My little turtle (Perrentes o...

By omfgaburningcat

3.4K 112 25

Cute one shot I wrote while being fucking sleepy and tired so pls don't hate the crap okay More

My little turtle (Perrentes one shot)

3.3K 112 25
By omfgaburningcat

A/N So I really just wanted to do something cute and simple. Hope you like it! ^^


Today was Bring-Your-Pet-day at Tony's school. Everyone with a pet would bring him or her, and nobody ever questioned why. So, naturally, Tony would bring his turtle. 

He was just over 16 years old, and full of anxiety (Tony, that is) as he walked up to speak in front of the class. In his hands firmly was a tiny little turtle. 

"Uh... This is Rafael..." he mumbled, shooting the teacher a nervous glance and receiving a nod telling him to continue. When he looked back at the class, his eyes met Mike Fuentes's. One of the popular boys, and unfortunately, one of the hottest. And Tony was madly in love with him. Despite blushing and looking down, he continued quietly. "I named him after the character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..." 

This earned him a few mean laughs. Thus, he blushed even more. "He's just six months old... Am I done yet?" he asked the teacher, who nodded. 

"It's okay, mr. Perry." she said, understanding that social anxiety was a huge issue for him. Tony rushed to his seat in the middle left. Finally, not getting embarrassed anymore.


(Two hours later)

"Excuse me, has anyone seen Tony's turtle?" the teacher asked the kids in the corridor, Tony walking next to her sobbing quietly. He had just gone to eat lunch, and then BAM! Rafael was gone. So the teachers went searching. 

Tony looked at the bunch of popular kids in front of them, the teacher poorly attempting to get their attention. It was Patrick, Pete, Alex, Jack, Mike, oh, Mike, and his big brother Vic. Usually there would be more, but Tony didn't care where they were. The teacher finally got the attention from the group, explaining everything. Mike's eyes kept turning towards Tony. Why? What? It was probably because he looked pathetic. 

"Please, I'll give whoever returns my Rafael any sort of favour or reward." he whispered. He'd do anything for his turtle to return. He used to speak out to his small turtle, his deepest secrets. His turtle was his brother, closest friend. 

The small group nodded a little. 

"Let's go look for it, then." Alex said with a slight smile and they all left. And the teacher and Tony kept looking around.


(Another hour later)

They still hadn't found Rafael, and Tony was crying. Not much, but you could tell he was upset. 

He was sitting in the bathroom, outside a bunch of stalls, leaning against the wall with earplugs in. He was so lost in thought and music, he didn't even notice someone appeared in the bathroom. And when this someone tapped his shoulder, he jolted. The earbuds fell out in the small jump. 

"Hey..." the someone said. Woah. Tony had NOT expected it to be Mike Fuentes himself. Standing in front of him. Once he realized that he was staring, he blushed and looked down. Mike chuckled. 

"Hey..." Mike tried again. "You said you'd give anything to whoever found your turtle?" 

Tony nodded slightly. Had Mike found Rafael? There was a spark of hope lot inside of him. Or... Maybe Mike was just messing with him? Wouldn't be the first time. Not that he was bullied. 

"Well..." Mike started, taking his hands from behind his back. In them were a small green-ish creature. Tony gasped. 

"Thank you so much!" he almost squealed. Mike chuckled again. 

"You're welcome, dude. Now, for this 'reward'..."

Tony looked hopefully at Mike. What if they were just messing with him?

"I want a kiss."

Tony couldn't believe his ears. Mike Fuentes, the popular guy, Tony's crush, was gay? And wanted to kiss him? What?

Or, maybe, Mike was just messing with him.

"A passionate, heated make out session." Mike continued, and that's when Tony's jaw dropped. Mike was being serious. Woah. Before he could react, Mike's lips were on Tony's, and the little turtle were taked from him and put in some sort of box. Tony was freaking out on the inside. He. Was. Kissing. Mike.

Well, more like Mike was kissing him, but that didn't matter. Tony almost instantly kissed back, gasping when Mike's tounge licked against his lower lip, begging for entrance. Without any hestitation, Tony let Mike's tounge in, and the older boy immediately took control over the kiss. Not that Tony didn't love it. Mike pressed Tony's body against the cold bathroom wall, earning another gasp. Then, when Mike's hands ran along Tony's sides smoothly, the gasp became a moan. Tony was not used to being touched like that, not by another person, at least. And kissing his long-time crush was very exiting to him. It was, actually, his first kiss.

Suddenly, Mike broke the kiss. Tony whined slightly from the loss of warmth and feelings.

"You're beautiful." Mike whispered.

"You too." was Tony's quiet response. And then, they kissed again.

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