The 5(Lunarwings short storie...

By ElizabethUnderwood7

18 1 0

"The prophecy told of a girl who would save everyone from a great evil, but it also told of 5 other people. T... More


18 1 0
By ElizabethUnderwood7

(Currently Editing)


You've heard of me from my friend but there's more to me then meets the eye. You've heard her story now here mine; My name is Lynn Sparrow and I'm more then just the girl you met in book 1.

Our story begins in a house, in a village, known as Lunarwood, just one kingdom higher thru ehere our original story begins. My father had told me, that I was special, that I was a miracle.

When I was born I didnt cry. My eyes were closed like I was asleep, I did not breath, nor did I move but heart still beat. The doctors told my parents that I didn't have long and they should begin preparing themselves for the worst but my parents were resourceful and went to every healer and doctor in the kingdom, they nearly lost everything but were set on saving my life.

My father soon lost all hope, but my mother refused to give up and begged the spirits to save me. And they did, but in return they took her life.

So I was named Lynn, after my mother. My father had told me of her bravery, strength and kindness.

My father told me that the only reason I survived was because I had a destiny, a destiny to help change the world (oh how right he was). Through out my childhood I was protected in anyway possible, I was kept inside, hidden away from the world. When I was 5, I was homeschooled, taught right from wrong.

When I was 10 I tried to make my first escape but escape was impossible with all the bodyguards so I gave up until I was 16, that was the day my father finally let me go outside but only if I had bodygaurds with me, so when I was 18, I walked to the choosing Ceremony with pride, joy and my head held high.

I was chosen with 3 others named Lily Banks, Rose huges and Violet Huges. I had met them only one other time, in a dress store. They yelled like little babies in a candy store bragging about how rich they were and complaining because they didnt have their dresses ready.

I still remember the look on my father's face as I stood on stage, his face showed a saddness I had never seen in his eyes before.

Then as we were being lead off stage I heard Lily say" I guess its kind of obivous why we were chosen I mean we are the four of the richest girls in all Lunarwood"


She turned to look at me and smilied" well its true", then a moment later we were in the carridge on the way to the school. We were greeted by an old man named Timothy, the headmaster of the school and his son, Edmund who smiled at each of us. The Seeker lead us to our rooms, thankfully I was first. I also didnt have a roommate but they told me I would get one in a year or so. Little did I know that person would be the greatest friend I'd ever have.

The room was small with twin beds, there were no blankets on either but I had come prepared as soon as they were gone I reached into the shoulder bag I had brought and I pulled two blankets one red, one black and made the beds . Then I put a couple books on a desk in the corner. Finally I took a picture frame from my bag and placed it on the bedside table. The picture showed me and my father.

I smiled and heard a knock on the door and there stood a young girl with bright blue eyes and red hair. looking around she said" I'm supposed to show you where the dinning room is" I nodded then followed her out the door down, the stairs and into a huge room with 4 tables in a row, another one was at the very end.

Headmaster Timothy arrived and stood in front us all and said" Welcome new students, before we begin I would like to make an announcement to all new students the trapdoor at the top of the stairs is off limits to everyone. I'd also like to wish him a happy 18th and hope one day he will make a great headmaster, but enough about that, will the newly chosen please step forward to recieve your wings and. good luck." As I watched Lily, Violet and Rose walked toward the table by the far wall. I followed them slowly before standing beside Violet.

The professor nodded to us then motioned to a man who was standing against a wall by the table, he stepped forward with a box in his hands.

He placed the box on the table in front of us, then he turned to us and said" Choose wisely".

Turning he reached over and opened the box, inside were four necklaces. He picked up a single heart necklace and steped over to violet she closed her eyes. As we watched butterfly wings the color of her name sake sprouted from her back she opened her eyes and smiled. He nodded to her then reaching inside a second time he brought out ruby necklace and placed it on Rose's neck. The wings were as red as a burning flame, next was lily she had had her eyes closed the whole time.

This time the necklace was a beautiful heart with red dianond wrapped in gold. Her wings were just as beautiful. Finally it was my turn closing my eyes.

Then I felt it the wings spreading from her back. when I opened my eyes I relized I was crying. The wings on my back were blacker then night they werent butterfly wings they were the wings of a pixie. The necklace around my neck had a charm in the shape of a feather from a bird I knew well, it was a sparrow, the bird my family had been named for it stood for, joy, family and light, everyone was looking at me. Then I heard the professor say" congrats to the survivors now, let us eat."one by one we removed our necklaces and the wings disappeared. I felt numb as I walked back toward my seat and sat down as everyone ate I sat there thinking.

' Was this how normal people lived?'

Was this the life I had longed for all my life. When dinner was over I walked alone to my room. I would remember this day for the rest of my life. I climbed into bed and fell asleep but my last thought before total darkness was,

'I'm completely alone now, but why do I feel empty?'

Hello to all my fellow wattpadians.

I know in the first book I left it open for more, but I thought you might want to know more about Lynn, so I wrote this set short stories about her and the others. This story takes place years before Luna arrives so she won't be mentioned much.

Also, this story will sorta tell you why Edmund is such a booger.

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