Beside You

By MeltingSnow2307

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Let's imagine Michael Clifford has a sister called Elaine... Elaine has had a crush on Calum ever since year... More

Prologue: Beginning
Chapter 1: Schooling
Chapter 2: Offering
Chapter 3: Revealing
Chapter 4: Gossiping
Chapter 5: Dating
Chapter 6: Asking
Chapter 7: Sleeping
Chapter 8: Oversleeping
Chapter 9: Singing
Chapter 10: Realising
Chapter 11: Consoling
Chapter 12: Admitting
Chapter 13: Confessing
Chapter 14: Kissing
Chapter 16: Touring
Chapter 17: Fangirling
Chapter 18: Watching
Chapter 19: Communicating
Chapter 20: Telling
Epilogue: Ending

Chapter 15: Enjoying

213 9 1
By MeltingSnow2307

Chapter 15: Enjoying


“Have a um… safe trip.”

Calum pouted. “I’m going away for two and half months, are you really just going to say ‘have a safe trip’ to me?”

“What else do you want me to say? I’ve never needed to say goodbye to a boyfriend before,” I said, blushing.

I was also quite aware that Calum’s parents and sister were less than three meters away. However, they seemed to sense our uncomfortableness because they pushed us to the line to check in. The line was quite short considering we arrived here reallly early.

Calum grasped my hands, keeping things subtle.

“I’ll be back before you know it, and then we can you know… continue with the relationship. And I'll text you a lot and FaceTime you. ”

I smiled before leaning up and kissing him on the cheek and hugging him.

"Ew don't do that in front of me... ever," Michael complained.

“Geez, get a room you two,” a new voice said.

I broke away and uncomfortably shifted to face Ashton and his family (actually, I turned to him but kept my eyes glued on the ground).

“Hey. Now that you’re here, we just need to wait for Luke.”

“He’s already over there,” Ashton nodded in the other direction.

Luke came into view with his mum and dad and he was a pushing his luggage trolley towards us. Once everyone had arrived, the goodbyes were quick and before I knew it, the four of them were probably sitting on the plane, ready to fly to London while I was still stuck in Sydney all alone.


"Hey loser if you're not having a party for your birthday then let's go somewhere, it's boring just sitting here."

The one reason I’d decided to give up my birthday party was because there was too many people who I’d wanted to be there was not even in Sydney at the moment. Most people were on holidays and even Jen was given a surprise holiday around Europe for six weeks, and Calum and co were still in London. Instead I decided to just spend the day with Derek, my best friend since childhood and whom I'd spent every single birthday with (since we met).

"Might as well, I'm fucking bored anyway. Where are we going?"

"How about a little holiday?"

"A what?"

"I'm thinking a little holiday for the two of us, and I think you'll like it." He had a sly grin plastered on his face. I huffed as he dragged me to my room and got out a suitcase. I started to get some clothes from my wardrobe and drawer and carefully putting them into the suitcase. Derek tutted and threw all of my shorts and tank tops out. "I would pack winter clothing if I were you."

"You don't need to throw them on the ground!" I yelled, picking them up from the floor and putting them back in my drawer. "Where exactly are we going? Do you plan on telling me or do we have to get there for me to find out."

"I would like the latter but you're going to find out when we get to the airport anyway. So hurry up coz my dad's outside waiting to drop us off."

It was only when we arrived at the airprot did it finally dawn on me where we were going.

"London? You could fucking afford two plane tickets to London?"

"I couldn't, my parents could though. And they were perfectly happy to pay for your ticket too because they say that you're 'like the daughter they never had' -" Derek rolled his eyes "-and we've known each other for years so there isn't any unfamiliarness."

"You should have told me! I was so rude not even thanking your dad earlier."

“Pfft don't worry about it. They promised me a trip years ago and now I'm finally getting it. I just wanted to bring you along coz I would be lonely."

"But why London?" I asked.

"One so I can visit my aunt and cousin and two so you can see your brother and all of them."

Even though I didn’t admit it, I actually missed Michael a lot. Our brother and sister relationship was complicated. Sometimes we would tease each other and piss each other off but we were still very close seeing our parents were rarely ever home and even when they were, didn't really care for us so we had to depend on each other most times.

"Derek you are the bestest fucking friend ever."


It seemed like everyone knew what was going on except for me because there was a big party waiting for us at Heathrow airport.

“Damn, now I have to cope with you again,” Michael said the moment he saw me.

“Is that your way of saying you missed me?”

“I miss your homemade cookies.”

I stuck my tongue out at him and then turned to the others. After another wave of hi’s and hey’s, we headed to our hotel.

Calum kept on glaring at Derek and didn't really greet him properly.

"Something wrong Cal?" I asked.

“You guys just spend a lot of time together that’s all,” he said in an undertone.

“Are you jealous?” I asked laughing slightly.

Calum paused before replying a small ‘maybe’. I could’ve started dancing right there. I would never have guessed a couple months ago that Calum would actually be my boyfriend, let alone get jealous over another guy.

“Calum, we’re just friends. We’ve known each other since the first day of primary school, and…” I lowered my voice, “don’t tell him I told you this, but I’m pretty sure that he would fancy any of you guys before he likes me.”

“Oh. Well that’s awkward…” Calum stood upright. “But seriously? Fancy? You’ve been in this country for not even an hour and you’re already turning British.”

“I do have English blood in me and they do say I am good with accents,” I said, putting on an English accent.


“Wow, you guys are actually staying here?” I asked after the tour of the house.

 “Yep,” Calum said, popping the ‘p’.

Derek was out visiting his aunt who lived in London, Michael was disappeared somewhere and Ashton and Luke were out song-writing so it was just me and Calum.

“Damn, I wish I could stay here instead of the hotel.”

“You can if you want to, there’s still space,” he suggested.

“No I’m fine! I’m not staying in a house with a bunch of guys and especially not you four - no offence. And plus Michael would be really pissed if he comes back and finds that I’m staying with you guys.” I handed him his guitar. “Can you teach me?”

“You don’t know how to play?”

“I know the basics, but Michael was such a bad teacher both of us gave up. Coz he took guitar lessons and I took piano lessons, but I know how to play the ukulele.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen you play. Okay then. Sit down, and I’ll teach you.”

Calum spent some time going through the basic of the guitar. He was a much better teacher than Michael.

“Your hand is just a little off there…”

Calum held his hand over mine and tried to correct the position of my fingers. I breathing was going quite abnormal seeing that the distance between us was less than thirty centimetres. He slowly moved his hands away from mine and brought them up to cup my cheek. Our lips met halfway.

Everything was going perfect until I started remembering something else, or rather, someone else. This high school relationship was going seriously cliché. I pulled away immediately after thinking about Luke. This wasn’t really the first time Calum and I had kissed, but for some reason, it was getting awkward.

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. “Um… you want to help me make some cookies?”

Calum awkwardly adjusted his beanie. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

I followed him to the kitchen where not much baking ended up happening. As I was mixing the batter I grabbed a small handful and then smeared it over Calum's face.

He stared at me in shock his mouth agape.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that, I'd always wanted to to that and-"

I was cut off when Calum smeared a load of batter on my face a cheeky smile playing on his lips. This caused the outbreak of the food fight which leaved the kitchen in a complete mess and the both of us covered in food. All the awkwardness was gone from before.

“Ugh damn, why did you have to get cookie dough in my hair? Now I can’t get it out,” I complained, still trying to get out random bits of dough.

“Sorry about that. But in my defence, you got egg all over beanie,” he retorted, pulling off his beanie so his hair stuck up at random spots.

I seemed to have suffered the worst of the food fight. Calum had his hair protected by his beanie and so he just had food smeared over his face and T-shirt and jeans and a cracked egg over his head. I, on the other hand, had cookie dough in my hair, food smeared over my face, cracked eggs and flour down my jumper.

“And I can’t wear this anymore,” I said, showing him the stains over my jumper.

“Neither can I,” Calum said. In a swift motion I pulled his T-shirt over his head leaving his chiselled body in all its glory. I tried my best not to drool, I was still trying not to believe that the guy standing in front of me was actually my boyfriend. “Do you want to go and take a shower? You really got the worse off the fight.”

“You think?” I asked darkly, taking off my jumper. Calum laughed at me. “What?”

“You just smudged the chocolate around your face and now it looks like you have a small brown goatee.”

I blushed and lifted my hand to wipe it off, but Calum stopped me. He lifted his thumb and wiped off the chocolate then licked it off his thumb, never breaking eye-contact with me. He moved his hand to rest at the nape of my neck and then pulled me closer to him to kiss me. This time I didn’t think about Luke, but someone else interrupted us.

“Woah, what the fuck happened in here?”


'Is it hi or hey?' hehehe...

I wouldn't mind living in a house with 5SOS, just think about how fun that would be.... *goes off in daydreams*

And I just really want a food fight with 5SOS like so badly it's not even funny :(

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