Honey | Sirius Black ON HOLD

By onlycallmetonks

116K 3.3K 1.2K

❝You're sweet like honey❞ [Marauders Era] [Sirius Black] [ @onlycallmetonks ] - All Copyrights go to J.K Rowl... More

➵part one
➵ one
➵ two
➵ four

➵ three

13.1K 486 259
By onlycallmetonks



They all watched in awe as the soft chocolate curls draped elegantly across her shoulders and her long fingers scribbled absentmindedly in her leather bound journal.

The girl with the princess name and a smile of dreams had a way of stealing ones breathe away as if it were second nature.

My god, she could make an atheist pray.

Black ink blotted the page creating swirls of charcoal that blended with one another. A mess that created something beautiful.

Juliette Collins had the universe at the tip of her fingers.

The girls in her Hufflepuff dormitory chattered loudly around her.

Freckles littered her dainty nose that swooped up towards the sky, her evergreen orbs were aided by a pair of large dorky spectacles that somehow looked as if the gods made them just for her.

How could a girl so mundane be so extraordinary?

Two different extremes constantly clashing. A supernova erupting in magnificent hues of hopes and dreams and the tethered up pages of a worn novel that no matter how beaten and bruised, it could transport you to a better place.

She was everything there ever was and will be all in the confinement a of a single beautiful body.

"Hey Juliette!" a 6th year girl by the name of Hannah Clementine called "play a game of float the iceberg will you?"

Juliette marked the page in her leather-bound journal and then set her large reading specs on the bedside table.

With a large grin she jumped on her mattress with wand in hand, her petite feet sinking in the plush covers. "Well of course!"

all the girls clambered onto their beds while Hannah set the book into the center. The objective of the game was that you had to keep the book in the air via spells and then pass it on to somebody else with no given order, whoever lets it drop, is out. It was a silly immature activity but it always made the girls fall in to complete hysteria.

"Sandy, why don't you start off this time?!" Juliette grinned hopping on her bed like a little kid.

The black haired 4th year nodded nervously "well alright, ill give it a go" hesitantly she moved her wand "Wingardium Leviosa" and the Care of Magical Creatures book (A/n Newt Scamander is the new love of my life) flew into the air and soon it was bounding off walls.

"I got it!" Juliette exclaimed swishing and flicking her wand just as it was about to hit the floor and then flung it over to to the left side of the room to a competitive 7th year Lottie.

Diving off her bed she threw her wand at the book in complete desperation before landing roughly onto the wood.

Before Lottie could even stand up everyone had collapsed into guffaws of laughter.

"Why would you throw your wand at it?" Hannah spluttered through laughs

"did you think stabbing the bloody book would work?" Sandy exclaimed in-between rushed breathes. This was all in good nature of course

Juliette, although laughing, bustled over to Lottie pulling her up "Hey! you almost got it!" She said excitedly highfiving the red faced girl.

"Lets do it again!" Hannah screamed scrambling back up her bed.

The girls were about to reset when a knock was sounded on the door.

"I got it!" Lottie rushed trying to get away from the humiliating event. The heavy wooden door flew open to reveal a tall blonde seventh year. "Oh hello Asher!" The three girls on their beds called from opposite sides of the room with larger than life smiles.

He politely waved and smiled fondly before sticking his head in the room after greeting Lottie with a hug, because the members of Hufflepuff house were friendly no matter what year you are in. That's what Hufflepuff was. One large family.

"What brings you up here on this lovely september night?" Hannah asked plopping down on to her bed making Juliette snicker into her hand.

"Want to play a game of drop the iceberg?" Sandy asked

"I've already fallen on my face" Lottie giggled.

Drop the Iceberg was always fun. sometimes there would be huge games in the common room of it, once you climbed through the entrance into the Hufflepuff house you are engulfed in games being played all around the room, friendly contests, book readings to the 1st years, even just a large circle where people would tell their funny stories, so this game in particular was very popular since there was no limit to how many people could play.

"I'm afraid not, I've only came to notify Juliette that a group of Gryffindor boys are requesting for you" Asher stated leaning against the doorframe

Frowning in confusion the brunette jubilant girl clad in a knitted yellow sweater hopped off her bed "Gryffindor boys?" she asked

"Indeed, the Marauders to be exact"

Juliette just grinned shrugging on a navy blue pea coat and sticking her wand in its assigned pocket "Well alright, thank you Asher!"

With a nod and a final goodbye he left.

Sandy climbed off her bed "wait a minute, it's past curfew"

Juliette just grinned showing off her infamous dimples "No need to stress, good friend. I'm certain they must just need help with homework."

"Homework? really. I would bet that the last time Sirius Black did homework was in his first year" Hannah chided with a smirk.

"Oh hush it you. I'll be back soon" Juliette laughed before exiting her dormitory. As typical, the Common room was filled to the brim with students all participating in different activities. Everybody eagerly said their pleasantries to her as she snaked her way through the crowd. Along the most outter right wall was a large wooden ladder that she climbed up and found her self crawling through a wooden barrel that was the entrance into the yellow and black house.

Putting her feminine hands on the wooden hatch, she flung it open meeting 4 startled Gryffindors.

"Hello boys!" She greeted standing up and dusting her hands off on her jeans

James potter stood with a shit eating grin and a large book bag slung on to his back. Immediately, she knew something was up.

Sirius stood with a smirk and a large stick in his hand.

Remus had his arms folded across his chest watching as her green eyes scanned over them.

Then there was Peter Pettigrew, his small chubby arms were stacked with tons of different supplies that had no correlation to each other such as a toilet brush and sticky strips.

"You're joining us on a prank, Jigglypuff" Sirius grinned gripping her hand in his and tugging them down a hall. Most girls at Hogwarts school would give up a left eye for the Sirius Black to grab their hand and swoop them away on to a suspenseful nighttime extravaganza. Juliette respected the charismatic boy, but truly did not know him well enough to justify falling at his feet and bowing to him like a servant begging for bread.

"Are you not one for pleasantries Mr.Black?" Juliette asked

"Oh no need to be so formal sunshine!" James Potter laughed running a hand threw his never tamed mop of ink black hair.

"Clearly you lot take that advice straight to the heart" She laughed as Sirius tugged to the right.

James' book bag rattled with every step they took. "Merlin Prongs, could you keep it down a bit?" Remus sighed.

"Like this, Moony?" James merely started jumping in circles like a small kin making loud noises echo throughout the castle. Sirius erupted into loud laughter as Remus tackled James. Peter squealed nearly dropping his supplies.

"You guys are awful at being sly, you know that right?" Juliette said with wide eyes as Sirius left her to pick up a still laughing James who was crying from the abundance of enjoyment.

"Yes for the matter of fact we figured that bit out all by ourselves" the Black heir spoke smoothly

"And you do know that i'm Hufflepuff prefect?" Juliette mumbled before getting distracted by a grappling hook landing nearly on her foot making her jump.

Peter pushed past her nearly knocking Juliette over "Merlin Sirius, is a grappling hook really necessary?" he groaned picking it up careful to not dump the rest of the clutter in his arms.

"Of course it was wormy, how else are we gonna scale the side of the castle"

Juliettes' eyes widened immensely

"Shut it James it wasn't even your idea, Sirius came up with it" Remus snickered hustling the five of them down the hallway.

The bespectacled boy turned to him wildly "Me and paddy are a package deal" James then crossed over to a still shocked Juliette "you should note that down by the way, We are basically the same person"

"wha-" the astounded Hufflepuff was cut off by Sirius

"except I get laid" Sirius threw a wicked grin at James  "you know since I'm not in love with a girl who can't stand me" he referred to lily with a laugh.

James then lunged at the cackling shaggy haired boy causing more ruckus and Remus to nearly scream in frustration.

"God dammit I swear if we get caught I'm saying you guys drugged me and dragged me against my will" Remus muttered hauling the two noisy wrestling boys up by the back of their shirts only to be almost pulled to the floor since, well Sirius Black and James potter had the perfect Quidittch physique.

Juliette felt a gust of cold crisp September air blast her face as they walked out into the Hogwarts courtyard, this sent her chocolate brown curls back. The stars sparkled brightly and a large lead painted half-moon hung lowly in the sky shaped in the perfect crescent. Somebody bumped her shoulder before quickly turning around

"I greatly apologize" James clicked with a wink holding a piece of parchment in one hand and his wand in the other.

Juliette's heart was pounding as Peter dropped the supplies on the grass with a relieved sigh "Next time, You are carrying all this shit around" he huffed glaring at his friends almost humorously.

Sirius then clapped standing in front of the other four sneaking around teenagers.

"Alright you lot, this is going to be our first Slytherin prank so we have to make it good" He stated with an almost militant stature. Desperately, the only girl in the group glanced around to see the three boys staring up at Sirius as if he were some kind of god, except Remus who had his arm crossed over his chest and a small smile playing on the edge of his lips.

"Okay so if we pull this off w-" Sirius was cut off by Juliette

"Okay, please excuse my interruption, what is going on?" She said nearly laughing in good nature with a layer of panic.

She pulled her navy blue coat tighter to her chest. James noticed the way the tip of her lightly freckled nose was pink from the bitter edge to the cold and chucked his arm around her shoulder with a lazy half-smile.

"Don't ask" Remus chuckled in response.

James waved his hand dissuasively while Peter face palmed.

"Don't you worry, I have a plan" James stated arrogantly.

"Thats exactly what i'm worried about" Juliette and Remus chorussed in unison with different tones.

Peter then spoke up throwing glare at the tall sweater clad boy who smelt like coffee and chocolate "You agreed to it!"

"yeah, that was when you lot said you had a good plan."

"We do have a plan" Sirius stressed

"A fantastic plan!" James continued

"A plan that involves using a grappling hook to scale the side of the castle to prank the Slytherins" Remus fired back containing a smile

Juliette soon caught on and put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing

"What is it? It's brilliant!" James exclaimed stomping over to Sirius like a toddler.

Peter just stared at everybody with a cocked head filled with confusion.

Juliette finally let out a slip of laughter "Yes, it would be a quite extraordinary plan indeed if the Slytherin common room were not in the dungeons, hence the nonexistent need for a grappling hook"

Silenced lingered amongst the group besides Remus's failed attempts of containing his snorts of laughter.

Sirius then smacked James in the chest making him yelp "Dammit prongs! How did you mess that up?!" he exclaimed dramatically throwing his arms up in the air.

"Me?!" James gasped before narrowing his eyes "You went along with it!"

Before the boys could fight peter let out a loud pig like squeal taking all of the boys attention. All four turned to him but only witnessed his short figure dashing back off towards the castle.

Juliette furrowed her eyebrows squinting into the distance not really being able to see too far into the darkness, but suddenly Remus grabbed her hand was sprinting towards the castle.

"Whats happening?!" she gasped stumbling over her feet. Sirius and James were pushing each other out of the way and into walls while simultaneously laughing, but what confused the naive yellow painted girl was that each and everyone one of the rambunctious weird and babbling teenagers wore shit eating grins on their faces.

Thats when it all clicked. Even though James and Sirius acted like two lovers who quarreled over the smallest of things, and Remus played a great role of pretending that he is too sophisticated for the shannagegins and Peter would run away at first chance; they all had the same glint in their eye. It was a shine just at the end of their pupil that revealed how much fun they had with each other, the rule breaking, the making of memories and just the pure adrenaline rush of being themselves.

They lived. Like emperors of a kingdom they did what ever they wanted because to them the end point of their life was less important than the journey there.

And in the end isn't that all we ever want to do? live?

And although she was sprinting through the hallways of Hogwarts castle, the thin souls of her shoes slapping the ground as the boys laughed maniacally just bathing in the rush of adrenaline and the blood pounding in their ears, she couldn't help but smile and throw her head back in delight. Surely, in the morning she would feel tremendous guilt for breaking the rules but something about the night and the carefreeness of the boys willed her to forget all about it.

Once they finally reached the Hufflepufff dormitory entrance they were all laughing while also taking large gulps of air to regain their breathes.

Sirius was leaning against the wall, his oil grey colored orbs were trained on Juliettes' slouched figure. Truly, she intrigued him.

Her thick brown hair was stuck to some parts of her face, her yellow sweater firmly fit around her torso and her green eyes never failed to glow in a comfortable welcoming.

Sirius felt somebodies eyes on him turned to see James smirking and rubbing a hand through his hair.

"Like what you see, paddy?" James hollered even though the close proximity.

Everybody turned to look at him with confused stares.

"Well i know that you're not gonna like what you see when flitch comes barreling around that corner almost catching us again." Sirius replied lazily trying to divert the subject. Remus snorted knowingly. His chocolate colored eyes flickering towards the beauty, the magnificent earthly girl; Juliette Collins. Most would consider it an honor to spend even a fraction of time with the overly kind female.

"Oh no! you're right!" Peter squeaked with wide eyes looking in all directions frantically "We ought to go"

James just snickered throwing an arm over him, an action that he seemed to do quite frequently.

"of course pete, we should get going, until next time Miss. Collins" James grinned "the next adventure to be exact"

Juliette flicked an amused eyebrow up "there will be more then?"

"Well of course, jigglypuff" Sirius winked making Juliette's face flare up in pink.

"My apologies for everything! nice to properly meet your acquaintance!" Remus called as they turned the corner.

Once they turned that final bend disappearing from her line of sight, Juliette found her self with a wide smile and blood still pounding through her veins.

They walked down the large magnificent embroidered stone halls that contained so many stories. Tales of the greatest witches and wizards ever to be known, tales of love and tragedy and everything great that has ever happened.

They were the next extraordinary thing to be written about. A story of a girl with a royalesque name who fell for a boy with absolute mischief in his eyes and a cigarette dangling between his finger tips.

A story of complete and utter friendship, the truest of them all, the most magnificent.

A tragic story of love and life.

"Until next time marauders." Juliette whispered before climbing back into the oak barrel and returning to her own yellow world.


Here, in the states it is Thanksgiving and I would just like to say how thankful I am to be able to share my love for writing (and James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) with such fantastic and lovely people. Thank you for sticking with this story and I have so many ideas and plans. I can't wait for you all too see it!

p.s i will be updating much much more frequently

-C xx

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