Now And Then

By aforadele

18.3K 983 455

Sequel to "If It Hadn't Been For Love" Everyone thought, Sidele would finally live happily ever after... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Hello, it's me ♥

Chapter 17

358 20 4
By aforadele


Sofia and I were about to enter my office when we heard a familiar voice talking inside.

"That stupid Adele. She thought Simon was the one who gave her the bouquet of red roses lol."

"Claire?" Sofia and I said in unison as we listened from the outside.

"You should've put a poison on the apple you gave to her child." She laughed.

My eyes widened of what I had heard.

What's the meaning of this? Who is Claire talking with?

I was about to enter my office when Sofia stopped me.

"Listen very well first Si, we might never caught what they are been doing." Sofia narrowed her eyes as she listened carefully to Claire.

"Yeah he'll be there the the day after tomorrow. Is she still alive?... Why?"

My fist clenched as my tears fell down.

"I need to save Adele." I said with clenched jaw.

"Go, Si. Find a solution. I'll handle this bitch." Sofia pat my back and we separated ways.

She went inside my office as I ran to the elevator.


"You bitch!" I instantly pulled Claire's hair.

"Aww! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You're such a fucking brat! How dare you do that to Adele?!"

"She deserve that!"

"You're going to pay for this. You and your conspirator!" I quickly called for a security as I took her phone.

"Let go of me!" Claire squirmed from the grip of the security.

"Bring her to the nearest police station." I commanded.


"Dad cab I ask for help?" I called him while driving.

"Anything son."

"I need to get back to London as soon as possible. Adele is in trouble." I said with my voice trembled.

"Call Mr. Johnson, tell him I'll pay for his private jet. Go back to her as soon as possible son."

"Yes dad, thank you so much! I owe you this." I felt a little relieved.

"No need to mention it Simon. Now go, before it's too late." I hung the phone and sped up.

I got everything okay and I am on my way to London.

"This is all my fault. I should've not left her in the first place..." I clenched my fist as I started to cry.

The flight took forever. As soon as we landed, I called for a taxi. I gave him the directions to Adele's house and asked him to sped up.

The door was locked but luckily, I have an extra key with me. I quickly unlocked it and I was shocked of what I see.

Adele's house was in complete mess. There were blood smeared on the floor, some clothes that are torn. As I was about to step on the staircase, I saw Adele's ripped underwear.

Oh my fucking God. I'm coming baby!

I heard her voice calling out my name.

"Simon!" She yelled.

I went straight to her bedroom and almost got weak of what I saw.

Adele was fully naked and handcuffed on the headboard. Her face was full of tears, bruises and blood. Alex is raping my girlfriend.

I quickly pulled Alex away from her and we wrestled on the floor.

"Fuck you Alex! Fuck you! I'm going to kill you!" I threw multiple punch on his face as he tried to knock me off.

"Simon, she's not worthy to be yours anymore. Adele's like a worn out toy!" He laughed.

"Take it back you motherfucker!" With one last blow, Alex blacked out.

"Babe..." I heard Adele.

A/N: I'll try to finish the next chap so I can publish it right away after this because my fucking ass will be going out ugh. See you x

- A.

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