August Alsina Maid

Oleh clivksquad

110K 2.6K 182

I hate myself I can't do it HELP ME HELP ME HELP MEH don't go Dont leave me stay here help me survive I can't... Lebih Banyak

who me
Burry in blood
I belive
Im home
Breaking apart
Omg nooooo
i told myself
eww bitches
what in de fuck
haha haha u thought
please ...
didnt u ....huh????!!!


15.1K 330 46
Oleh clivksquad

Angel POV

"I can't do it no more"I yell
I look up at my dad like I never looked at him before

I tried to walk away but that didn't stop him from Jacking me up and throwing me on the ground and ripping my clothes off

U would have thought he was the best dad in the world but he wasnt ...he kicked me in my chest and beat me till my face turnt purple .. i was dying my eyes closed nn i felt the same was when my mom died ..

Knock knock knock

"Open up, I know ur in their"I hear the police say through the thick door downstairs

I cried louder to let them know I was here

They kick the door open nn search the house . he put tape over my mouth " dont u say a damn word" nn open the door to upstairs aiming his gun ready to shoot any police that tried to take him to jail

pow pow pow

i hear a noise hoping it was him dying and it was .. the police rushed me to the hospital.. i was now knocked out..

My mom was the best thing that ever happened to me.. she died .. killed at that .. he killed her and he finally get what he deserved

i woke up in the bed seeing my bestfriend she sat my favorite book beside me knowing i wanted to read it if she was sleep so i did

i started reading it "kasha drama " best book selling right now.

(Kasha drama)was like living my life but the only difference was im not a drugs lord..but in our life that didn't stop me or her from getting the cash or the boys👋🏼🥵

2 months later

i was finally out of the hospital staying in my dorms cs i was in college. my bestfriend lived with me . it was my first day back nn i was kinda nervous

i took a pic of my outfit for the first day of college

stepping out my dorm seeing my best friend she gave me a look telling me everything is okay but i knew it was ..

She know me like a diary with no lock and full of pages it's hard to read me but I think she got a hang of it.....

"I got you a job girl, ima help you get back on ur shit" she said smiling

"Okay girl well come to the bathroom . quick smoke" I said laughing walking to the bathroom

I went to the bathrooms and sat there on the sink and she laughing saying "girl its a job as a maid but its cool cause they pay good money well the owner do "she said whiling starring me down

"how much bitch cause i need racks rnn"i laughed " guhh like 1,500" when u done everyday

"Okay well give me the address RIGHT NOW so I Can go check it out cs baby thats money" I said getting ready to go to my dorm

She gave me the address and I walked out blowing my last puff

I pulled off in my car and showed up at this big as house full of green grass and plenty of flowers...

I got out the car and grabbed my keys purse and I walked to the door ...

I knock and some big ass dude open the door...

"Hey my name is angel and I'm applying for the maid "I said

"O yea angel u may start and u have to stay here in order to work here if u want i heard this ur last year in college nn ukk "he said

" I didn't have to do anything" I asked surprised

" I heard enough ur Bestfriend is the best they come she told me about ur dad nn mom so if u wanna stay as long as my house clean u can "he smiled

I giggleed knowing he ain't lying

I grab my bags from when he took me to my dorm " i know he a stranger but hey he right i dont have family nn i cant stay with terri the rest of my life " I called terri to let her know I got the job.

I unpack my stuff and sat down and enjoyed the view

"may u clean df up i got company coming later" august yelled

"Which room " I asked nicely trying not to he rude

"All of em , df " he cussed back

I ignored his comment .."w.e"

"But I'm gone" he yelled and walked out and slammed the door

"Sb pissed" I mumbled

I started in his room which smelled like dead pussy and unwash dick I got some bleach and soaked the cover but that shit didn't work I just threw that shit outside and said fuck it " watch he come back nn be mad" i mumbled

I went in the bathroom and started to change cs I thought he was gone well he did say I was or thought I was alone

putting on booty shorts nn a crop top was my go to comfortable outfit so excuse me🥵

i walked around the house and started to Clean ....

I listen to k-camp while I sway my hips in a circle....

I finished 5 rooms 1 more to go and that's august bathroom but that shit dry and dirty ass hell

I washed all his clothes and put them in his dressers....

But anyways I had to clean his room and bathroom so that's what I'm currently doing

As I'm cleaning up I hear august come back not only him but sb else to so I hurry and tried to come out

August came in his room kissing on this girl while I was binding over picking up his clothes.. he slap my ass and I  turnt around and slap the shit out of him and walked away stomping my feet loud

I went in my room and put on my headphones ignoring the world

He came in and asked"why u not cooking I'm hungry"

"Bitch I'm a maid I ain't no damn chelf"I said with hella attitude

"U know what u need some act right"he said smiling

"please dont touch me ..."and within that i went sleep while he was standing at the door

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