The Bad Boy's Mystery!

By KristenKingsley

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"Justin Manning is plain bad news." That's what everyone says at Springfield High School. He uses girls for h... More

Chapter 1: The Bad Boy talks to me.
Chapter 2: I'm not your Sweetheart.
Chapter 3: I don't like you! Why don't you get it?
Chapter 4: I see you looking at me!
Chapter 5: But I didn't start it!
Chapter 6: Eavesdropping isn't a good thing.
Chapter 7: Detention with the Bad Boy!
Chapter 8: Goody Two shoes Skipping Detention!
Chapter 9: The surprise!
Chapter 10: Dreams can come true...
Chapter 11: What are you doing?!
Chapter 12: Wait! What?!
Chapter 13: You look Nice!
Chapter 14: Will you go out with Me?
Chapter 15: Tell Me Why?
Chapter 16: There's a New Bad-Ass in School!
Chapter 17: Am I A Bad Person?
Chapter 18: Am I falling for her?
Chapter 19: Ahhh!!
Chapter 20: Hey...
Chapter 21: I Need You!
Chapter 22: Secrets will be out!
Chapter 23: It's A Mystery!
Chapter 24: To the rescue!
Chapter 25: A night with the bad boy! Part 1
Chapter 26: A night with the Bad boy! Part 2
Chapter 27: A night with the bad boy! Part 3
Chapter 28: Hangover!
Chapter 29: Secrets are out! Part 1!
Chapter 30: Secrets are out! Part 2
Chapter 31: He's just a Jealous Ex!
Chapter 32: Realizing!
Chapter 33: Do you wanna come along?
Chapter 34: The Camping Trip! Part 1!
Chapter 35: The Camping Trip! Part 2!
Chapter 36: Just another day at School!
Chapter 37: Darkness
Chapter 38: I Love you!
Author's Note! Must Read

Chapter 39: I don't wanna lose you!

19.9K 413 142
By KristenKingsley

Previously on TBBM: Emma gets kidnapped and tied up in a damp basement. Ryder comes to know John had her kidnapped and informs Justin, Stacy, Alex and her parents. Justin takes along Alex and Ryder to rescue Emma leaving her parents and Stacy in the car. When the boys fight off the guards and get Emma untied, John appears and takes Emma back. While trying to get away, Emma ends up getting shot.


Emma's P.O.V

My eyes were slowly getting heavier and blurrier. Justin was shaking my head gently to keep me awake, except I couldn't hear the words he was saying.  I saw two faces lean over me, Ryder and Alex, then their voices which were fading. They seem to be talking or fighting, I couldn't tell. The last thing I saw were flashing lights and something very white and bright. I was going to heaven.

Justin's P.O.V 

I held her as Ryder and Alex appeared. The color on their faces drained as their eyes made its' way to Emma. I was waiting for the ambulance to come.

     "What happened?" Ryder's voice spoke up. My head shot up; this had all happened because of him, again. My anger rose within and I directed it at him.

     "What do you think happened? She got shot and it's all because of you! Again! Why do you always do this? And to me? Why do you involve the people I care about?! Why can't you just leave me alone for once?!" I yelled at him.

He seemed taken back by my outburst and his gaze dropped.

     "I don't mean to..." He quietly said. Was this his excuse? I scoffed at him in disgust.

     "She's gonna be okay!" Alex spoke up.

     "I hope so... because if something happens, I'm going to kill you Ryder!" I spoke up.

     "Why do you always blame me? I don't intend to get them hurt! I made a mistake with your sister, get over it! It was nearly 5 years ago! It's not like I'm the one who took the gun and shot her or took the knife and lacerated Susan's throat? Stop accusing me Justin, because I'm not going to stand here and take your stupid insults any longer!" He yelled. That's when he got me even angrier.

     "What do you mean it's not your fault?! You were the one who got into this drug dealing business! You're the one who decided to deceive John's trust twice! Twice! Not once but twice! Instead of giving John the money last time, you decided to pull a gun, sure it worked to kill the six guards, but look what happened last time! Susan got killed because of your stupidity! And now look at Emma, whose fighting for her life right now," I looked at Emma, whose eyes were nearly closing. "It is all YOUR fault!"

Ryder opened his mouth to say something but the flashing lights of the ambulance interrupted him.

The paramedics came with the gurney and lifted Emma from the ground onto it before wheeling it into the ambulance. I told Alex to tell the cops everything, ignoring Ryder's presence.

I climbed into the ambulance with her as she laid on the gurney, blood covering her abdomen. The paramedics were putting pressure on her gun wound as I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and wires were being hooked up to her. A breathing mask was placed over her nose and mouth to keep her conscious. They checked her blood pressure and pulse, which was deteriorating every three minutes.

I held her hand which was getting colder. I rubbed my fingers over hers to keep it warm. The paramedics looked at me before they started asking questions.

     "What is your name son?" An older man asked. I looked at his name tag, Dylan. He had short chestnut hair with green eyes. He had a beard stubble which looked like a five O'clock shadow on his face.

     "My name is Justin." I answered.

     "Is her name Emma?" He asked.

     "Yeah, Emma Chambers."

     "May I ask, what relationship you share with her?"

I thought for a while. What was I to Emma?

     "I'm her boyfriend." I answered without thinking it further.

     "Oh, Can you tell me, how did this happen?"

     "I don't know how to answer that... She got shot when we were trying to escape... "

     "Escaping from what?"

     "My friend's probably telling the police, it's a police case."

     "Oh okay. So when we reach the hospital, I'll need you to call her parents if you have their contact information?"

I nodded.

     "She looks like she'll be wheeled into the ICU to get the bullet taken out. Her health is deteriorating really fast, let's hope she makes it. Do you really love her?" He suddenly asked.

     "Yes, I do! I'll do anything for her! She's my world." The words flew out of my mouth.

He nodded and gave me a sympathetic look.

It took ten minutes for the ambulance to make it to Winter Springs Hospital. They were doing everything to keep Emma's health from deteriorating more. When the ambulance reached, they opened the doors and rushed Emma out into the hospital. I walked behind her gurney as the crowd of nurse surrounded her as they wheeled her in.

Once she got wheeled into the ICU; the doctor, Mrs. Morgan, told me I couldn't go in and had to wait outside until they received reports on her health. Doctor Morgan was a tall skin women with brunette hair and brown eyes. Her lips were a thin shade of pink. I sat down on the chairs as I pulled my phone out my pocket and called Stacy informing her, we're at the hospital.

     "Why are you at the hospital? What happened? Where's Alex and Ryder? I haven't heard from them since you guys went into the building.." She panicked. Hasn't Alex called her yet?

     "Look, bring Mr and Mrs. Chambers to come to Winter Springs hospital. Alex is probably talking to the cops about John. Just come with them to the Hospital!"

     "Cops? What's wrong? What is happening?"

     "Stacy, Calm down! Everything is fine, just come to the hospital with Emma's parents! I'll tell you everything."

     "Okay!" She simply said and hung up.

I exhaled, pushing the phone into my pocket. My hands were getting sweaty due to me thinking about Emma.


     "Justin!" Stacy rushed over to me. I looked up and sighed out of relief.

     "What's going on? Where's my baby?" Mrs.Chambers spoke out from behind Mr.Chambers. Her eyes were red, probably from all the stress and crying. I looked over to Mr.Chambers, I could see he was worried but I could also see he was trying to be strong for the women.

     "Emma's in the ICU..."

     "What is my baby doing in there?" Mrs. Chambers asked again.

I told them everything, from when we got into the building and John arriving there before we made it out.

     "And John shot her when we tried to escape..."

Gasps were heard and sobs broke out into hysterical crying. Mrs.Chambers collapsed into Mr.Chambers arms. He sat her down and tried to calm her. Stacy stood frozen after hearing the news, it was as if her body had shut down.

     "Stacy...?" I shook her gently. "Are you okay?"


     "Stac-" Alex rushed into the hospital spotting Stacy and me. I dropped my hands from her shoulders as she stood there still frozen.

     "What..happened? Is...Emma...okay?" He said in between breaths.

     "They haven't come out of the room yet.. Stacy is frozen, I don't know what happened?"

Alex looked over to Stacy.

     "Stace! Come on, it's okay! Emma's going to be okay..." He said trying to get her to come out of her daze. Alex took her in his arms and hugged her, which made her break into quiet sobs.

     "She's my best friend. I was supposed to be protecting her. I should have called her and checked up on her. I should have spent more time with her maybe than this wouldn't have happened." Stacy cried quietly.

     "It's okay..She's going to be fine...Think positive. It's not your fault!" Alex pacified her. He sat down next to her still cradling her in his arms. I looked at the doors of the ICU. When was I going to hold my girl again?


~10 minutes later~

Doctor Morgan came out with a clipboard and laid her eyes on us before making her way over.

     "Where are the parents of Emma Chambers?" She said looking at her clipboard.

     "Right here.." Mrs.Chambers said standing up with Mr.Chambers.

     "Alright, the reports came back and it seems that Emma lost a lot of blood...Especially a lot of red blood cells...The thing is her blood type is AB negative, and we don't have a lot of AB negative blood in our blood banks... Does anyone here have the blood type AB?" Doctor Morgan asked looking between us.

     "What? She'll be okay right...? We have.. well I have O negative, Will that work? Will you save my baby?" Mrs.Chambers said nervously.

     "We're doing everything we can Mrs.Chambers. But no...O negative are not red blood cell donors for AB negative.."

     "What about me? I'm a B positive..." Mr.Chambers spoke up.

     "Sorry as I said, only AB positive or Ab negative.." She replied.

     "Wait! Did you just say AB positive?" I spoke up.

    "Yes? Are you a AB positive?" She asked.


     "Well let's go get you tested to see if your blood is healthy enough to donate."

     "Okay." I followed her into a room where a nurse drew blood from me. We talked until the nurse came back after testing the blood in the lab.

     "So what's you name?"


     "My name is Justin Manning..."

     "I see you lov-" Before she could continue, the nurse came back.

     "He's good." She told Doctor Morgan.

     "Alright! Follow me into the ICU, I'll send a nurse to get the paper work for her parents to fill out." I simply nodded at her words.

I was going to see Emma! The last few minutes felt like hell, not knowing what condition or what was going on behind those doors but now I was going to donate blood to help save her life.

I walked through the ICU doors and saw wires, monitors and doctors surrounding Emma's bed. They looked up from what they were doing.

     "He'll be donating blood as we do the surgery.." They all nodded. Doctor Morgan prepped me on another bed while another nurse tied my upper arm and injected a needle.

The only thing that separated me from Emma were the curtains between our beds. I couldn't see her body or wound, only her face, which was enough for me. They connected one end of the tube to the needle in my hand and the other end to the one in Emma's hand. I couldn't help but to look over to her as my blood pumped into her body.

  This girl, who I didn't know a few months ago, suddenly was my world. She was all I thought about. Everything about her made her even more special, especially her flaws. And here I was, donating blood to her. It was as if she was going to have a part of me in her, my blood, running through her veins.  

I stared at her face while they did the surgery to take out the bullet. Her face seemed paler than usual and her hair was beneath her head sprawled out. I looked over to her closed eyes, I wished I could see those innocent bright blues.

     "Mr.Manning?" Doctor Morgan's voice startled me.

     "Huh?" I looked away from Emma to Doctor Morgan.

     "Honey, you're all done. The nurse finished taking off the needle about five minutes ago." Doctor Morgan said.

     "Oh, I didn't notice... Sorry!" I said getting up.

     "It's okay. You love her, I see it in your eyes, the way you stare at her. She will be okay.They are finishing up the stitches." Doctor Morgan reassured me.

     "Thanks!" I smiled at her. She asked if I felt light headed, in which I replied no. She ordered the nurse to get orange juice just in case. I drank it before we decide to head back to Emma's parents and friends.

     "Alright, now let's get back to the family and tell them the good news!" She returned the gesture.


We walked back to Stacy, Alex and Emma's parents. They stood up when they spotted Doctor Morgan and me waking towards them.

     "Oh doctor, how is my daughter?" Mrs.Chambers questioned.

     "Thanks to this guy, the operation was successful." Doctor Morgan said placing her hand on my shoulder and smiling.


     "Thank you!" Mr and Mrs.Chambers said in unison.

Jordan stepped out from behind them.

     "I was wrong about you Justin. You're not what I thought you were, I'm sorry about going all ballistic on you." Jordan apologised which got me surprised.

     "Uh it's okay!"

     "No dude, you helped save my sister's life. Thanks!"

     "I wanted to, I love her too much to watch her suffer. She's the only girl, I think about. She's the one I want and need. She's my girl." I responded.

     "Whoa, I didn't know you loved her so much?"

     "Yes, I do a lot. I don't know what I would do without her."

     "Well, you have my permission to date my sister." Jordan said. I gave him a nod before Emma's parents cleared their throats.

     "I'm sorry!" I apologised feeling awkward talking about dating their daughter right in front of them.

     "We give you permission too!" Mr.Chambers said smiling.

     "Thank you, you won't regret your decision. The only thing is I don't know if she'll say yes..."

     "Trust me, she'll say yes." Mrs.Chambers smiled.

The nurse came out and told Doctor Morgan something, which made Doctor Morgan smile.

     "Alright, so Emma is stitched up and we've placed her in another room. She's still unconscious but she'll be able to hear you. She can have visitors but only three at a time." We all nodded.

    "Jordan, Mr and Mrs.Chambers, you can go first. You've been impatient all night." They nodded and followed Doctor Morgan.

I looked around and that's when it struck me. Where was Ryder? I turned to Alex.


     "Hm?" He turned to me after telling Stacy something.

     "Where's Ryder?" I asked.

     "The cops took him in custody since he was an accomplice to John's whole scheme."

     "Oh..." I was happy Ryder got what he deserved but part of me knew he was innocent and John was the one who got him into this mess. He was young and naive, he didn't know any better.

Emma's brother and parents came back out. It was Stacy, Alex and my turn. We walked into the cream painted hospital room. Emma had an IV hooked up to her. Her hair was tied up and her eyes were still closed.

I walked into the room and sat down on one of the chairs close to Emma's bed.  Stacy and Alex sat across from me in the other side of her bed.

     "Hey Emma, It's me. Your best friend Stacy." Stacy chuckled trying to stay strong. "Look at you, you look great! I know you can hear me, I'm really sorry for not spending much time with you. We can go shopping as soon as you wake up."

     "Hey, It's your other best friend Alex.  Wake up soon. We all want to laugh and smile with you. Tonight was horrible but everything after this is going to be great." Alex said.

I didn't say anything, I just watched her as they talked and talked. Soon Stacy and Alex left.

     "Emma, It's me, Justin. Just wake up. I want to see those bright blue eyes. Tonight almost changed my life, but I'm glad you're here with me. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you too much to let you go." I whispered before I kissed her hand.

Her fingers twitched which caused me to look up. Her hand moved again before her eyes slowly opened. A gasp escaped my mouth.

    "Justin?" She groaned.

     "Relax, don't strain yourself. Yeah, it's me."

     "Why do I always see you when I wake up?"

    "Oh, you don't want me here, I can go if you want?" I asked concerned. I got up from the chair before she held my hand and pulled me back.

     "I was only joking!" She croaked.

     "Oh..." I chuckled.

     "So what were you saying about loving me?"

     "Uh...Yeah...I'll admit it Emma Chambers. I love you and I can tell the world right now." I smiled liking at her innocent blues.

     "Well there's one thing I wanted to say," She said. "I was wrong."

     "About what?"

     "About Ryder being the perfect guy. I're the perfect guy. And now I'll also admit I fell for you bad boy!"

I smiled when those words left her mouth.

     "I fell for you too."

She smiled.

     "So I wanted to ask you something..." I trailed off.

     “Wha-" Doctor Morgan barged into the room with a clipboard in her hand.

     "Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

     "I'm feeling fine umm..."

     "Doctor Morgan! That's my name. So your blood pressure seems to be normal. I think we can get you discharged in a while. Is it hurting a lot?" Doctor Morgan asked.

     "No, not that much."

     "Good! Well that means you can get discharged early. You'll just have to have someone clean the wound for you. You're very lucky, first the bullet didn't touch any if your organs, then this guy over here donates blood to you for the surgery."

Emma looked over to me.

     "You donated blood to me?"

     "Yeah, it's the least I could do for all you've done for me."

     "But I haven't done anything for you..."

     “Yes, you have. Just by being there. That was enough to keep me going..." I smiled. She soon returned the gesture.

Doctor Morgan went back outside to inform Emma's family and friends that she was awake.

     "So what did you want to ask me?" Emma asked.

Emma's family and friends walked through the door smiling when they saw Emma up and alive. She smiled as each of them hugged her.

     "Well, since everyone is here, I can now ask you Emma." I spoke up when everyone settled down.

     "What do you want to ask me?"

     "I was meaning to ask, Will you be my girlfriend?" I smirked.

     "Are you joking?" She chuckled. She looked around as everyone nodded to say yes. She seemed shocked.

     "I'm very serious."

     "I- Yes!" She said excitely. "I'll be your girlfriend."

I hugged her and kissed her as she slightly groaned in pain.

     "Sorry..." I laughed. "I didn't think you would say yes."

     "Why wouldn't I say yes?"

     "I don't know, but I'm glad you said yes!"

She laughed.

     "You're crazy!"

This time everyone laughed. Jordan and Alex congratulated me. Stacy punched me in the arm and threatened me.

     "You better take care of her! Don't break her heart or I'll break you!"

     "I will! She's special, she's the only one on my mind!" I smiled.


~One Week later~

Emma's P.O.V

It had been one week and Justin had been a really great boyfriend. Even better than Ryder ever was. Speaking of him, he got two to three years in prison for selling drugs being only 17. A knock came from my door before it opened a crack. Justin peaked his head through the crack.

     "Are you getting dressed or anything?" He asked.

     "No." I laughed. He opened the door wider as he made his way in holding the liquid and sponges to clean my wound.

     "Okay, Let's clean your wound." He smiled.

I lifted my shirt over my abdomen revealing the gun wound which was still healing. Justin delicately rubbed the wet sponge over it as he looked into my eyes and smiled. He took the bandage and placed it on the wound securing it on my skin.

     "Thank you for everything!" I thanked him.

     "Hey, what are boyfriends for?"

     "You are so whipped, bad boy!" I laughed.

     "Only for you!" He smiled.

     "Justin and Emma, dinner is served! Come down before it gets cold." My mom shouted from downstairs.

We walked downstairs hand in hand. Stacy and Alex smiled at us while I blushed. They have been teasing me since Justin asked me. We sat down at the table as everyone smiled and chatted with each other. After dinner Justin took me to the dock again. It was simply beautiful as he had taken the time to decorate the ledges with lights.

     "I love it!" I squealed.

     "I love you!" He said smiling.

I smiled when the words left his mouth because he has been a great boyfriend and friend. When he told his friends about our relationship, they all accepted me. They were really great to me and my friends. Everything was going great. Everything was perfect for once in my life. Justin was perfect.

     "I love you too!" I replied. He smiled before he placed a kiss on my lips. The moonlight shone on us as I cuddled into him.

Everything was perfect!


This is the last chapter! The book is sadly over. But don't worry, there will be an epilogue! Yay!!

The book is editing and I might add in some parts in the chapters. I feel like there are a few missing parts.

Thoughts and opinions?


Love ya's- P.S.G



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