else. Before I could ask Derek perked his head up and announced that the pups where home. I finished putting one final plaid shirt on a hanger and went down stairs with Derek to see the pups. I was greeted with some hugs and heys and hi's while Isaac moned about calculus homework that I promised to help him with to resieve over dramatic thank you's for. Behind me I heard Derek chuckle fondly and turned to give him a questioning glance, he just shrugged his sholders and walked over to his armchair. Everyone else followed onto their respective seats and I was about to walk over to a disgared bean bag in the corned when Derek pulled me down onto the armchair, I huffed but tucked my cold feet under his warm body and curled myself under the blanket that was now spread onto of us. I thought I heard someone coo but I desided to ignore it in favour of readjusting into an even more comfortable position. Erica the control mastr turmed on some criminal minds and I sighed in content, I felt safe surrounded by my pack.


Hello Readers, I think I posted on Monday but can't quite remember the days are kind of bluring together. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, which was longer that I expected it to be but each chapter just seams to be getting naturally longer and longer each time. Last time I checked I had just over 300 views and I am kind of amazed! I only really started writing this for my own enjoyment but others are reading it and that's amazing. I would really love to know what you are thinking of it so far.

I also want peoples opinions on another book I am thinking of starting all of Sterek one-shots, they would be posted sporatically and basically when ever I had an idea that I think is fairly desent or do requests.

Disclamer - I DO NOT own these characters they belong to Jeff Davis who I appear not to be.

Happy Reading,

Shadow xx

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