There Will Be Freedom (not mi...

By turntojelena

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*YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW ME IF U WANT TO READ SOME OF THE CHAPTERS!* Two years have passed. Maddie and Justin are... More

There Will Be Freedom
1. Prologue
2. Mirage
3. Rio
4. Normandy
5. Paper Promises
6. Hills of Montecello
7. Return
8. Ides of March
9. Francis the Bulldog
10. The Animal Kingdom
11. White
12. Philosophy of War
14. Choke
15. Easter Sunday
16. The Weapons Manufacturer
17. Late Night Shopping
18. Holding the Apples Hostage
19. Spanish Heat
20. The Heist
21. Suspicion
22. Execution
23. The Time that Passes
24. Caged
25. Big Bang
26. The Lake House
27. Genesis
28. Health
29. Real Estate
30. Social Law
31. Reunion
32. Carnal
33. Holiday Decorations
34. Black Christmas
35. Angel of Death
36. Hands of Lucifer
37. Personal Assets
38. Confessions
39. Opening Day
40. End
5 years later...
5 years later...

13. Valentino the Python

18.1K 265 149
By turntojelena


No, this can't be happening right now.

I stood, banging my head against the cold wall in the bathroom. I took deep breaths and tried to think rationally, but it was hard to convince myself of anything other than the truth when it was staring at me in the face.

Ten pregnancy tests were lined up on the counter all with some form of "positive". There were two lines, pink dots, plussymbols, and even the word 'pregnant' on one of them. There was no denying it.

I was going to have a baby.

Besides all the physical evidence, I could feel it. There was something growing inside of me, and I was holding back a flood of emotions that were threatening to break the dam I had built after losing Elizabeth. I couldn't do this again. Not yet. I wasn't ready.

I realized that something was off about a week ago after Justin's coronation. I was so tired and just felt... off. I was always hungry, and no matter how much I ate, I always wanted more. I knew what that meant. But I didn't say anything or tell anyone because I wasn't sure yet. I definitely had an answer to my questions four days ago when I didn't have my period. That did it. I brought a heap load of pregnancy tests and hid them in the bathroom until I had a chance to be by myself.

I was about a five weeks along and I could count back the days perfectly. I knew exactly what night it was when Justin infected me with his devil sperm; the night we were ambushed on the island. All the signs were there: my boobs starting hurting a couple of days ago, I woke up from eight hours of sleep still exhausted, my back ached slightly, I could smelleverything, and this morning I threw up twice before breakfast.

I looked at myself in the mirror and turned to the side, trying to see if I could tell. I could have sworn that there was a bump. Maybe the hormones were making me delusional.

I wanted to smile, and then I wanted to cry... and then I wanted to smile again. I was going to have a baby-Justin's baby.

This wasn't the best time. He had just taken over the largest crime syndicate in the world, for God's sake. Now we had to worry about a child. This was not going to go over well. I tried not to think about how Justin was going to react. He claimed that he would be fine with it, but I knew him better than that. He was going to flip.

It wasn't like I had planned this. I was on birth control, but I knew the statistics. This was bound to happen at some point or another.

The door banged open and Jaxon was standing there with a large camera, like the kind they use on the news.

"And here we have my sister-in-law Maddie." He put the lens right in my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screeched. "Get out!"

"I'm making a documentary for class. You signed a waver saying that you'd do it, remember?"

"Of course I remember, but don't you think you should have knocked first?"

"Oh, right." He shrugged. "Anyway, say something nice."

"No, and this isn't going in that video. I could have been naked."

"Well then... I guess you'd just make a different type of movie." He waggled his eyebrows.

"Get out!"

"Alright, alright." Jaxon rolled his eyes and turned the camera away from me. Unfortunately, his lens landed right on the counter. "Oh."

I quickly got rid of all the pregnancy tests, which wasn't easy since he was blocking my way, but I put them in the trash.

"Maddie, um... I'm no expert, but I think we need to have a talk." Jaxon put the camera back in my face.

"Please don't say anything," I pleaded. "Not yet."

"Of course not." He bounced on his feet like Olivia would. "Are you pregnant?"

"I don't know yet," I lied. "The tests could be wrong."

"This is so going in the movie." He laughed, walking out of the bathroom.

I pounded my fists on the counter in frustration, but tried not to scream.

Damn you, Jaxon!

He was going to ruin everything. I prayed to God that he didn't let this slip. I was going to have to watch not only what he said around Justin, but everyone else as well. He and Olivia could gossip like catty chickens. No one could know about this before Justin. He would be pissed beyond belief.

Maybe I could call Pattie. We weren't on the best of terms right now, but she would know what to do. The only problem was I didn't know how to reach her. She and Jeremy had left a week ago, and we hadn't heard from them since. Justin said something about them being in Australia, but they could be anywhere. He wasn't really sure himself.

"Just take it one step at a time, Maddie," I said to myself.

I had to tell Justin soon. That was the first priority.

I rushed to take a shower because I had to work tonight, but I was also meeting Justin for dinner before. Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity.

I chose a professional blue dress to wear with capped sleeves that stopped short of my knees and tall black heels that made me a couple of inches taller. I was a pro at these things now. Being a mob Boss' wife meant dressing a certain way. No more sweatpants or jeans in public for me again. I always had to be in the finest designer clothes and the best pumps. These were the obvious indicators that Justin was rich-in case people didn't already know. They said 'I have more money than you could ever dream of and I treat my wife to the best in life'. If anyone missed all that, I could always blind them with the radiant light of the massive wedding diamond on my finger. It was a strange way of thinking, but there were certain rules that I had to live by. I understood.

I checked myself in the mirror to see if anything was visible in my stomach region. I knew it was silly, but I just had to make sure.

Jaxon was filming Francis playing with a ball in the family room when I went in to get my keys.

"I'm leaving for dinner, and then I'll be working late. There's a lasagna in the oven for you." I spoke quickly.

"Okay," he said without moving. "Are you going to tell him?"

"Of course I'm going to tell him. But act like you never knew. He has to be the first. I'm still pissed at you, by the way."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you were in there. I really didn't mean to do that. I won't tell him; I swear to it."

"Well, thank you. Just give me a couple days."

Jaxon put his camera on the sofa and stood up. "How are you doing?"

"I'm... okay, I guess. I haven't really thought about it." I hung my head and watched the toe of my pump mess with the carpet.

"No bad thoughts going through your head? No reminders of Elizabeth?"

I shook my head.

"Do you want the baby?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded. "It's not the right time, but I really do. I think I do, at least."

"Well, it's about time. Sheesh. I've been waiting for a little Justin or Maddie for years now. I was even going to start replacing your birth control with Tic-Tacs."

"Don't even joke about that," I laughed. "I'm going to need you when Justin blows his lid."

"I'll be here. Congratulations, Maddie." He hugged me softly, and then bent down to speak to my stomach. "Hey, Little Maddie. I'm Uncle Jaxon. I'll meet you soon."

I smiled even wider. "Okay, stop it."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Oh, sweet! My present is here." Jaxon jumped over the back of the sofa and ran to the front door.

"What present?"

"It's my birthday soon. Did you forget?"

"No, but there's still a month left," I said.

"I know, but I couldn't pass this up."

"Pass what up?"

"I got a pet." Jaxon beamed and opened the door to reveal a man in a brown uniform.

"Is this the Bieber residence?"

"It sure is. Is that my pet?" Jaxon asked excitedly.

"Yup. I just need you to sign these." The deliveryman handed him a pad.

I noticed the large enclosed tub at the man's feet. It looked like a gallon drum.

"What exactly is it?" I was afraid to ask.

"Okay, Maddie, don't freak out, but I might have bought a snake."

"A what?"

"A snake-a python, actually."

No, no, no, no...

"Are these things safe to have in a house?" I asked the man. "Are they legal?"

"I get them shipped to me from Africa, and then distribute. I don't ask questions."

"So, you're a black market dealer?"

"I'm an opportunist." He smiled sleazily. "They are actually legal if you have the means to afford one. They eat very little, the attack rate on humans is low, and they keep to themselves; just for show, really."

"I don't know how I feel about this," I protested.

"Where do you want it?" the man asked.

"In my room. Let me help you." Jaxon carried one end, while the deliveryman carried the other. Even with the both of them, it looked like a struggle.

"I'm not so sure I want that in my house." I backed away.

"I already asked Justin, and he said 'yes'. And I'll keep him away from Francis and feed them both every day. I promise, Maddie. Plus, I already forged the papers to get the permit."

I had to hold onto the wall for support. I wasn't really scared of snakes... I didn't think, but I had never really been that close to one. Now I had a python living in my house. I had to talk to Justin about this.

"I have to go. I'm late," I shouted.

"Bye. Francis and I will try not to burn the house down," Jaxon yelled.

"Please and thank you."

I ran into the garage and hopped in my car, starting it easily while buckling up. I was out of the driveway within a couple of seconds and sped towards Chicago with my bottom lip between my teeth. All thoughts of the stupid snake flew out of my head as I thought about my newly conceived child.

The closer I was to the city, the more excited I got.

I was going to have a baby! Forget the timing or what everyone else thought. I suddenly wanted this. It was a completely different feeling than the first time I had been pregnant. I had so many questions back then about how a child would affect my future, especially with Justin. Now, I was looking forward to seeing what could happen.

This was definitely going to be a turning point for us. It might have come quickly, but I was ready. We were ready.

I parked in the underground garage of the studio where I worked, and then just walked down the block where I bumped into happy tourists and eager businessmen. I just kept my head down and moved my feet through the crowds until I arrived at one of Justin's favorite restaurants.

"Hello, ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" the hostess asked when I went into a place called Blueberry on the River.

"My husband said he was already here. Justin Bieber."

All it ever took was a name-that name and I could have anything I wanted. I usually didn't really like people knowing who I was married to. I wasn't ashamed, but I just didn't want to get off easy for anything. Plus everyone was terrified of him, so I didn't really make friends. It did make it nice in situations like these, though.

"Oh, of course, Mrs. Bieber. Follow me." Her face fell into a slightly more professional façade, "How are you tonight?"

"I'm fine." I answered in a clipped tone.

Another rule for a Boss' wife to live by: never have conversations with service people aka waitresses, drivers, hostesses, bartenders, or anyone of that nature. Loose lips sink ships and they had the loosest around. I didn't like being so off-putting sometimes, but I got it. You wouldn't believe how many conversations I picked up while working at the club in Rio. People think that just because you aren't paying attention to them, you aren't listening. In this world, information was key and if it got into the wrong hands, there could be deadly consequences.

"It's nice weather we're having, wouldn't you agree?" She tried again.

"Very nice." I nodded.

She got the point and just led me through the restaurant. We went into the very back where a door opened up to a patio that overlooked the Chicago River. No one else was out there except Justin and a small table with candles.

"Here you go, ma'am," the lady said to me and closed the door.

"Justin, what is all this?" I asked as I looked around and walked towards the table.

"Oh, you're here." He stood up quickly and kissed my lips. He then pulled out my chair. "Have a seat."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. I just thought we could have a nice dinner. Alone."

I sat down and looked over the railing at the cars and people passing on the streets down below.

"This is very nice," I told him. "Did you do something bad?"

He chuckled, "Stop being so cynical, Maddie. I wanted to do something nice for a change and to thank you for being so flexible with our new lifestyle. You haven't complained once about anything and I know it's been hard for you."

"No, it really hasn't. I'm fine. But thank you. This is nice."

"Would you like some wine?" Justin held up a bottle.

"Uh, no. I think I'll just have water. I have to work later and wouldn't want to be buzzed." Thoughts of the baby went through my head.

Tell him...

"True." He poured himself a glass. "Our food should be out in a minute."

"You rented out this whole area for us?"

"It's a date, Maddie. Just go with it." He grinned.

"Usually, you're trying to cover something up if you go this far for a date."

"Not this time. I've been on my best behavior."

"I'll be the judge of that." I sipped my water. "How has your day been?"

"Good. Nothing exciting."

"No daring illegal deeds?"

"Not yet, Maddie. I'm still feeling out the territory."

"Um, just a quick question. Did you tell Jaxon that he could get a snake for his birthday?"

"No," Justin replied firmly. "I said we could talk about it."

"Right. Well, we're now living with a python in the house, and I don't know how I feel about that."

"That fucking brat. I said we needed to ask you first of all and I never told him to get one without my permission. How the hell did he pay for the thing?"

"I didn't ask. I had to get out of there as soon as possible."

"Are you scared of them?"

"I don't think so, but then again, I've never really seen a python, so I'm not sure. Snakes don't usually creep me out, though."

"I love snakes. They're clean, the big ones eat once a week, they tend to themselves, and don't make a mess." Justin sipped his wine. "We don't have to keep it if you're afraid."

"No, I just need to get used to it."

"I guess he can keep the thing, but only in the garage."

"I agree. I don't think Francis should be around it either. Don't they eat pigs and stuff?"

"I'm not quite sure. I guess we'll learn as we go."

"This sounds incredibly dangerous."

"Speaking of dangerous, we're going to the opera tomorrow night. You're not working, right?"

"No, I'm not working. The opera?"

He pulled out a newspaper article from his jacket pocket and handed it to me so that I could read it.

The Chicago Opera Theater was playing Don Giovanni, and it was supposed to be one of the first social events of the season. I recognized a lot of names that were slated to attend, including Anthis and Denali.

"Giuseppe Mangicavallo and his sons will be there," Justin said.

"Should I know who he is?"

"He's the one I need to look out for. He and his family are trying to rival us and we've yet to meet. Tomorrow might be the perfect opportunity."

"How diplomatic of you." I put the paper down. "You won't kill him, will you?"

"Not tomorrow night. He's not the one I need to worry about, anyway. His sons are the real problem. They're basically like us, or trying to be at least."

"Well, I look forward to meeting them, then."

"I warn you, everyone there will be looking at us like we're diseased. Remember what I told you; it's just like high school."

"I'm ready for them." I took another long pull of water.

Our dinner was off to a good start, and we didn't shy away for more aggressive conversation, as Justin put it. I was worried that he might shut me out when he took over the family, but he told me everything and answered all my questions. Then we started with lighter conversation about work and normal things like that.

Not for one second after my initial thought did it cross my mind to tell Justin that I was pregnant. It should have, but I would do it soon. I just had to judge his temper first.

Maybe it was fate, or just an ironic occurrence, but about halfway through the meal, a baby started crying inside the restaurant. Justin tried to ignore it at first, but after a while, he became obsessed with the sound.

"Am I the only one who can hear that?" He ground his teeth together.

"It's just a baby, Justin. Let it go."

"I can't. It's hurting my head too much. Why do people bring their children to nice restaurants? There are certain things that you just don't do."

I tried to get his mind off of it, but talking wasn't an option. He was fixated on that baby.

He eventually called a waitress over to us. "Can you please tell the people in there to take their child home. I can't take the noise anymore."

"I'll see what I can do, sir." She scurried back inside of the restaurant.

"This is ridiculous." He swirled some wine around in his mouth. "I'm sorry that they've ruined our dinner."

"No one's ruining dinner, Justin. I can barely hear it." I assured him.

"can," he replied.

The waitress came back out with a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry, sir, but they said they're not done eating."

"I swear to God..." He pulled at his hair. "Tell them I'll pay them to leave."

"Justin, it's okay. I have to get to work anyway." I turned to the waitress. "Tell them 'sorry'. We're leaving."

I didn't want to think about what this would mean for our own child. I refused to take this as a bad sign.

Justin grumbled under his breath before handing her his credit card.

We walked out of the restaurant after our bill was paid.

"So, will I see you tonight before I go to bed?" I asked him as we strolled down the street hand-in-hand. He put on his sunglasses even though the sun was setting. Another rule: never let people see the real you. Justin's eyes were the way he communicated with people without words so they were almost always covered in public. You could always tell what he was thinking if you knew how to read his eyes. There weren't that many people who had the skill to decipher them. I was one of the select few.

The sidewalks were considerably less packed so I didn't have to worry about him getting even further agitated with anyone. I looked behind me, over my shoulder, and saw the three bodyguards following us secretively. They were always there and always would be.

"Maybe. I have to take a drive... somewhere tonight." He answered.

"Really? Where?" I questioned, trying not to sound too worried.

"I'll tell you when I get back in the morning."

I nodded, knowing that I wasn't going to get any information out of him.

He walked me the few blocks to the studio and kept me close to his body during our kiss goodbye. His hands clutched at my dress and my fingers knotted in his hair. Our lips devoured each other like dehydrated lovers seeking out water. I had to pull away from him when fire started to radiate down below, and my libido threatened to take over.

"Justin, I have to go," I panted.

He kept his face close to mine, our noses touching, as he placed soft kisses anywhere he could reach. "Let's escape somewhere."

"I have work."

"Come on, I can get the jet ready in an hour. We can go to... Miami for the night."

"Just one night?"

He nodded, his forehead on mine. "Let's go. It's romantic."

"No, Justin." I said, grabbing the lapels of his navy suit, bringing him closer, "You and I both have things to do. Remember? You have to go... somewhere."

"Keegan can handle it," he groaned, "I have the power to delegate tasks however I see fit. Right now, I think I need to be with you, on a private beach, wrapped in a towel with our naked bodies pressed against each other..."

"Oh my God." I whispered, "That's so hot. Please stop."

"Maddie, I can make you feel incredibly good. Just let me take you away." He languidly kissed from my neck up to my lips, "Let's escape somewhere."

I was almost crying at the beautiful picture he had created in my head. I wanted to escape with him so badly. Alas, real life was calling and my hopes were stomped on.

This was another one of those moments that I could say something about the baby. He was in a good mood. This rare show of PDA was evidence of that.

Tell him...

"No. I'm sorry." I kissed him once more. "Now please leave before I take you up on that offer."

"I wish you would."

"I'll see you tonight or early in the morning if you're not back by the time I pass out." I separated from him completely as to not tempt myself.

"Alright, Maddie." Justin finally conceded with a gentlemanly nod of his head, "I'll let you go. But I would like to draw it to your attention that we haven't had sex in four days, twelve hours, and fifteen minutes. That's a lifetime for us."

"That damned brain of yours will be the death of me." I muttered.

"Italian men don't go without sex...ever. You know that better than anyone." He sauntered closer to me, whispering close to face, "I'm very horny."

"Oh, my." I let out an exasperated breath.

Justin finished playing his games. With a smirk, he pulled away.

"I love you, Maddie," he said softly.

"I love you too."

I turned and walked inside.

Work was getting easier every day, and I actually enjoyed learning each aspect of my job. The behind-the-scenes stuff was important in order to make everyone look good, and it was a very fast paced-type environment. We basically had a two-hour time window to put segments together, and then make sure that the show ran smoothly. My work was also made better because Olivia was always there. She handled all the wardrobe and makeup, so she was a little worker bee for the entire live show.

Olivia was at my side in a minute as soon as I stepped off of the elevator. "How was dinner with Justin?"

"Good. We're going to the opera tomorrow night."

"I know. Finn and I aren't, but I heard it's supposed to be big. Everyone's going to be there."

"Why aren't you going?"

"My mom's coming into town and wants to do something." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe I can just send her off with Finn. She loves him almost as much as I do."

"Supposedly, it's not just a social night. Justin's scoping out the competition."

"Oh, really? Sounds like fun. You and Justin working as a team to take down the bad guys." She giggled.

"I'm not taking down anyone. I'm just going to the opera."

Olivia rolled her eyes and whispered, "You're one bad ass mafia wife."

"Thanks." We came to our separation point, where I would go down the hall to the production room and she to wardrobe

"Bye, Maddie!" She skipped down the hallway.

I pushed the door to the large media room that looked out onto the sound stage open. Everyone from production was in there, in front of monitors and computers. It took a lot of work to get a show up and ready to go.

I sat at my station, making sure that the one commercial break I had to cut was ready to go.

Violet, our distinguished resident TV reporter, strode into the room, an air of superiority about her, in a lavender pantsuit that made her look ridiculous. A makeup girl was fluffing out Violet's graying hair while she walked.

"Okay, people. I need everyone alert. In the last segment my lighting was off. You couldn't even see the beautiful cheekbones that my father gave me. If you're interested, you can read about them in my new book where I trace my ancestry back, but that's beside the point. I need better lighting." Her voice was shrill with a demanding tone.

I rolled my eyes and tuned her out.

As the minutes progressed, I became thankful that I didn't have to work with the crew. Violet actually stopped her interview to have them change the lights over ten times. At one point, I thought she might climb up a ladder and do it herself. It was a good thing this wasn't live. I could tell the whole time that Violet was bored out of her mind from having to interview some pop princess. Maybe she knew she was about to get fired and just didn't care anymore.

By the time I left the studio, I was tired-exhausted, actually. I had to remind myself that I was pregnant, because it had slipped my mind while at work. Suddenly, everything became different. I realized that I was carrying someone inside of me and moved cautiously even when walking. I wasn't going to risk anything this time.

I drove home slowly, thinking. I had to tell Justin soon. It needed to be done, and I was going to fight my hardest to make him see that this baby wasn't the end of our world. But if I had to do that much work, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Should we really be having children if he didn't want them so badly?

"Well, I'm having this child," I said to myself as I sat in the driveway.

I had thought about this moment for the past two years. I knew there was always the possibility that I would get pregnant, and I would have to make a choice between the baby and Justin. I would choose my baby if it came to that again.

Maybe I was just jumping the gun, though. He claimed to have matured and was open to the idea, but that was when he knew it was coming. Justin said we could plan for a baby in five, ten years. Now I was just going to spring it on him without warning

Lord help me.

I walked into the dark house and locked the door.

I took off my coat and put my bag down before sliding out of my shoes, sighing in relief. I found Jaxon sleeping on the couch with Francis on his chest. Jaxon was snoring slightly with his phone resting in his hand. I took it from him and saw several text messages from Jane.

I didn't know what their relationship was as of now, but they were definitely into each other. Every time she came by the house, he would dress up and try to impress her. Little did he know, she was already falling for him. He didn't need to try so hard.

"Francis, go to the bathroom," I whispered and lifted him off of Jaxon.

Francis wasn't very happy that I woke him up, but stretched his muscles and trotted towards the backdoor. He came back a couple seconds later, and I let him in. I set the high-tech alarm with the passcode and could almost hear the electric fence boot up. Justin wasn't playing when it came to security. Sometimes it felt like we lived on a military base, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Jaxon," I shook him, "Jaxon, wake up. You need to get to bed."

"No." He rolled over on the couch. "Leave me alone."

"You're going to have a crick in your neck in the morning. Wake up."

He huffed and opened his eyes. "If I can't get back to sleep, I'm blaming you."

Francis barked at us, an indication that he was tired and wanted to get in a bed. We all climbed the stairs, and Francis ran into Jaxon's room. That was his domain.

"How was work?" he asked me.

"Good. I learned a lot today and even made my own commercial."

"I'm impressed.

Even from the hallway, I could hear the hiss of the python behind Jaxon's door.

"Oh, my God. That thing is starting to freak me out." I shuddered.

I peeked into his messy room. The snake was in a large, glass container. It looked like an empty aquarium. The python was massive, with a coiling body that wrapped around the inside of the tank. It was a dark, olive green color with tan spots and a long pink tongue that licked at the glass.

"You can't have that," I asserted. "I can't have that thing in my house. I'm sorry."

"Come on, Maddie. It's non-venomous and this is a show snake. It was in movies and shit so it's kind of tamed. It knows not to bite." Jaxon pleaded with me.

I inched into his room, closer to the tank, which was being heated by a large lamp. "What does it eat?"

"Not humans," he said adamantly. "I just have to feed him a mouse or two every other week. He's just about three years old right now. They eat less as they get older."

"It's a he?"

"Yup. Do you want to touch him?" Jaxon stuck his hand in the cage.

My heart stopped. "Don't do that. He'll bite you."

"No, he won't. They don't bite unless they're attacked. I've been training with this one in my zoology class."

"You stole a snake from school?"

"No. They were sending him off to a reservation somewhere so they could get new ones. I just bought it from the animal dealer. They just don't know it." He grinned as the snake wrapped his way around Jaxon's arm and started slithering onto his shoulders. They looked very comfortable with each other.

"This is gross." I bit my lip, but was secretly intrigued.

"Pet his head. He's nice. It's a ball python. They don't bite and are good for beginners."

"Jaxon, this isn't a good idea. We have Francis to worry about."

"I'll move the snake to the garage. I just have set up his habitat. Don't worry. I have it all figured out."

"Does he have a name?"

"Valentino. He's just misunderstood. I can't wait to show Jane."

I hesitantly reached my hand out, and then felt the cold, scaly skin of the python. He hissed, but didn't snap or anything. He leaned into my palm and nuzzled it. His deep, black eyes blinked at me and didn't look threatening at all.

"Valentino?" I asked, still petting him.

"Yeah. Isn't he cool?"

"He's, um, okay. What about the baby? I can't have a snake around my newborn." I shook my head.

"I swear the habitat will be safe out in the garage. He won't ever be in the house." Jaxon's eyes were wide, waiting for my answer.

"Just... keep him away from anything that moves and talk to Justin first." I wiped my hand on my pants.

"This is going to be awesome." The snake coiled around Jaxon's neck, and I could see just how long the thing was. Must have been about six feet and incredibly thick.

"Put him the garage first thing in the morning."

"I promise."


I shot out of bed before Justin's six o'clock alarm went off and ran to the bathroom. I ended up emptying the contents of my stomach into the sink, because I wasn't going to make it to the toilet.

Five minutes later, I was breathless, and my throat hurt so badly that I was crying. This morning sickness was so much more intense than I remembered. It was almost painful.

I panted on the floor and waited until I was sure that no more was going to come up. I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out with Listerine.

"You're up early." Justin's lips were on my neck.

"I didn't sleep well last night," I lied. "I figured I might as well get up."

"Are you okay? You look flushed."

"I'm fine," I told him with certainty. "I'll go get breakfast ready."

"Would you like to join me in the shower?" Justin turned me around so that we were facing each other, and his lopsided smirk almost did me in. His lips traveled across my collarbone and up the column of my neck, tasting my skin.

"I can't..." I really didn't want to do this without telling him first. I didn't know why, but it just didn't feel right, almost like I was lying to him.

"Why? Please." His hands cupped my butt forcefully, giving my cheeks a squeeze.

Thankfully, before I lost my mind, the doorbell rang.

"That's why. Breakfast is here." I kissed him and rushed out of the bathroom, eager for food.

Every morning, Justin had food delivered for breakfast since he didn't cook and I sometimes didn't wake up in time. I found out that if you were rich enough, anything you wanted could be brought right to your front step.

I rushed to the foyer and turned off the alarm, which took a lot of intricate button pressing, and then undid the three locks on our massive, front door.

"Hello, Mrs. Bieber," the delivery boy, Ralph, said cheerily. He was a college kid who was delivering for extra cash.

"Hi." I smiled. "How are you this morning?"

"Great. Just two more stops." He handed me a large bag filled with wonderful smelling aromas.

I put the food down and got my wallet to give him a tip.

He refused at first, like he always did. "That's not necessary. Mr. Bieber pays us more than enough."

"No, I insist. Please just take it." I handed him the twenty.

"Well... thank you. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Ralph nodded, and then waved as he walked back down towards his truck.

I closed the door and picked up the food, which was being sniffed at by Francis, who appeared out of nowhere. I went into the kitchen and started unpacking.

Everything was on plates and came with silverware. I didn't know where Justin was ordering this stuff from, but I had learned by now not to ask.

My regular breakfast of waffles and bacon smelled so good right now. Justin had his usual steak and eggs, while Jaxon's food took up the biggest portion of the bag. He had sausage, bacon, pancakes, two omelets, and cereal.

There was even a pork flavored dog meal for Francis, which I put his bowl. He didn't even wait for me to put the food down before he attacked. I then set the coffee maker, and strong Brazilin beans started to roast in the pot. It would be ready by the time Justin came down.

I set the table with our food and tried to wait as long as I could, but with my morning sickness and everything else going on, I had to start. I said a short Italian blessing before taking small bites of bacon.

"Geez, you couldn't call someone?" Jaxon plopped down at his place. He usually didn't even have to set an alarm. He just smelled the food and came running...almost like Francis.

"I couldn't help myself."

"I forgive you since you're eating for two now." He chuckled.

I shushed him, "Are you crazy? I haven't told him yet."

"Oh, shit." Jaxon slapped a hand over his mouth. "I didn't mean to say it."

"Don't even talk to him. You're going to slip up."

He nodded vigorously, digging into his food.

Justin glided into the kitchen and immediately went to the coffee. His hair was tousled, and his shoes made light taps on the hardwood floors. He poured himself a large cup before sitting down to eat. As always, he was dressed smartly in a suit. They made him look so handsome. This morning's was gray. I had to cross my legs to stop those feelings from shooting throughout my body.

"So, Maddie, I have a couple of things coming to the house today. Are you going to be here?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I don't have to work." I poured some syrup on my waffles and reminded myself to take it slow as to not attract too much attention. "What's coming?"

"They're taking out all the bottles of wine in the cellar and replacing it with new stuff."

"New stuff?"

"I bought a winery. They're bringing in samples so I can test the merchandise."

"You bought a winery?"

"Two, actually. One in France and one out in Napa," he replied, taking a bite of steak like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Sweet!" Jaxon bobbed his head up and down. "Free wine."

"I'm diversifying my assets," Justin told me. "Wine is a very lucrative business and the vineyards are a great way to make extra money. I would be a fool to let this pass by."

"That's certainly a big business venture. Do you know anything about wine?"

"Maddie, it's like you don't even know me," Justin chuckled. "I've been drinking wine since I was five and know basically every brand out there."

"I didn't think you were such an expert to own a vineyard."

"Two," Jaxon corrected me behind a mouthful of food.

"I want you to taste some. I'll teach you," Justin said to me.

"Oh, um, that sounds like fun." I bit my lip, hoping he would forget about that. Of course, Justin never forgot anything so if I didn't tell him about the baby soon, I was going to have to make up excuses as to why I wasn't chugging down gallons of wine.

"Shit. I have to go." Justin took one last bite before getting up from the table. He came over to kiss me. "Don't forget about the opera tonight."

"I won't. I'll meet you in the city."

He nodded and left the kitchen. I heard his car speed out of the driveway a couple minutes later.

Justin, being the real estate mogul that he was, had several apartment buildings in the city. We had a townhouse downtown and Jaxon sometimes stayed there when he had a late class or early morning. It just made more sense for him to sleep in the city instead of driving all the way back out here. That's where we were meeting tonight before the opera.

"Jane's coming tonight, by the way," Jaxon said, gulping down orange juice.

"You finally asked her out?"

"We've been going on dates for a month. I think it's time to step my game up."

"How sweet of you. I think she was getting bored of dinners."

"Please," he scoffed, showing his youthful arrogance. "I've got this."

I rubbed my stomach unconsciously, and then stopped when I realized what I was doing.

"Glad no one slipped that time. I did well, if I do say so myself." Jaxon took his cleared plates to the sink. "I'm going to set up Valentino's new home."

I nodded, but didn't reply. I had almost forgotten about that damn snake. I guessed I could tolerate him if he just stayed outside.

Throughout the day, deliverymen were going through the house, bringing in cases of wine. Since Jaxon didn't have classes, he directed them to where it went while I just sat on the couch, thinking about my predicament. Then I cleaned the already spotless house, and then cleaned it again just for something to do.

Olivia and Bridget both asked me to go to lunch, but I declined, saying that I was kind of sick.

"Maddie, what are you doing just sitting here?" Jaxon asked me, running into the family room. "We're going to be late."

"What time is it?" I looked around for the clock.

"Five. We're supposed to meet Justin for dinner at seven. Thankfully, he's bringing Jane from the office so we don't have to pick her up." He lifted me off of the sofa. "Let's move."

Jaxon held his tux in one hand, securely in a garment bag, and pushed me with the other. Olivia had placed a dress at the apartment, and I would just change there. I put on some sneakers, and then got into Jaxon's Range Rover. I barely shut the door before he took off.

"You look nervous," I said to him.

"I'm going to kiss her tonight."

"Kiss whom?"

"What do you mean, 'kiss whom'? Jane, that's who," he snapped. "I'm freaking out."

"Oh, I can't help you there. I'm staying out of it."

"I've never kissed anyone before?"

"Of course you have, right?" I tried to think back and couldn't remember.

He shook his head, "No."

"Just make sure you go in too fast. There's nothing worse than a man who doesn't know how to kiss who thinks he does and bites your lips off. Just be soft."

"I've seen you and Justin kiss forcefully."

"Justin knows what he's doing, trust me. And our kisses always lead to something more, yours won't right now. Just follow her." I patted his shoulder, "And don't rub up against her. For the love of God, don't be overly sexual."

"What a great sister-in-law you're turning out to be." He rolled his eyes. "Just take a nap or something. You look tired."

"This baby is exhausting the hell out of me."

"You're only like a couple months along, right?"

"I think so. I need to get to the doctor soon."

"You need to tell your husband soon."

"That too," I sighed.

I leaned my head on the window and fell asleep.

All too soon, Jaxon was nudging me awake. I wasn't really alert until he pulled me out of the car and I started walking up the steps of the rustic townhouse. I called it the Blue House, because it had a bright blue door that made it stand out along the street. Justin had bought this place for its "architectural importance". I didn't really know what that meant, but he had the inside refurbished and renovated. Now, the three story place was beautifully done in a modern style. It probably cost as much as our regular house.

Jaxon and I both raced upstairs to get changed.

I didn't need to take a shower since I already did earlier in the day, so I sat in front of the mirror in our large bathroom, doing my makeup. I wasn't an expert like Olivia or anything, but I was happy about the fact that I now knew what eyeliner was, unlike in high school.

I laughed to myself at the thought.

Tonight was extremely formal. The mayor was going to be there, and Justin told me that everybody who was anybody would be attending. Bridget and Keegan were going to meet us at dinner before we went to the opera house. I didn't know what to expect, but I hoped that Justin kept himself in control when he met this other crime family. I reminded myself to pack his extra anxiety pills for tonight.

"Maddie, I can't tie my bowtie." Jaxon knocked on the bathroom door. "Help me!"

"Calm down. I haven't even put my dress on yet. Wait downstairs."

"No. It has to be done before Jane gets here. She's going to think I'm a bum." He rattled the knob. I had learned to just keep the doors locked since he loved to barge in.

"I don't even know how to tie a bowtie. Ask Justin."

"Urg," he groaned. "Fine."

I rolled my eyes as I finished with the last of my makeup. Olivia would certainly be looking at pictures from tonight, and I didn't want to hear her mouth.

My dress was hanging in a bag in the back of the closet with a specifically written note on the type of bra I was supposed to wear, the way I was to walk, the shoes, etc., etc., etc. Olivia never did anything halfway.

I unzipped the bag and put on everything I was supposed to.

My dress was a deep burgundy color that flowed all the way down do the floor. It had a sweetheart neckline and rested nicely on my boobs. I realized that I was going to have to start going shopping for new clothes in a month or two.

I left my hair down, over my shoulders with a slight curl and realized just how long it was getting.

My wedding band and large engagement ring were sparkling in the lights of the bathroom. I didn't think I needed anymore jewelry, but according to Olivia I did. I slipped on the diamond bracelet but refused to wear the necklace.

There was a knock on the door of the bathroom half an hour later. "Maddie, are you in there?"

"Yes." I unlocked the door for Justin.

He blinked a couple of times when he saw me and shut his mouth.

"What, is this too much?" I asked.

"No, you look... really good."

I felt a blush coming on. "Well, thank you."

"I would kiss your lips, but I wouldn't want to mess with your makeup." He pushed me against the wall of the bathroom and descended on my neck.

"Justin, we have to leave soon and you need to get dressed." My resolve was quickly dissolving. We hadn't had sex in...a long time.

"We're not going. Forget it." He lifted up my dress and his fingers lightly pushed my legs apart.

I yelped when he started to rub my most sensitive area.

I threw my head back as he hoisted me up against the wall. He pushed himself between my legs, and I didn't even know he had dropped his pants until I could feel him against me, skin rubbing skin. He pierced me in one quick motion that stretched me to the maximum limit.

I yelled out in pure pleasure.

His lips stayed away from my face, but he bit... sucked... licked... all over my neck.

I grabbed hold of his shoulders as we began to rock against the wall. I was over the mountain in what felt like a second; it was the quickest, yet one of the most intense, orgasms that I had ever experienced.

Justin followed soon after, and I felt wetness on my thighs as his seed dribbled out of me.

"I really didn't mean to do that," he whispered in my ear, "but I couldn't help myself."

"That was hot," I laughed breathlessly.

"I... love you. A lot." His golden eyes bore into mine,. "I just wanted to say that, Mrs. Bieber."

My heart jumped in my chest.

Tell him!

"Um, Justin. I have to tell you something." I unwrapped my legs from around him and slid back down to the floor.

"Okay, can we talk while I'm in the shower?" He started to undress from his work suit.

"Sure, I guess."

He got into the shower, and I took out his tux from the garment bag next to mine.

"So, what is it?" he asked loudly over the water.

I bit my lip hard. I just couldn't say the words.

I'm pregnant.

"Jaxon needs you to fix his bowtie." I shut my eyes and internally hated myself.

"Oh, is that all? That's no problem."

He knew I was lying. I could hear it in his voice.

"Yeah, he's freaking out. Did you bring Jane with you from the office?" I started to clean off my legs from the juices Justin left behind.

"She's downstairs. Last I saw them, they were staring at each other like lovebirds or some shit like that."

"Hurry up. We have to leave soon." I rushed out of the bathroom as it started to fill with steam. I couldn't take the stifling heat anymore.

I ran and opened the window, letting the soft breezes cool me down.

"I can't believe you, Maddie." I shook my head in disgust.

Half an hour later, Justin was striding out of the bathroom proudly in a tuxedo that was too handsome to describe. His bowtie was fastened expertly and everything about him screamed sensuality.

I got hotter.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked, combing through his hair in the mirror.

"Yeah." I slid my feet into my shoes and fixed my dress one last time. I quickly transferred things into the small black clutch that I was bringing tonight.

"I have the tickets." Justin patted his tux jacket.

"Okay, then. Let's go." I started to walk out of the door, but he caught me by the wrist and pulled me back.

"Maddie, is everything alright?"

"What are you talking about?" I smiled.

"You seem... off today."

"No, I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous." I thanked God for my improving lying techniques.

He still knew I wasn't telling the truth, though. I could see it in his eyes.

Justin nodded. "Okay, Maddie. I trust you."

I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks just from the look on his face. He was so hurt that I was lying, but he wasn't going to push me for an answer. He would never push me. Beyond everything else, we had trust. I couldn't betray that. I felt so bad that I wanted to crawl into that tank with Valentino and let him strangle me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but my mind flashed back four years ago. I would never be able to forget the scene that occurred between Justin and me when he learned I was pregnant the first time.

There was another crash, and then his feet stomped back into the dining room. "Maddie, you better not be joking. Did Keegan put you up to this?"

"This isn't a joke, Justin."

He nodded. "Okay, then. Deal with it."

"Deal with what?"

"Get rid of it." Justin started climbing the stairs.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize what the hell he was saying, and I almost went into full volcanic mode when I did. I ran up the stairs after him and barged into the bedroom.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I want you to get rid of it; the baby has to go," Justin muttered with finality.

"Are you serious? You don't even want to think about this? You're first reaction is to get rid of it?"

"Yes, I'm being a realist. Get rid of the baby."

"What happened to all your old Italian, Catholic teachings?"

"Don't get all religious on me, Maddie." He undid his tie roughly. "Do you realize how bad this is?"

"Do you realize how good this might be? We're going to have a child."

"No, we're not. I'm going to give you my credit card, turn my head, and you're going to handle this."

I just couldn't do it.

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