BatMan: Doe Meets The Joker

By Tonshe

56 4 18

Revenge is on everyone's mind. More

The Encounter With The Joker

56 4 18
By Tonshe

There's nothing so cruel as MEMORY. Inescapable, unrelenting... Not at all friendly; you can't even escape into MADNESS!

But then you meet someone who changes your life- and you feel that you don't even know who you're anymore. Isn't it funny how one little encounter can CLEAVE off little pieces of your past, DEFORM your memories and persona until you rethink your whole identity – and as you realize how foolish it all is- your LAUGHTER reverberates off the walls of your own emptiness.


I used to think of fate as EVIL – predetermined – not by some higher power, but by the rules of human NATURE. But tonight, that has all changed.

Have you ever had the feeling that your entire life has been building towards this moment, starting from good and then leading up to bad? Now I realize that all the lies, the battles, the good and bad days; it was all the hand of fate at work.

Now I see fate differently, now I understand there are no chance encounters. It was all meant to be. Everything leading up to who I've met tonight! Yes Ive met someone special, and you might say it's changed everything.

I mean, do you realize what vile world we live in? How lonely it is to wade through all the wrench and filth on your own? Even in a crowd you can kick, claw, yell, scream at the top of your lungs – and no one cares, it's like you don't even exist. Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped on this path between good and bad, but it's leading no where right about now - into emptiness, but now. I feel like I have someone by my side – to share the journey with me.

It's like meeting someone I can actually relate to, which believe me, Ive never felt before.

Who is this person you might ask? Someone very, very special, but who's real name I don't even know yet!

He's known as... THE JOKER.

Gotham is the cement jungle, where the rules don't apply to everybody, but the good people keep the hope of better days.
But me? That's where my hope at ended. Where my heart have gotten crushed By the one and only superhero of Gotham city.


Gotham City is mine now. Three months ago, I took down the deadliest villains but in return I had to let go of the person that meant the world to me. Because of who I am, I couldn't be with her for all the right reasons. I was batman and she was just... A woman. That night, she thought she was doing something that would help me out but instead it out her life in danger. One of my enemies found out who she was to me, how important she was to me. They went after held her ground quite well, but only because I taught her how. The man that had found out was much more experienced then she was. He could have killed her, but of course I got to her just in time, and killed him instead. Usually I don't kill, that's not what I do; but the flash back of my parents being killed flashed through my head and I wouldn't have taken it so smoothly if she died because of me.

"Thanks Doeneseya, for helping me find the man I was looking for." Doeneseya said sarcastically. " it was very heroic."

I didn't say anything As I brushed past her. She followed me and rushed right in front of me.

"Come on batman, give me a kiss, I really miss you."

She knew not to call me Bruce whenever I had on the batman suit. She rubbed her small hands over my chest and over my shoulders. As she moved closer for a kiss I rejected her by pushing her back. She reacted by trying to slap me but I caught her arm in mid air.

"Play nice."

"You're not playing at all."

"No, I'm not, not anymore."he said turning around.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I stopped as I slightly looked back towards her. "It means this is the end Doe. It means we can't...I can't."

"What are you talking about? We're doing just fine-"

"You almost got yourself killed!! You call that fine?!" I roared at her for the first time in my life.

She took my hand and walked in front of me again. "It was my choice...I wanted to help." She spoke softly despite the way I just yelled at her. "Some things you can't do alone Bruce."

With her saying my name like that, I know she was talking to Bruce, the real me...and not batman.

She stood up on her tippy toes as our lips collided in sync one last time before I pushed her away again.

"And some things you have to..." he walked off towards his bat mobile.

"Bruce, don't do this to me! You can't leave me!" She ran after me and grabbed me. " I love you Bruce, you're the only one I have right now."

I quickly turned around knocking her out. Before she could fall I caught her in my arms and carried her bridal style putting her in my car. Speeding off with a whole bunch of thoughts running through my head. What if I didn't make it in time? What if word get out of what this woman means to me?

I continued to carry her as she was still knocked out. We were now in her room as I gently laid her down, disappearing in site, never seeing her again; but maybe that's where I messed up at.

Three years later.
Gotham city 11:00pm


The wind howled as rain battered the window in the dead of the night. The cracking sound of the thunder was everywhere and from the dark clouds surrounding the sky, lightening struck here and there, lighting up the sky for a second before vanishing. I was just leaving work. As I gotten into the car. I drove off. The rain began to fall heavier and the windshield became harder and harder to see out of. The car that was behind me kept riding so close to mine that I couldn't even see their headlights. I ended up building up anger and keeping my eye on the car behind me. Was I being followed? I looked towards the mirror again to see that the car was gone. Didn't even notice it took a different turn then I did.

A half an hour later I finally made it home. After parking my car in the garage. I took my shoes off at the door. I turned on the light but it was still dark. Fuck, my lights blew. Nothing but the flicker of lightening lights flickered through the Windows. I made me way upstairs to my room carefully.

My clothes were soaked, I was freezing. I took off my clothes leaving me with just my bra and panties still on. As I started to take them off I heard laughter. I quickly turned around seeing nobody there. Just darkness that filled my view. Lightening struck again through the sky as I noticed the king chair turn around slowly. Nothing but a black figure I saw. As the lightening died down it was pure dark again. Laughter echoed through the room once more. I couldn't see anything! I stood where I was. Silence. You could hear nothing but my heavy breathing. I covered my mouth with my shaking hand. I moved carefully towards the door trying not to make a sound. Well that was my intentions until bumped into the desk hearing glass shatter to the floor. I stood still closing my eyes tightly. I know he heard it. But again nothing. The lightening flickered again causing the light to seep though the Windows.

I could only get a quick view of the room and the black figure that I saw wasn't sitting in the chair anymore. I sighed softly to myself.

"Boo." A voice whispered in my ear. Before I could react I was quickly knocked out cold.

Hours gone by and I was finally waking up. I don't know where I was. It was dark and something was covering my whole head. Footsteps from behind me just got closer and closer.

" that you?"I said faintly.

"Batman is not coming to save you." A deep voice teased as he snatched the cover from over my head.

I looked around the room was wet and cold. Droplets of water leaking from the ceiling. It was dark but not to dark. Suddenly a light above me flickered on. I knew someone was behind me but I could see who the person was. It's been three years now Doeneseya...I think it's time to face the facts."He rubbed my shoulders.

"Fuck you!"I spoke with rage through my teeth.

He laughed. The same laughter I heard in my house. "That's the spirit. You're a real chip off the ol'bat block. Not that it'll do you any good.

"What're you gonna do kill me? Who are you?" I asked faintly, questions after questions.

"Whaat? No, no, no, no. I'm not going to kill you. Not yet anyway. You're my sidekick now, imagine it. You and me. Out on the streets, starts fights, picking on the weak, a regular dynamic duo. Just like bat and his new girlfriend... What's her name? Cat woman I should say."

"No, he wouldn't."

"You think?"he shoved a picture in my face showing batman and cat women kissing.

"So this isn't batman then? Weird. The pointy ears are usually a dead giveaway." He stood behind me again. Still couldn't catch his face.

Tears were now streaming down my face. He ended things with me just to be with a hoe ass cat with a tight leather body suit? I didn't want to be crying in front of some Villian, but I couldn't help myself. It hurt so bad. I loved Bruce. I still do. No matter how much pain he had put me through when I woke up that day in my house. Thinking it was all a dream until after a few days, and months, he never came back for me.

"I didn't want to show you that photo, really I didn't. But, well it was the only way for you to get closure." He patted my shoulders once again.

Hearing his footsteps again, I spotted his black shoes as he was now beside me.

"Now I know it hurts but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind."as he belt over a little I looked up to see the one and only. THE JOKER. Holding a crew bar in his hands like he's ready to swing. He did just that and swung right at my face so hard that the folly chair moved back. Once again it knocked me out.

3 hours later.

I woke up again. I was now hanging from my arms. Dry blood on breast. I was shivering. I still only had on my bra and panties. Hearing foot steps once again from behind me. I tried struggling loose but nothing. He peaked walking in front of me. Slightly bending over with the bar behind his back.

"Wakes wakeeeeeey." He smiled brightly like he was doing nothing wrong. Walking back And forth, taunting me."what's do you think I'm going to hurt you? Why? I'm not the bad one here. Oh no, no, no, no."

He pointed the bar in my face."It's batman sweets, he abandoned you, throws you away like an unwanted puppy." He laughed once again. Snapping his fingers making my drop to the floor. Hands still tied I rolled and dragged myself towards the darkness. I spotted him walking into the dark with me. Holding back the bar in the air.

"No! No please! Please no! No!"again he started beating me with the bar. With each hit he laughed. With each hit I wished and wished batman would come and save me. But he didn't.

Everyday since I've been tortured by THE JOKER, my love had died down for Bruce Wayne and hate replaced it. Pure hate. I guess that's what the joker wanted. The slightest things would get to me. Everything he said about batman. Tears stopped running down my eyes and I grew tired within the days.

Week three

Sitting in a chair, emotions were numb. No feeling. It was like I was paralysed. The room was dark except for the one light shining above me. Suddenly my face appeared on the big screen in front of me. The joker was video recording me. He stood right behind the camera stand.

"Have you got something to tell the nice man Doeneseya."

"My Doeneseya Bates." I spoke tiredly and dryly.

"Who do you hate?" His voice went deeper in excitement.


The camera then zoomed out, showing my whole body.

"Excellent." He walked slowly from behind the camera as the whole room filled with duplicates of me. He stood in front of the camera bending over so now his face was seen.

"Get that bat? Hun isn't yours anymore. She's mine. Mine, Mine, mine. To do with as I wish."

He started walking over towards me slowly. "Hey I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big bad bat? His name! Tell me." He walked around me and back towards the center of the room.

"Of course, it's-"


I flew out of the seat from the impact of the bullet that pierced my shoulder. Laying flat on the ground as blood leaked out of my body.

"Never could stand a tattletale." I started walking towards the camera. "That's why I like to work alone, no one to spoil the punch line." He picked up the camera and walked over towards my body, zooming in and out with the camera. With the camera in my face he kneeled down, wrapping his hand around my jaw and turning my face towards him."You should try it sometime." He stood up talking to the camera as my body was still in the background. "after all, you've seen what happens when you drag your friends into this crazy little game of ours."

And with that the camera room went black after he shut the camera off.

Bruce Wayne

What I'm watching right now could be the death of me. He knows? He knows who she was to me? It's been three years though, why now? Why not sooner? I watched her faces closely as he zoomed in. Her face and body was badly bruised. All she had on was her underclothes.

"So I'm guessing you know this girl?"Selina cuddled up to me as her naked body rubbed against my skin. I say up quickly still watching the video that was brought to me in the mail.

"Hey I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big bad bat? His name! Tell me."

My eyes widened at the question, was she really going to expose who I was? Time ran slow as I heard my heart beat thumping faster then usual.

"Of course...its-"

She wouldn't...


As I spotted her lifeless body on the floor. My heart skipped a beat. He shot her. I watched her. No movement what's so ever. The camera came close to her as he scanned her starting from he bare feet towards her face. He turned her head towards him and I was so worked up that I couldn't tell if her eyes were slightly open or not.

"Bruce?" Selina crawled towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I pushed her off of me as I quickly got up and put back on my bat suit. Not bothering to look back I ran out of her house as quick as I can, hopping into the bat mobile, speeding off to the bat cave. Rage ran through my body as the scene replayed in my head. He killed her. Was all I could say. As I sped through the city I noticed the tape was playing on the big screen in the middle of the city. For everyone to watch. It's streaming live right now. So that means it just happened?!

As I sped through the cave, stepping in the break just in time to park it. As the door slid up I hopped out if it seeing Alfred watching what I just saw. As I started walking up towards the computer I took off my mask throwing it to the floor.

"The suit, the car, this entire cave!"
"Master Bruce?"

"Everything!"my hands slammed fiercely on the machine. "Everything I've built! I created all of this because I didn't want anymore innocent people to die!"

"How long has he known about her?! I killed someone so no one would ever find out who she was to me!!"

"Master Bruce, she's-"

"Ahhhhh!!" I screamed out colliding my fist with the computer screen.

The Joker

"Wouldn't your girl be upset that you're staring me down like that?"

I watched as she placed her hands on her hips. Knee high black five inch healed boots. Net fish stockings covered by a long sleeve leather matte bodysuit. Strings hanging down like wings from her arms. Red lips with a matted black mask that only covered one eye and the top half of her face. She rolled her eyes as she stood in front of the mirror to see how she looked. I stood up from my seat as I walked behind herder back against my chest. I gazed at her beauty as I moved her hair back and whispered in her ear. "We will be fine, Harley is on a little vacation, that's until I decide to go and get her."

I looked at her once again through the mirror. "Now what should we name you?"I ran my fingers over the strings of her arms."All that black reminds me of-"

"A crow." She quickly jumped in.

She knew who I meant, I was gonna say bat, but a crow is even better.

"Much better then a BAT." I said putting emphasis on the word.

She clenched at that word, I laughed because I know I got her just where I want her. And oh man I will use her to the death of me.

"How about... Midnight Crow?" My hands slid down towards her waist as I watched as she smirked.

"I like it." She said so seductively biting her lip. Man Did that drive me crazy. I gripped her waist and turned her around.

"I know you like that." I picked her up putting her on the dresser and sliding her butt towards the edge as I stood right in the middle of her legs, rubbing her crotch against mine and kissing and ducking on her neck. I watched through the mirror as her hands ran through my green hair. I smiled. This was the best revenge yet. And are gonna feel it!

HA! Omg I really loved writing this chapter!!! Don't you just loooooooove the joker, I mean I didn't until I watched suicide squad. Lol but now we have a new super hero, or should I say villain? Midnight Crow.

The meaning of that name as to why he picked it for her was because: she got shot at midnight. While she was being tortured it was 11pm. Which led to almost her death at midnight. And of course we all know that a crow signals death. As I've seen in most movies, so Imma go with it. Tell me what you think!! Do you like?! Vote and comment please!!

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