;BTS imagines

By bangtanarmyASF

78.1K 808 392

I mostly do BTS imagines, you can request and you can request idols other than BTS but remember that this is... More

Imagine: [Jungkook Smut]
Imagine: [Jungkook pt.2]
Imagine: Jimine Pabo
Imagine: [Min Yoongi]
Imagine: [Jimine Pabo #2]
imagine: [J-hope and V]
Imagine: [jimin - requested light smut]
Imagine: [Jin & Rap Mon]
[Jungkook]: No longer feels like home
[Jungkook]: No longer feels like home (pt. 2)
[Taehyung]: Unwanted Leeway
[J-Hope]: Just say you love me.

Imagine: [Jin and rap mon part. 2]

1.8K 35 13
By bangtanarmyASF

You and Jin begin to start dating after days of always talking, weeks of him complimenting you, and months of just spending constant time together.

Although, one person seemed to be getting in the way.

Kim Namjoon.

Ever since, you've been around Jin and the boys, he's been flirting with you on the low and always offers for you to come to him when Jin doesn't "fulfill your needs", making you feel uncomfortable.

"Scumbag," you scoff out loud to yourself, stuffing your clothes and books into your gym locker.

"Who's a scumbag? Jin?" Somi turns around asking.

"No, he's.. he's my baby.. I- I like him a lot.. just someone has been getting on my nerves lately, and can't seem to leave me alone," I softly say, locking my locker.

"Who is it? I'll mess them up," Somi eagerly says, slamming her locker.

"Doesn't matter," you say waking away.

"Ohh come on! Tell me, who is it!?" She whines following you out of the door.

"They will go away soon.. no need to stress," you brush her off.

You and somi continued to head for the gym, and suddenly you saw all of bangtan standing outside of the door.

Aw man, You thought to yourself.

"Ugh, I don't want to see Namjoon," Somi scoffs.

"Me neither,"

"What?" She caught on.

"I meant like.. I don't want to see him for you! Like ahh what an asshole ya know.." you brush it off.

"Okay let's go the other wa-"

"Babe!" Jin calls out at you, seeing you from afar.

"Sorry," you looked at Somi and groaned.

"Fuck it," she bravely walks to the boys.

You stomp behind her, approaching Jin.

"Hi," you smile, leaning into him.

He wrapped his arm around your waist when seeing you and kissed you softly on your cheek.

You smirk at Namjoon, who was furrowing his eyebrows at the both you and you rolled your eyes turning your attention back to Jin.

"What are you guys doing out here?" You rub his shoulders.

"Mrs. Hong isn't here yet," He says looking at your lips.

You felt so uncomfortable being in between Jin and Namjoon, especially while wearing your tight navy blue shorts, with white outlining.

"Oh," you pull away from Jin a little, feeling your stomach turn.


"I'm gonna just.. go inside," you push through the boys, opening the door and walking inside of the gym.

Jin followed you inside and grabs you by your arm, which startled you.

You turned around, in shock..

"What's.. what is the matter with you.. you seem uneasy" He pouts, showing his concern.

"I just... Nothing.. I don't feel good.. I need to sit down and relax," you slowly sit down on the bleachers.

He sits next you, and held your hand.

"I love how .. you're just always there for me.. even when I'm perfectly fine.." You lay my head on his shoulder.

"I always want to make are you're okay.. never am I going to let you fall off,"

"Hey guys! Why so early, shouldn't you be waiting for me!" The gym teacher exclaims with her hands up.

"Sorry.. I just didn't feel too good," you exclaim, softly sitting up.

"Should you sit out and not participate? Need to go to the nurse?" She steps up to the both of you.

"No no I will participate!" You exclaim, thinking about your grades.

"Okay! Fighting! Now get up. Everyone line up!" She walks away.

"Babe, you don't have-"

"It's just gym class... come on!" you pull Jin off of the bleachers.

End of gym class.

"I feel like Namjoon was looking at my ass.. oh my god I felt so uncomfortable," somi exclaims, placing her hands on her butt.

"Probably was.. fucking pervert.. what a creep," you say slamming your locker door shut.

You were panting from the workouts Mrs. Hong had you guys doing, and you were drinking out of your water bottle.

"Ohhh, thanks for reminding me," somi turns around jogging toward the door.

"Where are you going!" You exclaim.

"I left my water bottle in the gym! Wait for me would ya!" Her voice fades.

"Okay!" You shout back.

You wipe your forehead and began to change back into your uniform. You couldn't wait to get home because you were sweaty and wanted to shower.

You finally changed your clothes, and you were buttoning up your white shirt, when you hear heavy footsteps.

You lock your locker and put your book bag on your shoulder.

"Aw man, show over?" Namjoon says turning the corner of the lockers.

"WHA-w...what the hell.. are you doing here!?" You whisper-yell at him.

"Came to see you of course," he smirks walking up to you.

"Were you standing here the whole time!?" You exclaim.

"No! I can't believe you would think that lowly of me," he sarcastically says.

"Listen... I don't have time for this.. okay last week was enough!" You shot at him.


"Hello, your name is.." you sarcastically say even though you already knew his name.

"I just said my name,"

"to Jin, not to me, and you didn't even ask me for my name.. so how do you even expect to have a conversation with me," you give an attitude, stomping away.

He follows you.

"I'm sorry," he grabs your arm, tightly.

You can tell where this was going to go.

"First of all," you gritted your teeth turning around.

"I don't like being touched by strangers," you jerk away from his embrace.

"Second of all.. I feel as though you're trying to get at something here, so here's a reality check.. never in a million years, plus I'm not that easy,"

"Okay, I'd understand the never in a million years thing cause I could tell.. you like my hyung Jin.. but all girls are easy, believe it or not,"

"Not this one," you make a smug face.

"Oh come on," he groans, pulling himself closer to you, rubbing his fingers lightly behind your thigh.

You began to feel really hot, but that doesn't mean you were going to guide yourself up.

"Not just a little?" He pouts finally putting his hand on your rear end squeezing it tightly.

"No!" You slap him across his face and all you hear are fainted gasps.

"No! I'm not easy! Fucking disgusting," you scoff, stomping away.


"Listen.. I like you," he says cornering you.

"Get away from me," you softly whimper.

"Now why would I do that, if I like you?" He whispers in your ear while grabbing on your waist.

You grab his neck gently with both hands caressing him.

"There we go," he mumbles kissing your neck.

You then start squeezing on his neck, choking him with all of your might.

"You're so fucking rude and disgusting!" You exclaim.

He grabs your wrist and yanks away from his neck. He then pushed you against the wall.

"You wanna play rough?" He smirks

You spit in his face, and push him away from you.

Suddenly you hear footsteps and see both Jin and Somi rush into the locker room, at the racket they hear from outside.'

"What's going on here!?" Jin raised his eyebrows examining Namjoon holding himself back, falling back on the lockers.

"Hyung... what is wrong with your girl?.. she tried to kiss me!" Namjoon lets out fast.

"WHAT!?" You yell in shock, Your heart beating fast.

You instantly look over at Jin and Somi, shaking your head.

"No way. It's not true Jin, and Somi the both of you know I will never do anything to hurt you guys in any way like that... He tried to kiss me! SOMI!.. right because think about it why are we in the GIRLS locker room!? He came in here!"

Jin was at a lost for words, angry he was shooting his eyes at both, you and Namjoon trying to determine which one to believe.

"We're in the girls locker room because you asked me to help you with your lock! She couldn't get it shut," he makes eye contact with Jin, panting.

"I believe (Y/N)-" Somi began with her flushing red fave trying to hold her tears back, but Jin cut her off while grabbing her by her waist and pulling her in for a kiss, and they were kissing right before your eyes.

You were shocked.

"Get off!" Somi exclaims, pulling away.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry!" She runs out of the locker room.

Jin backed up looking at you, with deep eyes.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" You scream at Jin tears filling your eyes.



Jin looked shock and quiet at your reaction.

"Yeah.. he came for me! And I pushed him off!"

"I trusted you!" He points at you.

"You think I'm lying!??? I love you Jin! Why don't you see that, I only act shifty when he's around but when I'm with you I don't have a care in the world, and I'm actually happy. He's been at it for weeks and I didn't want to tell you because you guys are such good friends... basically brothers! I didn't want to seem like the girl ruining your friendship!"

Jin glances at Namjoon.

"I honestly don't know what she's talking about," Namjoon lies.

Jin looks around, the room, gritting his teeth.

"Please.. I don't want to loose you and I'm not going to let anyone mess this up," you slowly step towards him looking him in his eyes, but he slowly steps back.

"What were you doing in the girls locker room Namjoon?" Jin furrows his eyebrows.

"I came to see somi but-"

"BULLSHIT! You didn't come to see her.. y-you know what!? forget it.. if you're so goddamn hesitant about our relationship because of him... then forget it.. but I'll let you know right now that we were both good for each other, and god knows himself that I would always put my pride and priorities aside for you... fuck it, I gotta get home... Goodbye." You push pass Jin, and stomp of the door.

"So, you've been onto (Y/N) for weeks now behind my back," Jin says.

"No," Namjoon continues to lie.

"I don't like liers..."

"And I didn't go after her,"

Jin walks up to Namjoon punching him across the face, to the point his fist began to ache.

"Fuck!" Namjoon groans, holding his nose.

"You know that I love her that... that-"

"I just wanted to make somi jealous," Namjoon interrupts.

If you're so goddamn hesitant and don't trust me then forget it.

I would always put my pride and priorities aside for you

Goodbye, Your voice began to echo in Jin's head.

He quickly jogs out of the girls locker room searching for you.

"W-where is (Y/N)" Jin stops a random girl in the hallway.

"Oh Jin Oppa!" They girl exclaims, getting excited.

"Have you seen (Y/N)!?" He sternly asks avoiding her fan-girling.

"Ah.. She went that way crying," she says pointing behind her.

"Shit.. she's long gone," Jin dropped his hands to his thigh.

He takes his phone out of his pocket and started dialing your number.

The next morning

"Honey, are you sure you're okay? You can stay home today if you're not feeling well," your dad shouts from the couch.

"I'm fine! I'll go to school," you shout back tightening your high ponytail, looking at yourself in the mirror.

I hope today is a good day, you shrug, leaving the bathroom.

"Well I'm leaving so bye, and tell mom I said bye too," you went to hug your dad.

"Alright sweetie, be safe,"

You walk out of the door, and headed to the bus.


You finally arrive to school, and go in your locker.

Dropping out of your locker was a red envelope with a pink heart sealed on it, almost as if it was from an admirer.

"Ohh," your mood lightened at the thought of someone writing you a letter.

You excitedly opened it and began to read.

Dear (Y/N),
I'm very sorry that things happened the way they did yesterday. I was just so mad and caught up in my emotions that, I kissed your best friend Somi. I didn't mean it and I'm so so stupid for not believing you for a second. The girl I've been with for half a year.. We've been together for that long and I'm not going to give that up for anything. I enjoy seeing your pretty smile every single day, and I enjoy the laughs you bring me. You're a very beautiful lovely person and I would be stupid to give that up, or even hurt someone as precious as you. I don't want this to be the end. I'm so very sorry, please forgive me.
I love you. - Jin.

You began to smile widely at the note, and your heart began to flutter, at him saying the words, 'I love you".

"Oh my god," you scoff, fanning your eyes, trying not to let tears come out.

Suddenly you feel something touch your back.

"Hm?" You say out loud turning around, and saw a huge bouquet of flowers, with a pair of hands wrapped around it.

"Hello? W-what is this?" You ask this person behind the flowers.

And out comes Jin.

"Oh no no no no no... you definitely did not have to get me these," you stressfully close your locker shut sighing at the sight of Jin.

"I owe it to you.. you were telling the truth yesterday and I was being a complete jerk, and I kissed your friend? I would've slapped myself,"
He scoffs.

"Well you're too cute to slap," you caress your hand on his face.

"I'm sorry," He pleads, pushing out the flowers.

"Y-you really didn't have to buy me these!"

"Yah! They're already bought,"

"fine... I'll take them," you softly smile looking at Jin.

"I'm sorry too, I was being selfish when making that decision and I should've told you from the start about Namjoon but I didn't want to mess anything up because you guys are brotherseceet and everything... We shouldn't keep secrets," you punch his shoulder.

"No secrets, at all," he strictly says.

You just look at him, and the flowers.
How could this boy be so sweet?

"So are you going to accept my flowers and apology or..." he asks.

"OH.. yes yes," you lean into him, and he hugs you tightly.

"Have you spoken to Somi?" He asks.

"Yeah, she kept on apologizing to me over and over again I'm like it's not not your fault relax... she's probably going to feel weird toward me now.. especially if she sees the both of us together,"

"You wanna know something?" Jin asks you sticking out him arm, and you lock yours within his.


"Namjoon said that he was only coming onto you, so he can get Somi's attention," you both begin walking.

"He makes no sense! What about the both of us!? Was he not thinking about that!?" You exclaim.

"I guess not... speaking of the devil," you guys stop watching Namjoon leaning against the locker talking to Somi.

If he was really trying to make Somi jealous, then why would he come up to you in private? Without her there!

That just made no sense at all, but you didn't want to tell Jin because he was already so happy that the two of you made up, you didn't want him to think about anything else.

"Let's leave them alone," he says facing you.

"I'll walk you to clas-"

You cut him off by quickly pressing your lips against his, passionately kissing him.

He ran his fingers through your hair, and exchanged the kiss.

"Hey! Hey! Separate!" Mrs. Hong passed you guys, hitting you with her folder.

You both release the kiss, on her demand.

"Okay! Okay!" You started giggling.

"Were leaving," he laughs and begins walking you to class.

You're glad you guys are together again, and Namjoon can't ruin this anymore.

No more secrets.

Namjoon's POV

I just wanted to have (Y/N)...


Hello! Sorry if there are some typos.. my phone has been acting very very stupid, but I hope this imagine was good!

Don't forget to request.

Have a goodnight, or day!

Thanks for reading, xoxo! ❤️

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