
By FluffyPieCaKe

23K 1.3K 1.9K

Mistakes are made, secrets are exposed, blood is spilled, and rumors run free. It's all for one cause ... Sur... More

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1.1K 81 122
By FluffyPieCaKe

Germany is different. Harry had never been here before, but it's peaceful and has a nice weather.

They were welcomed politely by men sent by Zayn to ensure a safe travelling towards the castle inside a royal cart, and from what Harry can see, the people really respect Zayn from the looks they give their cart when they pass by, and are very friendly with the guards which tells him that these guards were mostly chosen by Zayn himself.

Zayn waits for them by the entrance and it might have been a long time since he last saw him but he looks even better than the last time. His hair's gotten longer and is swiped from the side to form side bangs but still not covering his big beautiful eyes that Harry still sees his long lashes flutter from such distance, with the other side a bit wavy and the rest is pulled to the same side of his bangs by a hair tie to rest on his shoulders reaching above his chest. Wearing a beige circular long skirt accompanied with a black gathered neck top and black wide belt at his waist decorated by silver crystals, and his crown settled on his head.

He looks more comfortable as he stands before them and Harry won't blame him, it's his country and he's surrounded by his people that even if he was still seen as a woman, he can be the one that people admire and respect.

Zayn watches as they approach him, and because he was well-greeted when he first arrived at the English court despite the fact that they didn't know who he was, he would still do the same for the English, and because he is greeting a royal family that came to sign a treaty with his country, he can't not to.

The king kisses his hand again that makes the queen exhales sharply and earns a frown from Harry. Zayn keeps his smile as he leads the way inside and orders the servants to accompany each to their respective rooms.

Harry doesn't miss the genuine smiles from the servants towards Zayn and the way that he approaches them in return. It's way different than he'd seen any royal treat their subjects and he can clearly see now why Zayn is the speak of every nation right now. He'd risen with the people and for the people.

Zayn allows them to rest for the day, offering whatever they need aside from food and making sure they see the best hospitality, because it makes him look better than a bitter person who has personal vendetta. He is a queen now. Even though he hates the title.

The next day, they're called to a meeting room, along with two members of his council to discuss what they're really here for.

Harry is passive, not that Zayn would expect him to be otherwise. The queen doesn't talk first in the presence of her king and Zayn waits for them to finish their own view of the treaty before he proceeds with his own.

"I was told that you demand an army ... first. Which is an odd request considering that your country isn't facing a war at the moment" The king speaks up and Zayn is glad they're getting to the bottom of it right away.

"Think of it as a replacement to mine that was lost fighting for your country" Zayn simply states. "I'd rather have a good defense than to worry about a war later" The king opens his mouth to reply but Zayn continues, "You can have Louis' army in place of those you send. It's a fair trade"

"I still don't see the point of requesting an army" The king squints his eyes at him.

"Think of it as a proof of your goodwill as well as mine. I'm allowing English army on my lands that follows your orders. If it proves no harm, we can proceed further"

"Further?" The queen speaks up.

"Yes" Zayn shifts his gaze towards her. "I will not sign a treaty based only on words" his gaze shifts back to the king, "That was proven ineffective"

The king leans back in his seat thinking about Zayn's request. The queen doesn't say anything and leaves the decision for him to make. Zayn waits, his eyes never leaving the king's making sure his stare is cold.

"Alright. As a proof of a mutual goodwill" the king nods and Zayn offers a small smile with a nod of his own. "Well, then. Shall I request your hand in marriage?"

The queen gasps, clearly not aware of this. Harry rolls his eyes, and Zayn glances towards them both before returning to the king and raising his eyebrows slightly. "You're already-"

"It's only fair for you to have someone with the same station as yourself" The king interrupts him. "And it'd be only fair for me to have the throne here based on my sacrifice"

Zayn only smiles wider in amusement. "It really doesn't matter to me who I'll be marrying, but" he raises his voice a little to be heard at his last word. "I'd also like to guarantee myself something in England as well ... It's only fair for me based on my sacrifices" he repeats the king's words. "Lands"

"Name what you want" Zayn smirks at that.

"Also, the wedding will be here, and I will not move to England"

"Are you seriously considering this?" The queen asks, probably late after the shock, and Harry's eyes are not friendly anymore.

"Along with the usual trade and travel that will be arranged to be free, that is all I'm asking for" Zayn stands up. "I can give you my word that will be written down eventually that Germany will be in England's aid whenever needed as long as the latter conducts the same agreement. Are we finished?" The queen is still in shock, Harry is still passive, and the king nods once towards him. "Have a good night" Zayn smiles and leaves.


The queen doesn't sleep and she gets out of her chamber towards the balcony for some fresh air.

"It's such a nice scene. From a castle balcony ... Oh, how this would be a memory for you" The queen turns to see Zayn there with a smirk on his face. "I can only imagine your life afterwards ... Full of shame after an annulment" he turns to her and she grits her teeth. "Oh how the roles change. Trust me I want nothing than to witness that"

"You must be so proud of yourself" she says through gritted teeth. Words full of hatred.

But Zayn smiles. "I am, actually. Very"

"You came to insult me? Is that what you want? After being crowned a queen? You think you can win this? You're a man! He'll never love you! He's only going for your throne!" she whisper shouts.

"He doesn't seem to have a problem with me being a man" he replies with a tilt of his head to the side. "You must be blind to see that" he smirks again.

"I'll give you anything, just ... Don't" she lowers her voice and Zayn's smirk grows.

"Why would I want anything from you? I'm a queen about to marry a king"

"I come from a wealthy family, I can give you gold, crops, lands, army, anything-"

"Gold" Zayn interrupts and she looks up at him. "I will accept your gold and in return I'll leave your husband and marry your son instead. I want it ready by the end of the week before the arrival of the king's army and we have a deal"

There's a moment of silence before the queen nods silently and that's all that Zayn needs before leaving her.


In the morning, Zayn sees Harry in the training ground with a sword, obviously lashing his frustration and anger towards the targets. It's still too early for him to attend to anything political so he decides to join him, wearing a robe on his blouse and pants with boots with his face still covered in make-up and his hair braided down from behind.

"Do you still fight like a five year-old?" He teases once he reaches down making Harry turn to him with a deep frown.

"I've been in a battle recently. You can ask my men" His voice is cold and his eyes are no longer holding such kindness anymore.

Zayn grabs two wooden swords. "What did I do to earn such attitude from you?" his tone is still teasing which irritates Harry more accepting the wooden sword Zayn offers harshly. Zayn doesn't want to hurt Harry, so he wouldn't draw his actual sword in a training which is a bit insulting to Harry because Zayn hasn't seen him fight since they were quite young and that doesn't give him the right to judge his skills.

"You're splitting my family apart" Harry spits out.

Zayn still walks around him with a teasing smile that Harry counters with a glare as he focuses on really fighting Zayn. It takes a couple of swings to catch Zayn off-guard and he stumbles backwards. Harry takes this advantage and strikes Zayn's sword away.

"Okay, okay! I was going easy on you!" Zayn raises his hands as Harry retreats with the same look on his face and he picks up his sword again. "Giving the advantage that I just woke up and you had your warm-ups"

"Don't blame your loss on anything other your lack of skills"

"My lack of skills?" Zayn laughs. Okay, he's taking this seriously. Harry seems to be more annoyed by his behavior as the grip on his sword tightens.

Zayn uses his speed to his advantage, having a smaller frame isn't always a disadvantage and he owns some muscles of his own. Harry needs to understand that. He swings his sword that Harry evades but Zayn lands a high kick and Harry falls to the ground making Zayn tap his sword on Harry's throat.

"Get up"

Zayn walks backwards and waits for Harry to get up before resuming their fight. They're fully focused and it takes five minutes for Zayn to knock Harry again.

"Don't blame your loss on anything other your lack of skills" Zayn mimics what Harry said earlier with a cheeky grin before dumping his sword and walking away without another word leaving Harry still frustrated on the ground.

Harry would admit. Zayn is good, he's better at everything so far and he needs to be superior at something. He makes a mental note to improve his skills daily.

"I know about your military shortage"

That makes Zayn stop in his tracks and turns to Harry again. "Excuse me?"

Harry huffs and gets up. "You're acting all confident and you think that you have the upper hand just because your reputation has spread wide. But I know why you chose to reply now to my father's messages"

Zayn walks back to him with narrowed eyes. "And who told you such false information?" he huffs a laugh to demonstrate his point.

"Deciding on a war, that's why you're requesting an army. I'm not the fool you think I am. I have people that work for me"

"You would've used that in our previous meeting ..." Zayn trails and by the look on Harry's face he knows he isn't lying. He wants to know how did he manage to get such information and exactly how much does he know about all of this, and most importantly, why he is not sharing what he has with his father. "Your parents don't know ... Why?"

"Because they'll use you, and you'll lose ... Again" Zayn searches Harry's face for anything to give him a clue about why but Harry opens his mouth to answer his unsaid question. "You're building something great and I can't have my parents ruin that. Despite of what you're doing, you still mean well" Harry dumps the sword as well and makes his way to leave.

"I'm not breaking your family" Zayn speaks up making Harry turn to him. "Agreeing on marrying your father was merely a decoy to have ... I wanted more men, and men that are not my country's can be only bought by gold. Gold that your mother can provide" he then tilts his head to the side. "How did you manage to get such information?"

"The mercenaries you bought from Spain" Zayn nods at that. He didn't know Harry could actually have some contacts there, but it appears he does. And as long as he keeps his mouth shut, everything should go well.


"The gold that you provided earned us another army troop, alongside with what we already have, we should be able to strike soon before the French get the chance to. We'll leave some of the men here to guard the castle just in case."

One of the council members notifies him and he smiles. Everything is going according to plan.

"Also, about the other thing we have in our sleeves. It's settled and waiting for your command" Zayn's smile grow as he turns to the council member who has a similar smirk.

"Proceed with that immediately. Time isn't something we can afford to lose. The English are not and will never have anything from us"

The council member nods and leaves.


"I believe we should have our agreements settled now"

The king walks to him and he simply turns his head until the king stands in front of him.

"Our army has arrived at the borders, and I see no reason in wasting more time"

"Oh, but you do know we can't possible wed with your wife still your wife" Zayn explains quietly, "And ... Why such hurry? You're not enjoying your stay at Germany?" he fakes concern. "Or is it not worth the staying?" he brushes his fingers over the king's tunic.

He's really disgusted by his own actions, but he must, and it works. He has no idea how the king had taken an interest in him in the first place, but if it works to his advantage then he'll take it.

The king smirks and steps closer, "Worth every second if invested in the right action"

Zayn takes a step back retreating his hand. "Then invest that time quickly. Because I won't be waiting"

"You know I can't!"

"Oh but you can" Zayn offers a small smirk. "Harry isn't interested and you're a king whose word is considered the most important" The king nods at that slowly. "I will not interfere in your country's affairs. But if you must leave with the treaty, then wed me Harry. The choice of him staying or leaving is up to you" Zayn doesn't care that much.

The king stares at him for a moment and Zayn doesn't change his expression until the king takes a deep breath and opens his mouth again, "There's something else" Zayn raises his brows. "The army you requested. I was thinking of taking it with me. As the treaty will state, each country must help the other, and mine is in need right now"

"That is not acceptable" Zayn replies sternly. The king presses his lips together for another moment and Zayn sighs taking the step he backed away. "I'll consider your request, but you must understand that I need something in return"

"I'll send you gold, worth of providing you an army of the similar number"

"I wasn't looking for an army, I said it was for goodwill"

"Then what is it that you want?" he smirks but Zayn mentally slaps himself for giving the wrong vibes. Or the right ones, he doesn't know.

"You're the king of England, you can have anyone to replace" The king gives him a confused look. "Lord Louis Tomlinson is to be my guest, alone, replacing your army. Your methods of doing so does not concern me"

"Louis? Why?"

Zayn steps back again. "Because he's as worthy as your army, and as my goodwill, he shall be treated fairly. You have my word on that. And that is final" he gives the king a stern look before turning on his heels and leaving.


"The king wishes to see you ..."

Zayn turns to Elma with a confused expression and she clears her throat, "In his chambers"

It takes a moment for Zayn to process what he's being asked to. "Oh ... How dare he?! I'm a virgin queen!" Hylda chuckles from his other side and he glares at her. "Well, half of what I said is true" making the rest of the girls join in the laughter.

"Help me make an excuse!" Zayn whisper shouts at them. "I mean ... How could he?! I'm a man for god's sake!"

"He doesn't seem to have a problem with that" Giselle whispers with a teasing tone.

The girls are basically like his sisters now. They've even seen him naked multiple times and if they stare it'd be one of 'Oh! There's a hair! We have to take care of that!' or 'Did you not use a body moisturizer today?' or their best 'You look beautiful, darling. I'm jealous' that he stopped rolling his eyes at their statement long ago. But they're his friends, and they help him whenever they can.

"Okay, okay" Alyson snaps her fingers to gather them around her, "This is real business here and we must protect our virgin queen" Zayn sighs at that, they are his words but he didn't mean them. "You are technically a virgin when it comes to another man" the rest of the girls nod.

"And we need to preserve my pureness" The girls hold their laughter after he sends them a hurt look. "I hate all of you" he mumbles.

"Give him a show" Hylda smirks and Zayn glares. "Just a strip tease, something to hold on to"

"Rejected. Next"

"Distract him with another" Giselle speaks up and all eyes land on her. "Someone that isn't us ... There're many girls in the castle"

"You're asking me to give a servant to him? No! I'm not sacrificing with anyone else!"

"Well, we have to keep him satisfied. You know he might cancel everything if he loses interest, and you won't have-"

"Send the queen!" Elma cuts off Giselle. "She will make sure he stays in his room" she smirks. "And besides, eyes are everywhere and no one knows you're not a girl. Use that as an excuse" Having the king walking away from the deal will only make his stance weaker and he knows that the king might actually do it if he feels that Zayn is playing him. Because if includes one matter, it'll lead to the rest and he can't risk that. They need to keep the king ... in place.

Zayn nods slowly, "Send a word to the queen. Anything that will make her leave her room and go across the hall. I get to keep my virginity and the king won't be satisfied but he can't blame it on me"

The girls nod and they all stand. "It's odd hearing you talking about your men-related virginity" Elma whispers to him before she goes with a laugh that Zayn would have thrown a pillow at her if he didn't need her out of the room right away.

Okay, back to business. He decides to leave his hair down and wavy with his bangs still to one side. An Empire Waist white-chiffon long dress with an overlay bell sleeves attached to the scoop neckline covered with a black robe is his choice for the deed. He prays that he doesn't even need to say more than a typical 'hello' then leaving.

He gets to the king's chamber to find that the guards are already dismissed. He'll have to order his own guards next time to stand by the king's door. He looks to his side to find Elma, she smiles and then leaves ensuring her mission is complete, so he knocks on the door.

The king answers after only two seconds and stares at him for a moment before allowing him in. For a long moment, Zayn doesn't step in, because he's afraid the king might jump on him or something and as a very normal reaction, he might kick him or snap his head. He is still a king and he needs him. So he smiles politely entering the room.

The hungry eyes staring at his back is almost too much when he turns to face him and he doesn't get to take off his robe because the door is slammed open before the king gets a chance of locking it. Yes!

Zayn pretends he doesn't know and fakes a gasp as he pulls the robe even closer to himself and clears his throat. The queen looks in disbelief between the two before the king gets a chance of speaking she slaps him and turns to Zayn next.

"I thought we had an agreement!" she yells at his face but the king stops her hand when she tries to slap him as well. "You think servants won't see or hear the two of you! You'll be done by tomorrow!"

A gasp is heard from the door and Zayn turns to see Hylda dressed as one of the servants. He tries to hold his laughter and to act surprised. He glances at the king and mouths to him 'next time' even if there won't be any –to his utmost luck– then hurries out of the door.

"If you excuse me, I'll have to take care of that!" he throws behind his back before returning to his room satisfied.

The argument that happens between the king and the queen next is not of his concern.


Maybe seeing Zayn is a white dress walking down the aisle might have put a smile on his face, but after hearing everything Zayn has done, Harry just sighs once Zayn reaches him. He won't deny that he looks devastatingly beautiful. The contrast of the white with his skin tone and dark hair is astonishing. And the –pretended– shy look, perhaps, or Zayn is simply looking down to make sure he doesn't step on his dress or something, because when he looks up, he doesn't look that 'happy to be here with you' it's more of 'we have to' thing that Harry completely understands.

He doesn't kiss him of course, and the papers of the treaty is being read and held by Zayn's men because he doesn't trust the English. They sign their names, hear the cheering and clapping as they walk away and flower petals being thrown from above.

Harry is not a king yet, the ceremony is not combined with the wedding, and he stays for it while his parents leave. He's crowned as a king a couple of weeks later.

He hears the talk about him, the girls say he's charming among many other good traits that describes his personality and appearance. Others talk about how he and the queen doesn't even talk which is half true. Zayn is busy with the affairs of the country that he wishes to be involved in as a king, the rightful person to hold such things, but he isn't, and he feels like a guest in his own castle.

He spots Zayn with a bright smile on his face that makes him even more beautiful if that's possible as he crosses the halls and he stops him for a talk.

"Am I ever going to be treated like a king?"

Zayn's smile fall and he sighs, "You're treated like a king. Is there anything that makes you feel not as one?"

"That I'm not included in any meetings perhaps?" Harry keeps his tone calm. He doesn't want to snap on Zayn, but it's too difficult. "Or the looks that I'm being given by the nobles?" he raises his voice. "I didn't come here to be treated like this!"

Zayn rolls his eyes with a sarcastic short quiet laugh that makes Harry's blood boil. "Last thing I remember was that you agreed to marry me and be the king of Germany. You have the title, but I can't give you the people's trust" he shrugs, like he's stating something so simple and obvious.

"A title? Is that what you were after all along? To build this for yourself so whoever you marry won't have control over you"

"First, keep your voice down" Zayn's tone is still calm and Harry fights the urge to punch a wall. "And you're right. I did build a reputation for myself that I won't allow another to have authority over me. The people know me and trust me. They will not favor an Englishman over someone who genuinely cares for their wellbeing. So yes, if that's what you were expecting to have then I'm not sorry you won't"

"It was a mistake supporting you" Harry spits through gritted teeth.

"But you agreed. You knew. And you stayed ... Harry you had a chance to speak up but you chose not to, now you see the results of your actions ... In fact, this is exactly what I'd have gotten in England, so you can say that I'm putting you in the weaker position"

"You wouldn't have gotten that in England!" Harry retorts, because he wouldn't have treated Zayn like that. Ever!

"No? So you didn't try to earn my trust by not speaking up what you know to your father so I can somehow have a liking to you and engage you in the political life?"

"I did it to support you!"

"Support me? Why?" Zayn inquires. He knows there's something behind Harry's motives but he can't just put his hands on it.

"Your majesty" Someone pops up next to them and Harry knows he's only addressing Zayn when the latter turns to him. "Lord Louis has arrived"

Zayn nods and Harry gapes at him. "Louis? So now you're also putting your personal affairs into this?"

"In fact, I was going to have him for you" Zayn replies, his tone no longer calm. "I know what it is like to live in a place with strangers surrounding you, so I thought I'd give you a friend"

Harry chuckles bitterly, "You mean someone to talk to behind bars?"

"I never said I was putting Louis behind bars" Zayn starts to walk away, "Not if he didn't give me a reason to" before he fully turns and go.

One thing that Zayn doesn't understand is that his motives were not what Zayn said. But he can't say it. And now he's having Louis here. His life was not getting better, and Zayn is the top player in the game right now.


"The army is ready to move"

"Then I must be-"

"No" One of the generals cuts him off and the members of the council do not agree to it as well. Zayn sighs in frustration. He's having an invasion over France, how come he doesn't go? And he can't send Harry either. "You're needed here. Queens do not enter the battlefield"

Zayn is ready to rip off his dress right there because he is NOT a girl! But he doesn't, because everyone knows him as the queen, and doing such thing in a time like this won't benefit him at all.

The general leaves and one of the guards come to him.

"Your highness, I'm afraid we lost track of Lord Louis"

"This is the last thing on my mind" Zayn mumbles.

"Along with the king" Zayn's head snap up and he stares into the guard for a good minute before turning to his council.

"May you witness either the death of one of them or both"

"Having the king dead won't benefit us" One of the council members speak up, there's an amused smile on his face despite what he said. There are not many left here with him, the rest are with his soldiers because they need someone to lead them as whole aside from the separated generals.

"Not if he wasn't killed by our hands"

Even if Zayn doesn't want Harry dead. He hadn't really done any harm, and he could've been looking for a more private time with Louis, and he wouldn't care what the two of them do if it wasn't for Louis' presence that annoys him. Louis doesn't have his men here, Harry doesn't have authority, but the two together combined with Louis' mind could do damage that Zayn isn't ready for. He prays they're just having a chill.

"Send someone after them" he still orders because it's better to have less troubles right now. He needs to focus on the war he's having on France.


"Did something happen?" Harry frowns once he spots many people that look like they've been buried under the ground for a while then got out. There are injured and even dead. He knows about the war, it's something he at least knows from the preparation that was going around him, but they're not at the borders, they're at a town near the castle and he can swear this is the same spot Zayn's army was heading for –Louis told him that much. He'd heard some people talking–

Louis pulls him when he tries to go talk to one of the people.

"These are not German" Louis points out and Harry frowns when he spots what Louis is really pointing at. "French"

Harry's eyes widen. French soldiers are coming from behind the people, but not hurting them. They're not even heading for them. There're heading for the castle.

He must go back. He must warn Zayn.


"A what?"

Zayn asks calmly, staring at the messenger in front of him who looks down when he repeats his words.

"There was an earthquake where the army was gathering. Who didn't die was slaughtered by the French. There is no one left"

Zayn blinks once. Twice. Then sits down slowly.

This can't be happening to him. An earthquake? Now? Out of everything, the nature decides to betray him? He had everything! He gave up everything to have this and now ... An earthquake?

"French men are heading toward the castle. Their main target is you. They don't want anything else"

"You can go" Zayn dismisses the messenger and the council members –or what remains of them– quickly circle around him.

"The castle guards can't handle a full French troop. If their true target is you, we can't let them have you"

Zayn looks up tiredly. He still can't process this.

"I can't leave" he says in a weak voice. "If I'm to die fighting then I will!" his voice rise.

"And end up dead?" A member shouts. "And let the French win?"

"You're asking me to betray my country!" Zayn slams his hands on the table and stands up. "I will not run away!"

"You have no army anymore!" another member shouts. "You dead is not benefiting your country!"

"Your majesty" A member approaches him quietly, "Think about it. If you fled now, you can go to England"

"England? They'll never accept me! They know how much I hate them! They know the scandal we pulled on them for this! I can't go back!"

The members share a look and one takes a deep breath before speaking up. "Please live. For the sake of your people. For your country. Gather an army and come back. A year or five, it doesn't matter as long as you put the future first ... Your throne will forever belong to you, and your people will never accept anyone other than you. We beg of you to listen to us"

Zayn is at the verge of tears. He wants to scream, hit someone or something, or just anything. But not this. He can't leave his country. Not after everything he had done for it, for the people. Not after he finally got a hold of the reign. Something that he never thought he wanted was actually good at. People wanted him here, and he can't turn his back on them.

"They're approaching as we speak ... Your majesty"

Zayn takes a deep breath. Shouldn't he be here to honor the deaths of his soldiers? To send his apologies to their families? Instead he's going to an exile? England is not a home to him. It's a prison that he fears the walls of. He doesn't trust the English.

"I apologize, your majesty, for what I'm going to say next" Zayn looks up again. "I'll no longer support you if you stayed inside this castle. The people would forever remember you as the person who favored an honorable death over their future"

The rest of the council nods and they wait for his answer.

Someone barges through the door before he gets a chance to speak.

"The king and Lord Louis arrived at the castle"

One of the members look back at him, "Now!" he shouts and Zayn takes another deep breath before rushing through the door.

He sees Niall hurrying up to him and he pulls him into a room first.

"You can't go out looking like that" Niall throws at him men's clothes and he quickly wipes off his make-up and pulls on the alternate outfit. He pulls his hair up in a ponytail and Niall hugs him tightly before he goes.

"I'll make sure your ladies are safely back to their respective houses. Live, my friend"

"When I come back you better be alive, Ni" Zayn allows some tears to flow as he hugs Niall back then quickly heads off.

On his way, the servants still give him the most respected look he'd ever received and he wonders if he's doing the right thing still. Sure, he can go and come back with an army –if he succeeded in bringing one– that so many believe he will. But he also might not and he tries to work his mind to offer something different, another option that makes him stay. But without an army, he can't stay, and the French will only have a better advantage.

He's on the back of a horse in the next minute and he has a sword to protect himself if needed. Harry and Louis are there once he arrives at the castle gates and he pulls the hood of his cape over himself as he passes by. Harry has a concerned look on his face while Louis has an annoyed one, but Harry is the one who approaches him as they run away first.

"So you're aware of the situation?"

"You must be very happy to hear about it" Zayn mumbles and Harry crosses him to make him halt his horse.

"I didn't come back to laugh at you"

"Then why?" Zayn shouts. "If you think I'm a fool, think twice!" Harry's face is still filled with concern and worry, but also missed with anger and hurt. "No one does anything without a motive, and your kindness has one behind it. So tell me why do you insist on helping me even when I cast you away? Is it to have the throne? Is it to gain gold? Is it to-"

"So I can't just be kind?" Harry interrupts him. "I can't do anything just because I'm a good person with no ill intention behind my actions?" Zayn frowns. Because no, he can't. "Can't I just help you for the sake of yourself as a human being?" Harry lowers his voice and Zayn tries to search for a lie but he can't. Harry's honest eyes are too much for him and he looks away.

"I'll never trust an Englishman"

"You trusted Liam" Harry counters. "Why can't you trust me?"

Zayn looks up again but doesn't reply. He doesn't know how to. Harry doesn't wait for an answer anyway as he pulls his horse to the side allowing Zayn to lead the way since it's his country after all and he knows better than the two of them.

Louis stands there in confusion as he kicks his horse to follow after them. He hadn't seen Zayn's face and he doesn't know yet whether he's a boy or a girl. The cape is covering his body and he can only guess his change of clothes is a disguise to get him out of the castle. Still, he doesn't know why Harry would save him. Even if he's still the queen of Germany. He hates him, and the feud between the two is personal, for different reasons from each side.


Norden, Aurich, Lower Saxony, Germany.

News that there were no casualties among the villagers eased the tension Zayn was feeling, but knowing that the French are taking over the throne ached him to physical levels. His country was being taken away from him and he can't do anything. England is not moving for his aid which he doubts the treaty is even availed. But he has nothing to offer, nothing to say or do that will get the French out of his country.

He had his guard up, because Louis is there all the time, and he can't let him know he's a man, and Harry is helping him covering up too which he's grateful for and has many questions about it too. Harry helping him just for his sake? What was he supposed to do with that?

They were planning to get on board of a ship that takes them back to England and they had the necessary gold to get them onboard. And that's what they did. They took the first ship sailing to England, because gladly, the French didn't have their troops there yet and they could go away easily.

Despite of what he had doubted before, Harry and Louis actually care for each other and for the first time he sees them interacting like friends. He wonders if it's just because the current circumstances.

At one point, they hear yelling and loud noises coming from the deck and they go up once there are screaming and people running away and crying. Each pull out their swords carefully before approaching the deck.

They see a sea of people on the floor along with shattered stuff and blood. The next thing they see is a pirate ship next to them and pirates onboard facing them.

Zayn gets a chance to let out his frustration on those men and kills anyone who tries to get to him.

"Never knew you can fight, your majesty" Louis tells him once his back hits his own and they work together to get rid of the pirates who approaches them. "A very good one at that too!" Louis' tone is an impressed one and Zayn smirks.

"Think I've killed more than you!" he shouts at him which makes Louis laugh and his laugh suddenly dies down with Harry shouting his name. Zayn quickly turns to find Louis stabbed from the back.

Zayn doesn't move, because despite them being together in the same position, and Louis might have watched his back while he watched his. But he won't deny the fact that he wants Louis' death. Harry is soon by his side and Zayn rolls his eyes but once he turns again, someone chokes him and he drops his sword. He gets pushed to the ground with his hands tied behind his back and Harry is taken as well, and he curses Louis for distracting him. Even the wanker can't have a death without disturbing him.

They see Louis still whimpering on the ground as they get pushed on the pirates' ship, and he can see him pulling the sword away. Zayn prays he doesn't make it alive.


They get thrown in a room and Harry just sits there. Zayn gives him an annoyed look before shaking his head and trying his best to get himself free of the ropes. It hurts his wrists and he feels the blood oozing down his skin but he keeps going until he sees his writs in front of him.

"You would've cut a vein if you weren't careful" Harry frowns at him but Zayn sends him an unimpressed look.

"Would you rather live as a slave or something?" Zayn unties Harry's ropes as well. "Besides, I know what I'm doing. I didn't escape from my country to be killed here by ropes" he rolls his eyes and gets up then pulling a dagger from the insides of his boots. "You have any?"

Harry nods and pulls his as well. "We can't face all of them. They're a full crew"

"I'm not an idiot, Harry" Zayn fixes him with another unimpressed look and Harry just presses his lips together.

Zayn stands by the door and tells Harry to return to his previous position when they hear noises coming from the door. It opens and a man walks in with a plate of food, but not for them apparently because he's eating out of it. He frowns when he sees Harry alone on the floor, but before he gets a chance to speak, Zayn closes the door and slits his throat.

Zayn motions for Harry to get up and he opens the door slightly to see four men there. Zayn opens it slowly and swiftly stabs the dagger into the first man's neck from behind. Harry takes the hint and he launches at the second stabbing his knife in the man's chest. There's a sword being swung at Zayn but he ducks and cuts through the man's legs before rolling on the floor and standing up quickly taking the sword from the man and stabbing him in the back and then throwing his dagger to land on the fourth man's head dropping him to the floor. Okay, Harry is definitely impressed.

Zayn doesn't say anything, just pulling the dagger off the man's skull and carrying on his way up. They don't go right away though, wait for some others to get down to decrease the number of who they're facing before heading up knowing very well that it won't take much time before the men up there get the idea of their fellows being dead.

So Zayn doesn't waste his time, moving up and counting the men before he gets out. There are many, and he has one target. The captain.

"Kill if they come at you. Don't throw yourself. And be alive" He throws his words at Harry before sprinting at full speed, jumping over a couple of boxes and hopping the stairs before cutting the throat of the captain. He backs away quickly, cornering himself in order not to have someone from his back, and while the men are startled for a second, Harry takes it as his cue to grab a sword and managing to land two blows on two men sending them to their graves.

The men are divided between him and Harry and Zayn suddenly shouts.

"We can stop this if you surrender!"

A man snorts. "To you? Two people?"

"Two people managed to reduce your numbers by half ... And more if we carry on" Zayn smirks. "Who among you knows anything about running a ship? From what I can see, whoever is left is only here with a sword or a rag"

The men glance between each other and Harry holds a defensive position just in case.

"I can get you to the shore safely, or you can die now on my hands. Or later lost in the sea" Zayn glances between the men who start to put their weapons down. "Then I'm your new Captain" he smirks again putting the dagger down as well and putting his hand on the helm. "You made the right choice boys" Harry releases a breath and puts his sword down as well making his way towards Zayn.

"And you know how to sail?" Harry whispers to him once the men are separated to do whatever task they were doing before.

"I happen to know that, yes" he whispers back and Harry is actually glad for Zayn's many skills.

There is a group standing there and glancing towards them as they speak in hushed tones before Zayn and Harry walk past them.

"Well, if it isn't the pretty boy" Zayn doesn't let it bother him and keeps walking. "I thought he was actually a girl" another chuckles and well. He was being used to be called that. It doesn't bother him anymore.

That's until they corner him and he has to turn to them. His eyes are clod, lazy, but delivers the message that he isn't scared.

"So you're taking the lead, Captain?" One starts in a teasing voice.

"Nah, he's taking the back" another says and they laugh. Harry is about to interfere when their hands slip on Zayn's body but Zayn beats him to it and kicks the man in front of him between his legs, pulling his dagger again and slashing it across his chest making the others back away.

"Come on" Zayn tells Harry and Harry follows him.

"Bet he fucks you good for you to follow him like a dog!" One of the men shouts at Harry and he ignores them, but that ticks Zayn off and in a second, Zayn is turned around and his dagger is in the said person's throat.

"I'm having a shitty day and a short temper!" He pulls the dagger away letting the man choke as he dies slowly and in pain before stabbing his heart and looking up with hard wide predatory eyes. "So if you want to test my anger, I dare you to say one. More. Word" his low is low and deep that sends shivers down their spines and even Harry's as all of them take a step back once Zayn is up again on his feet. He turns to leave and Harry doesn't have to be told again for him to follow.


"Did it bother you?" Harry asks quietly. It was already night, and both are tired, laying back in one of the rooms. Harry's back is turned to Zayn so he doesn't know if Zayn is looking at him or not but he knows he's awake so he asks. "What they said? Did it bother you because ... You know, it's ... The idea of ... Two men together?"

"No" There's not even a pause before Zayn's answer and Harry turns to him when he does. "I don't judge people's preferences even if it wasn't my own. I know some friends who are actually in such relationship ... I don't ask about it, and I don't care. That's not what bothered me" Zayn's tone is calm and Harry is glad that he's calmed down. "They just built thought about me without knowing anything and that bothered me. And I didn't lie, I had horrible days before this one and they weren't making it any better. But I killed them because what they said implies that they were not going to follow us, and I don't want them on the ship if they so desire"

Harry frowns. They. Zayn doesn't trust the rest of the group. He's talking about killing them, yet they're alive.

"Are you not going to sleep? You look tired?"

Zayn doesn't look at him as he keeps playing with his dagger between his hands. "Do you honestly trust a pile of pirates? Sleep, Harry. One of us needs to be awake"

Harry sits up, "I can-"

"I'll take the first shift" Zayn turns to him, "I'll wake you up when your turn comes"

Harry sighs and flops back into the mattress. His eyes betray him and they close on their own accord.


"It's midnight. They must be asleep" he whispers as he opens the door slowly. There are two figures on each bed and he tightens his grip on the sword before approaching the bed slowly.

There's a drop behind him.

A second drop.

A third, and his heart stops as he stills in his position.

"Surprise" a whisper comes from behind him before he feels a stinging sensation in his throat and the next thing he sees is black.


Harry wakes up and he notices the sunrays coming through the window. Zayn didn't wake him up. He sighs heavily rubbing his eyes before turning to the other bed to find it empty. There's blood shattered on the sheets and there are some more on the floor and Harry quickly gets out of bed to look for Zayn.

He finds him on deck with some more bodies dead next to him.

"What ..."

"They were never going to trust us anyway" Zayn tells him. He is sure that Zayn didn't have a second of sleep. He watches though as Zayn tightens the ropes around one of the wooden pillars. "Come on, we can't manage a ship alone" he nods at what below them and Harry looks down to find a boat there connected to the rope. "We'll go down and leave" he explains and Harry nods, following after Zayn when he descends down the rope. Zayn cuts the rope with his dagger and gives Harry a compass.

"We should go towards the west from here. Just follow that"

Zayn informs him before laying back on the boat and closing his eyes. "You'll row all the way"

Harry doesn't protest. Zayn deserves some sleep and he has more energy than him right now.

Harry thinks they had been sailing for over five hours now before he spots a land. According to Zayn and the compass. That should be England. He looks down at Zayn and wishes if his hair was out of that hair tie so he can brush his fingers through it, so he strokes Zayn's cheeks instead.

He sees the English flags once they're close enough and smiles before looking down at Zayn again.

"We're home"

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