
By AnimeAngel04

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" Even if our love is forbidden, I want to protect you." An angel in love with a demon. A demon in love with... More

The Language Of Flowers
Chapter One // Jasmine
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen // Maroon
Chapter Fourteen // Jasmine
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen // Maroon
Chapter Eighteen // Jasmine
Chapter Nineteen // Maroon
Chapter Twenty // Third Person
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Sixteen

1.7K 67 2
By AnimeAngel04

   White Chrysanthemums ~ The thin petals of chrysanthemums symbolize optimism and joy. White petals mean truth or loyal love, and red petals mean love. Stay away from yellow chrysanthemums, which represent slighted love.

   The pair of guards continued to drag me, holding my arms painfully tight, till we reached a metal carriage, where Mister Scar-Face stood holding the door open with a sickening sweet smile," After you...princess." The guard stated, venom within his words as the guards tossed me into the metal carriage, slamming the door shut behind me.

" You would think he would be nicer after what happened last time..." I grumbled to myself as I stood up, only to be thrown back down once the carriage began to move,"...owww..."

I sat up on the metal floor of the carriage, taking in my surroundings; the carriage was bare, and didn't even have seats to sit on! The only thing that caught my attention was a barred window to my right.

I slowly stood up, holding onto the walls for balance, and stumbled over to the window. I tightly held onto the window's bars as the carriage moved, helping me stay in place and not fall on my bum again.

I gazed out the small window and saw I was already passing town square, meaning I was nearing the courthouse.

A wave of fear fell over me once more, my heart beating against my rib cage. Thoughts and images from my nightmare flooded back into my mind, but I shook my head, trying to rid my head of those dreadful memories," I-It was only a dream, i-it isn't real...it won't happen..." I repeated to myself several times, taking deep breaths in hope to calm myself down.

And as if on cue, the carriage came to an abrupt stop, almost causing me to fall again. I carefully walked over to the carriage's door, looking out it's small barred window to see the courthouse building. Angels were flooding into it, small chatter filling the air. A sense of dread fell over me as I stared out the window, feeling sick to my stomach now. I prayed that what happened in my dream won't happen in real life over and over inside my head.

But then, the carriage door swung open, causing me to fall back in surprise. And there stood the scar-faced guard, now wearing the look of disgust on his face," Let's go." he commanded as he lunged forward, grabbing a hold of my arm and yanking me out of the carriage.

Once on my feet, the guard began to drag me through the crowds, holding my arm in a painfully tight grip. We got past the courthouse door, and he continued to drag me till me came upon a small stage that stood in front of the judge's podium, where he then roughly dropped me onto the floor.

I hissed from the pain in my knees and sat up more, slowly raising my head to see that all eyes were on me now. My hands became clammy, my heart was thumping inside my ears, my breathing became more rapid, and I felt terrified. And yet, the only thing on my mind was Maroon.

Was he safe? Will he try to save me? Will my dream come true?

Those were the only thing running in my head as everyone around me chatted with themselves. But the room became silent once the judge sat upon his podium, now staring daggers at me.

" Princess Jasmine," the judge began, his voice echoing throughout the building as he stared down at me with nothing but a plain expression," you have been charged with treason against the kingdom; how do you plea? Guilty? Or not guilty?"

" Is falling in love really a crime worth punishing...?" I ask, my voice trembling as I looked up at the judge with pleading eyes.

" Answer the question Miss Jasmine: Guilty! Or not guilty?" The judge repeated, his hands folded neatly on his desk.

I lowered my head, knowing there was no way I could lie, and reasoning with him was out the window. I stayed silent, which seemed to upset the judge more," Princess Jasmine! I'll ask one more time: Guilty or not?" he questioned, irritation in his tone.

I slowly raised my head again, meeting the judges gaze," Guilty." I state, not taking my eyes off the judge. Angels around me gasped at my response, the room becoming chatty again before the judge had to silence them," Why lie? I fell in love with a demon, who is the sweetest...most amazing person I have ever met."

A smile slowly crept onto my face as memories of Maroon flooded into my mind; when they first met, it was an unusual way to meet someone, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Tears brimmed my eyes as I finally tore my gaze away from the judge.

The judge sighed and shook his head, raising his gravel in the air," I hereby charge Princess Jasmine with treason, and sentence her with Fallen." he states as the hammer hits the wood of his desk.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I silently sobbed, my body trembling in fear while my wings clung to my back for dear life.

It's actually happening...

I am going to lose my wings...

A man dressed in black robes strolled towards me, his face covered by a mask while his wings stood at their full extent, as if to taunt me, saying how I'll never be able to fly again.

Tears rapidly raced down my face as I stared at the executor, feeling his cold hands grab a hold on my right wing," P-Please don't d-do this..." I begged, squeezing my eyes shut in fear.

He remained silent as he pulled my wing to its full extent, while I silently sobbed and awaited for what came next.


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