Under the Influence

Da Louisa5853

73.4K 2.3K 1.5K

Cassie Rosario is a confident, career driven 27 year-old with major commitment issues. After meeting Eminem h... Altro

The End.
The Night Cassie And Em Met...(Imagine 1)
The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)
The Jealous Girlfriend...(Imagine 3)
The Announcement...(Imagine 4, Part 1 (?))
The Decision...(Imagine 4, Part 2)
The Surprise...(Imagine 5)
The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)


1.7K 62 33
Da Louisa5853

December 21st 2000.
Detroit, Michigan.
Puerto, Plata.

In less then 24 hours I would be with my family in the Dominican, finally home. That was the most comforting thing I'd heard in six years. Today was my last day with Marshall before I went back home, and we were definitely making the most of it. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be staying for, all I knew was that I had to be back by the end of January for the European leg of the tour. It was a quiet Sunday for Marshall and I with nothing planned, expect for picking the girls up later in the day. As I stood in the shower lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the bathroom door open until Marshall was directly before me.

"What are you doing?" I asked shaking my head lightly as I rinsed my conditioner out.

"I'm not trying anything, I just needa shower" he insisted in this gloriously groggy morning voice. Marshall and I had been doing better this past week. Not great, but better. I still didn't trust him, I couldn't, and he knew that. It had become apparent to me that he believes when I come back from my trip and I've had time to relax, everything will be perfect again. But I know that to be far from the truth. It's going to take a long time to build up to where we once were, and I planned to take as long as I needed. For me that included not having any sex, something I never thought I would say as usually we couldn't get enough of each other. It was killing Marshall, and myself, but I needed to do it. I wanted to fix us first before we complicated it with sex. Especially after my incident with Freddie I just didn't feel ready. We stood in the shower together, admiring one another, letting the water fall around us as we slowly washed up. Our hands quickly found each other and I giggled childishly and wrapped my arms around Marshall's torso as he playfully nuzzled into my neck giving me tiny love bites. I reached down and cheekily pinched his bum and he removed from my neck with a amused expression "You have a weird obsession with my ass".

"Says you! You're always feeling me up".

"How could I not?" He dug his fingers into my soft flesh.

"Marshall..." I hesitated as he lowered his face to mine.

"Just one kiss" he whispered, his plump lips looking more inviting than ever. He sweetly kissed me, taking his time to move his lips against mine. Unexpectedly his tongue slipped into the kiss and I moaned deeply, feeling very turned on. The kiss became more heated as he took control and I began to lose myself in it, overcome by the love he was putting into it. This kiss felt different, better, than any other, but I couldn't figure out why. I pulled away from, out of breath, looking at him in awe and Marshall began to move back into me.

"You said you wouldn't try anything" I laughed flicking him in the eyes with water.

"I couldn't resist" he shrugged. The dopey smile dropped from his face and our enclosed area suddenly became serious. "I'm gonna miss you" he sighed pushing his wet hair out of his face.

"I'm going to miss you too. A lot".

"A lot?"

"A lot". He smiled his heart warming smile and kissed my forehead, making my stomach do somersaults and my head feel fuzzy.

"Corny ass bitch..." Marshall muttered into my hair.

"Shut up you moron" I laughed turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.

Marshall wolf whistled and smacked my ass. "I'm gonna miss that too".

"You think you're sooo funny" I rolled my eyes and wrapped a towel around my body and head, chucking one at his face as I walked out of the bathroom into the wardrobe. "Marshall do you mind if I pick the girls up this afternoon? I want to see Kim". I quickly dried my body off and slipped into a simple white tank and blue wash jeans.

Marshall popped his head into the wardrobe with his towel draped along his shoulders. I willed myself not to look down there knowing if I did I wouldn't be able to resist him any longer. "You want to see Kim?"

"Yeah why not?"

"I'm just surprised you wanna" he shrugged picking his glasses off the bedside table. He always wore them when it was just us at home, but hardly ever if other people were around, even Proof. They made him look so cute and completely different from the tough rapper he portrayed in the media.

"It's important right? I think we should be friendly towards each other too".

"I guess so, you can go pick them up at 11.00".


I knocked on the door and awkwardly shuffled on my feet as I waited for it to open. At home this seemed like a very good idea but now- not so much. I never knew what kind of Kim I would encounter. Sometimes she was snarky and standoffish, but other times she was really lovely and funny. Above everything else I was worried because Marshall wasn't hear to stick up for me if anything went hay-wire. Finally a very frazzled looking Kim opened the door in scruffy attire- she looked utterly exhausted. "Cassie?" she asked in surprise, obviously expecting Marshall.

"Hi" I shyly greeted with a little wave.

"Hi...are you picking up the girls?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry if this is a bit weird, we should've told you before I came, but I thought I'd say bye to you before I went on holiday".

"You came to see me?"

"Yeah of course! Unless you don't want me to?" I asked, suddenly feeling very nervous.

"Uh, no! Of course I do. Come in" she ushered me in and tried to sneakily clean up as I came in, throwing kids toys under chairs. I smiled to myself and walked into her lounge area. Upstairs I could hear Hailie and Alaina happily playing and giggling. "Sorry for the mess I've been really busy" Kim anxiously looked around.

"You don't need to apologize, I understand" I sat down on the couch and awkwardly looked at my hands.

"Do you want a drink? Coffee, water?"

"A coffee would be lovely thank you. Milk, no sugar" she nodded and walked into the kitchen. I almost felt bad, it seemed like I'd walked in on a really bad time.Kim returned and gave me my coffee, sitting on the couch opposite to me. I thanked her and took a sip, not much else was said. We awkwardly looked at each other and smiled. God help me.

Kim cleared her throat and broke the uncomfortable silence. "So you're flying out tonight?"

"Yeah, at 10 o'clock".

"And your excited?"

"Incredibly excited. I can't wait to see my family again, especially my mom. I just want to lie in the sun and relax, not having to think about work" I beamed, trying to fight my smile but unable to.

I detected a hint of jealousy from Kim but she quickly smiled to cover it, and I could tell it was genuine and not forced. "That sounds really nice. I could use a holiday".

"Marshall told me it's been pretty full on for you recently. How are you?"

She sighed. "I'm alright".

"Are you really?"

She looked at me and I could tell exactly what she was thinking. Why does she want to know? Should I even be talking to her, like this? She ran her hand through her bleach blonde hair. "Honestly I don't know. I haven't got a lot going on for me right now".

"In what way?"

"I know this sounds awful but all that I'm doing at the moment is looking after the girls and it's driving me crazy. I go to work and then come back home to go straight back to work".

"Maybe you just need to take some time for yourself? You can't really care for others if you don't look after yourself first".

"I know, but I just don't have time" she shook her head, dismissing my idea.

"Won't you have more time now that Marshall is back for a bit?" She nodded very slightly and chewed at her thumb. "You should go out with friends, or even better go on a date!"

"A date?"

"Yeah, why not? You should get back out there Kim. You're beautiful and really fun, you'll have no trouble meeting someone".

She let out a tiny smile. "You think so?"

"Of course".

"Well there is this guy I kinda like, Eric, I could ask him out for drinks or something" her eyes lit up at the idea.

"You'll feel so much better if you go have some fun and relax, trust me. That's exactly what I'm going to go do".

"Thanks Cassie, I'll ask him out soon. You know, I don't have a lot of people to talk to so it's nice to have a friend around for once".

I smiled at the fact she called me a friend and placed down my empty coffee cup, ready to go. "Any time Kim. Should I go get the girls now?"


"Hailie, Alaina! Come here please!" Marshall called out from the couch where we both sat, his arm around my shoulders and my hand on his knee. We'd spent all day touching each other in some form at all times. Both of us knew this next month would be difficult, especially as our trust for each other wasn't quite there. Subconsciously the both of us we were trying to make the most of each other whilst things were good. The girls popped around the corner and ran over to us, both giggling like usual.

"So, since I'm leaving to go on holiday tonight you guys are going to get your Christmas presents, and your birthday present," I pointed to Hailie "early. How does that sound?"

They both jumped up and down excitedly "Yes! Yes! Yes!".

I laughed at their enthusiasm and stood up. "You guys will need to follow me if you want them". They each grabbed one of my hands and walked outside with me to the garden. Marshall had a doting smile plastered on his face and trailed along beside us. "Girls, close your eyes". They both scrunched up there faces, and although I could tell they were peeking I still led them out onto the grass. "Okay, open!"

Their eyes sprung open and they both squealed and ran over to two identical blue bikes, complete with tassels and everything. They jumped on them and ran their hands over their new prized possessions, with pure joy on their faces.

"What do you say girls?" Marshall asked.

"Thank you, Cassie!" They both shouted and engulfed me in a quick hug before jumping back on the bikes, although I don't think either of them knew how to actually ride them.

"I guess I gotta teach them how to use them now huh?" Marshall chuckled as he watched on.

"Sorry about that" I laughed. "I need to give Hailie her birthday present first".

"Do it now while Alaina is distracted" he suggested.

"Okay good idea, you stay with Alaina". He nodded and walked over to her. "Hailie come here!" I called out.

She ran over still on her' bike high' and looked at me excitedly "Do I get my other present now?"

"You sure do. Come with me". Again we walked hand in hand, this time to her bedroom. We stopped outside the door and I knelt down to her height. "Even though this is your present, do you promise to share it with Alaina?"

"Yeah" she smiled at me gleefully.

"Okay, go take a look". With my permission she burst into her bedroom and her eyes nearly popped out of her head as they fell on a beautiful white wood dollhouse. All the house's rooms where completely furnished and even had little people laying around. She ran over and sat on the ground immediately playing with it. I laughed and sat on her bed watching her go through all the rooms, picking up the tiny people.

"Do you like it Hailie?"


I sat beside her and picked up two of the little girl people. "Who are these two?"

"Me and Lainey?" I nodded and she smiled at me, picking them up and placing them together on some couches. "Is this Daddy?" she picked up a man.

"It could be if you want".

"And this is Mommy" she picked up a blonde doll and stroked her hair fondly. She frowned slightly and looked at me with confusion. "Where are you?"

"I'm not in there".

"Why not? Are you daddy's girlfriend?"

I hesitated, not knowing how to answer. "Yes, I am". The girls must know by now, even if Marshall and I hadn't specifically told them. They were young, but not stupid.

"Then this is you". She smiled as she picked up a random brown doll, that looked nothing like me, and placed myself next to 'Marshall'. "One happy family".


(For the sake of the story, please imagine that every time Cassie speaks with her family it's in Spanish).

My heart skipped a beat as the taxi turned the corner and my beloved house I was raised in came into view. It hadn't changed a bit, expect everything looked a little bit 'fresher'. The house had a new lick of paint and the front yard had been re-done. I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I had been able to help my parents achieve this. I was itching to jump out of the car and as soon as it halted I did. Shrieks and cheers of joy coming from inside could be heard and within seconds my family was running towards me, with my mother in front and my father close behind.

"Cassie!" she cried, with her arms wide. Before I could even react happening I was enveloped into her warm hug as she sobbed into my hair. I tightly wrapped my arms around her and quickly felt more pairs of arms hug me too. We must of looked absolutely mental to the taxi driver who was waiting for his pay, but I didn't care.

"Guys, guys" I laughed. "You're suffocating me". Everyone laughed and stood back, watching me with soppy smiles. They all looked so much older. I looked at my mother, father and younger sister and felt my stomach drop. My younger sister looked so mature now and my father's hair was completely grey. I'd missed so much. Suddenly I burst into tears catching everyone by surprise.

My father placed an arm around me, hugging me towards him. "Why are you crying darling?"

"I'm so happy to see you all" I gushed, laughing at my stupid tears.

"When did you get so soft? America has changed you" my little sister Nicole joked.

"Shut up you brat".

"There she is" she smiled at me proudly.

"Two minutes and already the bickering!" My mother tutted, hooking onto my arm. "Nicole, bring her bags in please". Nicole groaned but happily obliged. "We have so much to catch up on".

All of us entered the house and I was hit with the nostalgic smell of my mothers baking. "You made conconete?"

"Of course I did. My baby is home after all". My mother ran into the kitchen and returned with a tray stacked full of the delicious conconete and a gigantic pot of coffee. We all sat in the lounge on the plush couches that were probably in need of replacing, but I didn't mind. I liked knowing that I could come back here and it was if nothing had changed.

"So how are you guys? I can't believe I'm actually here" I asked as I took a bite of the treat she'd made.

"I can't believe it either" my mother beamed. "I've been praying and praying for you to come back and here you are".

"Well I finally had the money to come see you and now that the tour is on break it worked out perfectly" I slightly fibbed. I really didn't want to tell them Marshall had payed for it because I didn't know how they would react. Our family did not take help from others easily, but I couldn't turn down his offer. "How's the restaurant Mama?"

"It's a lot more popular this year, so they've asked my to work extra hours. I think I might get promoted to head chef when Daniela leaves for her new job".

"Really? I'm so proud of you Mama. What about you two?" I directed towards my father and sister.

"Nicole, you have some good news don't you?" My father prompted.

"Oh yeah! I finished teacher's college and already got a job at the primary school!"

"Are you serious?" she nodded eagerly with a proud smile and I engulfed her in a hug. "I'm so proud of you lil' sis.

"Thanks Cass".

"How's America?" my dad asked.

"Good, not too much has changed since we last spoke. Just working hard as usual".

"And New York is good still? I hear it's very dangerous" my mother worriedly asked.

"It's fine, I'm still living with Jordan" I lied, again.

"Who's tour are you on again?" my dad asked.

"Eminem" I answered simply. My family had no idea that I was dating him. Although I felt awful lying to them, there was no way I could tell them. As much as I loved them, I know they would never approve. They want me to settle down with some nice catholic boy. Not a world-wide famous controversial rapper. It was out of the question.

"I can't believe you work with Eminem. All of the kids in the neighborhood are so jealous" my sister shook her head in disbelief.

"How do they even know?"

"Cause' mama tells everyone she can about how successful you are in America".

"Mom that's so embarrassing!" I laughed and my dad nodded in agreement, earning a glare from her.

"Why shouldn't they know? I'm proud of my baby, so what?"


After an hour or so more of catching up I decided to venture into my room, with Nicole still carrying my bags. I was going to use her to my full advantage as much as I could whilst I was here.What else were sisters for? Similar to the rest of the house, my room hadn't changed at all. The same posters were still plastered over the walls, my lava lamp was still in the corner and my bed still had a hideous frilly cover on it.

"So now mom and dad are gone, you have to give me any gossip you have on celebrities".

I laughed and hauled my suitcase onto my bed. "I haven't got any".

"Bullshit. You're on your second tour with Eminem, you must know something about him".

More than you could imagine. I grew flustered and could feel my cheeks heating up. "Honestly, nothing".

She eyed me suspiciously and folded her arms over her chest. "You dating anyone?"

"Nope" I lied for the hundredth time. This trip was going to kill me. "What about you?" I flipped the question, desperate to take this heat off me.

"Not really" she sighed. "I'm just, you know, testing the waters at the moment" she grinned mischievously.

"Gross Nicole. I don't need to know everything".

"Whatever. We should go out soon! You can get some good Dominican D before you go back".

"Nicole!" I scolded, throwing my flip-flop at her head.

"What! America hasn't made you a prude has it?" she laughed heartily, slapping the shoe across my arm.

"No, it's just weird seeing you so grown up now".

"Good. We'll go out and I'll set you up with this hot guy I know". She sat on my bed and rifled through my suitcase, probably looking for anything she could steal.


"You sure you're not dating someone?"



"I'm not lying!" I groaned.

"You have to prove it when we go out and hook up with someone. Deal?"

"Deal". Shit. This was not going to end well.



Author's note: Uh oh, Cassie could be getting herself into some deep shit here! Do you guys think her lies are going to catch up on her and she'll be forced to tell her family? This chapter is a bit of a filler but still important so I hope you liked it! I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who reads, comments, votes and adds this story to their reading lists. It means so much to me, you have know idea. Wattpad has become really important to me recently and the support I receive is unbelievable. I love you all! God bless x - Louisa.

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