crybaby | bangtan stories

By sugarjm

27.5K 1.1K 400

seven crybaby songs - seven short stories More

pacify her ♡ taehyung
play date ♡ hoseok
training wheels ♡ yoongi
bittersweet tragedy ♡ jimin
alphabet boy ♡ namjoon
teddy bear ♡ jin

cake ♡ jungkook

7.8K 233 84
By sugarjm

Pink and Violet roses were decorating the cake, which the sweetest boy I had ever seen put in front of me.

"Happy birthday, sweetie.", he smiled at me.

"Oh, Jungkook! I totally didn't expect this!", I giggled as I stared at him in awe.

The people around us in the Cafe seemed to dissolve in my vision, the only person I saw was him and his dark brown eyes. Whenever he looked at me I could feel the goosebumps causing me to shiver. His stare was so intense that I felt like drowning in a bathtub full of bubbles.

It had been three weeks since we had met in the halls of the university and he started talking to me. Ever since then our ways crossed and he started to take me out. My friends told me to be careful. Jungkook was no good news. However I never really heard bad news about him and the way I got to know him, showed me that behind his intense gaze there was a sweet boy looking for love. Little did I know, what kind of love he was looking for.

A warm summer night approached as I was getting ready to meet up with Jungkook. As secretive as he always was he didn't tell me what we were going to do. Being used to it, I happily put on my baby blue dress and my little make up.
To be honest, meeting with a guy was new for me. I had never had a boyfriend before and always followed my mother's words to stay away from them. However Jungkook was different and I could tell that because whenever he touched me it felt so soft that I wanted him to touch me everywhere. Even though I was scared I would explode of the feeling his soft fingers always gave me. His dark red lips sent shivers down my spine and whenever he put his lips on me I wanted him to tighten his grip, until we become one.

These soft fingers of him were knocking against the door, causing my heart to jump a little. Not trying to rush, I calmly walked towards the door. With a white lily in his hands, he was standing in front of me with his mischievous smile.
Already feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks I took the flower out of his hands.

"Thank you for this flower.", I smiled at him as he stepped inside, dangerously close to my face.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I saw this lily at the flower shop and I just knew - this is exactly what I want to give you."

Giggling I stepped back and rushed towards the kitchen to put the flower into a glass of water. Soon, I felt his large hands wrapped around me causing me to gasp a little.

"What are you doing?", I laughed when I suddenly felt his lips on my skin.

My expression changed and I tried to fight this feeling which was trying to take over my mind. Heavily breathing I put his hands off me, turning around with wide opened eyes. The look in his eyes was different to the look I was used to. I could sense him longing for something, longing for something badly. Trying to ignore whatever was going on inside his mind, I put his hand in mine and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Where do you want to go tonight?", I tilted my head lightly and smiled at him.

We ended up going to the probably most romantic place on earth. Sitting on the cementrated ground, we were watching the colourful water falling from the bridge. The couples next to us didn't exist for me. In my head I had this image of us being the only ones, sitting in front of this large bridge. My head rested on his shoulder and his fingers were playing with mine. He seemed quiet the whole evening, but I ignored it.

"If there was suddenly a fairy appearing right in front of us from the waterfall... what would you wish for?", I cuddled up in his sleeves as I was still staring at the waterfall, fascinated.

The cars on the bridge were rushing and there were so many lights coming from different directions. I felt sorry for those people in the cars who couldn't see the beauty of this fascinating bridge.

"I just wish for you to be mine.", Jungkook said quietly, making my heart light up.

"You're so cheesy!", I laughed.

"Why? No, I'm serious!", Jungkook replied in a really earnest sounding voice.

Slowly I looked up to him, meeting his gaze. We were sitting there for a while just looking at each other. It was as if his eyes had sucked the reply from the deepest of my heart, because suddenly I couldn't control this feeling I always had being with him. This feeling which aroused when he touched me, when he talked to me and when his gaze caused me to hallucinate.

"I'm yours.", I quietly mumbled, my gaze fixed on his lips.

"Really?", the corner of his lip rose.

I nodded. Jungkook put his arms around me again, giving me this sweet feeling of love. His lips tasted like vanilla as he put them on mine, making me addicted to the taste of vanilla. His hands were warm, touching my cold skin.
He put me up and soon we were on the way back home.

"Thank you for tonight.", I squeezed his hand as I opened the door of the car.

As I felt him following me I could feel my heart starting to beat like it had never before. It was as if each step took a breath away from me, leaving me breathless as he stood right behind me, waiting for me to open the door.

"You're coming inside?", I asked as I put the keys in.

"Of course, cutie.", he swiftly kissed my cheek.

The lily was still in the glass, looking at me as Jungkook pressed me against the wall. His butterfly kisses made me gasp. I was giving up and I did that because I just couldn't resist any longer.
As he kissed my neck and my cheeks, his hands were resting on my back. My head fell back and I couldn't open my eyes any longer.

With his warm fingers he put the straps of my dress down, revealing my bare shoulders. Immediately his lips kissed the new revealed skin and I could feel my legs becoming wobbly. It was at this point that I had lost any power over my thoughts and actions. At this point I just felt this huge pleasure,wanting him so badly that nothing in the world could stop me.

Wanting to touch him like he touched me I put my hands under his shirt, feeling his warm and muscular skin. He seemed to like it since he smiled at me, his eyes having the same look as before. Hungry.
My dress was already hanging dangerously low as he picked me up. His lips never left mine as he walked towards my bedroom. Softly he laid me down on my sheets.

My chest was bumping up and down from all the kissing and this weird excitement in my stomach which made me drunk on adrenaline. I watched him walking over to the door and locking it. With a smirk he turned around and slowly took his shirt off. Not taking his eyes off mine he walked towards me again, my mouth dropped open by his gorgeousness.

He climbed on top of me and stared at me in this position for what felt an infinity. Even though i enjoyed being hypnotised by his eyes, I wanted to continue. I wanted to feel him as close as possible again. Putting my hands on my dress, I slowly pulled it down. His brown eyes were following the moves of my fingertips. After a very few seconds his lips were on my skin again. His fingers were holding mine, dragging the dress down a little quicker. With every centimetre of exposed skin, his lips were giving wet kisses. As my chest was exposed and my dress was pulled down until my belly button he suddenly stopped. Hovering above me his eyes seemed to take all of me in.

As we were sweating, laying on each other in nothing but skin he pulled my chin up.

"I want to do it.", he mumbled, his voice sounding dark.

Being sure that I wanted him to be the first I nodded.

"I'll be careful.", he swiftly kissed my cheek before he took the most precious of me. My virginity.

"I know you love flowers. The colour pink and cakes.", he smiled sweetly at me.

"But my birthday was a week ago!", I laughed as I picked up the fork to start eating the cake.

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to give you something sweet before I hurt you."

My pulse sped up as I looked up at him, my eyes wide opened.
Jungkook sat calmly in front of me. His dark brown eyes still looked the same to me. They were giving me this warmth which I had gotten obsessed with ever since we had met.

"What do you mean?", I dropped the fork.

"I'm sorry, I truly am. But I can't be with you any longer."

His voice sounded so stable and I couldn't sense any sign of him being sorry. My mouth dropped open, I couldn't react. It was as if he had paralysed me with his words. Mentally, I was screaming at him and hitting him. But sadly all I could do was stare at him with soft eyes. Without saying anything anymore, he stood up. I didn't dare to turn around but when I heard the door close I realised what just had happened.

A little chuckle escaped my lips as I was staring down at the cake. Just now I noticed the white lily beside the cake. I ripped it, letting my anger out on this flower. I looked up and tried to calm myself down.

"Asshole.", I quietly talked to myself.

He had taken my slice of heaven and I knew there was no way he could get away with that. Even though I wanted to rip his head off, I tried to maintain calm as I walked down the hallway. It was until then that I knew - there was no reason I had to maintain my cool.

As I saw him kissing this sweet, young girl against the wall I knew what I had to do. The white lily was dangling in her small fingers. In order to get my dignity back and save other innocent girls like I used to be, I had to expose him.

Arrived at home I sat in front of my computer. I only had this night to send my email to the editorial staff of our university's magazine. It took me three long hours and lots of warm tea. Outbursts of crying and me gaining confidence back thanks to my anger. As I was done and clicked the button 'send' a huge grin was plastered on my face.

Friday had arrived and the days were getting colder. As rain was heavily pouring, I grabbed one of the magazines. As I opened the first page I froze. My letter had been printed on the first page.
A scream echoed through the halls and the sweet, young girl passed me with wet cheeks and red eyes. She was followed by Jungkook, his expression extremely entertaining. As his eyes met mine he froze too.

"You're welcome, asshole.", I laughed at him feeling this extreme power as I hit his chest and continued on walking.

I could feel his eyes staring at me, but they didn't have the effect on me as they used to have. This feeling of joy overwhelmed me and I was proud of what he had made me become.

dear girls and boys (even though this letter might be more interesting for the girls),

a few weeks ago I had met this boy. his dark lips, brown eyes and well built body attracted me immediately. "how on earth can this boy even want to talk to me?", was one of the many questions I asked myself as we continued to meet.

jungkook, his major in music, sure knows how to make stupid girls attracted to him. in fact, so attracted to him that you loose control over your thoughts and actions. from the very first second he talks to you, he has the future of you two planned out until the detail. jungkook likes to drop hints here and there, he may give you flowers,maybe a lily, indirectly telling you what he wants from you.

he's sick and even though I hate him I want to help him. by telling all you girls (and boys) that the bad rumours about him are actually true I hope you'll stay away from him. he may hopefully recover from his weird longing for only the first time.

so if he puts his soft fingers on your cheeks and tells you, his only wish is to be with you - remember! all the rumours are true, jungkook really only wants one thing from you. and that is your slice of heaven.

+ i can't write sexy stuff but i hope it was okay omg.
anyways, this is the story i thought of while listening to cake.
i hope you enjoyed reading it ♡

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