Avatar: The Last Airbender; B...

Oleh Sawyercat17

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When Katara and Sokka, two children of the South Water Nation Tribe, discover a perfectly preserved and myste... Lebih Banyak

1: The Girl in the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern Air Temple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice: Part 1: The Spirit World
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice: Part Two: Avatar Aruku
Chapter 8: The Waterbending Scroll
Chapter 9: Jet
Chapter 10: The Great Divide
Chapter 11: The Storm
Chapter 12: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 13: The Fortune Teller
Chapter 14: Bato of the Water Tribe
Chapter 15: The Deserter
Chapter 16: The Northern Air Temple
Chapter 17: The Waterbending Master
Chapter 18: The Siege of the North, Part 1
Chapter 19: The Siege of the North, Part 2

Chapter 5: The King of Omashu

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Oleh Sawyercat17

“The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!” Anya declared as she, Sokka, Katara and Appa came up over the rise. “I used to come here all the time, to visit my friend Bumi.”

“Wow,” Katara said. “We don’t have cities like this in the South Pole.

“They have buildings that don’t melt,” Sokka said.

“Well, then let’s go, slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city!” She flew into the air, then began darting to and fro down the mountain.

“Wait, Anya!” Katara cried. “It could be dangerous, if people find out that you’re the Avatar.”

“You’ll need a disguise,” Sokka said.

“So, what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?”

In the end, Anya ended up wearing her hair in a bun with one of the Earth Kingdom’s well known straw hats, and a long blue cloak. She pushed the hat back from her forehead.

“It’s so hot!” she complained.

“You look like a little old lady,” Sokka informed her.

“Well, technically Anya is a hundred and fifteen years old,” Katara said. Anya hunched over and leaned heavily on her staff.

“So, let’s get to going, young whippersnappers. The big city awaits!” And she hobbled off.


“You guys are going to love Omashu,” Anya said as they neared the gates. “These people are the friendliest in the world.” They looked ahead, hearing yelling. Two rude guards shoved a man back, then used their Earthbending skills to toss his produce over the ledge. It smashed apart on the rocks below.

“No! My cabbages!”

“Just keep smiling,” Anya said, hobbling forward. Katara gave a nervous laugh. One of the guards lifted a huge rock and held it above Anya’s head.

“State your business.”

“My business is my business, young man, and none of yours!” Anya said, poking him in the chest. “And if you don’t let us in, I will bend you over my knee and paddle your backside--”

“Settle down, grandma!” the man cried, dropping his boulder behind her. “Just tell me who you are?”

“Name’s Bellona,” she said, smiling widely. “Bellona Theocomplicatus…the third! And these are my grandkids!”

“Hi!” Katara said brightly, stepping forward. “June Theocomplicatus. Nice to meet you.” The guard pointed at Katara.

“You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandmother stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu.” He stepped aside.

“We will!”

“Wait a minute!” the guard called as Sokka walked by. He froze. “You look like a strong young man. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandmother’s bag!”

“Good idea!” Anya croaked, tossing her ‘grandson’ the satchel. The gates creaked open, and they walked through. They gazed down at the beautiful city. “This is the Omashu delivery system,” Anya said in her normal voice. “Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up…and gravity brings them down.”

“Great, so they get their mail on time,” Sokka said with a shrug.

“They do get their mail on time. But my friend, Bumi, found a better use for these chutes.” Anya smiled mischievously.


“Look around you! What do you see?” Bumi said, smiling widely.

“Um…the mail system?” Anya guessed, pulling her long hair over one shoulder and cocking an eyebrow.

“Instead of seeing what they want you to see…you’ve got to open your brain to the possibilities,” Bumi said.

“Um…a package sending system?”

“The world’s greatest super slide!” Bumi called. Anya grinned.

“Bumi…you’re a mad genius.” Bumi looked at her, laughing and snorting with his left eye twitching madly. Soon the two friends were racing down the slide in a clay packaging container.


“One ride,” Anya said. “Then we’re off to the North Pole. Airbender’s honor. Hold on tight.” Sokka wrapped his arms around Anya. “Sokka--” she croaked. “Can’t--breathe…” He loosened his grip. “Okay, let’s go!”

“You know,” Sokka began. “This sounded like fun at first…but now that I’m here I’m having second thoughts----” He was cut off as they zoomed down the clay slide, leaving two long dust trails in their wake.

They passed a container filled with spears. They switched slides, and the spears were suddenly behind them. Katara ducked. “Ah! Ah!”

“I’m on it!” Anya cried, tilting the container left and pushing them off. They slid off a roof, raced past a group of soldiers, and somehow ended up back on the track.

“Anya! Do something!” Katara yelled. “Use your Airbending!”

“Yeah! Good idea! That’ll make us go even faster!” Finally, they raced to the bottom, and skidded right off the edge. Anya twisted them all in midair and they landed back in the cart, skidding off a roof. They raced through an artist’s hutch, off several more roofs, and down onto the poor peddler’s cart again.

“My cabbages! You’re gonna pay for this!” They were instantly surrounded my guards, and Anya’s hat was gone. Her hair floated down around her.

“Two cabbages, please.”

They were soon brought into a green hall by several guards. They knelt on the floor. “Your highness,” one guard said. “These juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages.”

“Off with their heads!” the cabbage peddler cried. “One for each head of cabbage!”

“Silence!” the guard yelled. “Only the king can pass judgment.” He looked up. “What is your judgment, sire?”

The king gave the three children a long look. Anya looked at her lap, and clenched Sokka’s hand even tighter. As the king stared harder, they all looked up. Sokka cocked an eyebrow, Katara smiled innocently, and Anya whistled boldly.

“Throw them--” the king began. A gasp arose. “A feast.” The cabbage peddler cried out in anguish.

“Huh?” Anya said.

The feast was interesting. The king stood behind Anya, speaking to them. “The people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts,” he said. “So I hope you enjoy your chicken with no skin.”

“Thanks, but I don’t eat meat,” Anya said. The king put a hand on Sokka’s shoulder.

“How about you? I bet you like meat.” He stuffed a chicken leg in Sokka’s mouth. Sokka tugged it out, coughing. He licked his lips.

“Is it just me, or is this guy’s crown a little crooked?” Katara asked.

“So tell me, young white-haired one,” the king said. “Where are you from?”

“I’m from…Kangaroo Island!” Anya said enthusiastically.

“Oh,” the king said, sitting. “Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really hopping!” Silence. Then Sokka began to laugh.

“What?” he said, looking at his companions. “It was pretty…funny.” The king yawned.

“Well, all these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it’s time to hit the hay.” He reached inside his cloak, and spun another chicken leg in their direction. Anya caught it in a ball of air before it impacted. The guards gasped. “So, she’s an Airbender,” the king said. “And not just any Airbender. The Avatar.”

Anya gasped and dropped the chicken. “Now,” the king said. “What do you have to say for yourself Miss Theocomplicatus!”

“Okay, you caught me. I’m the Avatar. I’m just doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe…everything checks out! So, good job everybody!” Anya put her arms around Sokka and Katara, and they began to back out of the room. “So, love each other, respect all life, and don’t run with your spears! We’ll see you next time!”

“You can’t keep us here!” Katara protested when the guards stopped them. “Let us leave!”

“Lettuce leaf?” the king asked, picking one up and taking a bite.

“We’re in serious trouble,” Sokka said. “This guy is nutso!”

“Tomorrow,” the king began. “The Avatar will face three deadly challenges. But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber.”

“Sire, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?” one guard asked.

“The newly refurbished chamber,” the king said.

“Wait, which one are we talking about?”

“The one that used to be the bad chamber. Until the recent refurbishing, that is…of course, we’ve been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them. Uh…” This was getting tedious. “Take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!”

They were led to a spacious room decorated with green silks. “This is a prison cell?” Katara asked. “It’s so nice!”

“He did say it was newly refurbished,” Anya pointed out.

“Nice or not, we’re prisoners!” Sokka said. Leave it to Sokka to put a damper on things. Anya frowned.

“I wonder what these challenges are going to be,” she wondered out loud.

“We’re not sticking around to find out,” Katara said. “There’s got to be some way out of here.”

Anya sighed, then seemed to get an idea. She pointed at a large, round hole in the wall. “The air vents!”

“If you think we’re going to fit through there, you’re crazier than that king!” Sokka cried. Anya shook her head.

“We can’t…but Momo can!” She pointed at the lemur, then approached. “Momo!” she said. “I need you to find Appa and bust us out of here!” Momo groaned, and peered up into the vent. Anya tried to push him in. “Go on, boy! Go get Appa!” Momo didn’t really fit. He was stuck.

“How is Appa supposed to save us, anyway?” Sokka asked, lounging on his bed.

“Appa is a ten ton flying bison,” Anya said. “I’m sure he can figure something out.” Momo went limp, obviously unable to get out.

“No use worrying about it now,” Sokka said. “Get some rest. You’re gonna need it.” They all climbed into their respective beds. A few hours later, Anya was awoken by the sound of a heavy earthen door opening.

“Sokka!” she cried. “Katara!” She sat up and looked at the guard who’d entered. “Where are my friends?”

“The king will free them if you complete your challenges.”

“And if I fail?” she asked.

“He didn’t say. Your staff, please?” He held out a hand. Anya lifted her staff and tossed it to him. Another guard appeared, and they led Anya back to the green room, where the king waited for her.

“Okay, Avatar,” the king said. “First…what do you think of my new outfit? I want your honest opinion.” Anya stared at him. “I’m waiting!”

“I guess…it’s fine,” Anya said.

“Wonderful! You’ve passed the first test.”


“Well, not the first deadly test. The real challenges are much more…eh…challenging.” Anya skidding forward, streams of air blowing out behind her.

“I don’t have time for your crazy games! Give me my friends back! We’re leaving.”

“Oh, I thought you might refuse. So I will give your friends…some special souvenirs,” the king said. A wall opened, and there were Katara and Sokka. The guards holding them placed a ring on each of their pointer fingers.

“Those delightful rings are made of pure gemmamite, so known as creeping crystal. It’s crystal that grows remarkably fast. By nightfall your friends will be completely covered in it. Terrible fate, really. I can stop it, but only if you cooperate.” They glanced at Sokka and Katara. The crystal began to creep up Sokka’s finger, and he screamed.

“It’s already creeping!”

“I’ll do what you want,” Anya said.

Anya was placed on a stone platform, separated from the king and her friends by a roaring waterfall. The crystals had already encased Sokka and Katara’s left hands.

“It’s simple,” the king called to Anya. “It seems I’ve lost my lunchbox key, and I’m hungry.” The key dangled from a chain in the middle of the waterfall. “Oh, there it is. Would you mind fetching it for me?”

Anya glared, then readied herself. She catapulted off the ledge, darting on tiptoes over the spiky stalagmites to the waterfall. She took a deep breath, and rushed in. She raced up the side, then reached a metal ladder. She reached a hand up and took hold.

“Oh, climbing the ladder. No one’s thought of that before,” the king said. Suddenly, the falls spat Anya back out, and she flew out over the stalagmites. Her companions gasped. Anya stuck her hands and feet straight out, sliding down between two, uninjured. Sokka gave her an encouraging. smile. Anya darted up above the falls, and then dove into them. She was spat out again, and slammed into one of the stone structures. She gripped it tightly to keep from falling.

“Go on, try again. I’m sure it will work eventually,” the king said. Anya gasped, then broke off the top of one of the structures. Using a burst of wind, she tossed it through the falls. It pinned the key, dangling from it’s chain, to the wall above the king’s head.

“There! Enjoy your lunch,” she said. “I want my friends back now!”

“Um…not yet,” the king said. “I need help with another matter. It seems I’ve lost my pet, Flopsy.” The crystal was up to her friends’ shoulders. Anya soon located Flopsy, a long-eared rabbit.

“Okay, found him!” she called.

“Bring him up! Daddy wants a big kiss from Flopsy-wopsy!” As Anya bent to pick up the creature, something pounded down behind her, and the rabbit jumped away. Anya turned to see a huge monster. What exactly it was, she did not know. It roared at her, and crushed the rock she’d been standing on as she flipped backwards. Anya ran after the rabbit, and the monster after her.

“Wait! Flopsy! Flopsy!” The king laughed madly. Anya turned sharply, and darted after the rabbit. It darted into a hole, and she stopped. Then she turned as the monster reached her. “Wait a minute…Flopsy?” The creature stopped and wagged it’s tail tamely. She screamed as it lifted her, then laughed when it licked her face. A whistle sounded, and the animal darted away to it’s master. Anya followed, and landed in front of her friends, now covered from feet to neck in crystal. “Are you guys alright?”

“Other than the crystals slowly encasing my entire body…doing great!” Katara said. Another hunk of crystal formed on Sokka, and he tipped over.

“Come on!” Anya told the king. “I’m ready for the next challenge.

They next traveled to large arena built of reddish stone. “Your next challenge is a duel. And as a special treat…you may choose your opponent.”

Two frightening men jumped down.

“So, your saying, whoever I point to, that’s who I get to fight?” Anya asked.

“Choose wisely,” the king cautioned. Anya grinned.

“I choose…you!” She pointed to the king, and he chuckled wryly.

“Wrong choice.” The king’s back straightened and his robe whipped off, to reveal a large, muscular body. Anya winced. The king stomped his foot, and Anya was thrown into the arena. He jumped down after her, laughing. “You thought I was a frail old man, but I’m the most powerful Earthbender in the world!”

“Can I fight the guy with the axe instead?”

“There are no take-backsies in my kingdom,” the king said. “By the way…you might need this!” Her staff was tossed to her. The king raised chunks of rock, tossing them at her. She ducked and swerved, avoiding them at all costs.

“Typical Airbender tactic. Avoid and evade. I would’ve thought the Avatar would be less predictable.” He tossed another rock, and Anya leaped into the air, spinning her staff. “Don’t you have any surprises for me? Sooner or later, you’ll have to strike back!” Another boulder sent Anya tumbling from the air, and her staff bouncing away. She scowled, then leaped at the king, avoiding the earth columns rising at her. She spun on a ball of air, up walls, and sent a large one towards him. A wall of earth rose, blocking it. “Did someone leave the windows open?” the king asked. “It feels a little drafty in here. Are you hoping I’ll catch a cold?”

Anya leaped into he air as the king sent a wave of rocks towards her. She was tossed backwards, but successfully evaded them. She lifted her staff again. “How are you going to get me from way over there?” the king asked. Anya raced towards him, faster than the wind. He turned the ground into quicksand, and then seemingly crushed Anya with two stones. She leaped out of the way and pounded him into the wall. He sent a stone her way, and she jumped up, sending it back and crashing into him. He recovered and lifted the balcony. But she created a tornado, and sent it back. She pointed her staff at him, but looked up at the huge stone hovering over them. A pebble fell on her head.

“Nicely done, Avatar,” the king said. “You fight with much fire in your heart.” He tossed the stone away, and melted into the ground before appearing back onto the balcony. Any followed. “You’ve passed my tests. Now you have one question to answer.”

“That’s not fair! You said that you’d release my friends if I passed your tests!”

“Oh, but what’s the point of tests if you don’t learn anything?”

“Oh, come on!” Sokka cried.

“Just answer this one question. What…is my name?” Anya looked puzzled. The king walked off. “By the looks of you friends…you only have a few minutes.”

“How am I supposed to know his name?”

“Think about the challenges! Maybe it’s some kind of riddle!” Katara suggested.

“I got it!” Sokka cried.

“Yes?” Anya asked.

“He’s an Earthbender, right? Rocky! You know, because of all the rocks!”

“We’re gonna keep trying, but that is a good backup,” Katara said.

“Okay, back to the challenges. I got a key from the waterfall, I saved his pet, and I won a duel.”

“And what did you learn?”

“Well…everything was different than I expected.” More crystals grew up around Katara’s face. “Well, they weren’t just straightforward. For each test, I had to think differently than I usually would.” She thought a bit. “I know his name!”

Anya was led to the green hall again. She faced the king, standing in front of his throne. “I solved the question the same way I solved the challenges. As you said as long time ago: I had to open my brain to the possibilities.” The king laughed. “Bumi…you’re a mad genius!” She ran to her old friend, and embraced him.

“Oh, Anya, it’s good to see you. You haven’t changed a bit,” Bumi said. “Literally.”

“Hey, over here!” Katara cried.

“A little help!” Sokka said.

Bumi shattered the crystals from them, and lifted one. “Gemmamite is made of rock candy.” He chomped on it. “Delicious.”

“So, this old crazy king is your old friend, Bumi?”

“Who are you calling old?” Bumi asked indignantly. “Okay, I’m old.”

“Why did you do it?” Sokka asked him. “Instead of just telling Anya who you were?”

“First of all: it’s really fun messing with people,” Bumi said. “But I do have a reason.” Bumi faced his young friend. “Anya: you have a difficult task ahead. The world has changed in the hundred years since you disappeared. It is the Avatar’s duty to restore balance to the world by defeating Firelord Ozai. You have much to learn. You must master the four elements and confront the Firelord. And when you do…I hope you think like a mad genius!”

Anya smiled, and bowed. “And it looks like you’re in good hands. You’ll need your friends to help you defeat the Firelord.” Momo darted over and landed on Anya’s shoulder. “And you’ll need Momo, too.”

“Thank you for your wisdom. But before we leave…I have a challenge for you, too.”


Anya and Bumi raced down the slide in a clay container, until they crashed into a cart filled with cabbages. “My cabbages!” the peddler cried mournfully.

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