Not What He Seems (Original)

By dennisli600

702 109 3

The Handshake. The Drop. The Blink. The End. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 17

9 2 0
By dennisli600

Pain. Pain. Pain...


More pain.

I woke up on a dirty cot with the world's nastiest headache ever. I sat up. Everything was so blurry, and I couldn't feel my arm. I moved my other arm to touch my head and I was surprised to find how slow I was. I groaned loudly and aroused Dominic. 

"Oh, you're awake," he said, stretching. He sat up, yawned and went over to me, scratching his back.

"Yeah." It hurt to speak. "Ugh. How long have I been out?"

"Ok." I stood up, clutching my head. "Why does it hurt to move so much?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe it's just withdrawal or something. Here." He thrust some hot chocolate at me. "That'll fix you right up."

I sipped the chocolate. It helped a lot. "What'd you put in it?"

"Oh, the usual. Chocolate powder, milk, and Tylenol."

"Oh. Ok."

We sat in silence for a while. After I was done with my cocoa, he stood up.

"You should be fine now. Come. It's time to play."

I leaned my head back and groaned again. I was definitely not ready for gaming at this time. Nevertheless, it's what I had to do. S trusted me. I had to prove myself and get in. So, scratching my head and yawning, I followed him to the game room.

I do not know how so many people could fit into that small game room, but Dominic could work wonders. There were at least one hundred people in the room. There was a ring in the middle with a couple chairs and an announcer's stand complete with mic. S stood at the stand, smiling at me.

Ascending the stand, he started. "OK! Everyone! Welcome to Fight Night, where today we have to awesome contestants facing off against one another. You know the rules: One choice each, then random. In the blue corner, we have standing champion, Dominic Green!"

Cheers arose from all around the room as Dominic stepped in and waved. 

"And, in the red corner, the challenger, Brandon Lee!"

I was met with a decent amount of cheers, less so than Dominic, but he was a lot more popular than I was, so I didn't care.

S nodded to me. "What will be your pick?"

I stood and smiled. "Realm of the Mad God."

A murmur went through the crowd. Dominic raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of that game."

I smiled. "But, you said it wasn't against the rules."

He nodded. "Very well."

Just a warning, it's about to get super nerdy up in here.

We turned on our computers and booted up Realm of the Mad God. PICK YOUR CLASS. The voice boomed as it had many times for me. Of course, I knew who I would be.

Out the portal emerged a young warrior, sporting only a helmet and a sword, both rather small and rusty, barely fit for battle. Alongside me appeared a mage, with a tiny staff and a rune, barely ready.

"How do you play?" asked Dominic.

I smiled. "Take the tutorial." And saying that, I pushed him back into the portal. I headed to my own secret vault and pulled out my optimal gear. Soon, the young warrior was decked out in the finest weaponry and armor. Pulling through the portal, I awaited my destination.

The Realm of the Mad God. A wonderful Earth full of beautiful trees, many people, and, of course, deadly monsters. There was everything from Bandits to Pirates to Giant Scorpions and Hobbits. It was a glorious world. Grinding against the smaller monsters was pretty easy. Most just fell to a single blow. However, as I gained experience and levels and delved deeper into the wilderness, I soon came across a beast that would take a lot more effort. 

Sitting before me, I found a sapling on the floor, with small carved eyes. Another adventurer, an assassin, examined it. I walked to him. He nodded.


"I've done this a hundred times, Jeff, of course I'm ready."

"Ok, Brandon, it's your go." Jeff and I had met a while back, and we'd played Realm together. But, it had been a while, and we'd gotten a little our of touch since I went to Camp. But, nevertheless, we were ready. So, I stabbed at the tree.

Of course, as always, the tree awoke and my sword was repelled. I nodded to Jeff and we sprinted away, clearing up all the rest of the monsters around. There can be no interference fighting the Ent Ancient. As I slew a dragon and its pup, I heard the booming voice. WHO DARES AWAKEN ME FROM MY SLEEP? I returned to see a giant tree covered in writhing vines. I took a breath and sprinted over. 

Instantly, the tree converged on me and I rolled out of reach of a branch. I then sprinted to the base and continued to climb. As a branch came swinging along, I braced myself and jumped.

Landing on the branch, I ran towards the tree, leaping over twigs and stump, ducking under projectiles, and jumping onto other twisting branches. Finally, I could see the heart of the tree. I took up my sword, embraced the power of my helmet...

And went berserk.

My visions went red and I began to slash at the tree over and over and over again. It bellowed in pain and tried to attack me, but I saw Jeff behind me slashing the leaves and splinters of wood away with his dagger. Finally I penetrated the tree, which bellowed and fell to the floor. 

Dying, we picked the remains of other travelers from its insides, including potions and a dagger that Jeff needed. We continued on our way. Looking for others.

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