Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of...

By HackedByAWriter

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He was prepared to say his last prayer. But the blow never came. Instead his saw the Nubian fall to the groun... More

Chapter 1: Race
Chapter 2: Wrath of the Pharaoh
Chapter 3: Banquet
Chapter 4: The Tablet
Chapter 5: Fair "Maiden"
Chapter 6: The Heirs
Chapter 7: Three Ways To Kill A King
Chapter 8: Cobra
Chapter 9: The Knife
Chapter 10: Poison
Chapter 11: Sea Storm
Chapter 12: Big Brother
Chapter 13: Self Defense
Chapter 14: Crocodile Tears
Chapter 15: Resurrection
Chapter 16: Long Live the King
Chapter 17: Dreams of Serpents and Victory
Chapter 18: The Storm Has come
Chapter 19: Being Reckless
Chapter 20: Fear Silence and Secrecy
Chapter 21: The Crown of the Nile
Chapter 22: The First Flash of Lightning
Chapter 23: Dark Horse
Chapter 24: Ramses the Great
Chapter 25: Wild
Chapter 26: Learning of Sargon
Chapter 27: Keeping the Peace
Chapter 28: The Messenger
Chapter 29: The First Blow
Chapter 30: Man, Woman and Child
Chapter 31: Remembering
Chapter 32: Nightmares
Chapter 33: Threads of Mortals
Chapter 34: This War
Chapter 35: Martyrs
Chapter 36: Have Faith
Chapter 37: The Most Spectacular Fashion
Chapter 38: Fight Song
Chapter 39: Blood Gold and Lions
Chapter 40: Conquered
Chapter 41: Defiance
Chapter 42: New Hope
Chapter 43: Phase One
Chapter 44: Vengeance
Chapter 45: Most Dangerous Job
Chapter 46: Thirst and Hunger
Chapter 47: A Promise
Chapter 48: Return of the White Lioness
Chapter 49: Thirteen
Chapter 50: Hathor and Sekhmet
Chapter 51: Fame and Glory
Chapter 52: Pain
Chapter 53: Life and Death
Chapter 54: The In Between
Chapter 55: Death March
Chapter 56: Lies
Chapter 57: Tears
Chapter 58: Rogues of the Nile
CHapter 59: Embody
Chapter 60: Heated Moments
Chapter 61: Food is Power
Chapter 62: Love and Hurt
Chapter 63: Raging Hearts, Nervous Smiles and Sentimental Slop
Chapter 65: Strangeness and Honor
Chapter 66: Old is Gold
Chapter 67: Flesh and Bone
Chapter 68: Heartless
Chapter 69: Scars to her Beauty
Chapter 70: Love's Labours
Chapter 71: And This
Chapter 72: A Race
Chapter 73: Guardian
Chapter 74: Knives in Hearts
Chapter 75: The Plummet
Chapter 76: Method and Madness
Chapter 77: War Against Love
Chapter 78: Monster
Chapter 79: Blind Fools and Thieves
Chapter 80: To Kill A King
Chapter 81: A Clash of Swords
Chapter 82: The Truth of Kings
Chapter 83: The Plunge
Chapter 84: Of Whores and Mothers
Chapter 85: Fire and Water
Chapter 86: The Winged Soul
Chapter 87: The Smile
Chapter 88: The Throne
Chapter 89: Threads of Silence
Chapter 90: Racing the Sun
Chapter 91: Queen
Chapter 92: Exile
Chapter 93: Gifts
Chapter 94:
Chapter 95: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 96: Queen Slayer
Chapter 97: An Ambrosia of Ashes
Epilogue 1/3 - The Stories of Our Lives
Epilogue 2/3 - Who Would Want to Live Forever?
Epilogue 3/3 - King of Kings

Chapter 64: Shattered Rain

226 14 4
By HackedByAWriter

I am sure the reader does not wish to be bored with lengthy descriptions of what happened in the month that followed. So I shall be brief. The food proved useful, and such escapades to collect the food continued every week. Many gained their weight gradually even those who had suffered the desert march..

Tchanun having found his voice managed to tell Ammon about his father, but instead of creating a rift between them, it brought them closer. Ahkmenrah did his best to train the cavalry, and it was said their cavalry was the strongest it had ever been. Kahmunrah looked after the archers. Sabra and Sabaf trained the infantry. Shepseheret wasn't lost in such activities, though her role was not militaristically considered important, she instilled morale within the very ranks. Her very walk made the young men and women's grim countenances turn to smiles.

Even Montu's grimness changed ever so slightly, love for one's country can do that. But his grimness was so deep set that would come back to haunt him

So for a whole month the Rogues of the Nile trained passionately, but the night before the execution of Khufu's plan many people got cold feet.


All were once again gathered at the large chamber. Sabra at the head, but this time facing a dispassionate crowd.

"How do we know we will win?!" one man cried.

"How do we know this won't go badly?" said a woman.

"Will we live under these Sumerian's forever?"

After these three comments the whole of the chamber burst into sounds of disbelief, and despite her high rank within the rebels Sabra couldn't calm them.

A certain wrath built up inside of Kahmunrah. Were the feelings of his people so fickle that one night's sleep could give them cold feet. He knew very well that love was fickle, but love for one's country should not be so. So he walked up tp a very strained Sabra and putting a comforting hand on her shoulder he gave her a smile. He silently asked her to step aside.

She willing did so, but this slight shift had gone unnoticed by the rest of the populace. So over the top of their voices Kahmunrah roared:


A sudden, golden silence fell over them. They all seemed entranced.

"Look at us!" he said. "Look at what we have become. This is not the same band of warriors I met on the eve of our first battle. What am I armed with against Sargon? A band of doubting fools and cowards?"

Kahmunrah shook his head.

"I never expected this from the same people who almost won a war for their country. You have all disappointed me. You won't even fight for your freedom. Did you forget the sacrifice of your friends, families and allies?"

He was growing more livid by the minute. It was quite frankly scaring all those in the room.

"Do you remember Kain?"

For livid man, these words were spoken quite softly. His voice cracked at the end, he looked as if he were about to cry. But then his voice hardened and matched the wrath that showed on his whole being. Kain's name seemed to ignite a long forgotten spark, now it was time to feed the flames.

"You've forgotten him haven't you? Worthless creatures! He sacrificed all he had for us! His wife-to-be was one of the first victims, along with our dear Ramses. He sacrificed his own life to save my baby brother! For all he had lost there must have been something of worth in our nation, something worth fighting for. I thought I knew. But I don't see it anymore!"

The last words seemed to echo within those walls, and they would do so for all of eternity. Silence was at its loudest. Despite the entirety his wrath most were in awe of Kahmunrah.

Kahmunrah felt pressure on his shoulders, warm and blissful like warm sunrays on a cold day. He knew just by touch that Ahkmenrah was there and he would always be there. Ahkmenrah stepped beside his brother. The echoes of his clear soft voice rang in sweet harmony with the fiery passionate aftertastes of Kahmunrah's wrathful speech.

"You can leave now if you do not wish to support this cause, on a condition that you must not speak of it."

No one moved.

Sabra breathed a sigh of relief.


There were still hours until dawn. But preparations must be made.

The cavalry left and Ahkmenrah prayed to gods for the salvation of the horses and their men. They were to station themselves at the left flank of the palace. Sabra and Sabaf left with the infantry, to help the men women and children get out of their homes. They were then to lead on a section each, Sabra targeting the right flank, Sabaf tailing the back of the palace. Then there were the archers, who were to climb up the palace walls and shoot the soldiers stationed inside, they also had some of the infantry tailing them in case things went awry.

Ahkmenrah, Kahmunrah and Khufu were to follow Sabaf's infantry to get into palace. Ahkmenrah dreaded what would happen. He knew this was a lost cause, nothing will happen until the rain came.

So as Ra rose from the Duat and as his golden rays touched upon them, they positioned themselves ready for another day of burning gore.


Ahkmenrah, Kahmunrah and Khufu had slipped into the back entrance of the palace.

Khufu turned his head towards them.

"Where is it?" he whispered.

Ahkmenrah shrugged and shook his head, for he had actually forgotten. Kahmunrah in grim determination motioned for them to follow him. Hastily and noiselessly they followed him.

It was after a few seconds they finally heard the clash of metal and flesh and sound of men and women alike roaring in great passion. They knew now that the palace would be almost empty, leaving them free to get to tablet.

Kahmunrah gradually picked up speed; Ahkmenrah followed him still believing that their quest was useless but hoping that somehow the armies will win out.

But there would be no reign without rain. He didn't know what to think.

Kahmunrah stopped in front a huge white alabaster wall. His brows furrowed in concentration. He was sure this was the place where the tablet was held. But the room was no longer there.

"This is it then?" said Ahkmenrah. "We're done for."


Sabra waited. She could hear the blare of the trumpet. A Sumerian trumpet. A smile spread across her lips as she saw Sargon's soldiers emerging from the palace, like rats coming from their holes.

She looked powerful, even with a rusting helmet upon her head and her long tangled locks flowing out behind her. Armed with a sword and a smile. In that moment she looked beautiful. She could have been an Empress of an ancient exotic land.

Beside her stood Tchanun and Ammon.

"Are you with me?" she asked them.

Ammon smiled and nodded. Tchanun answered her.

"We'll follow you till the ends of the earth."

She knew then they would do exactly that and filled her with more courage than she thought she possessed. Clutching her sword now in both hands she brought it closer to her body. She closed her eyes, breathed in and prayed.

She raised her sword.

"For Egypt! And for Merenkahre!"

After all it was in his memory that they were fighting. They will not dishonor him.

She ran forward, with an army behind her.


Kahmunrah groaned.

"No! No! No!" he cursed under his breath. "This can't be happening. This has to be it!"

Ahkmenrah put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kahmun face it. We won't win."

Kahmunrah shrugged his hand off, clearly upset. Then remembered. No reign without rain. He thought somehow the Tablet could help bring rain. He thought they could be saved, he thought...

"There has to be a way!" He said obstinately.

Ahkmenrah sighed giving up entirely he leaned his back against the wall. Then all of a sudden there was low rumble. Cracks started to appear on the wall. But rather they were not cracks of the usual kind, indeed the cracks were of a very precise orderly nature. They looked man made.

These 'cracks' were getting wider and wider until the great rumbling ceased and before them stood an entrance.

"Ahk you're a genius!" cried Kahmunrah ecstatically pulling his brother in tight embrace.

Ahkmenrah gave a flustered smile and awkwardly patted his brother on the back. Usually Kahmunrah didn't give in to fits of passion, unless it had to do with women then would give it his all.

He pulled away and turned towards the entrance. Kahmunrah took the first step and immediately was filled with a sense of power. It ran through his veins like ice cold water. It made his spine tingle. He sucked in a deep breath. But the sensation didn't go away, for before his eyes was the golden tablet.

It was sinister in its magnificence. He knew then and there his destiny lay within it. Unknown to him Ahkmenrah was just as transfixed.

Khufu was the only outlier. For him greed was the main emotion that coursed through his body. A growing hunger for the tablet and the power that was held in its gold.

This was it. The object their lives all revolved around and indeed what an object.

"Ahk do you remember the code?"

Ahkmenrah smiled "The one thing I do remember."


Sargon glowered. He knew they would come back, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He had ordered all men under his command to fight. He wanted to vanquish this flame forever.

The palace was empty except for him. He held a goblet in his hand filled with bloodlike wine. He sipped it quietly and leaned back on a throne that wasn't his.

He was going to win this easily.


Sometimes in the midst of war your whole person can change from one to another, or you become a different version of you. The dark quiet demureness of Sabaf was always laced with stars, but it was only now that he became a starry nightmare.

All that stood before him knew he was truly a force to be reckoned with.

But like most legendary figures he knew not of his power, all he knew was the burning desire for freedom that ran like wildfire through his veins.

He couldn't care less if the war consumed all the air inside his lungs, or ripped all the skin from off his bones. He would go on.


Ahkmenrah spoke the password as Kahmunrah pushed the smaller spinning tablets and Khufu made sure to remember it.

For a moment nothing happened and in that moment Kahmunrah stood back, defeated.

Then the Tablet glowed; ever so slowly it grew brighter. Until all of sudden it flashed like a small version of the sun, but just as bright.

Then before them was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. I was like a myriad of rainbow coloured stars coming together, swirling and whirling in ethereal motion. A word formed at the tip of Kahmunrah's tongue. A word that was the very basis of his religion and mythology. Something he believed in ever so devoutly.

"The Duat!" his exclamation came out as a whisper. It was born from the life force of the Ma'at and was the basis of their world and others.

"Are we supposed to step in it?" asked Ahkmenrah, transfixed by the sight before him, beckoning him calling to him.

Kahmunrah nodded. He looked on with trepidation before placing a foot into the Duat and then being consumed completely in multicolored fire roaring against his ears. He closed his eyes in fear of going blind.

The roaring stopped; there was a cool calmness about him. He opened his eyes.

Before him stood a tall beautiful woman, wearing a lovely white dress and golden armbands. Her countenance and high cheekbones spoke beauty and power. He eyes were the same colour as her wings, bright ethereal and every colour of the Rainbow.

A knowing smile came across her face.

"Kahmunrah, Ahkmenrah...Khufu. I see you have discovered Merenkahre's secret."

She had a hold of him. For some reason even though she knew her powers well, Kahmunrah wondered whether she knew the extent of them for slowly Kahmunrah found himself on his knee head bent in reverence, in his heart he was begging for mercy. For all his firm belief he had doubted the existence of the gods from time to time when they had not answered his prayers. He knew he would never doubt this faith again.

"Isis of the Opal wings." He started. "We need your help to reclaim the throne."

Isis gave a small laugh and touched his cheek lightly "That I cannot help you with my young Prince."

"What do you mean?" blurted Ahkmenrah. His almost reckless boldness apparently had not left him. "You're a goddess."

"That I am my child, but you must understand the line of the kings of Egypt is closely connected with water, the essence of all life. So without rain the Kingdom of Egypt will no longer live."

"Can't you, Lady of the Light, make it rain?" asked Khufu.

"Not I, but Tefnut, goddess of water, the giver of life."

Her hand still on Kahmunrah's cheek, she lifted his head so to face her. She drew closer till he could feel the burning desire to kiss her. In low, soft yet rich voice she whispered:

"My young Prince, you have much to go through, but know that when the throne of Egypt is yours, it will enter into the most beautiful time it has ever known and ever will know."

So he was to be the true Pharaoh. He knew there had to have been some sort of mistake. She gave him another smile and kissed his forehead. She then turned to Ahkmenrah who stood wondering at the exchange. With a hand on his shoulder she whispered in his ear:

"Trust the power in your veins young Princeling. It is your destiny."

Did she mean he was Pharaoh? She couldn't have meant that! Kahmunrah was ten times the king he was. He proved it day in day out. But if the goddess had decreed so, was she not right? He rid his head of such thoughts. They had a task to do.

"Where do find Tefnut?" asked Khufu.

Isis gave him a powerfully blank calm look.

"She is here within the Duat."

"I don't know if you've noticed lady, but the Duat is very huge." Stated Ahkmenrah, it came out more crudely than he intended.

Isis paid no heed to the crudeness, instead she have an amused smile.

"That is correct but do not worry she is near."

Then she was no more.


Sargon outstretched his arm as a servant girl helped him put on his armor. It was about time he showed his face in battle. If there was one thing he hated, it was being called a coward.

Once she left the room he downed the last glass of wine. It wasn't a good idea to be drunk in battle. It isn't a good idea to do anything while drunk. But he drank just enough to get his blood pumping and his rage burning.

He picked up his sword and smiled.

He will win this easily.


Isis was right when she said Tefnut was near. For they only had to walk a few steps out the luxurious heavenly halls into another room to see her. She was like Sekhmet a Lion headed goddess, of extreme equisite beauty. She wore a dress of flowing blue and green that made it look as if the sea was the very cloth.

Her warm eyes glowed with a certain fire as she saw them.

Kahmunrah who had been promoted the diplomat for he was wise with his words, spoke.

"Lady of Life. We need your help to make it rain again."

Tefnut shook her head. Then she spoke. Her voice sounded like the rich thrush and ripple of Nile river. They would have felt instantly at ease if it were not for her words.

"It is not so easy."

A ball of rage burst in Ahkmenrah.

"What on earth do you mean? You are a Goddess."

"That I am, but when we created this earth we also created the laws of science. A god or goddess can only work through them, unless circumstances are extreme. That is why miracles happen in the most pivotal of moments."

"But the fate of Egypt lies upon this!" retorted Ahkmenrah.

Kahmunrah put a hand on his shoulder both as comfort and as a warning.

Tefnut frowned. "I cannot break these laws as of this moment, but I can perhaps bend them."

"What are we to do?" asked Kahmunrah.

"Take me to the highest peak in all of Egypt."

Ahkmenrah frowned. There were no mountains in Egypt and the highest peak could be anywhere. But Kahmunrah was already a step ahead of him.

The Pyramid of Giza.

Everything fell into place. The extended time of the day, the completion of the Pyramid in that time. The gods had already broken the laws to create such a monument in a short amount of time, the most pivotal monument in the whole of history. They had already provided them with a miracle. In his heart he knew the end of the battle was near, but so was the beginning of a new dawn.


Sabra looked up from the din of battle. She saw the armor clad Kahmunrah, Ahkmenrah and Khufu race across the battlements. Behind them was a woman. The reader must note that even though she knew the woman was a goddess, it didn't deter her faith in her own belief. She had always though religions some how coexisted and was really from the same source though in different forms.

It filled her with more hope than before. Yet despite all this she had duly forgotten her surroundings. She felt the air move around her neck, instinctively she arched her neck back as two blades crossed, a millimeter from slitting her throat. The rusted helmet fell from her head but she wan unable to retrieve it.

Once she felt the presence of the two blades leave her, she without looking to see whom it was she sent a flurry of assaults upon her attacker. Alas the poor soldier stood no chance against her and he was killed in the third bout of attacks from Sabra's part.


Sabra was not the only one who had seen the three men and the goddess. Sargon freshly emerged from battle too saw them run across the battlements. He saw a flash of gold from under Kahmunrah arm. But it was unlike any gold he had ever seen; it was as bright and as radiant as the sun yet it had the cool sinister feel of the moon.

He turned to the advisor beside him.

"There is something I must do, I may not be back for a while."

His advisor nodded as Sargon gave chase to the three men and the goddess


Ahkmenrah ran as fast as he could, after his brother. His chest felt as though it was about to rip, he could feel his breathing constrict. His legs burned like they had never burned before. The soles of his feet ached from running across burning sand, which felt more like piping hot coals.

He wanted to call out to Kahmunrah, to ask him to stop. But he knew that was futile. They had to keep going.

After what felt like many years in the goriest of hells they stopped in front of the marvelous structure of the Pyramid.

Sucking in deep hoarse breaths Ahkmenrah turned to see Kahmunrah in a similar if not worse state. Some of his previous wounds had reopened. His cheeks and lips burned in a dangerous feverish red against his otherwise pale countenance.

"Do we have to climb it?" asked Ahkmenrah.

Tefnut answered him "Yes." She didn't even sound breathless or tired at the least.

Ahkmenrah turned to look behind him and to his dismay saw the familiar hateful figure of Sargon. He felt himself full of new energy.

"Let's go then!" he shouted urgently.

"But I cannot climb." Answered the goddess calmly.

"YOU'RE A GODDESS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" cried Ahkmenrah in dismay.

But before she had time to explain the metaphysics Kahmunrah had calmly, silently in one fluid motion threw the goddess over his shoulder and started climbing as Tefnut screeched banging her fists against his back.


Kahmunrah merely rolled his eyes while Ahkmenrah shouted up cheeklily.

"Then stop acting like one!"

For in mythology Tefnut had slept with many of the gods and some goddesses. Then he too placed his feet upon the sandstones blocks and started climbing just after Khufu.

He turned back to Sargon had arrived at the foot of the pyramid.

"Faster!" he called out to the others as he too increased the speed of his aching limbs.

The pyramid on its best of days was hard to climb for someone who had never had to climb mountains or anything of those likes. But being weaker than they used to be also took a toll on them.

Ahkmenrah couldn't help but notice the decreasing distance between them and Sargon. He screamed out to them to go faster and faster. But it was futile, for they were already going their very fastest.

"There is still time to surrender!" called Sargon after then.

"Well feel free!" retorted Kahmunrah.

All of sudden Ahkmenrah felt something grab at his ankle. He cried out to Kahmunrah. The older brother turned and his eyes widened at the sight of Sargon grabbing a hold of Ahkmenrah's ankle.

Sargon gave a cruel smile before pulling. Ahkmenrah lost his footing, he was dangling by his arms which were strained and taught, like a string ready to snap.

He looked up at Kahmunrah, tears in his eyes begging him to go on. Sargon pulled at Ahkmenrah's ankle again and this time Ahkmenrah could hold on. He went toppling down the side of the pyramid. He felt the sand stone scrape his skin, he could feel his body moving. Then he felt no more.


"NO!" cried Kahmunrah. Pain and wrath in his tone. There were tears in his eyes. This couldn't be happening. His baby brother could not be dead. But he couldn't have survived the fall.

Khufu pulled him to his senses. "Keep going! Ahkmenrah wouldn't have wanted you to stop."

Khufu himself took out a cruel jagged dagger and made his way down to Sargon.

If his brother's death meant he got the throne then he didn't want it. But he realised Khufu was right. Ahkmenrah would have wanted him to go on. So he kept climbing with a goddess slung against his shoulders. He looked up there were only a few more steps to got. He could do it. He would do it for Ahkmenrah.

So with aching taut muscles, the heat against his body and salt of his sweat on his brow he made it to the top.

He set the goddess down on the top most sandstone he kneeled in front of her on the second highest layer. He still had tears in his eyes. He couldn't seem to control them. She gave have him a pitying look before he asked.

"What am I to do?"

"Pass me the Tablet."

He did just that.

Tefnut turned to him, "You might want to close your eyes when the lightning comes."



Shepseheret noticed something had changed. The air had turned from hot and arid to humid and moist. As she dug a dagger deep into a man's jugular. She noticed the blood was darker than usual. No everything was darker. She looked up. Dark clouds were forming overhead with surprising rapidness.

They were finally going to have rain again.


Kahmunrah watched with an almost childish fascination as Tefnut held the Tablet above her head. It glowed softly. Tefnut's hummed an unearthly tone. Her rippling voice echoing, he knew the remnants her voice would ring in his ears for all eternity.

The clouds brewed and rumbled above them. They grew larger and darker, with occasional flashes of white accompanied by the roar of thunder. Kahmunrah raced down the side of the pyramid.

"Never ever wait for a storm to pass." Merenkahre's wise words came to him "Learn to dance in the rain."

He wouldn't be able to dance physically in this storm, but he knew he should be able enjoy it with burning ecstasy, which equated to dancing. But Ahkmenrah's safety plagued his heart and soul as he made his way down to him. Suddenly he saw a great light descending from the heavens. Jagged, beautiful but cruel.

He closed his eyes before it became even brighter.


The rain didn't descend upon them gradually. One minute there was nothing. Then there were three huge flash twenty minutes apart, all ending with a great roar and a the end of the third flash water descended from the heavens and shattered against their backs.

The cool rain slipped through the cracks of their armor and slid across their skin, invigorating their bodies and spirits. It was said that the rain was so full of life for the Egyptians that even the dead rose again to fight one last time.

But for the opposition something strange happened during the rain. They suddenly felt cold and haggard the rain weighing them down.

But bother sides ran at each other like two bulls, ready to tear each other apart at the first chance.


Kahmunrah had reached the bottom just after the second flash. Khufu had his jagged knife pressed against Sargon's throat and Sargon's hands tied behind his back with strips of his own robe. At their feet lay Ahkmenrah, face down in the sand.

"Ahk!" cried Kahmunrah rushing to him.

Kahmunrah knelt beside him and pulled his body up so that he was now face up his back on Kahmunrah's lap. Multicolored bruises coloured his limbs and torso the sign of a proud fall. His body was covered in cuts, blood oozing from his body. But the worst thing of all was the huge deep mauve bruise on his chest and thick red blood dribbling from his mouth.

Kahmunrah's hand hovered just above Ahkmenrah's cheekbones.

This could not be happening. Ahkmenrah could not be dead. But the evidence lay before him. Kahmunrah burst into sobs, not the soft dainty kind, but the ones that rack your whole being, groans, mucus and tears bursting out as powerfully as a coursing river.

He held onto his body and pulled him closer to his chest and screamed. A terrible, powerful scream, full of anger regret and loss. It was a scream that seemed to encompass the whole of human suffering. It was a scream that shook even Sargon's heart to the core.

He saw a glimmer of light just above him. He saw Tefnut looking down at him with pity. She knelt beside him and merely said:

"It was not his time yet."

She kissed the younger brother's forehead. The third flash of lightning struck the Pyramid. In the blinding light she had disappeared and in her wake rain crashed against their bodies. The rain washed away the blood from Ahkmenrah as they fell in fat drops.

Suddenly Kahmunrah saw his brother's eyes open, to reveal a slit of white and green. Then they fluttered open and Ahkmenrah looked straight at Kahmunrah.

"Sargon wasn't going to get rid of me so easily." He said.

Kahmunrah laughed, his tears of happiness mingling with water, the giver of life.

"Don't do that that to me again you son of donkey."

"You're my brother, making you also the son of donkey."

Kahmunrah pulled him into tight embrace and cried tears of happiness. Once they pulled away Khufu came to them.

"We still have a war to win."


Anbir was not with the army; instead he had his own small group patrolling the Nile river ready to catch any one trying to escape. No one had come yet, they had spent the whole blistering day on horse back.

They too had seen the clouds darken. They too had the three flashes of lightning.

Now the rain, cold and sweet swept down their bodies. The dry riverbed below them took in the rain into their very depths. Yet they waited, outside in the rain. Steadfast where they stood.

After an hour or so Anbir heard a thrush of water in his left ear. He looked that way and saw a wall of water rush towards him. His eyes widened, the size of the flood was enormous like it had been collected after many days. It was a miracle really.

He charged his horse and cried out to his comrades.


So they ran for the palace as waves crashed onto the dry shore. The soft thrush of the Nile had returned.


Sargon was dragged back to the palace at knife point by Khufu while Kahmunrah despite his own injuries half carried a very weak Ahkmenrah. Avoiding some of the fighting that went on, they made their way to the battlements where everyone could see them.

Kahmunrah held the Tablet in one hand and turned to the fighting mass. He knew that with the power of the Tablet he could stop them.

"Cease!" his voice rang through the scraping of swords and the sound of a dying humanity. The noise died down and all turned to look at him.

"We have your leader. Surrender or he dies."


Ooft! Almost 5000 words! I hope it was worth the wait. The description isn't very good, but I hope story line wise all is well. Sorry for crushing all your hopes and dreams again.

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