Mystic Messenger x Reader Sce...

By inari-emperor

16.7K 357 228

In which where I take a breather and write short things about the reader. It's about the reader and the chara... More

Please Give Me Suggestions
Tears (F!Reader) [ANGST]

Meeting (F!Reader)

8.7K 187 114
By inari-emperor

707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi

(y/n) looked around the internet cafe. She held her laptop case close to her, she took in a deep breathe. (y/n) exhaled and continued to look around the area. No free seats, so she couldn't sit alone. That was indeed bad for (y/n). What was she going to do? Judge by appearance and looked for a friendly face? Because that is the only that she can do. Though (y/n) pulled it together, she nodded and looked around. Not there, and not there. This is tougher than it looked. She sipped from her hot drink and sighed lightly.

Finally, a red headed male caught her eye. (y/n) stopped in her steps and looked at his fast fingers. She instantly became intrigued by this. (y/n) smiled and walked over. She tapped his shoulder to get his attention. The male blinked and removed his headphones. He adjusted his glasses and jumped lightly. He finally looked at her and gave her a gentle smile. (y/n) shuffled her feet, she was kind of nervous.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked finally.

His red hair shook side to side as he spoke, "No, feel free to sit down though."

His voice was friendly. (y/n) could easily get comfortable with that friendly face around. She smiled and pulled out the chair and sat down. (y/n) set down her coffee and took her laptop out of her bag. The male peaked over his screen to get a quick look at the lady. She very pretty indeed.

"What's your name?" He chuckled.

"Me? Oh, I'm (y/n) (l/n)... You?" She smiled.

"Luciel Choi, but you can call me 707 or Seven or whatever. Call me whatever ya want, it can't be anything offensive though!" He winked and clicked his tongue.

(y/n) snorted which made Seven laughed.

Yoosung Kim

"Let's try out best at this!" The blonde smiled as he scooted over to (y/n).

(y/n) nodded as she placed some of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. She sighed once more. (y/n) was paired up with someone she hardly even knew. A group project with someone who is... new to her? (y/n) didn't know how to feel about him. What was his name anyways? She tapped her fingers lightly on her own binder and let out a distressed sigh. The blonde just blabbered on and on about what they should do with their project. But they thing is, why was he blabbering? They haven't chose their topic yet.

This was honestly a strange college assignment. The professor wanted to take time off of 'serious' things, he wanted to give the students a chance to express their creativity. How did he approach? I project that was do next week. Next week? How nerve wrecking was this? Finally the blonde stopped talking, he tapped on (y/n) shoulder with a gentle smile. She looked at him then up. The professor was standing in front of them with a pink bowl. (y/n) reached her hand in and dug around.

The blonde waited patiently for her to pick. Finally her fingers brushed over a paper that felt nice. (y/n) grabbed it and pulled it out. The blonde looked over her shoulder and nodded. The professor then moved on to the next students.

"Edo Period of Japan? That's an odd one..." (y/n) sighed.

"Well, it's kind of cool! We get to learn more about samurais, ninjas, and the government!" He insisted.

"Right, oh yeah! What's your name?" She asked.

The male sighed and almost pouted, "C'mon (y/n)! We've been in the same class for about 9 months now! How do you not know my name?!"

"I'm sorry, I just pay attention to my work... That's all." She replied.

"Well I'm Yoosung Kim! I hope we can exceed this project!" He chuckled.

(y/n) smiled, maybe it wasn't that bad after all.

ZEN/Hyun Ryu

"Try out for a play they say, it'll be fun they say...." (y/n) groaned under her breath as she entered the auditorium.

A male looked at her and looked back at the stage. He heard her say those words. (y/n)'s face flushed with pink as she sighed. This was embarrassing, he heard her. (y/n) covered her face and groaned once more. The male looked over again then turned his head away. Both of them were sitting in the same row of chairs, it was just so embarrassing to experience. Was he freaked out by her? Or was he just staring to be rude?

The male fixed his ponytail and sighed. (y/n) pulled a pen from her purse and filled out the paper. She checked off the answers and wrote down details. (y/n) clicked her tongue and unclicked her pen. She placed the pen back into her purse. She placed the paper on the table and moved some hair from out of her hair. (y/n) got back into her seat and yawned. It was so early to attend an audition.

"You're new here," Spoke the male to break the silence in between them, "Are you new around here?"

"No, no, no, I live in this town. It's just my friend told me I should tryout for this play. So... that is what I did. I'm here and I'm prepared for anything..." She sighed.

The male chuckled, "Welp, break a leg. Also I'm Hyun Ryu, it's nice to see a new face around here."

"Oh, I'm (y/n) (l/n). Pleasure to meet you..." She shyly introduced herself.

Hyun got up and moved next to her. Both of them began to talk until it was time for the auditions to start. Hyun was called up to the stage. He got up and winked at (y/n). She giggled and rolled her eyes at him. Hyun got on stage and fixed his coat. He cleared his throat and exhaled and inhaled. The directors asked him certain things and took notes.

"What will you be singing?" The female director asked.

"I will be singing 'Defying Gravity' from Wicked." He smiled.

Wait, (y/n) had to prepare a song? She didn't know, (y/n) knew it was a musical but she didn't pick a song. God she had to think about this. What song, what song, what song? Soon she was interrupted from her thoughts. Hyun's voice, it was amazing. (y/n) looked up at the stage to see him sing. His eyes were full of emotion, best of all she chose an English song. How talented was that? He sung it perfectly.

His voice was truly amazing.

Jumin Han

(y/n) looked around the area, alright this was new. The place was nice and clean. Everything seemed so in place, how strange was that? She batted her eyelids and picked up a magazine. She opened the pages and danced her eyes around for an eye-popping article. Nothing really peaked her interest. (y/n) set down the magazine and ran her fingers over it. The door then opened and she looked behind her. A well dressed business man entered the bookstore. (y/n) began to pick up the magazines off the table.

Why did she even take these off the rack? It was messy of her to do so. (y/n) was suppose to be working in this quaint place. Not take her time off and go on her phone. She felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. (y/n) took her phone out and put it on nighttime mode. (y/n) went behind the counter and leaned over it. She smiled at the man. The male sighed and gave a gentle smile. He was quite handsome.

"Welcome! Let me know if you need to find anything!" (y/n) smiled.

"Thank you..." He walked closer to her then spoke, "(y/n), though I think I'm plenty of fine. I actually ordered a book through here that's all."

(y/n) clicked her tongue and nodded. She held up one finger to signify 'one moment, please.' She then skipped the back of the store. Then she came back with many packages of books with sticky notes. She placed them onto the counter and stretched. The male closely watched her move and such. His eyes softened as he watched her lay out the books. Her fingers seemed so soft. He then began to help to sort out the books. His eyes finally laid on the book her ordered. The sticky read 'Jumin Han'. Jumin handed her the book.

(y/n) scanned the book and placed the book in a paper bag. She then placed in a free coupon but before she wrote down something on it. Jumin didn't question it, he thought it was just a reminder for something. Like the date when it ran out, stuff like that. She slid it into the bag as Jumin got out his card. She took it and slid. (y/n) typed in and couple of things. She frowned and slid again.

"Debit or credit?" (y/n) asked.

"Debit." Jumin smiled.

She clicked debit on her screen then turned gave him a number pad. Jumin typed in his numbers then pressed enter. This place has a weird policy of paying. Jumin would never get use to it. (y/n) handed the card back to him with a smile. She gave him the bag and winked. Jumin put his card away

"Enjoy your book, Jumin." She giggled.

Jumin grinned, "Thank you, enjoy your day, (y/n)."

He left the store and opened the bag. He pulled out the coupon, it had her number on it.

Jaehee Kang

Click, click, click, click.

Those were the sound of someone's heels. (y/n) looked around and shrugged. She continued to walk on the sidewalk. She placed her earbuds back in and began to whistle. But (y/n) couldn't strangely sense something. What was it? It felt like small vibrations of something small. (y/n) turned around, just then a woman then smashed into her. Both of them gasped and fell to the ground. People are them also reacted the same way as they.

(y/n) winced and so did the lady on top of her. She opened her eyes and looked at the female. Her glasses were slightly tipped and almost falling off of her face. Coffee reeked the air, though it smelled good. The woman then got off of (y/n) with another gasp. She went back onto her feet and helped up (y/n). (y/n) crouched to ground and picked up her purse. She also picked up items around them. The female helped along with (y/n). Honestly, (y/n) kind of felt bad.

(y/n) placed the stuff in the purse then handed it to her. She picked up the empty coffee cups and threw them away. (y/n) adjusted her hat and smiled at the lady. The female sighed and clicked her heels together. She almost looked guilty, both of them felt guilty. (y/n) sighed as the woman adjusted her own glasses.

"I'm sorry." She spoke.

"It was my fault anyways, I shouldn't have stopped." (y/n) chuckled. "How about I buy you more coffee. There's another coffee shop nearby."

The female checked the time on her phone, "I suppose I have time."

(y/n) smiled and lead the way to the coffee shop, "By the way, name's (y/n) (l/n)."

"I'm Jaehee, Jaehee Kang." She replied.

"What a pretty name..." She smiled.

"That's sweet of you to say, thank you."

(y/n) giggled and continued to lead the way. She guided Jaehee like a lost puppy. Honestly it was very cute to watch them. They talked so much on the way there. Laughing and giggling and telling jokes to one another. They told each other what they did for a living. They got along so well. Finally they were at the shop. (y/n) opened the door for Jaehee as she was typing (y/n)'s number into her phone. She then sent a quick text to her and turned around.

She stepped into the shop and let the door shut behind her. Both of them stepped up to counter and ordered. (y/n) paid for everything, the coffee and some treats were handed to them. (y/n) took her treats as Jaehee took the coffee. (y/n) held the door open for Jaehee once more. They gave each other a farewell.

She was a cutie.

V/Jihyun Kim

(y/n) yawned and laid back into the tree. She turned up her music and pulled out her book. (y/n) was sitting in the park under a tree. This was her special spot, this was her spot. (y/n) would go to this spot to have quiet time. This time she was reading. (y/n) felt like reading at this time. (y/n) flipped through the pages of her book. Her eyes danced through all the words. This book was pretty interesting.

She began to move her head to the beat. Though it was very subtle, nobody could hardly notice it. Time continued to pass, hours after reading she finished. Most of her snacks were gone, alls he had left were apple slices and cookies. She placed her book on the ground and stretched. What an ending that was, she was still shaken from it. (y/n) closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn't stop thinking about it.

She now needed book two. What will to the main character? Is he going to fall in love with the Prince? Soon she opened her eyes to someone trying to get her attention. (y/n) took out her earbuds and looked in his eyes. The man had blue hair and he was holding a camera. (y/n) tilted her head and confusion was painted across her face. Why was he here? And who is this man? The man gave her a smile as he ran fingers through his own hair.

(y/n)'s tongue clicked, "Hi?"

"Sorry but this may sound weird, would you mind posing for a photo?" He asked.

"May I ask why?" She chuckled.

"I'm a photographer, I just wanted you to pose that's all. If you don't I understand." He stated as he handed her his card.

(y/n) giggled and put the card in her bag, "Sure, just make sure I look pretty in it."

The male smiled and told her how to pose. Basically it was the same exact pose to when she was reading. (y/n) thought it was a little strange, why this pose? Doesn't he want something more elegant? The male stepped back and snapped a couple of photos. He then walked up to her and showed them to her. (y/n) smiled, she looked amazing. (y/n) nodded and the male smiled.

He packed up his camera as (y/n) spoke, "Jihyun, right?"

Jihyun nodded, "That's my name."

(y/n) took a pen and a piece of paper out of her bag, "Here is my number, call me up when you put it somewhere."

Jihyun took the paper and nodded, "Thanks a lot."

"Also, my name is (y/n)! Pleasure to meet you!" She giggled.

He chuckled, "Pleasure's all mine."

Both of them gave a gentle smile to each other. Something inside of Jihyun began to wither away though.

Unknown/Saeran Choi

(y/n) walked into the hospital with a dog. She was volunteering with a service dog. She was assigned to a patient on the first floor to room 56-B . All she knows about him is his name is Saeran Choi. She did not see any photos of him. She didn't want to judge on appearance anyways. (y/n) lead the dog to the room. She fixed herself up and patted the dog. (y/n) let out a content sigh and knocked on the door. She heard a faint voice that said: "Come in."

(y/n) entered the room with caution. Saeran looked very tired, (y/n) smiled lightly. Saeran sighed and looked out the window. A towel laid over his blankets so the dog can go on the bed. She closed the door behind her and approached the bed. She sat down in a seat as the dog hopped onto the bed. Saeran started to pet the soft dog. Saeran placed his other hand on the dog, a small smile formed on his lips.

He looked over at (y/n) then back at the dog. Saeran was kind of intimidated by (y/n). He never met this chick but something about her intrigued him. Saeran closed his eyes and turned is head to the other side. (y/n) waited patiently, she didn't want to disturb him. He looked so depressed and worn out. Something must be tearing him apart. Though it wasn't her place to ask. She was here to comfort him with a dog and talk to him.

Saeran then turned his head in her direction. The dog placed its head on his lap. Saeran continued to pet the fuzzy dog. (y/n) let out a small giggle as Saeran's hand got licked. He jumped lightly then calmed down. Saeran grabbed his water bottle and sipped from it. He placed it back down and cleared his throat.

"(y/n) (l/n) right?" He sighed.

(y/n) nodded, "It's nice to meet you Saeran Choi."

"You too... Thank you for everything." He smiled.

(y/n)'s eyes softened, "You look, distressed."

Saeran sighed and hugged the dog. He beckoned (y/n) closer to him. She listened to Saeran talk for hours and hours. Who knew talking to him could be so fun? Saeran felt like he could pour out his feelings to this stranger. He wanted to get to know (y/n) even more. She was so kind and amazing. She didn't dismiss, soon it was time to leave. They bid their farewell, the dog licked his face and hopped off the bed.

"Don't leave..." His lips traced.

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