A Court of Night and Shadows

By jarynw02

29.6K 537 70

Feyre's known of the legend of the Fae mating bond all her life & she never once thought Elain's favorite fol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

1.5K 24 6
By jarynw02

The house was silent when we appeared just inside the doorway to the gardens. The hair on my arms arose as magic swept past me, rippling outward.

Though I tried not to, I thought of the probable source and blushed, even as my chest tightened. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was past two in the morning.

Well, he'd certainly taken his time with the ritual, which meant the girl was probably beautiful and charming, and appealed to his instincts.

I wondered whether she was glad to be chosen. Probably. She'd come to the hill of her own free will. And after all, Tamlin was a High Lord, and it was a great honor. And I suppose Tamlin was handsome. Terribly handsome. Even though I couldn't see the upper part of his face, his eyes were fine, and his mouth beautifully curved and full. And then there was his body, which was... was...

Rhysand hissed beside me. I must have actually dozed off on the tree while we were out talking. I wondered how long I'd lay there with my head on his shoulder before he'd said anything. He was still in his all black clothes, his hands currently at home in his pockets. I tried not to look at him too long lest my thoughts on his body make their way through the bond.

Too late. Rhysand was grinning.

I couldn't help the twitch of my lips in return.

"I need to go. Tamlin is coming back," he said, never taking his eyes off me.

My stomach growled. My nausea was long gone and I was due for a late night snack. Thoughts of what dinners would be like with Rhysand at his court floated through my mind. Would we have to eat by candlelight in perpetual darkness? Was the food there the same as here and in the mortal lands? Or would they only eat nocturnal beasts?

Rhysand's grin never faded.

Despite the obvious logic, I asked him, "Must you go?"

He thought about this, tugging the bond playfully in a rhythm. "I can stay around the grounds until morning. But come first light I have to be back Under the Mountain." His smile faded. He turned to look toward the stairs behind us. "There are people coming. Yank if you need me."

And after one last look of his brilliant violet eyes, he was gone.

I made my way to the empty kitchen, never seeing any servants or possible guards that Rhysand spoke of, and gobbled down half a loaf of bread, an apple, and a lemon tart. I nibbled on a chocolate cookie as I walked to my little painting room. I wanted to get some images of swirling shadows and violet eyes out of my mind, even if I had to paint by candlelight, never mind how I would go about hiding them from Tamlin.

Would I need to hide this thing I have with Rhysand from Tamlin? A mating bond was extremely serious to the fae, but I hardly knew Rhysand. We've had two conversations. Tamlin rescued my family and gave me a new home. And then there was the matter of Tamlin's curse... He needed me. His people needed me. It was all a little too much. I didn't want to think about that. Not now. Not yet.

I was about to turn down the hallway when a tall male figure appeared before me. The moonlight from the open window turned his mask silver, and his golden hair-unbound and crowned with laurel leaves gleamed.

"Going somewhere?" Tamlin asked. His voice not entirely of this world.

I suppressed a shudder. "Midnight snack," I said, and I was keenly aware of every movement, every breath I took as I neared him.

His tunic covered in blood was gone now. His bare chest was painted with whorls of dark blue woad, and from the smudges in the paint, I knew exactly where he'd been touched. I tried not to notice that they descended past his muscled midriff.

I was about to pass him when he grabbed me, so fast that I didn't see anything until he had me pinned against the wall. My blood pounded in my ears. The cookie dropped from my hand as he grasped my wrists. "What did he do to you?" he breathed, his painted chest rising and falling so close to mine. "You were mine. I'd chosen you. That bastard will pay."

He reeked of magic. When I looked into his eyes, remnants of power flickered there. No kindness, none of the wry humor and gentle reprimands. The Tamlin I knew was gone.

"Let go," I said as evenly as I could, but his claws punched out, imbedding in the wood above my hands. Still riding the magic, he was half-wild.

"You drove me mad," he growled, and the sound trembled down my neck, along my breasts until they ached. "He stole you from me. I searched for you as long as I could," he said, bringing his face closer to mine until we shared breath, "but it made me pick another."

I couldn't escape. I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted to. My body was reacting to his intensity, yet all I could think about was Rhysand milling about in the shadows. Was he still here? Was he seeing this? Seeing me overpowered this way?

"She asked me not to be gentle with her, either," he continued, his teeth bright in the moonlight. He brought his lips to my ear. "I would have been gentle with you, though." I shuddered as I closed my eyes, hearing the echo of Rhysand's words. Every inch of my body was taut with his words. "I would have had you moaning my name throughout it all. And I would have taken a very, very long time, Feyre." He said my name like a caress, and his hot breath tickled my ear. My back arched slightly.

He ripped his claws free from the wall, and my knees buckled as he let go. I grasped the wall to keep from sinking to the floor, to keep from grabbing him-to strike or caress I didn't know. I opened my eyes. He still smiled-smiled like an animal.

"Why would I want someone's leftovers?" I said, pushing him away. He grabbed my hands and lunged his teeth for my neck.

I didn't have time to loose the scream from my throat when he fell unconscious at my feet. My breathing labored as hard as it had after running all the way to the bonfire. I felt the sting of moisture behind my eyes, but shut them furiously.

Rhysand wasn't disguising a morsel of his rage as he stood down the hall from us. I wasn't sure when he got there or how much he had seen. Despite myself, I hoped not much.

I considered saying thank you, but I couldn't get my mouth to work right. Instead I made a lazy walk around Tamlin toward the dark Lord. He was barely watching me. Nostrils flaring, he was deep in thought staring at the High Lord of the Spring Court. He hardly noticed when I came close. Before I could talk myself out of it, I leaned against him, letting my head rest on his chest. I pulled my end of the bond softly and listened to his heartbeat.

His chest swelled then finally released a steady stream of breath before I felt his head fall onto mine.

"He was about to bite you," he whispered.

I knew he was right, but I wasn't sure how that made me feel. I'd been so aroused, but he'd been so forceful... I shuddered.

"It's a big deal to male fae to bite the neck of a woman," he continued, bringing an arm around my shoulders. "Especially for mates. A male's bite is a claim. I'm sorry for interrupting, but the bond was full of fear so I came to you and then... I couldn't let him bite you, Feyre. I'm sorry." His shoulders deflated around me.

I didn't respond. Didn't move at all.

Eventually, Rhysand spoke again. "I have to leave soon it's almost dawn." And, as if suddenly aware of our goodbye, he brushed a hand through my hair and leaned in to really smell me, to take in my scent with his fae senses. "I can leave him like this, or I can make him believe whatever you'd like for him to believe. I can make him forget everything. I can make him walk himself back to his bed and wake up knowing none of this, or I can leave him here and leave his memories alone."

I didn't want to steal Tamlin's memories. I didn't want to manipulate him. But I also didn't want to face him about Rhysand. Not yet. Not like this. He could see it as a betrayal. He could take everything from my family. He could take my life if he felt so inclined. I needed a solution. Something to buy me some time until I could free Rhysand and explain everything to Tamlin. And maybe I could free Tamlin too.

I looked up at Rhysand, fully aware of our still touching bodies.

"I have a plan."

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