Knowing the Marauders

By silentbynature

1.5M 66.7K 36.2K

Bex Dumbledore, the girl with power and many secrets returns for her sixth year at Hogwarts. But after things... More

Knowing the Marauders
Birthday Surprises
Talk To Me
In Charge Of A Magic School
Telling The Muggle Borns
The Start Of Term
It's All Up To The Students
I Hate You Sirius Black
Those Eyes
Sacrifices Must Be Made
Ravenclaw's Power
The Truth Hurts
The Angry Red-Head
They Know
Lily's Grudge
Blood Isn't Everything
Dramatic Train Rides
Teaching Trixie A Lesson
Time With Tom
Bickering Over Rosier
Shopping Adventures
Sirius' Secret
Sparks Fly
The Wrath of Mrs. Potter
Sleepy Surprises
Christmas Exhaustion
Crazy Mornings
New Girl
The Late Practice
Bex Day
The Hospital Wing and Sudden Sicknesses
Late Night Visits
Miss. Popular
Attack Of The Bludgers
Love Confessions
Kidnapping Severus
Late Night Detention
The Bex Games
Apologies and Threats
Saving Lives
Speeches and Sandwiches
Fire Erupts and Sirius Worries
Regulus' Wish
Death Trap
The Dance
Once More
The Speech
Potions With Peeves
The Power Of Bex
The Art Of Being Good
How They See It
Speaking Of James
Stupid And Sweet
Unlucky Spoon
Boggart Bonding
The After Math
Ozzy's Tricks
More Dramatic Rides
The Next Book!

Finding Family

25.2K 1K 657
By silentbynature

Chapter 14: Finding Family
-Bex p.o.v.-

"I have to go now, I'm meeting my family." I stood with a grin. "I'll meet up with you guys after."

"Have fun." Sebastian chuckled, waving as I started away. "Good luck!" Andrew joined him when I turned the corner.

I walked happily to my fathers office, my office as well, humming a random tune. "Bex, the supreme ruler and master of all things living and dead has arrived." I announced to the gargoyles.

They jumped aside, allowing me entrance. I stood on the bottom step, allowing them to move me up to the top of the tower. I walked into the office, no knocking necessary.

Sirius sat alone in one of the plush chairs. When he heard me enter he turned, "Dumbledore? What are you doing here?"

"This is my dad's office, I can be here if I want. What are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Apparently me and James did something wrong. Your dad has called in James' mum and dad."

"Well whatever it is, it's something big. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Potter?" I questioned curiously.

"James is with them down in the entrance hall. Last I saw they were yelling at him." Sirius shrugged.

James entered the room, his parents behind him. "We didn't do anything." James said.

"You must have some something. Why would Dumbledore call us up here? It wouldn't be for nothing." Mr. and Mrs. Potter questioned their son.

"Oh hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter." I smiled at the couple. I went behind the desk and sat on the stool near the shelf that the sorting hat was placed on. "What are you doing here?"

"We were called here by your father. And I've told you before, dear, call me Eleanor." She smiled at me.

"Alright Eleanor, it's good to see you again. I'm actually suppose to meet my father here. He'll be here any minute now." I smiled back.

I caught Sirius' eye as I looked over to the fire. He was asking me something with his eyes, something I couldn't understand. So I looked past him, to the fire.

"Oh good, you're all here." Dad entered the room.

"What's this about Albus?" Charlus asked, stepping forward to shake my dad's hand in greeting.

"I think it is time to tell the children the truth." Dad explained.

"The truth? Does she know?" Eleanor asked in concern.

"She knows." Dad nodded.

"What's going on?" James muttered to Sirius in confusion.

"No idea, mate." Sirius murmured back.

I looked at the scene in confusion, "you guys aren't making any sense. What do you mean?" I look at each of the adults in turn, "are you trying to say that the Potter's are my family?"

Eleanor and Charlus smiled guiltily. "Yes, dear." She grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb.

"What's happening? Mum? Dad?" James was looking at his parents in confusion, a little bit of disbelief hiding behind his words.

"Son," Charlus started, "Bex Dumbledore is our family."

"How? We aren't related to the Dumbledore's." James' eyebrows frowned in confusion.

"I never said the Dumbledore's were, I said Bex was." Charlus repeated.

"Bex is adopted?" Sirius asked, putting together the pieces.

"That's correct. She is my niece, and your cousin, James." Charlus nodded, patting James' shoulder.

"What?" He breathed in confusion.

"I have a prophecy," I started, explaining it to the confused boy. "When I was born my parents were murdered and I was adopted by my dad."

"So she's Uncle Reginald's daughter? You told me his whole family was killed." James accused his parents, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring.

"It was a safety precaution," dad spoke. "No one could know that she was a Potter, everyone was to think she was my daughter. She would be protected from Voldemort that way."

James turned his glare to my dad, "it didn't really work, did it. The freak found out eventually. Hell, he's even kidnapped her."

"It's alright, Mr. Potter," dad tried to sooth him.

"No it's not, she was kidnapped when I was suppose to be watching her." He frowned, "like it wasn't bad enough when she was my friend and I let her be kidnapped; now she's my family and I let her be kidnapped. That's worse. I let my cousin be kidnapped by some psycho, some sick freak. I let her be held for weeks. I didn't search hard enough, I didn't stay up late enough. I let my little cousin be kidnapped by a killer." He put his head in his hands, hunching over his thighs.

Sirius smiled sympathetically, patting his friend on the back, trying to calm him.

"Can I have a moment alone with him?" I asked.

The three adults nodded and left the room, leaving only James, Sirius, and myself in the office. It was silent for a moment, the only sound being the rhythmic thumps of Sirius patting his back and James' occasional sniff.

"Is that how you really felt when I was kidnapped?" I asked softly, my voice loud compared to the almost silent room.

He looked up, tears were in his eyes. "Yes. I felt as if I had let you down."

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked if anyone searched for me?" I asked in confusion.

"I didn't want you to think I was weak. I spent every night crying myself to sleep, I didn't want you to know that." He rubbed his slightly red nose.


"Really." Sirius nodded, "trust me, I couldn't have fallen asleep, even if I wanted too. His cries were so loud."

Slowly a grin made its way across my face, "why didn't you just say so." I threw myself into his arms.

He gripped me tight, holding on as if he'd never let go. "You're forgiving me? Even after I was such a jerk to you?"

I shrugged, "I can forgive you if you stop being a jerk to my friends. We're family Potter," I grinned, "I just need you to see that they make me happy. And me being happy should be good enough for you."

He nodded, "it does, I can deal with it. Just please, don't leave me again."

"I won't," I grinned. "Not ever again."

"Good." He chuckled quietly, "because now, you're the little Potter."

I giggled, "little Potter? I like the sound of that."

"Me too." Sirius winked, smirking widely.

I rolled my eyes, "so Black, are you okay with my friendships as well? Or are we going to stay on last name basis?"

"I can be cool with it, if, you don't flirt with my brother." He bargained.

I scoffed, "how many times do I have to tell you, me and your brother are not in a relationship, starting a relationship, or even thinking about a relationship. The closest he will ever be to me is a brother, so stop with all the accusations."

"Alright," he said easily, not once did he counter what I was saying. It was as if he was just getting me to say all of that to reassure him of my current stance with his little brother.

"Besides, I would never date a younger guy. I just don't go for it. He has to be older or it's an automatic no." I explained, "so once again, me and your brother only have a family type of relationship."

He nodded, "so since we're friends again, can I get that kiss?"

I scoffed, "you're relentless."

He chuckled, "I'm going to get what I want eventually. Might as well give it up now."

"Not going to happen Black. We are now friends. Not anything more." I told him firmly. "Friends do not kiss or snog for that matter."

"Quit hitting on my cousin Sirius," James rolled his eyes playfully.

Sirius pushed James' shoulder jokingly but nonetheless stopped his flirting. It seemed like James was the only one Sirius would stop trying to pick up a girl for. If anyone else had asked him he most likely would have told the guy to show off and resumed his flirting.

The adults entered the room again, had they been listening in? I hadn't heard any footsteps, did that mean they were at the door the entire time?

Dad sent me a smile, his eyes twinkling. There was my answer to that question.

"So dear, now that you know we are your family, would you be interested in visiting? Maybe staying a few weeks out of holiday break at our house?" Eleanor asked timidly, smiling softly.

"I'd love to," I grinned back at her. Her smile grew, showing off her white teeth.

"Excellent! We'd be happy to have you whenever you decided." Charlus grinned back.

"Does this mean I should start calling you by Aunt and Uncle?" I questioned curiously.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, sweetie, whatever makes you comfortable." Eleanor hurriedly replied, though deep down I knew she was wanting me to call them by Aunt and Uncle.

"I'll call you by Aunt and Uncle. I mean it's only fair, right?" I asked.

They both smiled widely at their new titles.

"So who gets to know?" James asked.

"Only those that are necessary to know and you can trust to keep the secret." Dad stated. "You three must discuss that."

"Is that all?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, you may go. Please talk before going to the common room." Dad instructed, "you wouldn't want to mix things up."

"Bye mum, dad." James hugged his parents. Sirius hugged them after, muttering similar things.

"Bye dad." I hugged him. I turned to Mr. and Mrs. Potter, unsure. "Aunt Eleanor, Uncle Charlus." I nodded slightly in a farewell.

"Oh sweetheart, don't be afraid to hug us. We've waited years to finally meet you and when we did we couldn't show our true affections. Now that we can, we will." Aunt Eleanor swiftly pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. "I love you sweetheart, please be safe."

"Take care," Uncle Charlus joined the hug as well. "Try not to get into too much trouble now. We already have to deal with those two idiots." He jabbed his thumb in Sirius and James' direction.

I giggled as they exclaimed in unison that they were not idiots. "Bye. I'll see you soon."

The three of us walked out of the office together. "Lily has to know. She's like my sister." I told them immediately. "And Sev and Reggie need to know too."

"Why those two?" Sirius complained.

"They're my best friends, I'm family with the boy they hate. They deserve to know." I explained, "I trust them."

"Fine," he muttered grudgingly.

"Remus must know, but I'm not too sure about Peter. He isn't the best at keeping secrets. He admits to them without even realizing," James told.

"So Lily, Remus, Severus and Regulus. Anyone else?" I clarified. They shook their heads, "then we're good."

----------------------- you know! And actually someone guessed correctly. @forever_faithful987 guessed it was the Potter's and she would be very correct. Great job!
So once again, Merry Christmas! Hope you all had an amazing day!
Please do comment, vote, share, fan and follow! Thanks!

And if anyone is interested; these are some of the hints that could have lead you to figure out who her family was.

1.) The Sorting (Meeting the Marauders): there was a spoiler alert in the comments section. It stated that she became a Gryffindor because it was in her blood. James Potter states in Snape's memories that he wanted to be in Gryffindor like his dad. Gryffindor has been the main house Potter's were sorted in. So it was in her blood to be a Gryffindor.

2.) Kissing Practice (Meeting the Marauders): James is described as brotherly. Having to kiss him was strange because he was more like family than anything else. James also describes Bex as his sister and it being weird because he feels as if he is violating her.

3.) Dinner With the Potter's (Meeting the Marauders): Mr. and Mrs. Potter are described as being familiar, as if they had already met. And Bex did meet them before. One of her earliest memories (when she was only months old) is of a dark haired man and a red-headed woman lifting her from a crib and handing her over to a bearded man. You will hear more of that memory as the story continues on, just thought you might want to know it ahead of time.

4.) I changed Mrs. Potter's name. Her name is stated to be Dorea Potter (nee Black). Since she is the aunt of Walburga Black (Sirius' mother) and this is a Sirius Black love story; and Bex is related to Mrs. Potter, even if only by marriage, Bex and Sirius would be related distantly. And since I'm not too fond of incest (this isn't that kind of story!) I changed Mrs. Potter's name to Eleanor and created an entirely new backstory for her (which you will learn later)

5.) Plus Dumbledore is like way too old for his wife to have kids! And he was never married. Bex never knew of a mother figure and never questioned it. She was perfectly happy with Mrs. Evans as a mother figure.

Those were the main hints I laid throughout the story. I'm glad people started to catch on! A few started to question and try to figure it out, I'm glad they did. And congratulations to @forever_faithful987 once again for figuring it out! And someone commented way way WAY long ago in the character bio section on Meeting the Marauders (@catgrace) if you are still reading my series, asking who Bex's mother was. I purposely did not mention her mother in this chapter, only mentioning her father Reginald, her mother will be welcomed into the story much later.

Thanks guys! I'll update tomorrow! It'll be up before evening. And that is my time of course. I am a part of the Central Time Zone. Comment your time zones? I would love to see where you all are reading from!

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