
By lindabelcher

456 27 15


[day 02] nice
[day 03] beautiful
[day 04] miserable
[day 05] magnificent

[day 01] sadness

64 5 1
By lindabelcher

"What's the matter?" A soft whisper passed through the thin wall, from her room to his.

"I'm sad, Jane." His voice cracked.

"How do you know what sad is, John?" Her head leaned against the wall that separated them. 

"I'm not sure. I just feel this overwhelming feeling in my stomach and heart and it feels like my veins are thin and weak, and tears are falling down my face. I just don't know how to react. Is this normal? Am I having side-affects from the medication?" His hands wiped away the tears. 

"I don't think so, that's happened to me before, but I didn't call it sad. I called it heart failure." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"That's not it, heart failure is bad, that's the reason people visit places like this." He paused. "I asked The Woman what happened when someone had tears falling down their face and she told me that it meant they were sad. I really want to find out what sadness is. Is it good, or is it bad?" He sighed. 

"It depends I guess. I've seen people around here cry when they get to see people get out of here alive." Jane looked over to her window. "John, it's getting dark. We should probably sleep, like we should be." She started to stand. 

"You're right. Maybe I can ask The Woman tomorrow about sadness. Thank you Jane, you're really nice." John stood up and leaned against the wall.

"That's a good thing right?" She said.

"I think so." 

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