Brustoff One Shots boy×boy sm...

By hellokitty1o1

52.2K 429 39

This is a book of one shots. This is a ship called brustoff, which is Denis Stoff and Ben Bruce. THERE WILL B... More

Daddy's princess
Lovely visit

I love you

12.3K 91 10
By hellokitty1o1

Denis pov

"Speak, speak to me, black, is all that I see, speak, speak to me, you used to be, all that I needed." I sang into the mike, looking at the crowd of people singing along as well. I took a moment and smiled. I loved touring so fucken much. I felt free, I felt like I was at home. I felt unstoppable.
"I've been crucified, and hung out to dry, yet my heart still beats, and I feel so alive, this time, I'll fight for myself, as you try to fuck me over, I bet you never cared, I bet you never, cared!" I growled. The fans screamed, going crazy. I looked at my right, seeing Sam and Cameron playing guitar back to back, smiling as their fingers glided across their guitars. I looked at my left and saw Ben, looking down at his guitar and smiling as well. God, his smile is so fucken god damn sexy, HE'S so gad damn sexy. I looked behind me to find James head banging and playing his drums. Then I looked back at the crowd. I was happy.
After our show was finished we all went back stage and high fived. We passed around beer bottles and wiskey, taking long gulps of the burning liquid.
"Tonight was awesome! Damn, Chicago's wild"
"Fuck yeah bro! Haha, can't wait till our next one!" Cameron and Sam exclaimed, clinking bottles of beer.
"Can't believe that we're doing a world tour, our album literally came out 1 week ago, and the fans already know all the lyrics to all the songs!" A smiling James said, taking a big swing of his wiskey.
"Shiiiiiiit, this is going to be an awesome tour! I can feel it. Although I do wish it wasn't so cold in here." Ben said, shivering slightly do to the coldness of the venue we were playing at. I pouted and walked over to him, hugging him from the front and wrapping my arms around his neck, giving him a little peck on the cheek.
"You should of brought a sweater." I mumbled into his tattooed chest. He just shrugged and hugged me back, kissing my forehead and pulling me closer to him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever, I already heard it from James." He said, I could just feel him rolling his eyes.
"Well, then next time you should listen to me instead of saying, it's not even gonna be cold, because it sure is." James replied. Ben and James then started to argue on how James is always right and that Ben is a dumb asshole. I unwrapped myself from Ben and stood back, crossing my arms over my tattooed chest and glared at both Ben and James.
"Ummm, guys, you got the girlfriend mad." Sam said to the two of them, pointing to me. Ben and James saw my glare and quickly stopped arguing, straightening themselves up and clearing their throats then looking down.
"Would you two stop arguing like a whole bunch of 10 year olds please!" I snapped at them.
"He started it." They both said in onision, pointing at each other, both looking guilty.
"Well now I'm finishing it. Ben, you, me, bus, now." I said, walking towards the bus. I heard him walking behind me. He might be the dominant one in our relationship, but I'm the one he has to make happy, so he knows not to argue with me when I'm in a mood.
"I know that you're not mad at me because I was arguing with James, you're mad at me for something else, what is it?" Ben asked, closing the door on the bus once we got inside. I took a seat on the couch and looked at him.
"You did have a sweater." I told him.
"And.....?" He said, confused. That just angered me more.
"You told James you didn't have a sweater, but you did." I started, my voice calm, but on the inside, I was ready to snap. "You had one when you left the bus. But, you took it off, hmmmm, where will it be?" By now I was standing, circling him, inspecting him. "Or should I say, on WHO will it be?" I asked.
His eyes widen, relisatoin hitting him. "No, no, no, no,no, Denis, baby, it was not like that, I swear, okay, she was just a fan, she was cold, so I gave her my sweater, okay, that was all that happened." He said, turning towards me. I stopped and stared at him.
"Then why was she flirting with you?" I asked.
"Baby, please, girls flirt with me all the time, you know that! Besides, I don't want them, I want you! I love you! You know no girl could ever please me the way you do. You know I would never have feelings for anyone the way I have feelings for you!" Ben said, grabbing both of my hands and looking into my eyes. Oh god, his eyes! They are so amazing, they look like they hold the sea. I looked into his eyes and saw love. And I knew that love belonged to me, and only me.
I smiled, and looked down at our hands. He was right, I do know he only loved me, and only me, no one else. "I know", I told him, "I'm just scared, you know? I feel like I don't deserve you sometimes, like I'm not good enough."
"Oh baby, don't think like that. You're so wonderful. I love you, don't ever forget that, okay?" He said.
"Okay." I smiled, I gave him a kiss, and went to our bunk. We laid  there and cuddled. Him holding me in his arms, and I snuggled up to his chest, playing with the end of his shirt. The guys came back a few minutes later, but we didn't care. We were just enjoying each others company, moments like these made touring that much greater. Yeah, the fans and playing our songs are fucken awesome, but spending time with my partner, is a feeling so great, I can't describe it.
"I love you." I wissperd.
"I love you more." He responded. I just smiled and closed my eyes. I knew that was impossible, I loved him WAY more. He kissed my head, and I kissed his hands. Then, just like that, we fell asleep in each other's arms.


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