Gold Tinted Spectacles (Hecat...

By NatashaDuncanDrake

442K 19K 6.1K

(Drarry) Harry Potter is about to enter his seventh year, and things are not quite what he expected. He is no... More

Author's Notes & Disclaimer/ Drarry Prophet Reviews
Chapter 1 - A Beginning (pt1)
Chapter 1 - A Beginning (pt2)
Chapter 2 - Talking
Chapter 3 - More Than Talking
Chapter 4 - More ... Just More (pt1)
Chapter 4 - More ... Just More (pt2 NSFW)
Chapter 5 - Revelations (pt1)
Chapter 5 - Revelations (pt2)
Chapter 6 - The Room (pt1)
Chapter 7 - Reality
Chapter 8 - Sharing (pt1)
Chapter 8 - Sharing (pt2)
Chapter 9 - The Passing of Time
Chapter 10 - Plans and Practice (pt1)
Chapter 10 - Plans and Practice (pt2)
Chapter 11 - Through the Wards
Chapter 12 - A Bad Idea (pt1)
Chapter 12 - A Bad Idea (pt2)
Chapter 13 - Explanations (pt1)
Chapter 13 - Explanations (pt2)
Chapter 14 - The Aftermath (pt1)
Chapter 14 - The Aftermath (pt2)
Chapter 15 - Coaching and Other Pastimes
Chapter 16 - Nerves
Chapter 17 - Consequences
Chapter 18 - Resolutions and Allergies (pt1)
Chapter 18 - Resolutions and Allergies (pt2)
Chapter 19 - Lessons (pt1)
Chapter 19 - Lessons (pt2)
Chapter 20 - From the Big Wide World (pt1)
Chapter 20 - From the Big Wide World (pt2)
Chapter 21 - "I always knew there were people who didn't like me"
Chapter 22 - A Birthday (pt1)
Chapter 22 - A Birthday (pt2)
Chapter 23 - London and Back Again (pt1)
Chapter 23 - London and Back Again (pt2)
Chapter 24 - A Very Weasley Christmas (pt1)
Chapter 24 - A Very Weasley Christmas (pt2)
Chapter 25 - Of Snowballs and Other Weapons (pt1)
Chapter 25 - Of Snowballs and Other Weapons (pt2)
Chapter 26 - Discussions
Chapter 27 - The Ways of Slytherins
Chapter 28 - Divination
Chapter 29 - Peace Talks (pt1)
Chapter 29 - Peace Talks (pt2)
Chapter 30 - Home? (pt1)
Chapter 30 - Home (pt2)
Chapter 31 - Defence (pt1)
Chapter 31 - Defence (pt2)
Chapter 32 - No Longer Frightening
Chapter 33 - Father and Son (pt1)
Chapter 33 - Father and Son (pt2)
Chapter 34 - Blake House
Chapter 35 - Holding On
Chapter 36 - Waking and Sleeping (pt1)
Chapter 36 - Waking and Sleeping (pt2)
Chapter 36 - Waking and Sleeping (pt3)
Chapter 37 - Apologies (pt1)
Chapter 37 - Apologies (pt2)
Chapter 38 - Traitors and Heroes
Chapter 39 - An Ending
Chapter 40 - A New Beginning (pt1)
Chapter 40 - A New Beginning (pt2)
Skeeter's Gossip Column

Chapter 6 - The Room (pt2)

9.9K 394 56
By NatashaDuncanDrake

The summoning alcove provided them with a veritable feast and for a while they ate and chatted about insignificant things, avoiding the whole subject of their current situation. Harry let himself live in the moment for once and ignored his brooding side, allowing the contentment he felt to consume him.

He and Draco explored the room together; they opened the cupboard and found a selection of their clothes hung up, as well as more of their things, including wands; then they investigated the bathroom more thoroughly; and finally they went over every inch of their current home making sure there were no hidden surprises.

The only thing they did not touch was the speaking wall, leaving it until last. Finally they had nosed into everything and Draco walked up to the wall that, as far as Harry was concerned, was bright gold.

"Shall we let them know we're alive?" his soulmate asked with a sigh.

"Uh-huh," Harry replied, but he felt as reluctant as Draco.

Talking to those outside would let the world in and with that came questions and responsibilities. Part of Harry did not want to give up his simple happiness just yet. Being a responsible Gryffindor he felt it his duty to put those waiting out of their suspense, but he was rather enjoying the time alone with Draco. For a while Harry was decided on doing the right thing and then, as his soulmate reached for the activation stone, he moved and stopped him.

"Changed my mind," Harry said, giving in to what he had long ago dubbed his inner Slytherin, "there's something else I want to do first."

Draco looked and felt faintly surprised, but his expression turned to one of a knowing smile as Harry stepped towards him so they were nose to nose.

[And what would that be then?] Draco asked, affecting an angelically innocent expression.

[Well I could give you a detailed description,] Harry replied, letting his eyes run all over Draco's face, [but I thought I'd show you instead.]

There was something about the blond wizard that was simply beautiful. To Harry, his soulmate's pale skin was still tinged with deep gold and it enhanced the ethereal quality of Draco's fine bones and platinum hair, rather than hiding it. At that moment Harry was sure his lover was the most incredible creature he had ever seen and he wanted to touch that beauty.

Their previous encounter had been surreptitious, stolen hours in the disused girl toilets while Nearly Headless Nick kept Moaning Myrtle busy as a favour to Harry. It had been undoubtedly one of the crowning moments of his life, but he wanted to make love to Draco without worrying that they'd be interrupted by a ghost. Harry wanted to touch every part of his soulmate and make Draco shudder with ecstasy, and he wanted to do it now.

Draco leant back on the wall as Harry pushed against him, bringing up one hand and running it down the side of Draco's face. The touch made Draco smile and Harry wanted to kiss the gently curving mouth ... so he did.

The moment their lips joined he felt his awareness change as his mind moved to join with his lover's. Harry could feel Draco like he was almost part of him and he sensed his soulmate's arousal. He was enrapt and took his time tasting the faint cinnamon flavour left over from the food they had recently consumed, feeling the soft skin yield to his mouth.

On impulse Harry nipped at Draco's bottom lip and his lover partially opened his mouth in response. Harry pushed his tongue through the waiting opening, running his hand behind Draco's head at the same time to bring them closer together.

In response his soulmate wound his arms around Harry's body, snaking his hands under Harry's pyjama top. Harry shivered at the touch, revelling in the feeling of being so close to the man he loved. The kiss deepened as he wound his fingers in Draco's hair and their tongues explored each other's mouths.

[Stop,] Draco's voice suddenly said in his mind, and Harry drew back startled and breathless.

Confused, he searched his lover's face and feelings for any sign of what he had done wrong, but he found nothing. Only as a half smile started playing at the corners of Draco's mouth again did Harry stop panicking.

"I want to be clean first," Draco said in a whisper, running a finger over Harry's moist lips. "No point in having a bath that big unless you plan to use it."

Then Draco took Harry's hand and Harry found himself being led towards the bathroom. It was an unexpected turn around and, just a little bit bemused, he wondered how he had so suddenly lost control: from seducer to follower.

[Get used to it,] Draco said with a small mental laugh, [a Gryffindor will never be able to keep up with a Slytherin.]

[The Sorting Hat wanted to put me in Slytherin,] Harry replied, deciding that he was willing to play the game, [I'm only a Gryffindor because I asked it not to.]

Draco stopped walking at that revelation and looked at Harry as if he was a completely different person. It was his turn to laugh and he pulled Draco close again, kissing the tip of his nose.

"You're stunning when you're shocked; I must remember to surprise you more often," Harry said, looking into his lover's grey eyes. "Now you get to have your bath, but I have decided it's my job to make sure every inch of you is clean."

"Every inch?" Draco said, raising an eyebrow playfully,

"Down to the last sixteenth," Harry promised as he ran his hand over his lover's silk clad behind.

It took the pair around five minutes to run the bath and shed their clothes, and then another five minutes to actually climb into the water since Harry refused to let go of Draco. Eventually the Slytherin broke away with a laugh and climbed into the tub while Harry watched him with admiration. Draco's naked frame held no teenage awkwardness, and he moved with fluid grace and confidence even without clothes. His skin was pale and perfect and he was lithe and muscled from his Quidditch training.

[You are beautiful,] Harry said silently, not trusting his voice to actually work.

The epitome of unearthly beauty looked up as he slid into the hot water and Harry felt his lover's eyes rake over his body.

[And you are intoxicating,] Draco told him with a barely controlled need in his tone.

Harry had never been particularly aware of his body; it served him as a tool and he had not really considered much beyond that, but under Draco's gaze he felt desired. In front of his lover's eyes he was not The Boy Who Lived, nor was he a gawky seventeen year old; he was simply loved. When Draco smiled at him Harry moved and climbed into the bath behind his lover.

Draco, already half submerged, shifted so that Harry could sit behind him and when he was comfortably resting against the side of the large tub he pulled Draco between his legs so his soulmate was leaning against him.

The water was pleasantly hot against his skin and Draco fitted comfortably against his chest and for a while they just lay there enjoying the heat. It was almost perfect and Harry was content; that was until he looked down and his eyes fell on his lover's neck.

Draco had his head laying to the side on Harry's shoulder which revealed a long pale section of skin and Harry did the only sensible thing, he kissed it. A smile played across Draco's face as Draco closed his eyes and Harry could feel the pleasure running through his lover. He then set about making sure the feeling increased by continuing his ministrations. When Draco actually groaned, Harry allowed himself a small smile of triumph.

Once he was satisfied he knew every millimetre of exposed neck, Harry moved on. The water came to half way up Draco's chest as he relaxed in Harry's arms, and Draco's pale skin was completely smooth and hairless. Harry ran his hand over the damp surface and then reached over to pick up the sponge that was lying on the edge of the bath. It was of course a natural sponge and nothing like the off pink things the Dursleys always had in their bathroom. The water was full of scent and bubbles so Harry just soaked the sponge and then tenderly pushed it against Draco's skin, allowing the perfumed liquid to run over his lover's body.

Harry could already feel the potions in the water working on his own skin, cleaning and soothing wherever they touched and he continued to gently sponge off his soulmate's chest in a leisurely fashion. As with most things in the Wizarding world, taking a bath was nowhere near as labour intensive as the Muggle system. They could have just lain there and let the water do its work.

As it was Harry was enjoying himself, but he discarded the sponge as soon as he thought Draco was wet enough and went back to using his hands. The hard muscles of his lover's torso twitched under his fingers as the exploring digits found sensitive skin. When Harry ran his nails gently over Draco's nipples and down Draco's sides, his soulmate almost purred.

Every touch sent little jolts of pleasure through Draco that Harry could feel and he used them to guide him. A light trace here, a more forceful stoke there; Harry ran his hands over every part of his lover's torso, neck and arms, even the tops of Draco's legs.

Draco just lay there making small noises of pleasure and moving slightly to allow Harry access to anything he wanted. Under the pale, cold, Malfoy exterior Draco was a well of passion and Harry sensed the arousal building in him until it was an ache. Only when it felt like Draco was about to explode out of the stillness did Harry run his fingers over the inside of his lover's thigh and continue the stoking motion over Draco's hard shaft.

The air left his lover's chest in an explosive moan at Harry's touch and Draco pulsed under his hand. The stabs of complete ecstasy running through his soulmate were enough to make Harry moan as well.

Harry's own erection throbbed with desire where he was pressed up against the small of Draco's back, and he buried his head in his lover's neck to stifle a second moan. He tried to concentrate on Draco as he moved his hand smoothly up over Draco's shaft and then down, lightly stroking over his lover's balls, but each sensation in Draco caused a mirror in him. It was a strange mixture of pleasuring his soulmate and pleasuring himself and, as Harry continued, it became more difficult to tell the difference.

He kissed and nipped at Draco's neck as his hands moved over his lover's body and Draco reached back, interlacing his fingers in Harry hair as Harry bent forward. It barely mattered who was touching who anymore and Harry could only concentrate on building the pressure in both of them. Draco groaned, Harry groaned; it was all part of the sensation, heightening the sexual experience for both of them. Under Harry's searching fingers his soulmate's body sang and they climbed closer and closer to orgasm together.

When it came, their climax, there was no other way of describing it, it did not happen to each of them separately, it was a joined experience, it was mind blowing. By then Harry was barely aware of which body was his own and he had no idea which of them had reached the edge first, or if they'd done so at the same time; it didn't matter. All that he knew was that Draco shuddered against him moaning his name, and Harry surrendered all control of his own muscles as he clung to his lover and matching shivers ran through him. His face was buried in Draco's neck and he couldn't help himself; he bit down quite hard.

When Harry finally regained enough brainpower to figure out which way was up and which body parts belonged to him, Draco was lying completely limp in his arms. His lover's eyes were closed and Draco's expression was one of pure pleasure. Harry could feel Draco's mind working, but he chose not to delve as his soulmate savoured the moment.

[I love you,] the words filtered into Harry's head.

[I love you too,] he replied wrapping his arms around his still companion in sated bliss.

[And that was ...] Draco's mental voice trailed off.

[Yes it was, wasn't it,] Harry agreed, not sure how to describe it either.

They lay there for another few seconds, savouring the post sex haze until finally Draco sat up. Harry's eyes couldn't help but fix on the red teeth marks on his lover's neck. He had not broken the skin, but it had been close. Draco fingered the patch lightly and then, half turning, smiled at Harry.

"You'll have to fix these later," he said, dropping his hand from the marks, "for now we need more water." And with that he reached for the plug.

It took only a minute or so to remove the dirty water and refill the bath, at which point they both relaxed back in the bubbles again. It was nice just to be still.

[Harry?] Draco's voice was quizzical.

[Yes?] he replied in something of a sleepy haze.

[Before you chose me you were a virgin, right?] it was not quite the question Harry had been expecting, but somehow from Draco it made sense.

[Yeah,] he replied.

There was a moment's pause.

[So if you had never done it before,] his lover voiced his confusion, [how come you are so good at sex? No one has ever touched me like you do.]

Part of Harry wanted to laugh, but the rest of him realised it was a serious question.

[Um,] he replied not quite sure of the answer himself, [when it comes to you I just seem to know what to do. I think it's all nature not nurture.]

His lover was silent for a while after that and Harry could feel Draco's thoughts ticking over.

[Fair enough,] Draco finally said thoughtfully, and reached for the sponge, [but you do realise I am going to have to experiment to see if it works the same the other way?]

Harry remained leaning against the side of the bath, a smile gracing his features; now he was quite happy for Draco to take over. "


A/N: Many thanks for reading, hope you are enjoying the fic.

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