"not yet"

By Mouffette13

15 0 0

she's hurt and stressed she try's to be strong but just need to cry and let it out. More

"not yet"

15 0 0
By Mouffette13

She looked at the clock her eyes starting to watter. she blinked them away and told her self  "not yet".

The bell rang she rushed through the empty  hallways to her locker.

She grabbed her things  and let a shaky breath out.

Composing herself she walked out of school to the buses.  

While waiting for her own bus to come, the days events replayed in her mind. her eyes started to prickle.

"Not yet, hold it in" she told her self while getting on the bus and taking her seat, playing her Ipod to try and calm herself.

The bus pulled out and dropped students off at their stops.

Unwillingly her mind  drifted to earlier.

"Not yet" she thought "not here"

She walked off the bus it became hard to breath and her vision blurred, but she wasn't sure if it was from the snow or her wanting to cry.

The walk home was queit, the only sound was her feet crunching against the snow.

Looking into her drive way her dad's car wasn't there. "not yet" she told herself

As much as she loved her dad  she didn't  want to cry in front of him, she was stronger then that.

She unlocked the door and walked in.

Once inside she dropped her bag and a cry slipped out. "not yet" she tought.

Walking through out the house she saw it was empty. 

Her dad and brother must be at work and her mom was out of town to look after a relative.

Her breathing became raggid tears began to stream down her face. 

She tried not to cry and be strong but failed, hiccuping every little bit.

She composed her self "be strong" she chastised her self. 

But the tears fought to escape.

Finlay letting out the pain and the stress she had been holding in for so long.

** was board and this popped into my mind so.. ya ..soo tierd after exams so i dont know how good this turned out well hope u enjoyed it even if its short :) **

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