Under the Influence

بواسطة Louisa5853

72.3K 2.3K 1.5K

Cassie Rosario is a confident, career driven 27 year-old with major commitment issues. After meeting Eminem h... المزيد

The End.
The Night Cassie And Em Met...(Imagine 1)
The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)
The Jealous Girlfriend...(Imagine 3)
The Announcement...(Imagine 4, Part 1 (?))
The Decision...(Imagine 4, Part 2)
The Surprise...(Imagine 5)
The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)


1.5K 67 104
بواسطة Louisa5853

January 12th 2001.
Puerto, Plata.
New York, New York.

"Okay. No more excuses Cass, tonight is the night!" Nicole burst into my room shouting excitably. (

"Nicole, I told you to knock!" I sighed setting down my book. "What are you talking about anyway?"

"You and me are going out tonight so you can get your freak on" she grinned as she danced around, twerking to the imaginary music. Lord, this child.

"I don't really feel like it" I fibbed.

"No, come on! I've waited for ages, you have to".

It was true she had waited a long time, I'd been putting it off for as long as possible. I was an expert at coming up with excuses; "It's too close to Christmas", "I'm tired from New Years still", "I don't feel well" etc.  Nicole knew something was up, I think she even knew I was dating someone. She was at the point where she was trying to force it out of me. I felt bad for lying to her over and over again, but not bad enough to tell her the truth. I grimaced at her and stood up, already looking through my clothes for an outfit. "Fine. Only for a few hours though" she squealed with excitement. "But, if I see you hooking up with anyone I will leave straight away. I have to keep my image of you pure".

"No promises!" She laughed as she ran away. "We leave at 9.00!"


Of course Nicole had to take us to the busiest, most popular club in my town. It was absolutely seething with people but somehow we managed to grab two seats at the bar and successfully order our drinks. The club wasn't much, but it was filled with good people and good music. Plus, everything looked better in the dark. The bright neon lights flashed around us, illuminating everyone, actually putting me in the clubbing mood. However, my nerves were still through the roof at the thought of meeting someone that wanted to hook up. All I had to do was play it cool and get through this night as quickly as possible. Nicole clinked her drink against mine and I downed it in one movement, coughing on the harsh liquor. "Cassie you're going to be on the floor if you drink that quickly" she laughed, sipping on her own drink much slower.

"That's the plan" I muttered under my breath. She looked at me suspiciously but shrugged it off and turned around to the club.

"Mateo said he would meet us at the bar soon" she called over her shoulder to me.

"Who the hell is Mateo?" The bartender brought over another vodka and red bull and again I drank it straight away. I signaled to him to bring me one more.

"Your man for the night". Nicole turned around and grinned at me just as the bartender cleared all of my glasses.


She side eyed me and cocked her head to the side, "You sure nothing's up-".

Before she could continue her interrogation we heard a loud "Nicole!" and a man approached us. So this  was Mateo, and boy was he hot. The type of hot that makes the breath in your throat hitch and renders you incapable of forming proper sentences. His captivating hazel eyes landed on me and sent shivers down my core, and when I saw the twinkle in them I nearly lost it.

"Mateo, this is my sister Cassie".

"Hello beautiful" he grinned at me, and I giggled girlishly in return, hiding my mouth behind my hand. I giggled in return?! This alcohol was catching up on me faster than I intended.

"Hi" I dreamily replied.

"So I guess I'll see you two later on, or not" Nicole chuckled, dismissing herself. She ran over to a group of girls I guess she knew in the other corner of the club.

Mateo sat in her seat, his slightly unbuttoned dress shirt revealing his perfectly sculpted chest.  I was in total awe, my eyes darted all over his body as if I was in a trance, lingering too long on one  area in particular. He really was something else. If he wasn't a Greek god he had to be a model.

He laughed and scratched his stubble "I'm neither actually".

"Huh?" I replied absentmindedly.

"You asked me if I was a Greek god or a model".

"Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud" I blushed, bowing my head so that my curls would cover my now crimson cheeks.

Without warning his lips were at my ear, his breath tickling my neck. But this wasn't like my incident with Freddie, no. I was enjoying this. I shut my eyes as I let the excitement of being close to someone again course through me. He whispered to me in his strong accent that I'd missed too much in America. "I don't mind. You're even sexier than I could have imagined too".  His large hand rested on the small of my back and traveled upwards, caressing my skin as he went. I suppressed a moan and gulped hard. After not having sex, or anything really, for a month this felt like my ultimate fantasy.

My hand reached up to grab him by the nape of his neck and pull him back to me, but I stopped and let it fall back down to me side. "I have a boyfriend" I blurted out, gently pushing him away from me. I don't think I'd ever been more embarrassed in my life. I nearly gave in. I nearly gave into the temptation of him and destroyed everything I had with Marshall. I could never forgive myself if I cheated on him, knowing how badly it had ruined me in the past, even when I didn't have deep feelings for that person. How could I let, even for a second, Marshall feel that worthless and unwanted?

Mateo's features dropped in disappointment and removed his hands from me, resting them back onto his own lap. "Oh. That's okay". 

"I'm so sorry" I slurred. I grabbed my bag and stood up from the bar, stumbling in my stilettos slightly.

"Hey, it's no problem really, I understand. Do you want me to get your sister?" he politely asked already looking around for her.

"No no, it's fine. I have to go, I'm so sorry again". I turned away from him and forced myself through the hoards of sweaty people towards the bathroom.

"Cassie!" I heard my sister call out to me as I passed by her group. I ignored her and continued to run, trying to not trip up. I hurriedly wiped my eyes, hating the looks of pity people were giving me. Why was I crying? Just as I reached the bathroom door she grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "What happened?" she asked me worriedly, panting slightly from chasing me.

"Nothing happened" I sniffled. "He was really nice and really really hot but I just couldn't do it".

"Why not?"

"Because, I'm dating Marshall- Eminem". Nicole's eyes widened in shock, making her eyebrows raise to the ceiling. "We've been together for nearly eight months and I just I couldn't do it to him".

"Wow" she breathed. "Eight months?"

"I'm so sorry for not telling you" I cried even harder, the tears running down my face. Of course I'd decided to wear makeup tonight of all nights. I don't think I'd ever cried as much in my whole life as I had in the past month. "We're not really telling anyone, and so much stuff has happened recently that-".

"Hey, I'm not mad" she brought me in for a hug which I could barely return. "Surprised, really surprised, but not mad. So you can stop crying now".

I shook my head. "I need to get out of here".

"Okay, I'll just-".

"I just want to be alone, please". She sighed and sympathetically looked at me before nodding. With that I quickly ran off, this time out of the club entirely. I kept on running and running, heels in hand and make up smeared. Somehow I ended up at the pristine white sand beach near my house. The beach that used to bring me so much peace, but not tonight. Tonight I was distraught and very drunk. For the most part my town was safe, maybe not safe enough to be out alone at night and drunk, but I didn't care. I collapsed onto the sand and dug my toes into it, my bag falling beside me and the contents spilling onto the sand, including my phone. My phone. I frantically picked it up and dialed the only number I knew by heart. 

Em's POV:

Just as I was about to collapse into bed after a long fucking day, my phone started ringing with Cassie's name flashing across the screen. We hadn't spoken on the phone for nearly a week, only through text, so I was excited to hear her voice, hoping she would help to relieve the massive amount of stress I was under. The press was on my ass more than ever before and without her here it was really getting to me. I couldn't even go get fucking groceries anymore without being followed. "Cassie" I answered, falling back onto the bed.

"Marshall" she slurred down the line.

Damn, this wasn't going to be the calming call I'd hoped for. Drunk Cassie almost always had to release pent up emotions and frustration, something she struggled to do when sober. "Why are you calling so late baby?" I asked cautiously.

"Baby" she snorted. Yup, exactly what I thought. "That's real rich Marshall. Do you wanna know what happened to me tonight?" she asked, continuing before I could reply. "My sister set me up with someone at a club".

My ears perked up. "Yo, what?"

"Yeah, he was amazing actually. I didn't want to meet him but when I saw how hot he was I thought I should give it a shot" she laughed.

"Where the fuck are you going with this? You better not have cheated on me because I'll be done with your ass" I angrily spat.

"I didn't- but I should have".

"What the fuck does that mean?"

I could literally feel my blood boiling as I waited for her explanation. I knew she was wasted but drunk people don't lie.The line was silent for a moment and then I realized it was because she was crying, her familiar sobs coming down the receiver. "You hurt me so bad Marshall" she whispered. "I thought our relationship was good. I thought you meant it that night you said you would never hurt me. But that was a lie".

"Baby, you know I wasn't trying to hurt you". I instantly calmed as I heard the pain in her voice, she was the only one that could change my emotions like this. It made me feel weak, out of my depth.

"But you did! I have never  trusted someone like I trusted you, and now I know why. You can't trust anyone because they just abuse it".


"I'm talking! What the fuck else do you have to say anyway? Other than you're sorry?" she snapped.

"Don't speak to me that way" I warned, standing up. "I ain't a fucking door mat". Man she was really pushing my buttons right now, I felt like I was going to punch something any second.

"I was going to break up with you before the Freddie thing happened" she admitted, her voice cracking. "I knew I deserved better than you so I was going to end it after your set. And then that thing happened and somehow you made me feel so safe that night. You really looked after me and I know you were the only one that could do that".

"I'll always be there for you, you know that" I firmly reminded her. No matter where I was in the world, whether we were fighting, together or not, I would always come to her when she needed me.

"I know! And that's why it fucking sucks" she darkly laughed.

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know" she sighed. "I pretty sure God wants us together, but I don't know why. It sounds crazy but I think he made the Freddie thing happen to bring us back together after our fight".

The line went silent, how was I meant to reply to that? "I love you" I confessed, for the second time ever.

"I know you do" she whispered and abruptly ended the call. All I could do was punch the nearest thing to me as hard as I possibly could, which happened to be a mirror.


Cassie's POV:

I awoke to a familiar ringing in my ears and pounding in my head, I'd had way too much to drink. As always mixing vodka and emotions was a deadly combination. I fumbled around in my bed and found my phone which said 'one unread message'.

From: M                                                       

Do you remember last night?                 

Received: 8.00am

To: M                                                              
Sent: 8.53am

I quickly sent another text before he could reply.

To: M                                                            

But I don't want to talk about it.           

Sent: 8.53am 

From: M                                                     

Of course you don't.                                  

Received: 8.55am

I sighed and had to literally drag myself out of bed to go downstairs. My whole family were all sitting around the table eating breakfast and my sister looked up at me, giving me a small smile. "Good morning honey" my mom greeted.

"Morning" I croaked, shuffling to get something to drink.

"Had fun last night?" my dad laughed.


I jumped as suddenly my sister appeared by my side. "You have to tell them" she whispered.

"Not now" I shooed her away and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"Yes, now" she insisted.

I looked at my parents and assessed the situation. They both seemed to be in a good mood right now, and I did eventually have to tell them. If I didn't I knew Nicole would let it slip. "Fine". I went back to the table and took a deep breath. "Mom, Dad, I needa tell you something".

The two of them exchanged a look and my father set down his newspaper. "What is it?"

I mulled the words over in my head, trying to be very careful. "I, I have a boyfriend".

"Really? That's great news!" my mother beamed, grabbing my hand across the table. "What's his name?" I stole a look at my father and his face was stone cold, great.

"His name? His name is Marshall".

"Not Dominican?" my father frowned.

"No...he's not".

"That's not important Enzo" my mother gently remarked, earning a huff of disagreement from him. "What does he do for a living?"

"Actually, he's a rapper- a musician" I looked to Nicole for support and she nodded at me to continue. "It's Eminem" I grimaced, preparing myself for the blow.

"Eminem?" my father asked in shock. "You're dating Eminem? The man you're supposed to be working for?"

"Yes". Silence. Deafening silence.  I expectantly looked at my parents but they were both blank, processing what I'd said. "He's a really good, kind guy".

My dad scoffed "He is violent, that's what he is. I've heard all about him. I can't believe this!"

"Enzo!" my mother hissed at him disapprovingly. "How...how did it happen?"

"Honestly, I'm not really sure, it just did. We clicked really well and we started dating before I even worked for him. I know it's hard to understand, but I'm happy. The media makes him look bad but he's nothing like that at all. He is wonderful, really he is". Even though he was currently one of my least favorite people in the world, he was also one of my most favorite. And he did make me happy, happier than I've ever been before.

"How long have you been together?" asked mum.

"Eight months".

"God. I was not expecting any of this Cassie" my dad sighed. "So it must be serious then".

"Well I live with him in Detroit, so yeah it is".

Mum gasped and looked at me sadly. "You don't live in New York anymore?"

"No, but my job is still the same. Come on, please don't be upset guys". They were both confused and evidently disappointed which was making this  a lot harder than it needed it to be.

"I think I speak for both your mother and I when I say this is very hard to understand" my father began as he removed his glasses and pinched his nose. "But you said you're happy with him, so as your father I have to put my own feelings aside and accept what you want".

"Thank you Dad" I squeezed his hand appreciatively. "Mama?"

She sighed deeply and twisted the rosary beads around her wrist as if she was quickly praying for an answer. "If it's what you want, then I respect your decision".

"I love you both so much" I beamed as I ran around the table and pulled them both into a loving hug.


"I don't get what you mean" Marshall said, heavily confused.

"I think the problem is that we're mixing our careers and our relationship. Don't you think they should stay separate?" I tucked the phone I was talking to him on between my chin and shoulder as I continued to pack. It was a few days since I'd told my parents about us and now I was headed back to America. Although I was sad to be leaving the DR, it was alright because I knew I could come back again when I wanted.

"No I don't. What we have works well".

"But all we've done recently is fight".

"So what do you wanna do then? Not complete the tour?"

"I'm gonna fly to New York tonight and then find my replacement and train them. You won't even notice a difference".

"I will" he muttered angrily.

I sighed and sat down. "You know what I mean. It will be good, trust me. I've thought it all through".

"Whatever, you're not going to change your mind, so just do it anyway".

"Baby, everything will work out" I cooed sweetly, hoping to put him in a better mood.

"Yup, sure" he replied shortly.

"I have one more thing". I chewed my lip anxiously because if he thought I'd already told him the big news he was definitely wrong.  "I was thinking, I might move back to New York for a while".

"Huh?" he asked annoyed.

"Only for a few months. I'm super behind on my work at the moment  and my boss has offered me to train some new employees which will be really good experience and give me some extra money" I explained.

"If it's about money you know I got you".

"It's not about money. I just, I need to do this right now".

For a moment only his heavy, annoyed breathing was audible, along with what sounded like a car door being slammed shut- he always drove around the city when he was frustrated. "Do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care anymore".


Time was passing slowly in New York, slower than I imagined it would. AlI I did was count down the hours. Count down the hours till I could go back to Jordan and Mikes apartment. Count down the hours till I didn't have to be alone anymore, because that meant I was thinking. Thinking about being with Marshall. As much as I wanted to convince myself distance was what we needed, this past week wasn't very convincing. I was thankful for my work because now more than ever I needed a distraction. I stepped through the door of the apartment and threw my bag onto the counter. "Jords are you here?"

"Yeah babe, I'm in my bedroom!" she called out.

I walked to her room to find her standing in front of the mirror with a giant tub of conditioner as she put her hair into a twist-out. The concentration on her face was hilarious, with her tongue stuck out and eyes zeroed in on her curls. "Having trouble?" I laughed, kicking off my black work heels.

"Yes. The curls. Are. Not. Cooperating!"

"It looks way better than I could ever do" I laughed. "Is Mike home?"

"Nah, he's at the game tonight".

"Good". She looked at me quizzically through the mirror. "I wanna get drunk".

"You've been drinking a lot recently".

"So?" I asked annoyed, it's not like she was my mother.

"Would it have something to do with Em?"

"Does it matter? I still wanna get drunk".

She cracked and nodded towards the kitchen "Go get the chardonnay". I giggled and happily ran to the fridge, eager to get my drink on. Three and a half wine glasses and an hour later Jordan and I were giggling and chatting, all of my concerns falling away. "So" I started. "How big is he?"

Jordan spluttered, wine dribbling out of her mouth. She coughed as she laughed at my random question "Cassie!"

"What! I know you've wondered how big Marshall is too" I shrugged.

"Yeah but he's famous! People probably fantasize about you boyfriend's dick all day long" she laughed at my groan. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind before and I really hated it. "Okay I'll go first then you" I nodded and took a swig of my wine, emptying the glass. That makes four. "Probably a 6 inch".

"That's good" I agreed, shaking the wine bottle only to find it empty.

"Now you".

"Okay, let me think. 7 and a half? Maybe an 8?

"You lucky bitch!" Jordan smacked me with a pillow, sloshing wine onto the couch. "I knew he was packing on the down-low".

"It's pretty good" I laughed cheekily and she pouted at me.

"I'm jealous".

A comfortable silence briefly fell over us and Jordanclosed her eyes and fell back onto the sofa, hugging a pillow to her chest. "Jordan?"


"Do you believe in soulmates?" I nervously asked.

She scrunched up her face as she thought. "Like romantically? Cause you know you're my platonic soulmate" she smiled at me genuinely and then closed her eyes again.

"And your mine obviously" I shoved her with my foot jokingly. "But what about romantically?"

"It depends on the situation I guess".

"Well do you think God sets aside that one perfect person for everyone?" I asked nervously. She peered at me and sat up straight, looking at me seriously. I took a deep breath "I think Marshall's mine".

Jordan sat still for a moment and then heartily laughed. "You've had waaaay too much to drink. I think we should go to bed".

I grabbed her arm to stop her from getting up, suddenly feeling sober. "I'm serious Jords".

"Oh shit. You are".

I shook my head to wake up and ran my hands down my legs as I looked for my cellphone. "What's the time?"

"About 11.00, how come?"

"I- I need to go back to Detroit" I slowly said, as I had a revelation. Something had switched in me and suddenly I felt something I've never experienced before. "I need to go home right now". I ran to my room leaving Jordan stunned and threw everything into my bag hurriedly. I tore through the room like a tornado, picking up everything in my sight.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! I don't even know why I came here in the first place" I laughed, throwing on some sneakers. "He is my soulmate Jordan" I smiled at her wildly. "I can't believe it. God's being trying to tell me and I haven't listened to him but I see it now and it's so clear to me".

"Oh my god" she said in disbelief. "This is so romantic!" she squealed. "I'm driving you to the airport! Let's go go go!"

"Okay" I laughed. "I just needa call him first, give me a minute".  The phone rang and rang but he didn't pick up, it was too late. I decided to leave him a voicemail and come anyway.

"Marshall, I know this sounds crazy but I'm coming home okay? I'm going to try catch a flight and come home in a few hours. I'll see you soon baby".


Please VOTE everyone, it gives me loads more motivation and tbh I write better and faster knowing people are enjoying it! So please vote!

Author's note: Jeez that's a bit dramatic at the end there Cassie lmao. Hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do! I really love this chapter for some reason? I think it's because a new 'dimension' of their relationship's dynamic was shown and Cassie was way more open! Any predictions for the next few chapters? Also I have never written a chapter in one day like I did with this one! Usually they take me ages to piece together and edit, but this one came really easy for me! Also so much dialogue, but I felt like it was necessary so hopefully ya'll don't mind. Thanks as always for reading! Ya'll know I appreciate it! Hope you're well x

P.S just wanted to say WTF America with all that Trump bullshit....yikes.

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