We have a Kid?! (A smosh stor...

By smoshluv111_

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Getting Tony
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Years later...
Author's Note
Getting sued.
Phone Calls
I'll be back!!!
Friends Again!!!
Shut Up! Cartoons!
Anthony has a breakdown. (Sucky title, I know.)

First Day of School

601 1 1
By smoshluv111_

Chapter 2:

After Tony stopped crying we were finally able to edit the video. It's hard work editing, Anthony took THREE HOURS just to fix a one second shot of him puking rainbows. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good video. After that we played with Tony for a while.

"Anthony, give up he's two. He doesn't know how to work a camera." I told Anthony

"That's why I'm trying to teach him you freaking' douche nozzle." 

"Hey! Not in front of the kid. I don't want douche nozzle to be his first word."

All in all it was a good day. Every day was like this until Tony got into kinder garden. That's when me and Anthony worried most. He already knew how to talk , and no douche nozzle was not his first word , so we didn't need to worry about that but there were some things we didn't teach him that we probably should have. We taught him all the stuff he needed to know about You Tube to make a decent video, but forgot to teach him the stuff he needed for school. He knows how to type his name on a keyboard but I don't think we taught him how to write it.

"Daddy, I'll be fine." Tony said to me

"Okay, do you have your backpack?"

"It's in silver car."

"Okay, what about your lunch did Anth- Dad already pack it?"

"No, I thought you would."

"I'll pack it just go get in Dad's car." I said while starting to pack Tony's lunch.

I hated calling Anthony Dad. It's so awkward. But I personally I'm better off, Anthony has to call me Daddy in front of Tony.

After driving Tony to school, I went by the house to finish editing the video. We only had to add in the last ten seconds and a little bit of me talking about god knows what.

"Hey Anthony."

"Yeah, what's up Ian?"

"Who's picking up Tony?"

"I don't care. I'm editing the Lunchtime video that we just filmed so can you get him?

"Sure. What do I say to him?"

"Just ask him how his day was or something. I don't know. Do I look like I've ever done this before?"


"Just shut up and drive. And don't you dare start singing that song."

"Fine. Bye."

"Bye. Idiot."

While going to pick up Tony I somehow ended up at Game Stop and I bought four new games, two Pokemon and two Legend of Zelda. When I finally got to his school I was 50 minutes late and got bitched out by the principal. So it was kind of awkward in the car at first.

"Um, so how did school go Tony?"


"Did you meet any new friends?"

"Yeah, one or two."

"Cool. Oh yeah, look what I bought." I said while pulling out the bag of games.

"Awesome! I love you Daddy."

It was basically silent for about 15 minutes, which I was fine with, I would of much rather it be silent than to hear all the screaming. Yep, I got in a car crash, and that was a little overwhelming for Tony.


Hey! :D

Well, this isn't very long but it's longer than chapter one, I think. It's also not edited so if you find any mistakes tell me in the comments and I'll fix it. Sorry I was kind of late but I fell asleep after school and just woke up. Share this with your smosh friends!!




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