Defying The Odds | Luke Hemmi...

By orangexmint

7.5K 268 31

"You need to hang on." he told her through his tears. "I need you." She nodded. "You come back to me alive."... More

epilogue: seven years later
Bonus Chapter: Harold


153 5 2
By orangexmint

Jessica twirled a long piece of hair as she waited for Luke to come out of English Thursday morning. She leaned against she locker door, chewing a piece of mint gum rather loudly.

The bell rang and Luke's voice filled the air, making her smirk to herself. She waited until he was out of the room, and alone before she made her move.

"Hi Luke." She smiled sweetly, stepping in front of the blond boy. Luke jumped back a bit, startled by her sudden appearance. His face then hardened.

"Jessica." He said tonelessly. "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with my English." She said, innocently. She flipped her hair over he shoulder, showing more cleavage than Luke would have liked. "I don't quite seem to understand it."

"No." He said, moving past her. Jessica huffed. She turned, grabbing his wrist, pulling him into her.

"Come on Luke. Give it up. I know you want me. Just give in." She said. She leaned up to kiss him, but he pushed her away.

"What I want is to go find my girlfriend." He said, emphasizing the last part. "Go find some other idiot to fuck." He grumbled.

Jessica scowled, burning holes into Luke's back. She watched him walk away before turning around herself, and marching off angrily to find a certain someone.

Bella placed her History book in her locker and grabbed her English book, placing it in her bag. She closed her locker door. "Hello Isabella." She jumped.

"Jessica. What do you want now?" Bella asked, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She didn't look at her, turning her back completely.

"I want to know why a freak like you thinks you can be with a guy like Luke." Jessica sneered. She stepped in front of Bella, backing her against the lockers.

"Jessica, why can't you accept the fact that not every guy wants to fuck you." Bella replied with a sigh. "Honestly, it's a little sad. You're too desperate."

"You need to back off of him." Jessica growled at her. "It's just a matter of time before he realizes how much he wants me. He'll leave you in no time."

"He won't do that." Bella replied. "He's not like you, Jessica. He doesn't screw with people's feelings, and then drop them like they're nothing." Bella shoved Jessica away from her.

"You're going to be sorry you said that."

When Luke noticed that Jessica had left the hall, he made his way back down it, towards the music room. Swinging open the door, he expected to find Bella sitting there with her cello, but she wasn't. The room was empty and the cello was on the stand in the back of the room. Luke frowned, and walked out of the room.

"Have any of you guys seen Bella?" Luke asked running up to Michael and Calum. The two were standing In the cafeteria. "Oh hey Ashton." He added, noticing the curly haired kid sitting next to them. Ashton smiled.

"Hey Luke." He said.

"We haven't seen her all day." Calum added, answering his question.

"Yeah, except for this morning. Why?" Michael asked.

"I went to the music room, but I couldn't find her." Luke said. "I've looked everywhere. All her favourite places. I can't find her anywhere. She would have told me if she went home. Or at least Maeve." He sighed.

"We'll help you look for her." Ashton said.

Together, the four of them wandered around the halls of the school, yet came up empty handed. "Where could she be?" Calum huffed.

"I don't know. We've literally been everywhere." Ashton added. Suddenly there was a scream.

"LET GO OF ME!" They exchanged glances with one another before looking around the corner.

Maeve had Jessica by her hair, and shoved her into a locker. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER!" She yelled. Luke's eyes trailed down and he gasped.

"Bella!" Luke found her, slumped up against the locker. He rushed to her side. "Bella, look at me." He said. He lifted her into his lap. She was conscious, thank god, but a little out of it. She gasped for breath.

"I can't- I can't." She tried to breath in, but coughed instead.

"What the hell did you do to her Jessica!" He growled. Jessica flinched at his tone.

"I gave her a simple warning, that's all." She said innocently. Maeve lunged at the girl, but was held back by Calum.

"You bitch!" She screamed. Luke glared up at Jessica, and with venom laced in his words, he told her,

"Stay away from my girlfriend."

Much to Bella's protests, Luke and everyone else forced her to go to the hospital. Bella huffed. Luke cupped her cheek in his hand. "Bella please." He whispered. Bella sighed.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be happy about it.' Luke kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Come with me?" She asked, quietly.

"Yeah." He replied. Luke took her hand in his, and led her down the hall. They stopped by the office on the way out to let them know what was happening, and Bella called her dad to let him know what was up.

"I'll call if it's anything serious." She told him. "Don't worry. Luke is going with me. Yeah I love you too. Bye dad."

They called a cab, and told the driver where to take them. Bella leaned against Luke, trying to breath regularly. "Easy." He whispered. "Try not to overwork yourself." Bella nodded.

"Alright Bella, breath in slowly for me." The nurse said. Bella inhaled and to be quite honest, she sounded like a dying cat. The nurse cringed. "I'll go find Dr. Gray." She said. She walked out of the room. Bella groaned.

"That's not good." She sighed, looking to Luke.

"You're going to be fine Bella." He said, reassuring her.

"That's what they always say Luke, yet here I am." She said.

"Yeah, you're here. Sixteen years old, almost seventeen. You're alive." He said. Bella looked down at her fingers. The door to the room opened again, and they both looked up.

"Bella." Dr. Gray said.

"Well?" She asked. "Can I go home?" Dr. Gray shook his head.

"I'm afraid not sweetheart. Things . . . well I won't lie to you Bella, things are not good right now." Bella swallowed.

"Great." She muttered. "Just great."

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