My mate is a Hybrid...Oh crap

By EssenceJames

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Meet Scarlet. She's the most known vampire/werewolf hunter in the world. She's also an very powerful vampire... More

My mate is a Hybrid..Oh crap
Meet the vampire, wolf, and wait what WITCH?! The shifting
MMIAH CH. 5 'lets play:)'

My mate is a Hybrid...Oh crap

954 7 0
By EssenceJames

Heyyyy!! this is my second story so hope you like it so sorry if there is misspelled words i suck sometimes hahaha lol well enjoy your reading!!!!!!!


2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

My mate is a Hybrid...oh crap

chaper 1

The time we meet..

Urch! Killing wanted vampires/werewolves are tireing as crap! My name is Scarlet but people call me Scar. Im a vampire but I'm also an very powerful at that from my mothers side the family. My father is also an Vampire, but hes an hunter which make me kinda stonger. I'm 17, but I don't have a mate yet and i dont plan to have until my birthday which is 2 weeks away. I want live free untill that time. I turn 18 on Feburary 12 and I might be having a party soon so I can't wait hehe ;D.

'' Hurry up Scar we'll be late for school!!'' My best friend Lexi called shouted from downstairs. ''I'm coming woman!'' I put on an yellow and black shirt with an yellow jacket and black skinny jeans with black, gray, yellow hi-top converse. I fixed my brunett hair and check the mirror to make sure I looked right. I rushed to bathroom brushed my teeth and wash my face to make sure I don't have anything on my face, then grabbed my phone, earphones, and bookbag and went downstairs. ''Jeez girl what you been doing up there?!'' Lexi said while I grabbed some chocolate fugde poptarts. mmmmmm...poptarts.. ''Sleeping'' I said with my mouth full. ''Okay gross don't talk with your mouth full and you are an really heavy sleeper!'' she said with irriated look. I gave her an weird grin and open my mouth to show her my food I eaten. ''EWWWW!! GROSS GET AWAY FROM ME!!'' she said laughing. I swallowed the food then went to the frige and got out two bags of AB type blood bags. i threw on at Lexi and caught it in a second and we both drank it. ''Ready?'' I said. '' Yep let's hit the road!" I laughed then we made our way to my green and black ferrari. Lexi has an red porshe but her always drunk brother crashed it into an tree.

''So when do you want to find your mate?'' Lexi asked with wonder in her vioce. ''Well.. that will be 2 weeks on my birthday." I said with boredom. I moved my hand then pluged my phone and turned on the music. The song 'love like woe' came on and we started to sing along to it until we got to school. When we got to school I put my phone up and turned off my car. Lexi got out first to see our other best friend Julie and I got crowded with popular boys from the soccor, football, basketball teams. GRRRR!! THEY'RE SOO ANNOYING!

''Hi...Bye Tim! looking good with the good haircut keep it up see ya'll later!!'' I said walking past them while locking up my car. Like seriously I'm the captain of the dance team but really don't want to be popular. I walked inside the school and see two guys were crowding up Lexi which had fear and degustingness in her eyes. She's a vampire also but she scared to use her abilities because her parents. So I use my vampire speed to push them off to the other side of the lockers and put my hands on their throats. They were werewolves so i changed my eye color into red when their eye colors changed. "Do you mind telling me why both of you up on my best friend?!'' I said with vemon in my voice. ''Nothing really trying to find a little fun.'' The guy on the right said. ''Yeah so why not?'' he added. ''You know I'm the most powerful hunter in the world so I advise you to keep it in your pants or you both be in my most wanted list for rape.'' I said with an vemonous grin that were showing my fangs.

My innerself were trying to come out for trying to hurt my best friend, then suddenly my hair changed to my scarlet reddish, which made their eyes going wide. ''We're s-s-s-so sorry my Lord won't happen again.'' they both shuddered lookig down and their eyes went to they're regular color. my innerself were still trying to come out so I let them go.''Get out of my sight.'' my voice still had vemon in it. The boys left, and Lexi grabbed my hand and took me to the restroom to let me cool down there humans here so if they firgue out my secert I'm dead with my parents.

''Scar? Come on calm down breathe'' Lexi said shakeing me. I took four deep and I mean deep breaths, and my hair and eyes changed back and my fangs retracted. ''Thanks Lex..I'm sorry for losing control..'' I trailed off putting my head down. '''s alright you didn't mean to you were trying to protect me it's alright.'' she said with an encourageing smile. I smiled back and I took her hand and pulled her out of the restroom. ''Come on lets go so we can get to class.'' ''kay see ya in science!" she said then ran out my sight of the other direction.

I chuckled silently then used vampire speed to math since it takes too long using nomal speed. I walked in the classroom and everybody became quiet and girls aka sluts were glareing at me and boys were looking at me with lust. I rolled my eyes and walked in the back of the classroom. While sitting behind Julie, two people came in. So I guessing it's Mr. Barron and some guy who look increbily hot! Wait...WHAT THE HELL? Why did I just said that? The guy was stareing right at me with his beatiful dark brown orbs. ''Hello class this is David,'' he paused then all the sluts pulled down their shirts to show more breast and had suductive smiles on their faces.

I rolled my eyes and Mr. Barron continued. ''David go sit next to...Scarlet back there.'' he finished which made my head snap up. He nodded but kept his eyes on me. David walked to the desk behind me and whispered ''So you're Scarlet the powerful hunter/vampire?'' His voice made me shivered in pleasure. What. The. Hell. ''Yeah..'' I replied then turned my head back to Mr. Barron.

Who is this guy?

Why do he have two scents?

Why am I so attrative to him?

What is this voice in my head?


Who the hell was that?

I know he's an vampire but he's something else.

He's a werewolf and a vampire.

I found my mate.

Oh. My. God. My mate is a hybrid...oh crap.

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