A life of our own

By meetmeinthecloset

44 5 6

one thing happens and lisa's life is turned around and all her efforts to prevent certain things proved futile More

chapter one {Jacks}

44 5 6
By meetmeinthecloset

I sit silently in the back of my fifth period class watching the minutes tick by on the clock on the wall by the door, just a minute more and i can get outta this hell hole and lock myself in my room and sulk. Regret gnaws at me, i should have brought money, my friends always seemed to want to go to maccas after school, plus it was a hot day and i wouldn't mind a frozen fanta right now. maybe if i'm nice enough someone will get me one. the bell finally rings after what seems like an eternity and i get out of my seat and trudge out of the door and towards the back gate of the school, trying to avoid my friends and all the younger years that seem to ambush me with hugs at every corner.

"Hey! Lisa!" but of course i cant get outta hell without the tagging along of some demons, i turn around.

"what now Andy???" i try to put on my sulkiest face and whiniest voice, "Its toooo hooooot, so unless your getting me a drink get lost!" i punch him playfully in the arm before letting him hug me and direct me towards the side gate of the school. "where are we going hey?"

he gives me a caring but no nonsense look, "well you wanted a drink and my house is only a short walk from the school, so i texted your sister, Mary, your staying at mine for the night, no ifs, ands or buts about it. i am not leaving you to sulk in your room all weekend sweetie."

"i do not sulk" i protest halting and forcing him to turn around and look at me. i pout at him and give him my evil eyes. he raises his eyebrow at me, a move perfected over 7 years of nonsense friendship and platonic love and fun. "OK maybe i do a little bit... but only a little bit, i do other things to!"

"such as?"

i glare at him "you know... stuff..."

"come on Lisa, lets go you silly cake, you have a nice cool slushy waiting for you when we get back to mine" 

ah the perks of having a gay best friend that's out of high school and seems to know just what i need. i'm almost jealous of the lucky sod he has been chatting up at the pub lately, what was his name... Jesse parkins or something? i don't know, I've always been terrible with names

.  .  .

i sit on his king bed as he rants on about some new drama at chevron, the place he recently got a new receptionist job at. something about his co-worker having an affair with the chair of publicity and she got caught by her husband or some shit, i wasn't really listening but was focusing on trying to figure out a math equation with an earbud stuffed in my ear blasting in bloom, one of my new favourite Nirvana songs. at some point i realise that andy had stopped talking and i look up to see him sitting on the balcony, slumped over with his head in his hands. i get up taking out my headphones and walk out. 

i notice he is holding his phone in his hand and there is a new downloaded file on it, but it wasnt downloaded by andy, i could tell because the ip address was all mixed up and jumbled up. 

i look down at him "hey andy, whats wrong, whats that file?"

he looks up at me, a tear glistening in the corner of his eye, this couldn't be good 

.  .  .  

a body, blood... so much blood

mutilated face

blood stainded the inside of her naked thigh

the contents of her gut over the pavement

a smashed glass bottle on the road

one word

just one

carved into the jawline of her upturned head


fresh blood looked to drip

a second photo was of a paper, writing in blood

"your next china doll"

.  .  . 

i was shaking, somehow i ended up in the kitchen, i must of walked out of the room because i could hear Andy's sobs, my mind couldn't comprehend the fact that Mary was gone, the fact that some sicko would go as far as to stab her in the gut, incapacitating her so he could stick her, that just seemed so unreal. And to leave her to bleed out on the side of the road like that.... is worse. and the paper....

i couldn't help myself, i grabbed the bottle of jack Daniels and a bottle of coke, drank a quarter of the coke and topped it up, i put the lid on and flopped myself on the couch, knowing this wouldn't be enough, but turned on the TV and took a swig anyway. after a while Andy walked out the room and came and sat on the couch with me, i re positioned myself so that i lay with my head on his lap and he stoked my short hair until i fell into a restless and fitful sleep.

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