bittybones fanfic cherry and...

By toothlesslover098

55K 1.4K 559

Cover does not I repeat DOES NOT belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owner I'm not saying anything els... More

Bittybones sum-up
Chapter 1
Bitty shop
Chapter 3
Little house and cooking
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5
Lexi and blindberry
Chapter 6
Jordie ref
Lexi's visit
Chapter 8 (not canon)
Chapter 8 (real chapter)
Have you seen him?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/THANK YOU
Chapter 12
I'm WHAT?!
Chapter 14
Heat That's not good
A/N Sorry
Ready for Halloween
Making Costumes
1K YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Marissa's Visit
A/N Shipping??
Chapter 20
A little something for KimahriRae
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I have told a lie (kind of cannon)
Chapter 26
A/N I'm Upset
Chapter 27
Chapter 29(NOT CANNON)
I haz found cute picture
Chapter 29(real)
3K woo!!!!
A/N New story
Another Update
Happy Birthday mom
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
AE Know who you are
Chapter 37
A/N Another Question
Savage love
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
AE (Alternate ending)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Hot Husband
Chapter 58

Chapter 25

485 17 3
By toothlesslover098

Yeah so like I said in the last A/N you saw that I'm doing this chapter so enjoy the story plus there's going to be a little surprise in this chapter to.


Having a few days off from school Jordie thought about going up to the cabin were her great grandparents took her when she was little. With the bitties of course but buster had to stay he doesn't like long car travel so after she was done with volunteer work she picked up the bitties and dropped off buster at Lexi's house continuing to the little cabin house.

"where are we going mama?" cherry asked

"you'll see cherry it's going to be a surprise"

"I can't wait mama aren't you excited brass?"

"eh not that much"

"come on brass it'll be tons of fun and real beautiful to" Jordie said smiling

"okay well wake me up when we're there" brass replied falling asleep instantly

"with all the naps he takes I wonder how he still sleeps at night" Jordie mumbled


They finally got to the little cabin just the right size for them all to stay in which is why buster had to stay at Lexi's with him getting bigger. Jordie walked in with the two bitties in her arms looking around the lovely little home.

Cherry was amazed at how pretty it looked on the inside and brass ... well he was still sleeping in Jordie's arms. Sitting brass and cherry on the couch and she quickly went to get the bags she brought but as she did she felt like that she was being watched in the bushes there were two red eyes looking at her then disappeared when she turned around. Jordie shrugged and continued on taking the bags in.

"Mama why're we here?" cherry questioned

"I just decided to show you guys it's been in my family for so long I thought of showing my newest family members to" giving a light smile to cherry

"You know when I was little and my grandparents would bring me up here there were rumors about a strange wolf that lived up here but as far as I know I haven't seen the darn thing yet but when I was little though I felt as being watched by something."

"d-do you think I-I-it was the wolf?"

"maybe but I never saw it. I always thought it was just a deer or something but maybe"

Then there was a rustling outside hearing this Jordie got a bat and careful went outside looking around for what was out there and noticed nothing then there was a rustle again and the creature jumped out "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" was heard through out the mountain. Brass jumped awake.

"what's going on?!"

"t-t-there w-was a n-n-noise o-outside m-m-mama went out to check a-a-and I t-t-think s-something g-g-got her" cherry cried

"Not on my Watch''

They ran out finding Jordie on the ground but she wasn't screaming but laughing? While being licked by what looked like a half wolf half skeleton creature.

(Like the picture below but without looking hurt)

''O-okay s-stop b-buddy I-I c-can't breath hahaha" she laughed

"Ma what's going on?"

The wolf got off her and hid behind Jordie

"oh I guess I just made a new little friend which from what I'm guessing is a skelewolf" petting the lovable looking creature on it's head with him wagging his tail happily giving a whine.

The bitties walked over carefully with the skelewolf being bigger than them. He bent down his head licking them both cherry giggled brass was grossed out with the slobber on him.

"He's so cute mama can we keep him?" cherry asked rubbing his head

"sorry cherry but he's a wild animal ... monster? But I'm sure whenever we come back up he'll be here to come play with us wouldn't ya bud" scratching his head making him pant

"So what are we going to name him?" brass asked

"hmmm he seems to have mostly red on him so I guess red would be good for him"

Red licked Jordie as a thank you for the new name she giggled "your welcome little guy. Now let's go in and have some lunch I'm sure I could give some raw meat for our wolf friend here."

*100 years ago*

There was a young women that looked a lot like Jordie next to a lake laying beside her was the red though the young lady called him puppy she sighed whilst petting the little creature.

"oh puppy I wish that humans and monsters could get along then you could be with me all the time. But I just don't think that'll ever happen" she said sadly red whined knowing that his owner and him would be apart from each other if either side between human and monster would win.

"Don't worry though puppy as long as we have each other we'll be okay" hugging the little skelewolf him wagging his tail in return. She then got up "I have to go now I'll be back tomorrow to see you" walking away from the small lake and leaving red there waiting.

Days past, then the days to weeks, then weeks to months, and the months to years red was still waiting for his friend to come back not leaving the spot until she came back. Staying there he didn't know the years were passing him human technology was advancing.

*A few years earlier when Jordie was around 5 or 6*

Red still waiting for his friend to come heard people nearby growling he ran to investigate it then he saw his friend but he wondered why she was looked so young now but he kept a eye on her until the perfect time to go and see her again.

*Back to regular time*

Today was the day that he would finally be together with his friend and with new little friends as well but at least he was back with his old friend that he thought was lost now they can be with each other forever.


Yeah that took awhile to do but I'm glad that I got it finished and underfell wolf sans belongs to sanspar on tumblr.

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