Abnormalities in the Big Appl...

By -GoldenAurora-

139 13 8

{USUK Fanfic} Felicia Kirkland-Jones has never been normal. She had been orphaned by her parents at an early... More

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What's Wrong With Me? More Like What's Wrong With You

29 1 1
By -GoldenAurora-

"Hey, you! Stop!"

I sighed and turned around. Blocking the only exit from the alley stood a hooded person. I couldn't see anything under the hood, except for glinting sapphire eyes. One long, perfectly tanned arm extended from beneath the cloak, and a perfectly sculpted finger pointed right at me.

"What do you want from me?" I said nonchalantly, resting my hands on my hips. I tried to keep a straight face on; meanwhile, my heart was going a mile a minute. A faint breeze blew through, and a small patch of sunlight illuminated the area I stood in.

"Who exactly are you?" the person asked. The voice was melodious, smooth, and definitely male. I frowned.

"Felicia Kirkland-Jones, high school freshman," I responded cooly. "What's it to you?"

The boy paused, thinking. The garbage cans rattled, making a spooky effect, and my shadow grew longer with the setting sun. Glimmers of light reflected across the doorknobs and sprayed onto the cement, like someone had thrown a bunch of glitter onto the floor. I tapped my foot, waiting.

Quicker than you could say "Eek!", the boy whipped out a knife and threw it at me. Before I had time to scream, it had thudded itself in my backpack with a dull thonk. I stared at the boy, my mouth open.

The boy was doubled over, panting. He looked up at me, and his hood fell slightly off. I gasped. He was... beautiful. He looked like he came straight out of a painting. His eyes were perfectly proportioned, flecks of grey danced in his clear-blue irises. His hair was a luxurious gold, and it was perfectly styled in a wave over his head. His lips were open in a slight part, revealing straight, blindingly white teeth. I caught my breath.

"You," he breathed, glaring at me. "Who are your parents?"

I avoided my gaze, trying not to stare into his charmingly handsome face. "I'm adopted," I muttered.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked roughly. I started.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. There's something off with you. You grow faster than most people. You're more mature for your age than every other girl. One day, you look eight, the next day you're a teenager." He paused and looked at me, still panting. "See? Yesterday you looked fifteen, now you look like you're in college."

I raised my eyebrows. "I don't know who I'm from, but I was born with it," I said defensively. "If you have a problem, keep it to yourself."

The boy sprang forward, grabbing my shirt. I feebly tried to push him away, but my strength had left me. I could feel his breath, skimming over my skin.  He stared right into my eyes, and I could feel he was vibrating. A low rumble came from his throat. Was he growling?

This guy, I decided, is officially a creep.

"I know who you are," he hissed. "And if I'm right, you're close with the person that broke my father's heart. I swear I will get revenge for my father. And if I get my way..." he paused and licked his lips. "You're my bargaining chip." He shoved me off of him, and stalked away, pulling his hood up behind him.

I sat down on the trash bags, hard. I was dizzy from my close encounter, and my mind was whirling. He knows who I am? Why would I be a bargaining chip? Who did what now? I sighed, and slowly got up, tying my sweatshirt around my waist to hide the ripped jeans. I could probably pass it off as a trip. Groaning, I slowly trudged out of the alley.

Right before I exited the narrow street, I heard two voices arguing. They seemed to come from behind a pair of garbage cans lining the alley.

"Dude!" A high-pitched male voice yelled. "We're spying, not drinking tea! Stop being such a gentleman!"

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