She Wolf

By __MijaSam__

498 152 137

Princess Maia Reveron has great plans for life. She wished to make her brother the King and to live her life... More

She Wolf
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

30 12 14
By __MijaSam__

From behind the door to the Ball Room, Maia could hear certain announcements being made. The first one was for King George of Haster. She couldnt see him entering but according to what Laurie had said, he will be standing right on the stage near King Gaston and King Orton. Maia's heart beat anxiously. Someone from somewhere of her soul said that this ball will be the beginning of something. She felt that it would be better if she could have run off. She started cursing her life as a Princess.

Soon even John and Laurie left her. They had to go to the room and stay there. Placing a kiss on both her cheeks the brothers, said with a paternal air,
"Maia, walk with dignity.  Eye contact- straight. Speak clearly. Smile at everyone and....."
The brothers felt speechless. What could they say? It was a marriage against their sister's will. A marriage that will put an end to all her warrior dreams. A marriage that will snatch away their brave sister and turn her into a good-for-nothing wife. Still, suppressing their feelings, they said,
"Good luck my dear.  May you enchant everyone."

With these words said, they turned to leave when Laurie came near  Maia's ears and whispered in a mournful tone

"No matter what happens, always follow your heart Maia. For, this is your only chance.There's nothing more to say."

Maia couldn't find out its meaning but she gazed gravely at her brothers departing. But her soul had listened to Laurie's last words and that was enough. It was.

Maia smiled to herself and was ready to enter. She heard these words being recited in a monotonous beat of voice,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Now, let us invite the most important person tonight, who will enchant you with her presence- Lady Maia Reveron of Nimartha.

For once she was proud, she was of Nimartha, and she said to herself,
"Untill I die, noone can take away Nimartha from my name and as long as I have it In my bosom, noone can defeat me!!"

And with a cheerful smile, Lady Maia entered the room. She dropped a curtsey to the audience followed by one to all those who stood on the stage.

It surprises me- Maia's courage and will. She didn't even care to look at King George who was standing next to her. Such a Lady, with such audacity is a rare and worthy pearl.

King Gaston rose to speech and there was a sudden hush in the room. He began,
"I am in great happiness and pride tonight. My daughter , no, Our daughter, Lady Maia, she is to be married to King George of Haster.
No father will ever be this proud to get such  a daughter. My Maia is the most bravest and strongest lady in the entire universe. She is the reason behind ours and Nimartha's success."

George laughed to himself wickedly. He sais to himself, " if Maia is your sucess I am going to take it from you."

"Maia, no matter wherever you go, whatever you become, you will always be the Daughter of Nimartha.
Let the ball begin."

Soon the music showered and the ball lights were on. Maia descended the stairs and stood in a corner looking at young people dance. She wondered- so many people are here today to see their beloved Princess being given away.
With thoughts and tearful feelings, the Lady stood in one side with a heavy heart and aching spirit. Her stubborn emerald green eyes were lost in thoughts but they looked straight and stubborn as if they were searching for a saviour.

But a voice soon killed her thoughts,

"Care to dance Mi'Lady?"

Yes, it was her fiancé-  King George Goddard of Haster.
For my dear readers, I don't care to say about his looks.
He was in his mid twenties with brown hair and black button eyes. Like every other King, he looked serious. There was a doubtful way in which he tried to plaster a smile on his round, sun tanned face. He was masculine and just a few inches tall from Maia.

Just the way I was busy judging his looks, Maia was also doing the same. She didn't seem impressed by his looks. But yes he was handsome.  He had an uncanny beauty in him, something I fear will one day devour everthing.

"It shall be an honour M'Lord" Maia said smiling sweetly. But hot rage was boiling inside her.
I myself am amazed-  a delicate goddess being married to a man with a cruel and brutal self.
The duo started dancing and slowly and steadily they started talking.

"So what is your name Mi'Lady?"

"Lady Maia Reveron of Nimartha."

" hmm , I see. Well , let me make things clear, I am King George of Haster, as you know. If you marry me, you shall be the queen of 12 lands and shall have hundred sweet maids to wait upon you. You shall be my half and look after the palace and its household.  You shall give my  kingdom a heir and produce as many sons as you can."

" I see." Maia nodded her head sideways.

"So, Did you like me Mi'Lady?"

And with this question, Maia could feel herself confused.

The cage had already been prepared amd the hunter had arrived, and now the prey is trapped.

But John, said that this alliance was very important for Nimartha and Maia felt the same way too.

If it was for Nimartha, if it was for a noble cause, she was ready to be a Martyr. It was her fate. There was no way out.

As she stood there in a dilemma,  her brothers reached the spot. Jason and Fred has successfully completed the mission assigned to them by their sister and so all of them came towards the couple. The dance came to an end and Maia was relieved.

After freeing herself from George's hold, she said proudly,

"Mi'Lord, these are my brothers- Mr. Johnathan Revoron of Garaitha, Mr. Frederich Reveron of Garaitha, Mr. Lawrence Reveron of Garaitha and Mr. Jason Reveron of Nimartha."

With a gentle yet proud smile on each face, John and Fred shook hands with their may-become Brother-in-law. But this smile wasn't seen in the others face.

Jason said ,

"I am sorry to say but can I steal Lady Maia from your presence for a moment? Its a matter of great urgency!"

It was written on his face that George didn't like this. But he said calmly,

"Sure Prince. But I hope it wont take too long."

Jason nodded his head like a pendulum and the five left the room and headed for the balcony.

""Tell me brothers what news have you got?" Maia enquired in excitement.

"Nothing good dear. He is not a man worthy for your love!"

"What do you mean Jason?"asked John.

"Yes, John, he is right.
This George has four wives and nineteen concubines. His wives have had altogether seven daughters, none of them being male. So rumors are heard that if he wont get a male heir from his fifth wife, he is sure to abandon her."

"Oh.... and the fifth wife will be Maia." Fred said with a twinge of pain in his heart.

"Yes brother.

"And his officials and George himself have been spotted brutally raping women all over the state. He follows a custom that all the noblemen of his state will have to offer their young daughters to the king. Some of them are sold off for high prices , some are given to his soldiers and the most beautiful of them, he keeps for himself , sometimes as concubines or sometimes they are raped and then killed."

Jason was the next to speak,

"He loots his own kingdom with no shame. His subjects live in utter poverty, in dampen houses in the cold streets. Still he takes all they have and yet they support him out of fear."

"Oh Lord! I shall never let Maia go with this evil man. What if he sells Maia. I cant bear the sight of such a brave and beautiful girl turning into a prostitute. No. I shall  never allow this!" John said with a voice full of passion and love. He looked up into the sky.

The night sky was clear with a million stars that twinkled shyly.
It was a no moon day and the breeze gently wandered here and there. Each and every messenger of the Nature predicted an eminent catastrophe.

But life is pre written and we are none but mere actors performing the Script , nicely thought and written by the Great Director.

It was sure, whatever is to be done will be done.

"Yes, John, you are right." Laurie agreed.

Jason after a long pause asked politely,
"What do you say Maia?"

Our tigress had been facing the other side when her brothers were speaking.

Now as she turned, the boys were horrified on seeing such a form. Her eyes were wide and red with uncontrollable rage. Those lovely eyes had swollen up and her lips were pale. Yes, she looked like an angry goddess who could raise storms from her anger.

She said,

"Brothers, I shall no longer stay here. I have to talk to him.

My answers will be said to him and my questions will also be to him. Let us go back. "

Maia didn't wait for anyone. She went straight into the room and then to her fiancé. George was surprised with the new look that she wore. Her tender frame shook violently.  Her lips shivered and she looked devastating.

All the eyes in the room suddenly turned to her. Her parents and uncle were all taken aback.

She strictly faced George and adressing him said in a loud voice which could be heard to the whole room,

"Mi'Lord, do you love me?"

George was shocked. But he had to answer. With a sigh he said, 

"What will you do with me if I couldn't give you a son and instead gave you a daughter?"

By this, he was surprised. He needed to make Maia his, but she was so bold and brave, that noone will have the courage to argue with her.

"Well. Nothing. But I prefer sons over to daughters. And ladies who give birth to healthy sons are adored in my kingdom."

Little did the king know that he was falling into a trap.

"Do you have four wives and fifteen concubines and many unofficial mistresses. "

"I ... ummm."

Linda's eyes widened. This was not a husband she wanted for her daughter.

My readers, Maia was not only beautiful but also very clever and she was manipulating the game very wisely.

Nearing the place where her parents stood, she said adressing the crowd,

"My children of Nimartha,  as you have seen, this man, King George Of Haster is an uncouth, filthy, devilish and opportunistic person. He has no respect for women as well as his subjects. The women and girls of his kingdom are used ruthlessly and .... "

"Friends, I do not wish to say any further.  These are verified truths and so my loving parents of Nimartha, please decide, whether me, your daughter should be married off to such a man who does not deserve anything except punishments?"

To her greatest surprise, the crowd shook their heads in dissaproval.
The ministers and soldiers of Nimartha took out their swords and even her parents agreed to her.
Maia smiled victoriously and then turned towards George, who had clenched his fists. His men tried to stop him but like a wounded snake he hissed,

"Maia, you dont know about whom you are speaking. Just shut up your mouth and marry me or ...."

Before he could finish Queen Linda interrupted,

"It is you who should shut up. You are not worthy of my daughter. Do leave my kingdom as soon as possible for the sake of your four wives and innumerable concubines. Go away or your blood will be spilled in my land making it impure, and that too by my daughter."

George barked," for this disrespectful behaviour, I will be taking a revenge. And Maia, I will come back and take you and your Nimartha. 

The land you hold in such high esteem shall be destroyed. Neither you nor your children shall know the meaning of peace and prosperity. This land and everything  of it shall soon be mine. This is an oath."

He left the room in rage
And  rode away from Nimartha. The people went to their homes.

Everone in the Reveron family were happy once again. It was the happiness of having their dear girl once again.

That night when Maia went for sleep, she said to herself,
"Oh Lord! Bless my brothers. Without them it wouldn't have been possible . But my soul cannot find peace. I feel as if great doom will befall Nimartha soon."

"Oh Great Lord! If you want a life, better take mine rather than my children's and my familiy's."

That night, she couldn't sleep. A new turn was sure to take place in her life.

When a heart laments infront of the Lord, He is bound to open his ears. But destiny has already been written.
Still,Maia was no other woman. She was a woman who had won the hearts of each and every soul of Nimartha. That very day, all the grateful  families of Nimartha, starting from the toddlers to the aged, the trees,  the flowers,  the birds, everyone prayed for Maia. They cried and talked about her for hours. The topic of discussion in the salons and dining tables that day and many days after was about their little life - Maia.

And when a million hearts speak together, even destiny changes it odd ways.

A wild flower, that had been blooming beautifully in an unknown land, shall remain immortal, enchanting each passerby and blooming  forever.

Long Live Lady Maia- the ever captivating but never captive!

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