If It's Love

By luceroallysa

240 5 0

A car's horn blared and made me deaf for a minute, our tires screeched in unison but fortunate for me our car... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

64 2 0
By luceroallysa


"Miss Julia, it's time for breakfast. It's already 6, you don't want to be late." Mary, our maid was calling for me, it was another typical school day. Wake up at 5:30 a.m, eat at 6 a.m, and leave at 7:15 a.m. Being apart of the 'best of both worlds' is difficult, hiding my identity is as if, I would die if people knew I was the daughter of Christopher and Janine Cross. Heir to Cross Industries. I mean the Paps and flashing cameras could wear off but then again my private life would be violated in some point, right?

My parents always insisted I have a driver, drive me to whatever destination I desire but I convinced them to let me drive. Having a driver take you everywhere sorta gives away that you're rich and if you're rich that means you'd have to be getting the money from somewhere right? Driving a nice car is typical in my social part of life. If you ever had the chance to visit the school parking lot, you would see cars from a bmw, bugatti, to ferrari, etc. I drove a ferrari, man was my car fast but I knew my limits to having a fast ass car.

It was 7:10 a.m, I grabbed my books, bags and keys. Every morning my parents are in the kitchen drinking their daily dose of caffiene, I give them their kisses and say my goodbyes then i'm off like the wind. I revved my car engine, backed out the drive way, blew my horn as I sped off into the light. I liked to have my windows down every morning. My hair was waist long, thick, and hazelnut brown. Sometimes I wished I had short hair cause the stuggle to have perfect hair every day was more difficult than you'd think.


I was about three quarters of the way to school when the light turned green, a car ran the red light from the other direction. A car's horn blared and made me deaf for a minute, our tires screeched in unison but fortunate for me our cars did not touch, his front was one inch away from my passenger door. I stepped out my car with anger building up inside me, I wanted to scream at the driver. This guy was driving a blue bmw 3 series convertible. When the driver came out, I stood there stunned. He was tall, handsome, chocolate brown hair, glowing grey eyes, he was dreamy. 'Snap out of it Jules' a little voice told me, I was totally gonna be late for school. Dad was obviously going to recite his lecture again for the millionth time once he finds out that had almost been in an accident and late for school at the same time.

"Oh shit, i'm so sorry. Look it's my first day at North Ridge and I didn't want to be late. I was 100% sure that I was gonna make that light, guess I was wrong.. By the way i'm Daniel" He sounded sincere, well maybe I was just distracted by his looks but the feeling of being mad or angry was gone 'god dammit Jules you have Christian, stop yourself'. "Well Daniel looks like we're both gonna be late, I go to North Ridge too. If we have classes together I could show you around. Let's just stop holding up traffic." I spun on my heel and walked back to my beautiful orange, untouched ferrari.

Once we got on to the school grounds I looked at my watch and cursed under my breath. It was already second period. Daniel was so busy admiring the big water fountain, it was right in front of the parking lot gate. When you walked in, the fountain was the first thing would see. It had the North Ridge coat of arms in the middle. "Whoa, some school." I rolled my eyes and pushed him towards the main office, it was bad enough we were late. I guess Daniel had a reasonable excuse. Mr. Jones gave me 'the look', every time someone was guilty of something he gave them 'the look'. It was just basically his blank face and his grey eyes staring deep into your soul, it sometimes gave me shivers. "Ms. Cross, what is your excuse for arriving late for school? I thought you were punctual unlike the entire population of this school." his dissappoinment was loud and clear. Before I could retalliate Daniel cut into the conversation. "Sir, this is all my fault, I ran a red light and I almost caused a crash. I was lucky enough to have stepped on my brakes when I did, please don't blame anything on her. I could've put her in the hospital." Mr. Jones remained silent and gestured us to be excused and to head off to class. I was confused, considering I didn't know what classes Daniel had but before I left Mr. Jones pulled me aside. "Julia, Daniel will be having the same classes as you throughout the semester, I would like you to guide him through the school and let him feel welcomed into our community." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Look i'm still really sorry about what happened earlier and that I made you late. I forgot to mention that I admire your car. Ferrari? Pft I would die for one. I didn't get your name.." He sounded nervous but I guess that was natural, he was a new student. I'm supposed to be welcoming him. "Oh It's no problem, I know the nervous feeling being the new kid. Don't worry, today will be a breeze. Aha, that's cute, you admire my car, your car isn't so bad either. I'm Julia." I stuck out my hand in a friendly matter but instead he pulled me into a warm welcoming hug. 'Julia, Christian is your boyfriend not Daniel pull away!'

I pulled away from him, I was not expecting him to be that type of person. I looked up at him, he was so tall like I felt like an ant standing beside him. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, he had a boyish school boy grin on his face, ugh he was so adorable. "Why did I only have to meet him now" I murmured.


This girl, she was just the cutest little thing i've ever seen. She was cute, petite, had violet-grey eyes, and waist long hazelnut hair, plump bow shaped lips, Julia, hm I'll never forget that name. Not just because she was so perfect but because I was on the verge of causing damage to her delicate self. I'm supposed to have the same classes as her since i'm new, guess stepping in to be her 'hero' paid off. I wanted to know more about her, I shouldn't have hugged her a minute ago. Now I seem like a total freak, i'm nothing like that. My father raised me well. Always be a gentleman, it definitely woos the women. "Oh uhm, sorry. Guess I got too close just now. Something came over me and I don't know what happened." She just stood there with her face flushed, maybe I could make it up over coffee or something. "No no it's fine, we all need a hug at one point right?" The bell blasted through the empty halls, second period had just ended and now we were stuck in a herd of teens.

"C'mon this way, we have to get to your locker before next period starts!" She yelled grabbing on to my hand, my cheeks felt hot and red. 'Why now' I asked myself, I was never really one to blush but c'mon who wouldn't.

"Oh my god, there's Jules. She's so pretty. Ugh she's so perfect. Can I be her?" I kept hearing whispers. Was she the part of the popular squad of the school? My eyes wandered off and I guess both of us didn't realize that we were still holding on to each other, both guys and girls were staring. I pulled away and to my surprise she spun in towards me and crashed into my chest, she was the perfect height for someone like me. "Why'd you pull away?" She asked, I was shocked she even asked, I thought she would be glad. "People were staring, I didn't want then start rumors or anything." She just grinned and led me to my locker, it was just two down from hers, 2657 was mine.

Next was science, I took my required belongings. I slammed my locker door shut, as I turned my head in the direction of Julia a boy was with her, they were so close together. His hands around her waist, hers on his neck. There's no question that they had something going on, he was probably the boyfriend. 'How can I be so stupid' I thought, of course someone as gorgeous as her wouldn't be single.

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