The Piper's Song ~OUAT Peter...

By constelllating

1.1M 33.2K 4.6K

What if I told you Felix had a younger sister named Anne? And what if I told you that after Felix left to bec... More

The Piper's Song
"A clumsy lost boy...are we?"
Lost Girl
"It's letting go."
Real Wisdom
"Because you can hate."
Almost Fugitive
Too Faraway
"It was a test."
"Now you know me."
My Neverland
Piece of Art
"Words are merely words."
Last Chance
Rule Breaking
More Time
Tested Loyalty
Building Fires
The Heart of the Truest Believer
Risk Taking
Morning Leaves
Wanted Trust
"...the games about to change."
Echo Caves
"...a simple glance from the past."
Squid Ink (part 1)
Squid Ink (part 2)
Squid Ink (part 3)
Breaking Cages
The First Lost Boy and Girl
The Power of Love
The Forgotten
"It is done..."
The Last of Anne
Resetting the Game Board
The Shadow's Keeper

"Count to three."

20.2K 652 56
By constelllating

Later that day, it was raining so Pan decided he'd take his lost ones, and Henry to some cave to show them another defense mechanism. He does things like that occasionally. Anne sat about the floor of the cave now with the other lost boys lost in her thoughts as she drowned out Pan's voice. She must've looked deeply disturbed and horrified with the expression her wide green eyes held. Feeling about the sides of a small rock in her finger tips as she was thinking, she kept envisioning Ariel getting killed over and over again.

She wanted so much to cry, or scream at the moment but couldn't, obviously. A lost boy that kept eyeing her from the side, he finally got up and crept his way behind the other lost boys to get to her. Pan didn't notice, he was too busy preparing his knife for his session, teaching as he talked to everyone. And plus, the cave was dark behind the lost boys.

"Oh I see...too smart to listen?" Asked the lost boy. Anne broke from her daze and slowly looked at the lost boy but looking down after still envisoning Ariel's death.
        "No...I'm just thinking," Anne answered.
        "About what?--" Someone cleared their throat. Anne and the lost boy looked in Pan's direction. He looked slightly angry nailing holes into the lost boys eye sockets with his own eyes.
        "Benjamin," he breathed, tense. Anne noticed how hard Pan's gaze was. She didn't really know what she saw inside his eyes. It was a mix of anger, slight hatred and a lot of warning and...jealously? But what for?...Anne couldn't help but ask herself. "Up here," Pan ordered Benjamin. The lost boy listened quickly. "Block this," and Pan swung the knife. Benjamin grabbed Pan's wrist then Pan kneed him in between the legs hard. Anne cringed.

The lost boy bent forward with pain the instant he was injured then with his knee again, Pan chucked him in his stomach. Finally he backed off and Benjamin fell to his knees. Turning to face the rest of his lost boys, Pan then bowed gracefully. Coming back up he looked stern again. "Alright, whose next?"

Looking around, Anne suddenly shot up. "I'll do it," she said. Pan's lips slid into a pleasurable grin.
        "Will you..." he tried. Anne stepped in Benjamin's previous place.
        "Try me."
        "Make sure you know what you're getting yourself into, little Anna," he played with another smirk. Anne shot him a smile with a light of cockiness in her eyes.
        "I'm sure I can handle it."
        "Very well then." Pan then called her in position. She readied herself. He then swung the knife with his right hand. With her own right hand, Anne grabbed his wrist then turned it behind his back as she came around and grabbed his other wrist. Locking the two together, she pushed Pan's chest into a wall. His head turned to the side--a wild grin on his face, Pan breathed, "Count to three, little Anna."

Breaking free, Pan spun around then Anne knocked him hard in between the legs with her knee. He bent over instantly, his pride pulled out of him along with his breath. Dropping his knife once he covered his boy parts, Anne dropped a hand onto his shoulder then lent down to his ear.

"Count to three, Pan," and she was applauded as she bowed herself.  

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