New Neighbours

By SlayedByTae

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Life changes when your new neighbours come into your life More

Chapter 1: Humiliation
Chapter 2: Neighbours
Chapter 3: Are You Single?
Chapter 4: Grey Eyes Seduction
Chapter 5: Why Are You Doing This?
Chapter 6: You want me to be your what!
Chapter 7: I'm Here For You
Chapter 8: Want some Suga with that
Chapter 10: I'm not hopeless
Chapter 11: I'm no toy for you
Chapter 12: Its my game now
Chapter 13: Don't get your hopes up
Chapter 14: Undecided
Chapter 15: Good-Bye
Chapter 16: New Life

Chapter 9: That is just weird

95 2 6
By SlayedByTae

You woke up the next day in Yoongi arms. You were about to get out of bed when he snuggled into you. You smiled at how adorable he was at that moment.

"Y/N, Are you awake." You heard someone call out.

You carefully made your escape from Yoongi arms and put on your dressing gown to see what was going on. You were about to make it out your door when you looked back and saw Yoongi stir in the bed. You quickly left before he woke. You walked towards the step and tried to see what was going on but you couldn't see anything. So you made your way down the stairs heading towards the kitchen.

"Y/N, your finally awake." He said.

You were surprised to see Taehyung over your house.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I'm here to make breakfast for you and hopefully take you out." He replied back with a smile.

You looked at him with a surprised face.

"Why would you want to do that for me." you asked.

"Well after all that's been happening lately, I thought you might need some time being pampered." he replied kindly.

You made your way into the kitchen and got yourself a glass of water. You looked at Taehyung carefully making sure nothing sus was going on. You stood at the sink with your drink watching Taehyung make you some breakfast when you heard the doorbell ring.

You made your way to the door. You open it to see all the boys standing around waiting for you. You looked back at Taehyung and saw a sneaky smile across his face. You moved to the side so that all the boys could come in. They all rushed in and made their way into the kitchen where the food was. You sighed at the commotion and took a deep breathe before making your way to the kitchen also.

You saw Jin take over the cooking as he kept on demanding Taehyung around for not doing anything correctly. Jungkook and Namjoon were talking about random stuff. While Hobi and Jimin was dancing around with the music from the tv. You wanted them all out since you knew that Suga was still upstairs sleeping and you didn't want to make a scene for when he does come downstairs.

"YA! Can you guys please be quiet. I got a headache and I don't need all this noise going on." you complained.

Namjoon looked up from what he was doing and looked at you curiously. You saw his gaze at you and you felt yourself going red. You turned away shy.

"YA! CAN YOU ALL PLEASE BE QUIET, I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP UPSTAIRS." someone yelled from the stairs.

Everyone straight away looked up at the figure that was standing at the stairs. My mouth fell open when you noticed it was Suga that was yelling at everyone. You felt like crawling into a hole. You tried to make an escape from the kitchen when an arm went around your waist. You turned to see Jimin holding onto you.

"Aye what's this." Namjoon said.

You blushed at that moment wanting to escape.

"What are you doing here Suga?" Taehyung asking confused.

Suga just gave Taehyung that look.

"What? can't I stay here." Suga telling Taehyung honestly.

You tried to get involved with the conversation but Namjoon already jumped in.

"Guys, calm down. We all talked about this before it shouldn't be a surprise." Namjoon let out.

You stood there like a statue at that comment. What does he mean they talked about this before. What was going on you thought.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on here." you asked curious.

Namjoon looked over at you and smiled.

"We talked about this before Y/N, this is nothing new for us." he said.

"I also said it to you too." he added in.

"You said what I don't remember." thoughts racing through your mind.

"I told you when I walked into the room and you were half naked." he said.

Your face went beetroot red at that comment. Everyone looked in your direction. You had no idea on what to do. You stood there like a deer in front of headlights. You could see Taehyung getting a bit nervous and angry. You didn't want to start anything. You looked at Namjoon and tried to communicate with him through your eyes but he continued on with the story.

"I told you that even though you been with Taehyung and Jungkook. The other members will fall for you and you will be put in that sort of situation." he finished off.

Taehyung face went red, he was fuming at knowing about the incident between Jungkook and yourself.

"What did Jungkook and you get up to." he snapped.

You looked at him scared of what will happen next.

"That is between Y/N and me." you heard Jungkook reply back.

Taehyung did not agree with the answer. He jumped across the room to get at Jungkook. But Taehyung was no match for him. Jungkook just threw Taehyung off himself making it look effortless. You were scared that it would get out of hand so you tried to interfere but that didn't help at all. Instead you just got hurt. Taehyung was throwing his arms around only to notice that you got hit by him. His face dropped at the sight of you on the floor covering your face.

You were so embarrassed to be in front of these boys you ran upstairs to get away from it all. You sat up against the door so that no one could come in. You had tears rolling down your face. You couldn't believe that a fight has broken out again because of you. You sat there silently when you heard Suga voice.

"Y/N, can I come in please." he asked softly.

You couldn't handle Suga sweetness so you let him in. He sat next to you and tried to comfort you.

"Y/N, its okay. These boys fight all the time. Its normal you shouldn't be crying over it." he said trying to remain kind and sweet to me.

"Its not them I'm crying about. Well it is but also the hit across the face hurt too." you let out.

Suga got closer to you and put his arm around you. You leaned into him for some comfort.

"I don't care if you been with Taehyung and Jungkook. I still like you and want to be with you. But I know that's going to be hard because I'm pretty sure most of the members want to date you." he said sadly.

You looked up at him. You could see the hurt in his eyes. You couldn't help yourself but to kiss him. Your thoughts in your head was going crazy. But his tender touch on you made all the crazy thoughts go away in an instance. After kissing him you leaned back in for the cuddle when a knock came from the other side of the door.

"Y/N, its me can I please come in to see you." you heard.

Suga smiled at you and placed a kiss on your forehead before opening the door. Taehyung was standing there like a child being told off. Taehyung head dropped as soon as Suga left the room. When Suga disappeared Taehyung looked at you softly. You could see he was also hurt from hitting you. He rushed to your side and wrapped his arms around you.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry for hurting you." he said softly.

You moved yourself out of his grasp and walked to your mirror. You tried to be snobbish towards him for hitting you even though you knew he didn't mean it. You saw how hurt he looked at your reaction to him. His body dropped knowing that you weren't happy with him. You felt bad about teasing him so you went back to him and gave him the cutest look to make him happy again.

"Taehyung, its okay I'm only teasing you." you said smiling.

His face lit up at your comment. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"But please do me a favour, I don't want you getting aggressive or angry over silly things." you said concern.

He looked into your eyes and nodded to make you happy. You smiled at him for being a good boy for you. You gently kissed him on the cheek and went to the bathroom to wash up. You turned back to look at him and saw that he wanted to follow you but he didn't know if it was okay. You went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. As you finished up you wrapped a towel around you. You walked out into your room to see Taehyung still standing there like a statue. He looked up at you when he heard the door open and his face showed everything. You went red in the face and threw something at him to leave. He quickly rushed out.

"What was he thinking waiting for me to come out." you thought embarrassed.

You finished getting ready and headed back downstairs, you wanted to get away from these guys they were driving you insane. You finally made it into the kitchen where all the boys were sitting and talking calmly like nothing even happened.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that." Jimin asked looking you up and down.

You looked at all of them and sighed.

"I'm going out, you all are making me crazy and I can't take it anymore." you replied back.

You grabbed your coat and handbag of the hallway table and made your way to the door but your path was blocked by Hobi.

"We need to talk to you." Namjoon politely asking.

Trying not to provoke you, Namjoon motioned for you to sit down. You followed his lead and sat down thinking about what they wanted to talk about with you.

"Okay Y/N, don't be weirded out about what we are going to request you." Namjoon said.

You looked worried. What is it that could weird you out about these boys.

"We have a tenancy to share girls with each other as it is hard for us to be in a relationship with anyone. So instead of finding girls that interest each one of us, We usually have one or two girls that we share." Namjoon explained.

Your jaw dropped at that comment.

"You share girls!!!!" you let out completely shocked.

"How is that possible, how does anyone agree to it." you said still shocked about the situation.

"Well its easy, girls enjoy being with us and they like it when they get attention from more than one of us. Hence why we are fine with sharing. But we have never had any fights or anything like we have had with you." Namjoon continued explaining.

You sat there still soaking in the information that was just mention in the conversation. They share girls and they don't even care. You shooked your head at that thought. That's just plain weird and wrong. You got up out of the chair and made your way to the door ignoring the boys calling for you. You needed time and air to process this news.

You walked down the step and out onto the street not caring where you were going. You tried to think straight then you thought you go exploring no one was bound to see or find you then. You started walking up a hill that was leading to a excluded park. You looked around you to see if anyone followed. Once it was completely clear that no one followed, you entered the excluded park. You made your way to the swing and thought about everything from leaving school til now how everything changed drastically. Your head started to hurt just by thinking about all of this. You rest your head in your hands when a hand patted you on your back. You quickly got up and spun around to see who it was. It was Jungkook and Taehyung.

"What do you guys want and why did you follow me." you let out annoyed.

"We followed you because we were worried for you." Jungkook said.

Taehyung managed to slip his hand around your waist.

"Plus we like being with you." Taehyung smiled cheekily at you.

Jungkook was closing in on you from the front while Taehyung was holding you around your waist. You took a deep breathe at what could possibly happened.

"Let's play a game." Jungkook said very slyly.

You saw Taehyung smile at Jungkook and that's when you realized that something outrageous is going to happen at this park.

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