A Bisexual Story (BoyxBoyxGir...

By DerreckSanchez

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EDITING!! The heart is going to want what it wants. No and's but's or if's. Nikita is a gal that has the supe... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four (part 1)
Chapter Four (part 2)
Chapter Four (part 3 finale)
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (part 1)
Chapter Eight (part 2)
Chapter Eight (part 3 finale)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (part 1)
Chapter Twenty (part 2 finale)
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Final Authors Note

Chapter Two

10.6K 194 35
By DerreckSanchez

Here is the long awaited chapter. Santa got my letter so I hope you all had a great Christmas. Anyways Live for the night by Krewella is the song of the chapter. The lovely Nikki Reed if she were naturally blonde is our Nikita. Unedited because I am lazy lately. Enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


My stomach grumbled me awake to be fed at two in the morning.

I crept out of my room and saw the kitchen light was already on. If it was my brother should I scare him?

Instead it was just my mother in the kitchen and on the phone.

"2 o'clock in the morning?" I said loud enough to make her jump and clutch her chest. "Seriously?"

I know I sounded like the parent here but this was unheard of. My mother was always in bed by ten at the latest. She the first to go to sleep and the last to get up. It used to be the other way around but my brother and I were grown up now.

"Blake you scared me!" She bugged her eyes out at me, "Let me call you back," she told who ever it was on the other line.

I watched her set the phone down on the counter and I waited.

"That would be Dave," she said almost unemotionally, "We've been talking for months and dating just as long."

The shock that came across my face couldn't be helped.


"Oh no I wont hear it because I am the parent here not you," she threw her hands up in the air. "This wont become another sitcom on daytime television."

I blinked rapidly at her trying to think of something to say.

"He's nice to me. He's good to his daughter. I am done moping over your father," she said.

I kind of had an irrelevant thought here. Sean and I, our first conversation at school while we were both on our way to our next class. He didn't have a dad either and I found that intriguing.

"Is he moving in?" I asked using the wall to keep me standing.

"T-that is none of-"

"It is my business," I corrected her, "I live here."

Her face started to turn red but I wasn't backing down.

"But don't worry its not me you have to worry about as much its going to be Phil," I said not really wanting to play that card but it was true.

Her face decreased a shade of red as she thought about it.

"Phil and you are growing up. You need to understand how lonely this house is going to be without you guys. Besides everyone deserves a second shot at happiness? I mean look at you, Sean, and that nice girl N-"

"Anyways I think I lost my appetite," I said turning out of the kitchen. I knew I was being dramatic but it was just uncomfortable now. Its not that I blamed her for anything. Its been close to six years since my father died. It was a plane crash and that was a day I didn't try to think of too closely.

I was back in my room and on my bed again to think it all through. If this guy had a daughter and hits it off with my mom, I'd have my very own evil stepsister. That thought I removed quickly because I started to think about her and how she would see things. She would be getting two step brothers. Things around here would also change with two extra people in our home. I think that was going to be my biggest problem. Having to follow a set of rules by a stranger in my home. Anyways there wasn't much else I needed to think about on that because it may never happen. Or so I kind of hoped.

Then instead of fuming about the situation with my mom. I was going to think of other things. I went back in time while I shut my eyes to think of Sean and I. A small but effective memory.

A few months ago...

A large group of girls in front suddenly started walking really slow in front of me. Sean was right behind me as both just left our history class together. I tried not to look at him because his eyes made me weak. He had a girlfriend so there was low chances of him swinging my way. Let alone a gorgeous girlfriend. The Nikita Richards whom I never had classes with nor talked to. I mean she was everything a heterosexual guy could want. But then it got around that Sean had batted for both teams. But still what were the chances?

"Hey," he said to me and I almost thought he was talking to someone else.

I played it calmly with just a regular, "Hey."

That didn't stop my face from flushing at the memory of when we first met a few months ago. How embarrassing!

I held no expectations of anyone not sure why he was talking to me now. I had maybe only one friend in school. So yeah call me a introvert, guilty as charged.

"You forgot your notebook... thing," he said as he handed it to me.

"Oh wow I didn't even notice I left it," I said not being able to keep the relief out of my voice and face. I kept a lot of notes that was almost like a diary to me in it. Thankfully I didn't blurb about any classmate crushes in it. Let alone about Sean Moss. Yeah I thought he was good looking. He also stood up to bullies for weaker kids and managed to talk people out of getting into fights at school. There was just that way he had with words.

"So what are you doing?" he asked and I had to look him dead in the face because it sounded like really dumb question.

He backed off a few inches before he corrected himself nervously, "I mean what is the hold up?"

Did I make him nervous?

He added a smile to his question and goodness I felt like I was going to do something clumsy.

"A bunch of idiots decide to suddenly walk slow and I cant get around them," I said not caring if any of them heard me.

Sean looked forward to see what I was talking about as if he really had to because they weren't hard to miss. None the less, the gesture was nice. It was a group of ten girls with binders and they all had the same book with them. I think it was a Twilight book. Other people on the other side of the hallway were having trouble going the opposite direction as them because they decided to take up the entire hallway. Ugh so annoying and petty!

"Really sucks man," Sean looked like he wanted to get by just as bad as I did.

"Well at least there's still plenty of time to kill here," I said because there was no use in complaining about it.

"Hey you want to go out on a date with me?" he suddenly said.

"What?" my face froze in fact it felt like everything did.

He took me by the arm and we moved to the side of hallway against the lockers. Then he looked directly in the eyes and asked again.

"Holy shit!" I said far too loud earning some irritable looks by the teachers near by.

I hardly ever cursed but this moment deserved it.

"Holy shit..." I said much lower not really sure what to say.

I told myself to calm down because he was looking embarrassed now. It wasn't like he was the most popular guy in school or anything. I didn't believe in chasing people I couldn't have. Nor did I know what being pursued by a guy that liked me would be like. But still I could dream once in a while.

Fudge, I didn't even chase him.

"Don't you have a girlfriend? What was her name?" I had to think about it because it wasn't like I expected this, "Nikita the gorgeous some call her?" my head was doing circular motions while my brain did cartwheels inside.

"Yeah, yeah I'm bisexual," he said his leg nervously bouncing.

"So you need to have both?"

That hurt him and I saw it.

"That came out all wrong I'm sorry," I told him trying to keep eye contact with him. "I just don't understand why you would need anyone else but her. Crap! That came out wrong too please I am not judging you!"

"I'm gonna go get to class," he said and before I could stop him he was gone.

I felt really bad for the next two days. Then I kept asking myself, what did I do to earn this? Also I wished I could have handled it better. Who could have handled it better though? What do I do?

Back here in the present while I continued to stare at my ceiling I felt my eyes now closing. So a dreamless sleep followed shortly after.

I woke up on time and ran through my normal routine. My brother was asleep with his bedroom door wide open. He had his arm hanging over eyes and his feet hung all over the place. My brother is what I would call a dramatic sleeper. I knew my mom would be at work over an hour ago.

"Make sure to watch the house real good," I mumbled low to myself as I stepped out the front door. I knew full well that if anyone came to rob the place, my brother would sleep right through it.

I caught the school bus on time. Even though Sean had offered me many times to give me a ride. He usually went to pick up Nikita and even though she and I were on better terms, that was still something I didn't want to take away. Besides, I liked my independence too much.

I sat alone, near the front, and by the window while I played some music on my IPod. Or rather it was Sean's IPod because he gave it to me. It took some mild arguments to agree that I was just barrowing it not keeping it. We went down the same bus routine and finally arrived to school. The bus was always early so while the teachers inside the school were getting ready for us, the front doors stayed locked.

At a spot I usually sat at, I opened the book on the human body again and started to read some more. When ever it came to reading I preferred non fiction because fiction generally got too predictable for me. I didn't have the patience for it either. My things had to be facts and straight to the point.

After ten minutes or so of reading a girl that once asked me out in the 5th grade walked by with her friends. I think her name was Julie or something like that. I turned her down and she'd been sour ever since. There was simply no attraction there. I saw Nikita wave not too far from the tree I sat by so I waved back as she started walking towards me.

"Ewww," that girl named Julie said while holding her nose, "someone got fag juice all over the school yard." Only one of her friends found her funny.

I was about tell her that what she said didn't even make sense and to stop talking random crap like that.


My eyes couldn't believe what they saw. Nikita had punched the girl right in the face. There was blood coming down almost in a river while Julie looked down at her hands and clothes in shock. Heck none of us saw it coming. Nikita was not a violent person but here she was defending me. We all heard it though. Nikita's nostrils were blazing with anger and her fists looked like they were going to do more. Julie didn't even know what to say all she could do was stare at herself.

"Sorry Nikita! Sorry!" One of Julie's friends grabbed Julie by the shoulders to lead her away trying to apologize some more.

"Don't ever use the f word around my friends like that again!" Nikita's voice went an octave higher than normal. That somehow got Nikita to snap back to herself because she shook her head hard then started to straighten it out. Though honestly nothing could really ever mess up her flawless hair.

I was up on my feet walking to her when she told me she was fine.

"Thank you Nikita," I told her with my hands out but not sure what to do with them.

"Don't mention it," her eyes were focused elsewhere.

Sean who appeared to have seen it all came running out of nowhere. He laid his hand gently on her elbow which she didn't shake off. Then placed his other hand on the side of her face to get her to look at him.

I suddenly felt awkward and had to look away. Then I decided to start gathering my things so I could get moving. The school bell rang to let everyone inside. Things like this almost never happened around here. Nikita punching anybody included. In fact its been years since anyone sneered at me for my orientation. That was only done by the older generation.

These days homosexuality tolerated more. A good looking football player by the name Jake Sampson helped see through to tolerance. Everybody pretty much liked him and he was polite to all the teachers. Only if those teachers weren't being too pushy with their power. Times were changing and I was lucky to be in a place that accepted change. For the most part that is because when Jake moved last summer. A small hand full of idiot people started to act up once in a while. A loud mouth by a red headed senior named Rose was pretty good at giving those people what they deserved.

I heard Sean ask Nikita a few things but I didn't listen.

"Blake?" This time it was Sean calling for me so I turned to look at him, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah and thanks again Nikita," I said kind of looking at the ground awkwardly. I wanted to say that I could handled it myself but that wouldn't have been very nice.

"Blake," Nikita said in a much calmer voice, "You remember everything we talked about last night."

She stated it like a fact that it was. She meant she had nothing against me and that I really didn't need to keep feeling so awkward around them. So she noticed that whenever those two got together I always found reasons to find something else to do.

"Yeah I remember," I answered but I still felt awkward. I didn't want to steal any time those two had either each other. It just didn't seem right.

She was the one who walked off quickly now leaving Sean and I alone. Sean looked like he couldn't decide to go after her or stay.

Then another surprising thing happened. My cousin Matt on his motorbike came to my school right then. He was the type of guy that could cause anybody's head to turn. I mean he was a really good looking a guy. He drew attention almost anywhere he went. He had already finished high school last year and attended a community college nearby.

Sean looked like he was ready to go with chasing Nikita. Then I saw has he decided against it and decided to come stand next to me. I think Sean is was kind of scared of my cousin. My cousin can be intimidating.

In fact his motorcycle roared making my ears go temporarily deaf as he parked in the school parking lot ignoring the reserved parking for teachers only sign.

There were lots of pointing and giggling with fellow classmates now. My cousin in a black leather jacket that hugged his body which was also open walked like a tough guy across the lawn. My face turned in time to see Sean look kind of angry now.

"Sean," I lightly tapped his side with the back of my hand, "He's my cousin. What are you worried about?"

His face automatically re-adjusted and just stood silently by my side.

I did notice his mutter of, "Thank God for that."

"Hey cousin," I greeted with a lazy wave.

He nodded at me like a tough guy would but I knew better.

If Nikita was still around I knew she would have a hard time keeping a smile off her face. I think that was another one of the biggest problems Sean kind of had with my cousin. He just saw him as a threat. Maybe if my cousin wasn't my cousin we could've... Nah!

Sean just stared at Matt while Matt kind of ignored him when he finally reached us.

"Just dropped by to let you know I dumped my date this morning," he told me keeping a straight face.

"Aw Matt what happened? You meant the date you were going to bring with you," I walked up to my cousin to at least playfully punch him on the shoulder. I also had to stop talking so I didn't let Sean in on too many secrets. It wasn't like Sean was the type to go blab about other people's business but still...

"He was afraid of commitment I guess," he answered dryly.

He even rolled his eye's dramatically. Relationships tended to roll off him just as easily.

"So you couldn't wait to text or call me about this," I said knowing there was more. I wouldn't say it but Matt would make a dramatic entrance just to rile up Sean.

"What's up Sean," Matt nodded heavily in Sean direction.

Sean let out a sound like a huff or a grunt.

I bumped him lightly with my elbow.

Matt grinned in a way that would look malicious to others but I knew better. Don't ever let my cousin smell the wounds he made on you because he would use that. "I just personally wanted to let you know that I would be delighted to come to your birthday party even though I don't have anyone to bring with me right now," he said in a very casual tone.

Sean's eyes darted my way then back at Matt. His nostrils flared. Having seen for myself of Sean breaking up fights, well that didn't seem possible by the way he eyed my cousin at the moment.

"But maybe I will find someone to bring because that shouldn't be too hard," Matt continued now tauntingly, "Hope you have an extra room for me and my date if that happens."

Sean took half a step forward and I got right in front of him.

"Matt be nice!" My eyes narrowed at my cousin even though it was useless to make the effort.

I had my hands around Sean as if I were hugging him intimately to calm him down. It worked because he was able to speak calmly now.

"What is it that you have against me?" he asked using eye contact which my cousin smirked at his boldness, "What? You think I'm not good enough for Blake?"

Actually he was right about that but I wouldn't say so because that wouldn't help the situation.

"Well not as if I could talk you into dumping Nikita," my cousin said not trying to insult her because he genuinely liked her, "But you could at least show my cousin some respect on at least going on a date one on one with him."

Sean's eye's widened at that clearly not having thought of it.

Matt smiled in victory. Like I said don't let my cousin smell those wounds.

"Fine then," Sean snapped then turned to glare at me by which Matt took a threatening step forward to protect me if necessary, "I'll pick you up tonight at eight and take you to that movie you've been wanting to see for a while."

I could only blink back at him in surprise.

"So you see," Sean faced Matt who wore a frown now, "Blake and I. Tonight. The Movies. Alone."

I guess I had a date tonight now.

"See you later cousin," Matt now said to me in a way he meant no harm. No one ever beat him at his own game before.

My cousin put back on his motorcycle helmet and started to walk back.

"Matt why bother trying to play innocent?" I asked loud enough for him to hear.

He threw his hands in the air in defeat before he got back on his bike. Then he was gone.

"Why did you have to invite..." Sean had a lot of words in mind and I dared him to even try with my eyes, "Him!" Was the pronoun he chose to use. And wisely so.

"He is my cousin and just because I get myself a boyfriend I don't go forgetting about everyone else that matters to me," I replied dryly but then added affectionately, "He's been there for me when I needed someone. You know how it is. Or least you will know more on our date tonight."

I wasn't sure how to feel about this turn of events just yet. Maybe it will all kick in later. School night or not this was our last week of school.

Sean snorted, "You have me too if you ever need someone."

I smiled at that but he didn't see it.

Then he took a very long sigh letting his aggravation go while I finished picking up my school books to place back into my back pack. Then he took a look at me with his head seductively tilted back while his eye's looked down at me. Even the way her shifted his weight onto one leg was kind of... hot.

"I don't mean to be so jealous because I don't want to be. Jealousy can be so unattractive and make people do stupid things. I mean look at you, you aren't the jealous type." He said in a rush.

"That's why you like me," I said to him with a smirk and tried to walk past him.

His arms were suddenly around me as he pulled me back. My feet lifted off the ground so my knee's were up to my stomach in defense in case he tried to tickle me. I laughed though as he swung me around I in a full circle. My heart was beating so hard and fast when he would touch me. Especially when he did it so spontaneously.

Then I threw myself at him causing us to fall then roll. He ended up on top of me and neither of us cared who was looking. There were a few giggles and 'Aww's' but none if it mattered at this moment. I was looking into his eyes and he was looking into mine. Sometimes whatever problems we both had with each other just turned into mist. It didn't matter anymore.

Sean kissed me then lightly used his tongue. Our lips smacked at tiny kisses while his arms wrapped protectively around my body. My left hand reached up and I ran my fingers through his small curls. His face mashed harder with mine while I sucked in his bottom lip.

The kisses ended while he held only half an inch from my face. He just hovered there and we continued to stare into each others eyes. Then a whistle was blown and Sean rolled his eyes. I was doing the same. Obviously still having to do what adults told us to sucked.

The whistle blow was loud and it obviously took a lot of air for the coach to use. We didn't jump apart like most people would have. Sean took his time getting off of me to stand up. He even helped me up along the way while we faced the baseball coach together. I didn't even bother to hide my frown.

Coach Pokerjack was glaring at us like we did something much worse than it really was. I kept respectful because it wasn't like the coach was homophobic. This was school grounds and parents had expectations of the school.

"No more messing around now. Get to class," then he blew his whistle again but this time it was much shorter.

"Sorry coach," I apologized.

Sean didn't apologize all he did was smile at me then hold my hand.

We were a little later than we thought when we got in the school with the coach following us of course. Sean didn't move faster just because we were being watching. Besides Matt, no one ever really got to Sean. That would be a thing I did like a lot about Sean because he was bolder than me. So we gave each other a quick kiss on the lips and parted ways.

I walked fast by Sean's best friend Jamie along the way. Jamie in a lot of ways was like my cousin. He had more of a bad boy persona and a reputation for fights. Now his reputation was mostly false. For example those fights he got in was just him defending himself. He didn't smoke anything, do drugs, have any tattoos, or even a single body piercing. He was a good looking guy with short dark brown hair that stuck up all over the place this morning. So maybe our school Finals were getting to him too. His eye's were close to coal black but of course they weren't contacts. He changed his hair style often. He had brown eye's that were compassionate if you looked into them hard enough. He was about taller than me but about my age.

He was also pushing a girl in a wheel chair that had down syndrome whose name was Mary. It was known to the school that she had a crush on Jamie but he never led her on. He just helped her to next class when he could. The greatest thing about it all was that he was so nice to her.

"Hey Jamie," I said quickly as I passed him.

"Hey bud," he said in a cool tone. He was also my friend or at least as close to a friend I had in school. We usually were quiet around each other which didn't bother us. So if anyone joined our group in a project they would become the oddball. Clearly Jamie and I had a lot in common. We would get lost in our own little conversation about things leaving everyone else out.

Jamie had arrived to Mary's destination. The teacher waited outside her classroom to take her while thanking Jamie.

"Thanks for the ride babe," Jamie said kissing Mary on the top of her head.

I didn't see what happened next since I turned left into the stairway. Today was the first day of Finals and if I didn't hurry up I was going to be in a lot of trouble.


I didn't mean for the whole school to start talking about my minor (ok not so minor) outburst this morning. I kind of wanted to go find Julie and apologize to her. None of my friends would let me. They said that Julie deserved it and that I was right for what I did. That didn't mean it felt right.

It was inevitable when the story got around. Almost has inevitable like when I choose to dye my hair. Most of the girls decided to do the same. Or when I decided to start following a band called Union J, that got popular too. My best friends Jenna, Mandy, and Shane were the ones that kept the story straight. So no one was walking around the halls claiming that Nikita had finally lost it and developed anger problems.

Wind even got by that Matt, Blake's cousin came by the school on his motorbike. Too bad Julie had to go an spoil it by making me mad or I could have been there. I sighed internally knowing he didn't swing my way and that I was happy with a guy like Sean. I guess I didn't care to apologize to Julie anymore now.

Sean had jumped the gun as he usually did and decided to take Blake out on a date tonight. Sean's spontaneous nature didn't surprise me but I kind of hoped he would have at least given me a heads up. But I wasn't mad at him because I wasn't there to see everything for myself. Least of all I wasn't angry with Blake. Most likely Blake just got thrown in the mix without his say so.

Knowing Sean, he didn't bother even asking Blake out on a date. More like he demanded it because he let Matt intimidate him too much.

Thinking of Sean, before our first period and class together, he suddenly planted a kiss on my cheek. It was impossible not to blush at that. All three of my best friends were watching and blushing themselves at the public affection. Sometimes I think they all lived in a fairy tale land. Sean sat in the desk right beside mine smiling and I found myself smiling with him. It didn't bother me that I could smell someone else on him during that quick second of him being close to me.

Something I could never admit fully out loud, I found my boyfriend kissing another guy sexy. I mean come on, other girls dream about it too! I think my best friends would agree with me but at limits. I had this conversation with them before when we looked at the future. How would Sean manage us both in a long term relationship?

"By the way Nikita-" Sean started to say just before the final bell rang.

"I already know," I finished for him as the teacher walked in the classroom door with our Final's in her arms.

Sean looked like he was about to slam his head down on his desk obviously forgetting how fast things got around this school. Which he was about to do but I set my hand down on the desk before he could it. His forehead rested in the palm of my hand probably savoring our skin contact. I had to admit I felt the same.

"So you're ok with this?" he turned his head slightly to look at me with his adorable brown eye's. He really had those puppy brown eye's that I fell so hard for. Right now they were telling me everything I needed to know. He was sorry he didn't give me a heads up because he thought and acted too fast. Also that he wished Matt couldn't intimate him but he was happy that he could beat him at his own game.

I nodded in reassurance, "We've had this conversation before. I don't mind it much. It's about time you did it anyway. I mean it was kind of unfair with all the dates you've taken me on before Blake came into our lives. I'm not worried. Seriously. I'm happy with your choice. Yeah you acted too quick and you shouldn't let Matt intimate you. Even though he is kind of hot," Sean deeply frowned at that, "But maybe this will help you get to know Blake a little more. He and I talked last night." Sean was about say something but I kept talking, "He's not a bad guy. I like him, though maybe not in the same way as you do."

Then of course I needed to breath after that long speech.

Sean sat back up straight and I unwillingly set my hand back on my lap because Mrs. Uller started talking now about how bad cheating was and blah, blah, blah.

"So we're good then?" he said in a soft voice meant for only me to hear.

Sometimes when he talked that way... well I swooned internally.

"Yep," and I gave him my best smile.

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