You'll always be mine(Harry S...

By torn_betweenfandoms

7.3K 79 5

A girl named Laura, aged 19,fell in love with Harry Styles. They were together for nearly a year until one da... More

Last day
One Direction
Seeing him again and why me??
Dont Worry
Finding out
The Night Club
Not you aswell
Back at the hospital
Shopping with Anna
Is this true?
Finding out
I hope you're proud
Get rid of it!
Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?
Section 25
It will be ok
2 weeks later
Suprise / getting ready
Going to america
At last
I didnt expect to see you
Im falling in love
Do you forgive me?
8 months and 2 months later
Im sorry
We're back!
Im not ready
Been a while


319 3 0
By torn_betweenfandoms

Anna POV

I woke on a white bed surrounded by loads of people. Where am I? I opened my eyes but quickly shut them as the light burned my eyes. But I decided to ask where I am. "W-Where am I?" I said faintly followed my a cough.


"ANNA!" someone shouted then ran over to me. The voice was familiar but not familiar enough to say who it was. "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Well you collasped onto the floor backstage." What backstage? I dont remember. "What backstage?" "Backstage of you're favourite boyband and you forced me into going to." This voice replied. I decided I'd give up. "Who are you? and where am I?". I seriously didnt know who it was but it did sound hugely familiar though.

"no,No,NO!" The voice was getting louder. "Whats wrong?" I asked. This person started to cry. "Well, im you're bestfriend....." "I have a bestfriend?" Im confused,"Yes im you're bestfriend Laura, Im 19 and i was inlove with Harry Styles. Just a few days ago, I got some post saying I had won one direction concert tickets. We went to the concert and went backstage and the........." Apparently my bestfriend Laura was interrupted by a few doctors coming in.  "Im sorry but you have to go now." "P-P-Pllleeeaaasssee, remember me Anna. Im you're bestfriend. PLEASSSEEEEEEEE!"

Laura POV

I was really upset that she didnt remember who I was. I saw all of one direction sitting on the chairs outside her room. "Is she ok?" Asked liam. I shook my head feeling really upset. "She doesnt remember who i am or whats happened. " You would probably describe me as not thinking straight but I just ran outside and up the foot path that leads some where I dont know. A voice shouted after me.

"LAURA!" at the top of their lungs. I turned to see Harry out of breath running towards me. I didnt want him right now. So I kept running. After a few minutes, I was begining to slow down. Someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in. I couldnt take it anymore and I cried. "Its ok Laura, dont cry. I dont want to loose you again. I lost you once but now you're going to be mine." Their arm was around my waist and leading me back towards the hopsital where my once called bestfriend doesnt know who I am.

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