Submitting the Alpha (boyxboy...

By RainbowAlpha

1M 41.4K 5.2K

Vladimir Alexis had lived for more than a thousand years. He is what the vampires called Master of the family... More

Submitting the Alpha (manxman)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

71.9K 2.3K 518
By RainbowAlpha

Hey! This is chapter 2!! The meeting between Vlad and the Alpha!! Starting after this I'll be writing from both of their point of view! I doooo hope this story get a lot of fans! So I made a huge major changes. Ian somerhalder as Vlad and Erik is played by Michael Fassbender. You can guess who's Charles, I think.

Rick Genest as the Alpha

" You have got to be kidding me!" Vlad muttered under his breath. Here, infront of Vlad stood 3 werewolves. The Alpha raised an eyebrow at Vlad. " What is the matter?" The Alpha asked. Oh he can't be.. NOOOOO! It can't be! Motherfucker! After all these years! THIS?!! Vlad face palmed himself in his head. Vampires can know their mate just by looking at that person but it take a touch for a werewolf to know his mate.

He put out a hand to shake the Alpha, an average height man who's body are completely covered with tattoo of a human's decaying body and a nose ring. He had his face covered with tattoos too. He looked like a skeleton. Others called him the Zombie Alpha. He have a pretty sharp jaws. Vlad can't deny the fact that he's slightly attracted to the Alpha. You know, because in a way, behind all those tattoos he look pretty and all. I mean, pretty as in, manly way. Capishe?

The Alpha took it and he felt a shiver ran down his spine. His wolf growled in excitement. He shocked his head slightly, disregarding his wolf's desire. "No! It can't be! This vampire can't be my mate!!!" He felt his wolf growled in disapprovement at his thoughts. He quickly withdrew his hand. He looked at the vampire. The alpha saw a glimmer in the vampire's eyes. He ignored his wolf's screaming, mate mate mate. He stood tall and said, " My name is Skylar Bones, the Alpha of the Midnight Shadow Pack." Ah what an irony, thought Vlad, smirking.

" Yeah, the name's Vladimir Alexis. Just call me Vlad," Vlad gave his infamous shark smile. He saw how the Alpha was trying to control himself. He too knows that they are mates. He put his arm around Skylar's shoulder, pulling him closer. The werewolf fit perfectly beneath his arm. He felt Skylar stiffened under his grasp. He chuckled. " Come on, my son-in-law made a very delicious dinner for all of you guys," Vlad led them to the dining room.

The dining table was decorated with delicious food, mostly poltry dish. Since they're werewolves, they have a big appetite. " Bon Apetit, they are freshly cook. Mind you, your food are separated from ours, don't worry," Vlad said, so close to Skylar's ears that made his manhood jumped in excitement. His wolf purred in approvement. Purred? You've gotta be shitting me.

Skylar distanced himself from the dominant man. He did not like how things are. He did not like how dominant the vampire was. He's an Alpha. He will not submit to anyone. Not even his mate. Skylar sneered at the vampire and sit at the end of the table. Vlad sat at the other end. The others joined them. All gave confused looks at their respective leaders. Skylar gave a small growl to show that there's nothing wrong. His werewolves nodded in understanding. Then they began to eat.

Skylar's P.O.V.

You have got to be kidding me. There's no fucking way that that old fucking vampire is my mate. Nu'uh. No way. I'm not accepting that. I feel my wolf barked at me. After I finished eating, which was extremely delicious by the way, no idea vampires could cook, I went to the kitchen to wash my hand. Yeah, so what? We werewolves eat using hands! Easier.

I felt a presence behind me. Before I could turn, I felt a sharp claw grazing my neck. I stiffened. I growled in defiance. He breathed in my scent from my neck to my ears. Not that they even breathe but I do know they can smell. " How the hell did you made the tattoos parmanent? i thought they'd heal," the vampire spoke softly against my ears. " I used fire. It hurts like a bitch though. And this might too." I turned my head staring at him. He didn't flinched, even when I had my claws clenching his stomach, drawing blood from him, ready to deepended if he proceed further.

He chuckled. " aw hey don't be like that. I know you know that we are mates. I wasn't expecting you of all people. A guy at that. Somebody's fucking with us-" " Do not insult the Mother Spirit," I cut him with a sneer, deepening my claws further into his gut. " owh, so you're accepting this? So you're accepting me, a dominant Master vampire, as your one true mate?" The vampire pushed my hand away from his stomach and lean against the sink counter, crossing his arm across his chest, smirking.

I banged my hand on the counter. " I will never submit to the likes of you. I am the Alpha, and an Alpha does not bow to anyone. Not even his mate. I'm not even gay!" I growled and wiped away the blood on paper towels. I literally can feel my wolf trying to claw out his way to take over my body. Mate mate mate. Mark! I can hear those words being chanted in my head over and over like a mantra.

Before I could blink, a clawed hand wrapped around my neck. "Oh really? Let's see about that. I've been searching for you for centuries. There's no fucking way I'm ever letting you go. I WILL make you submit to me!" The vampire let out his deep commanding voice that almost, almost, make me whimper. I stood tall. I will never let this man have his way with me.

The kitchen began being crowded by the others, after hearing loud noises. My werewolves almost shifted when they saw us. I roared at them, making them whimpered and dropped low to the ground, submitting. I grabbed Vlad's hand and pushed it. " Up, we're leaving," I said and strutted out of the kitchen. " Skylar," I heard Erik's voice. I stopped.

" Forgive for my father's behaviors. I hope this doesn't affect our agreement right?" Erik sounded hopeful. " It does not. Take care of him. Or you might find him shredded to pieces on your porch," I growled and then left the territory along with my other werewolves.


" Alpha, is it true? That the Master of the vampire clan is your mate?" My mother asked me as she stashed away my clothes into my closet. I gave a loud sigh. I made myself fell face first on my soft bed. " This is fucking bullshit," my voice muffled against the soft material. I felt my bed dipped as my mom sat at the end of the bed, gently stroking my leg. " you know, there's always a reason behind everything. If this what the Mother Spirit thinks best, and I think you should try to open up. You do know there's no point in fighting your wolf," my mother patted my leg.

"But he practically screamed dominant! I can't be the submissive one! I'm an Alpha, mom. And I'm not even gay! What am I supposed to tell Mikayla??" I whined. So what if I whine? An alpha can't whine? I don't fucking care. "That's something you have to figure out. Life without happiness or with one? I mean, I don't mind you marrying Mikayla but you know, I'm just worried you won't be as happy. I don't know. After all, i did gave you my permission for you to have your fucking whole body covered with those tattoos. Despite you're still a highschooler," my mother shrugged, making a sad face. I mean, pretending to make a sad face. Since my uncle, the Beta, is the school's Principal, he let me have those tattoos. My mom will always bring that issue up! I squinted my eyes at her.

She always does that! Whenever I don't want to do something, she will always succeeded in making me do it. " No. That's that. I don't want him. He's an old pervert. And a vampire," I rolled on the bed in frustration. " Suit yourself. Whatever make your pride happy. Be careful though, sometimes, the closer you are and you're not mated, your wolf might take over and do something you don't even want to think about," my mother grinned cheekily. " Don't worry about that. I won't ever meet him again. Ever. I bet he'd just laze around the around ordering people doing things for him," I said in disgust.

I may be young but I am the Alpha since my dad died last year. According to werewolf years, I'm much older so they see me fit to rule. Not that I'm complaining. It's about time by the way.

I groaned. " By the way, is everything set for school? It's your senior year! You're starting next week right? " my mom asked. "Yep," I answered for both questions. "Which school are you in again?" My mom asked. "Ergh mom! There's only one school in this area for the mythtical beings!" I said. " Ok, chill." And she left.

Aaaannnddd that's for chapter 2!!! I hope you guys liked it! I still don't know what to do next but there'll of course have a villain d'uh. They make stories fun right? I'm not saying anything, but i too want words of encouragement. so do comment, so i'll do better job at it and write an awesome story?

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