Unavoidable Affection (Naruto...

By firooz

141K 3.7K 915

It was a miracle. Only a miracle could be what brought Amarante Ikeda back to health when she was deathly ill... More

Unavoidable Affection (Naruto Fanfic) (Itachi Romance)
Chapter 2-The Team
Chapter 3- An Unexpected Visit From The Girlfriend......Joy
Chapter 4- Itachi becomes an ANBU captain! Let's celebrate!
Chapter 5- SASUKE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6-A Mission! But SOMEONE Ruins it!
Chapter 7-A Fight, A Warning, And A Lecture. Boy, What An Eventful Day!
Chapter 8- Believe It!
Chapter 9- He's D-D-.......The D Word?
Chapter 10- The One Day He Wasn't Here This Happens!
Chapter 11 - The Uchiha Massacre......
Chapter 12 - In The Snake's Den!
Chapter 14 - Finally Reunited! But Not The Way I'd Hoped....
Chapter 15 - It's A Girl.......Guy........Person....?
Chapter 16 - Me + Suspicious Red Head = Trouble!
Chapter 17 - The Truth
Chapter 18 - The Bipolar Wonder Known As Tobi
Chapter 19 - Crazy Old Fortune-Telling Lady!
Chapter 20 - Until We Meet Again

Chapter 13 - Ew......Kabuto >¡<

4.7K 139 39
By firooz

(this entire scene is from Naruto, word from word and action from action, only in Naruto it only showed Oros thoughts)

(Itachi's POV)

Out of all the Akatsuki members, Orochimaru became my partner. Just my luck.

We were just walking outside for a task Pein ordered and right now he was staring at me like some (Pedo!) freak. I ignored him as best as I could, but behind my ridiculously baggy sleeves I was clenching my fists angrily.

Here we are, alone. No witnesses, and even if there were no one would vouch for that snake bastard. This was a perfect chance to kill him. My crimson nail polish decorated nails - that I found a little weird and uncomfortable - itched to claw his eyes out. To get revenge on him for what he did to Amarante.

I swear, if he so much as lay a pale finger onto her, I'll kill him.

As I was clenching my fists even tighter, the unfamiliar ring on my finger dug into my palm. This ring was what symbolized my membership in Akatsuki. As did the red cloud patterned cloak I was given to wear at all times.

The sound of soft hissing brought me out of my thoughts and I mentally rolled my eyes. Was this what he thought would be a surprise attack?

In a few seconds the scaly reptile wrapped it's long thick body around my body, probably trying to hold me in my spot. Seriously? He thought a simple snake could withhold me? It was insulting how weak I was in his eyes. I kept my facial expression emotionless through and decided to hear what he was going to say.

"One who possesses the precious Sharingan appears before me." he mused, his voice showing how excited he was. "How lucky I am."

My eyes widened slightly at this. He sought out my Sharingan?

A gust of wind traveled through the air and blew stray leaves with it, the green leaves blowing around me and the wind tousling my newly cut hair.

"I will have your body!" he exclaimed, and I could almost hear the smile I knew was there. What a pathetic creature, traveling body to body, looking for a stronger one. I can't believe someone like him managed to give the curse mark to Amarante.

Before he could try and do something to me, I activated my Sharingan. It'll be hard to play only on defense around him, but it was inevitable.

A small surprised sound left his nearly white lips and the snake around me disappeared and reappeared now wrapped around him. I pulled him into my Mangekyou world, where I could at least bring him pain. Consider that payback!

In one second - which was an entire day for him - he was still standing. Impressive. He quivered and shook, a disgusting malicious smirk splayed on his lips, and he continued to stare at me. But the Teme (means bastard;D)was stubborn and just wouldn't give up, already raising a shaky hand to try and attack me once more.

My small quick actions only showing an ounce of anger I held within, I darted towards him and smoothly sliced the moving arm off, returning to my previous spot before it could even fall to the ground. The discarded limb twitched a little before remaining stationary.

"Orochimaru......." I started, putting effort in making my voice sound as calm and emotionless as possible. "Any jutsu you use will have no effect before these eyes."

These eyes that will never be his.

(In Naruto, the scene ends here so I'll stop randomly at this spot)


(Amarante's POV!!!!)

I was sitting in the same room as before when a crackling sound met my ears.

At the moment I was sleeping, not like I've got anything else to do. Being a ninja, I'm a pretty light sleeper so even a sound as quiet as that caught my attantion.

When I lifted my head wearily, I saw some smoke rising from a corner where the chair was. Yes, I was sleeping on the floor. Don't judge!

Was there a fire? Wait a second.......my drawings are in that corner!

Realizing this, I quickly leapt to my feet and rushed to the corner. I had concealed them with the chair so Orochimaru wouldn't see it. Fearing for the worst, I pulled out the drawings from behind the object and nearly dropped them when I noticed something.

They were all in a pile, stacked on top of each other, yet orange and yellow flames were only on one. When I pulled out the drawing and checked to see which one it was my dark blue eyes nearly bulged out of my head.

What? What could this mean? First of all, pieces of paper don't just randomly set on fire. Second of all, how come none of the drawings caught fire like the one I was holding? Third of all, of all my drawings, why was it this one that is on fire?

It was the one where Orochimaru had his snake wrapped tightly around Itachi.........I don't like where this is going.

Did this mean there was no possibility of that happening........or that it already happened?

My new fishnet tank top began to stick to my stomach as I began to perspire. Fear filled my senses and I found myself wanting to leave, to go and make sure this wasn't happening.

Being so consumed in my worry-filled thoughts, I hardly noticed Kabuto's entrance.

"Amarante." he said, opening the door. I jumped in surprise and quickly sat on my drawings so he wouldn't see. Being Orochimaru's lapdog he's sure to report about it to him. "Come out and spar."

I blinked. Spar? With him? My eyes scanned his lanky body and I felt doubt. I know judging others by their appearance was wrong......but seriously, this kid was sad. I doubt he'll be able to injure me.

Oh, and by the way, I didn't burn my ass or anything. By the time I sat on it it was completely burnt into nothing.

Not voicing my thoughts, I nodded mutely and waved my hand, indicating he should go and I'll catch up with him. After he nodded and left, I hid my drawings again and scampered up to catch up to him.

When I joined him in the hallway I realized he didn't know how to mask his emotions. Orochimaru knew how and always did and I didn't get many visitors so it's been a while since I've felt other's emotions. Of coarse I get small readings from people around me but those emotions were always either greed or anger.

Ewewewewewewewewdwewewewew!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I think I just gagged a little in the back of my mouth! His emotions were......attraction.......towards me.

Gross!!!!! That's nasty, Kabuto likes me! Think I'm overreacting? Well I don't! This guy's a creep with no life! I seriously thought he had a gay crush on Orochimaru! And now it turns out he likes me.....

I don't feel so good right now.

My face might have shown how I was feeling because Kabuto turned to look at me. "You don't look so well. Don't be nervous, I'll go easy on you." he promised, putting a "reassuring" arm on my shoulder. Note to self: burn shoulder.

Pfft, me, nervous, of him? In his dreams! Oh Kami I hope not, that would be beyond creepy if he dreamt of me. 0-o

When we arrived to what must be the training grounds I noticed a lot of blood splattering covered the ground. I'm not scared though; if someone's blood was going to be spilt it would be his!

His hands began to glow with the chakura he directed in his hands. He smirked and pushed his nerdy looking glasses up the bridge of his nose. Was he trying to act cool? "Let's see what you got."

I nodded and unsheathed my sword out too. When Orochimaru made me leave, he made sure I brought my weapons. But they were all I brought. No clothes - which doesn't matter since he got me new ones - no scrolls, and not even my photograph of me and my team. The frame may have shattered but the picture underneath was still in good shape and held memories.

It was the same special sword I used before to fight Orochimaru; the one that extended and could pierce anything it came in contact with.

He suddenly charged at me, his radiating hand outstretched in front of him as he ran at me. I sensed that he felt anticipation and excitement. That's seriously messed up. He likes me and is excited to try and hurt me?

My sword extended it's length, taking him on by surprise, and it only managed to scape his cheek before he sharply dodged to the left. By the looks of it, he was a close-distance fighter. Luckily my sword let's me fight close and far distance!

An idea suddenly formed in my mind. It was a cruel one, yet I couldn't help but ponder over it for a moment. I could kill Kabuto and go after the Akatsuki........

No Amarante, that won't work! First of all, Kabuto hasn't done anything to me - well, he has mentally scarred me for life but I don't think that counts - and I have no idea where the Akatsuki is!

But.......my eyes shifted towards Kabuto who was charging at me again. Maybe he knew. After all, he is Orochimaru's right hand man.

I made a couple of water shurikins and threw them at him so I could think without his interruption. But would he tell me? He liked me......but he was loyal to Orochimaru. Could I make a deal with him for the location of their hideout?

What would Kabuto want though?!?

I looked at him again to see he was struggling with my water shurikins. He was deflecting them with his chakura but they were coming right back. Still, I could tell he was holding back a little.

"Hey Kabuto!" I called out, instantly catching his attention.


"What do you know about the Akatsuki?"

Despite his battle, I saw him turn around and raise an eyebrow. "You want to have a conversation during a battle?"

I nodded. "Why not?"

He sighed. "Orochimaru-Sama is a member. For a brief time I worked for one of the members but Orochimaru-Sama saved me. He still thinks I'm working for him and gaining intelligence about Orochimaru-Sama, but it's the opposite."

Saved him? Taking him from one messed up organization and putting him into this twisted one was "saving" him?

"Do you know where their hideout is?" I asked, not really caring about his connection with the organization.

A look of realization appeared on his face. "Oh, I see......"

Panic flashed in my eyes. He knew about my connection with Itachi?!? Damn, I'm in deep shit now!

"You want to join them too! Hm, well, even if I told you where you could find them, they'll just kill you. And we don't want that to happen."

By "we" I think he means himself.

"Enough." a voice said.

I turned around and gasped.

(Mwahahaha guess who came!)


(Sasuke's POV)

"The main hall of Nakano Shrine.....located underneath the seventh tatami mat on the far right is our clan's secret gathering place......

The fire crackled softly in my ears, the flames dancing and flickering wildly. Faded designs painted on the walls surrounded me, all obviously drawn carefully and precisely. Two paintings of my clan's crest were on either side of a plaque and under it was a stone with am engraving.

My body quivered in anger and I felt my onyx eyes narrow. "I see.....so that's what it is......"

If you killed your best friend....You would be rewarded with the Mangekyou Sharingan. So Itachi did kill Shisui.....so that murderer was really Itachi......so this is the reason my whole entire clan was murdered. Just for these eyes.

(later on) (*sigh* in case I haven't mentioned, I'm recapping the show so it ends n starts randomly, I apologize!)

"Hey, Shikamaru? Wanna go to the candy shop after school?" a chubby kid (lol didn't call him fat!) asked a bored-looking spiky haired boy.

"Huh.......no way. You can do that 'cuz your mother's nice, but if my mother found out that I bought myself a snack before going home, I'd be in big trouble!"

My mother was nice......she use to let me have snacks. She use to love me enough for her and dad. Whenever Itachi and Father neglected me, she would comfort me and make me feel loved.

Who'll do that now?

"Did you hear the news.......That the entire Uchihaa clan was apparently murdered?" I heard someone behind me "whisper" obnoxiously loud. (gr, dont y'all h8 that! Dude, it's not a whisper if the entire room can hear u!)

I felt my shoulders stiffen and my eyes darken. Not wanting my reaction to gain attention I quickly composed myself and hid my seething onyx eyes with my long unkept bangs.

"Yeah, my dad told me."

"Apparently he's the only one who survived......."

My eyes were glued to my desk, my overgrown bangs shielding my eyes from the people around me. How dare they! Speaking of my clan's massacre so nonchalantly as if it were old news! Looking at me wih pitiful glances like I was an abandoned kitten! Gossiping about my tragic past events!

Itachi brought this fate upon me! He cursed me with a life such as this!

Never before have I felt such hate.....such anger.

I'm an avenger now! And I shall gain vengeance on Itachi!


Mmkay guys, I haven't uploaded in a week or two and I've been randomly getting fans (ME SO HAPPY!) n I cant really go back and say who fanned me so if u fanned me recently thank u!

Me: So, in a comment 1 of my fans gave me the idea 4 dis skit! I know sum of u guys *cough cough PirateNinjaV7 and XxMiyuxxX*

PirateNinjaV7: but I didn't comment on ur last chap!


Kakashi: 0-o u do know I'm rite here and can hear u, rite?

Me: K guys, so this'll take stealth, da element of surprise, and-

XxMiyuxX: OMFG KAKASHI!!! *glomps*

Kakashi: *turns blue* h-help....

PirateNinjaV7: BACK OF MY MAN!!! *glomps him 2*

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: *rubs hands together evilly* now that he's restrained, let's get down 2 business *reaches hand out 2 remove mask*

Anime_Addict: W8!!!!!! Y Kakashi?!? Y not Tobi? Doest any1 wanna c behind his mask?!?

HasiVA: well, we all know he's Madara.....


Animelover123: Nu Uh! Actually, Tobi never was Madara!

Nightheart: I bet every1 who ignored that spoiler alert thang is pissed

HasiVA: ;-;

Me: =p Lolz 2 bad! Btw, whenever I type in HasiVA my iPad spell check changes it 2 Hasid....DAMN APPLE!!

Lifenote2: Apple? Ryuk likes apples! N Ryuk is from Deathnote! LEZ START A SKIT ABOUT DEATHNOTE!!!! Lolz I

HasiVA:....? What does Hasid mean?

Me: beats me!


Kakashi: *shakes PirateNinjaV7 and XxMiyuxX off leg* damn fans!!

Edeagle07: TIME 2 SHOW OFF MAH NINJA SKILLS!! *jump kicks at Kakashi* *misses and hits log* NOOOOOO LOG!!!!

KJStarLace: that's it! *cracks knuckles* Let's just get that mask off! Da suspence is killing me!!!

Catlover949: Let's do dis!

KJStarLace and Catlover949: CHARGE!!!!!*tackles down Kakashi n ties him up* GO TEAMWORK!!!

Red_Ray_: it's time........*takes off mask*

Everyone: *LE GASP*

Minigini423: o-0 seriously? Another mask? U c, this is y I stick with da bad guys! *drools* Orochimaru.....

Anime_Addict: u like bad guys 2? I

Red_Ray_: I duno y we even try! if Sasuke couldn't do it, then how cood we?

bRennaJaDe93: Come on every! Keep it together! Let's just take of da 2nd mask! *reaches out 2 take off mask*

Nightheart: w8! If we do that, then da skit will end! I only had 1 line!


MelissaTraebecke: OMG NO WAY!!! SAME!!!!

Antonpolk: *LE gasp!* we's gots so much in commen!

Animelover123: >-

Red_Ray_: PAUSE! Firooz is paying me 2 say this! Check out her new Gaara luv stry, "Ghostly Love"! Now gimme me money!

MelissaTraebecke: PAUSE! Firooz is also paying ME 2 tell y'all 2 fan her! O, n while ur at it read me stuff n fan 2 ;D

Antonpolk: where'd Firooz go?

LoveMeOrLeave: 4 DA LUV OF KAMI! *rips off mask*

Everyone: *faints*

2 b continued......comment 2 join da maddness!

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